105 research outputs found

    Spectrum simulation of rough and nanostructured targets from their 2D and 3D image by Monte Carlo methods

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    Corteo is a program that implements Monte Carlo (MC) method to simulate ion beam analysis (IBA) spectra of several techniques by following the ions trajectory until a sufficiently large fraction of them reach the detector to generate a spectrum. Hence, it fully accounts for effects such as multiple scattering (MS). Here, a version of Corteo is presented where the target can be a 2D or 3D image. This image can be derived from micrographs where the different compounds are identified, therefore bringing extra information into the solution of an IBA spectrum, and potentially significantly constraining the solution. The image intrinsically includes many details such as the actual surface or interfacial roughness, or actual nanostructures shape and distribution. This can for example lead to the unambiguous identification of structures stoichiometry in a layer, or at least to better constraints on their composition. Because MC computes in details the trajectory of the ions, it simulates accurately many of its aspects such as ions coming back into the target after leaving it (re-entry), as well as going through a variety of nanostructures shapes and orientations. We show how, for example, as the ions angle of incidence becomes shallower than the inclination distribution of a rough surface, this process tends to make the effective roughness smaller in a comparable 1D simulation (i.e. narrower thickness distribution in a comparable slab simulation). Also, in ordered nanostructures, target re-entry can lead to replications of a peak in a spectrum. In addition, bitmap description of the target can be used to simulate depth profiles such as those resulting from ion implantation, diffusion, and intermixing. Other improvements to Corteo include the possibility to interpolate the cross-section in angle-energy tables, and the generation of energy-depth maps.CRSNG, FRQ-N

    Réalisation et étude de substrats adaptatifs d'InP utilisant une couche de nanocavités créée par implantation ionique

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Engineering visible light emitting point defects in Zr-implanted polycrystalline AlN films

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    We have investigated the impact of thermal annealing gaseous atmosphere of argon, nitrogen, and forming gas on the structural and optical properties of thin polycrystalline AlN films subjected to high-energy zirconium ions implantation. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy measurements show that the structural and morphological properties of the Zr-implanted AlN films depend on the annealing gaseous environment. Post-implantation annealing under argon atmosphere yields the lowest structured surface roughness with increased grain size. Photoluminescence spectroscopy revealed multiple point defects and defect complexes related emission bands in the visible range. A series of absorption bands have been observed using photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy. The origin of the emission or absorption bands is identified and attributed to various types of point defects and defect complexes, theoretically reported for AlN. New emission and absorption peaks at 1.7eV (730nm) and 2.6eV (466nm), respectively, have been identified and attributed to the (ZrAl–VN)0 defect complexes

    Critical process temperatures for resistive InGaAsP/InP heterostructures heavily implanted by Fe or Ga ions

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    We report on critical ion implantation and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process temperatures that produce resistive Fe- or Ga-implanted InGaAsP/InP heterostructures. Two InGaAsP/InP heterostructure compositions, with band gap wavelengths of 1.3 μm and 1.57 μm, were processed by ion implantation sequences done at multiple MeV energies and high fluence (1015 cm−2). The optimization of the fabrication process was closely related to the implantation temperature which influences the type of implant-induced defect structures. With hot implantation temperatures, at 373 K and 473 K, X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed that dynamic defect annealing was strong and prevented the amorphization of the InGaAsP layers. These hot-implanted layers were less resistive and RTA could not optimize them systematically in favor of high resistivity. With cold implantation temperatures, at 83 K and even at 300 K, dynamic annealing was minimized. Damage clusters could form and accumulate to produce resistive amorphous-like structures. After recrystallization by RTA, polycrystalline signatures were found on every low-temperature Fe- and Ga-implanted structures. For both ion species, electrical parameters evolved similarly against annealing temperatures, and resistive structures were produced near 500 °C. However, better isolation was obtained with Fe implantation. Differences in sheet resistivities between the two alloy compositions were less than band gap-related effects. These observations, related to damage accumulation and recovery mechanisms, have important implications for the realization ion-implanted resistive layers that can be triggered with near infrared laser pulses and suitable for ultrafast optoelectronics

    In-plasma analysis of plasma–surface interactions

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    During deposition, modification, and etching of thin films and nanomaterials in reactive plasmas, many active species can interact with the sample simultaneously. This includes reactive neutrals formed by fragmentation of the feed gas, positive ions, and electrons generated by electron-impact ionization of the feed gas and fragments, excited states (in particular, long-lived metastable species), and photons produced by spontaneous de-excitation of excited atoms and molecules. Notably, some of these species can be transiently present during the different phases of plasma processing, such as etching of thin layer deposition. To monitor plasma–surface interactions during materials processing, a new system combining beams of neutral atoms, positive ions, UV photons, and a magnetron plasma source has been developed. This system is equipped with a unique ensemble of in-plasma surface characterization tools, including (1) a Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometer (RBS), (2) an Elastic Recoil Detector (ERD), and (3) a Raman spectroscopy system. RBS and ERD analyses are carried out using a differentially pumped 1.7 MV ion beam line Tandetron accelerator generating a beam at grazing incidence. The ERD system is equipped with an absorber and is specifically used to detect H initially bonded to the surface; higher resolution of surface H is also available through nuclear reaction analysis. In parallel, an optical port facing the substrate is used to perform Raman spectroscopy analysis of the samples during plasma processing. This system enables fast monitoring of a few Raman peaks over nine points scattered on a 1.6 × 1.6 mm2 surface without interference from the inherent light emitted by the plasma. Coupled to the various plasma and beam sources, the unique set of in-plasma surface characterization tools detailed in this study can provide unique time-resolved information on the modification induced by plasma. By using the ion beam analysis capability, the atomic concentrations of various elements in the near-surface (e.g., stoichiometry and impurity content) can be monitored in real-time during plasma deposition or etching. On the other hand, the evolution of Raman peaks as a function of plasma processing time can contribute to a better understanding of the role of low-energy ions in defect generation in irradiation-sensitive materials, such as monolayer graphene

    Inspiring the Next Generation: The International Space Station Education Accomplishments

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    The International Space Station (ISS) has a unique ability to capture the imagination of both students and teachers worldwide. Since 2000, the presence of humans onboard ISS has provided a foundation for numerous educational activities aimed at capturing that interest and motivating study in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Over 43 million students around the world have participated in ISS-related educational activities. Projects such as YouTube Space Lab, Sally Ride Earth Knowledge-based Acquired by Middle Schools (EarthKAM), SPHERES (Synchronized Position Hold Engage and Reorient Experimental Satellites) Zero-Robotics, Tomatosphere, and MAI-75 events among others have allowed for global student, teacher and public access to space through student classroom investigations and real-time audio and video contacts with crewmembers. Educational activities are not limited to STEM but encompass all aspects of the human condition. This is well illustrated in the Uchu Renshi project, a chain poem initiated by an astronaut while in space and continued and completed by people on Earth. With ISS operations now extended to 2024, projects like these and their accompanying educational materials are available to more students around the world. From very early on in the program's history, students have been provided with a unique opportunity to get involved and participate in science and engineering projects. Many of these projects support inquiry-based learning that allows students to ask questions, develop hypothesis-derived experiments, obtain supporting evidence and identify solutions or explanations. This approach to learning is well-published as one of the most effective ways to inspire students to pursue careers in scientific and technology fields. Ever since the first space station element was launched, a wide range of student experiments and educational activities have been performed, both individually and collaboratively, by all the international partner agencies, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Canadian Space Agency (CSA), European Space Agency, (ESA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), and a number of non-participating countries, some under commercial agreements. Many of these programs still continue, and others are being developed and added to the stations tasks on a regular basis. These diverse student experiments and programs fall into one of the following categories: student-developed experiments; students performing classroom versions of ISS experiments; students participating in ISS investigator experiments; education competitions; students participating in ISS Engineering Education; Education Demonstrations and Cultural Activities. This paper summarizes some of the main student experiments and educational activities that have been conducted on the space station

    Comparative proximity biotinylation implicates the small GTPase RAB18 in sterol mobilization and biosynthesis

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    Loss of functional RAB18 causes the autosomal recessive condition Warburg Micro syndrome. To better understand this disease, we used proximity biotinylation to generate an inventory of potential RAB18 effectors. A restricted set of 28 RAB18-interactions were dependent on the binary RAB3GAP1-RAB3GAP2 RAB18-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) complex. 12 of these 28 interactions are supported by prior reports and we have directly validated novel interactions with SEC22A, TMCO4 and INPP5B. Consistent with a role for RAB18 in regulating membrane contact sites (MCSs), interactors included groups of microtubule/membrane-remodelling proteins, membrane-tethering and docking proteins, and lipid-modifying/transporting proteins. Two of the putative interactors, EBP and OSBPL2/ORP2, have sterol substrates. EBP is a Δ8-Δ7 sterol isomerase and ORP2 is a lipid transport protein. This prompted us to investigate a role for RAB18 in cholesterol biosynthesis. We find that the cholesterol precursor and EBP-product lathosterol accumulates in both RAB18-null HeLa cells and RAB3GAP1-null fibroblasts derived from an affected individual. Further, de novo cholesterol biosynthesis is impaired in cells in which RAB18 is absent or dysregulated, or in which ORP2 expression is disrupted. Our data demonstrate that GEF-dependent Rab-interactions are highly amenable to interrogation by proximity biotinylation and may suggest that Micro syndrome is a cholesterol biosynthesis disorder

    Optical properties of germania and titania at 1064 nm and at 1550 nm

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    One of the main noise sources in current gravitational wave detectors is the thermal noise of the high-reflectivity coatings on the main interferometer optics.
Coating thermal noise is dominated by the mechanical loss of the high-refractive index material within the coating stacks, Ta2O5 mixed with TiO2. For upgrades to room-temperature detectors, a mixture of GeO2 and TiO2 is an interesting alternative candidate coating material. While the rather low refractive index of GeO2 increases with increasing TiO2 content, a higher TiO2 content results in a lower threshold temperature before heat treatment leads to crystallisation, and potentially to a degradation of optical properties. For future cryogenic detectors, on the other hand, a higher TiO2 content is beneficial as the TiO2 suppresses the low-temperature mechanical loss peak of GeO2. In this paper, we present the optical properties of coatings -- produced by plasma-assisted ion-beam evaporation -- with high TiO2 content at 1550nm, a laser wavelength considered for cryogenic gravitational-wave detectors, as a function of heat-treatment temperature. For comparison, the absorption was also measured of pure GeO2. Furthermore, results at the currently-used wavelength of 1064nm are presented

    GLS-1, a Novel P Granule Component, Modulates a Network of Conserved RNA Regulators to Influence Germ Cell Fate Decisions

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    Post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms are widely used to influence cell fate decisions in germ cells, early embryos, and neurons. Many conserved cytoplasmic RNA regulatory proteins associate with each other and assemble on target mRNAs, forming ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes, to control the mRNAs translational output. How these RNA regulatory networks are orchestrated during development to regulate cell fate decisions remains elusive. We addressed this problem by focusing on Caenorhabditis elegans germline development, an exemplar of post-transcriptional control mechanisms. Here, we report the discovery of GLS-1, a new factor required for many aspects of germline development, including the oocyte cell fate in hermaphrodites and germline survival. We find that GLS-1 is a cytoplasmic protein that localizes in germ cells dynamically to germplasm (P) granules. Furthermore, its functions depend on its ability to form a protein complex with the RNA-binding Bicaudal-C ortholog GLD-3, a translational activator and P granule component important for similar germ cell fate decisions. Based on genetic epistasis experiments and in vitro competition experiments, we suggest that GLS-1 releases FBF/Pumilio from GLD-3 repression. This facilitates the sperm-to-oocyte switch, as liberated FBF represses the translation of mRNAs encoding spermatogenesis-promoting factors. Our proposed molecular mechanism is based on the GLS-1 protein acting as a molecular mimic of FBF/Pumilio. Furthermore, we suggest that a maternal GLS-1/GLD-3 complex in early embryos promotes the expression of mRNAs encoding germline survival factors. Our work identifies GLS-1 as a fundamental regulator of germline development. GLS-1 directs germ cell fate decisions by modulating the availability and activity of a single translational network component, GLD-3. Hence, the elucidation of the mechanisms underlying GLS-1 functions provides a new example of how conserved machinery can be developmentally manipulated to influence cell fate decisions and tissue development
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