16 research outputs found

    Growth analysis in the potato crop under different irrigation levels

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    Conduziu-se um experimento na Fazenda São Manoel, localizada em São Manuel, SP, pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da Universidade Estadual Paulista, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de diferentes lâminas de irrigação no crescimento da cultura da batata (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum), cultivar Aracy. O ensaio foi instalado em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, textura arenosa, sob uma cobertura de plástico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos, cinco coletas de plantas para fins de análise de crescimento, e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiam em irrigar a batata quando a tensão da água no solo atingia 15, 35, 55, 75 e 1.500 kPa. O aumento nas lâminas de irrigação induz incremento no índice de área foliar, na duração da área foliar, na taxa de crescimento relativo e na taxa assimilatória líquida. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: An experiment was carried out at Fazenda São Manoel, pertaining to the Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Manuel, SP, Brazil, to evaluate irrigation levels in the potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) growth, cv. Aracy. This work was installed in a sandy Dark-Red Latosol, under a plastic cover. The experimental design was an entirely randomized block composed by irrigation in the potato plots when the soil water potential has reached 15, 35, 55, 75 and 1,500 kPa, and five plant sampling time with four replicates. It was found that higher irrigation levels led to increase of the leaf area index, leaf area duration, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate

    Growth of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) subjected to different soil water potentials : physiological indexes

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    A ervilha é cultivada no Brasil Central, durante o inverno seco, exigindo para o pleno êxito da cultura o uso da irrigação. Assim, o presente trabalho se propõe a avaliar os efeitos do potencial da água no solo nos índices fisiológicos da análise quantitativa de crescimento de plantas de ervilha (Pisum sativum L.). O experimento foi montado em casa de vegetação, em solos de textura argilosa, com delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos decorrentes de potenciais mínimos da água no solo (-33, -100, -200 e -1500 kPa) em três repetições, cada qual contendo duas plantas de ervilha, cultivar Caprice. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a redução do potencial água no solo, induziu o decréscimo na área foliar, sem interferir no comportamento da razão de massa foliar, razão de área foliar, taxa assimilatória líquida e taxa de crescimento relativo. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Peas are cultivated in the central region of Brazil, during the dry winter, demanding for the complete success the use of irrigation. Therefore, the present work has the aim of evaluating soil water potential effects on the indexes of physiological growth analysis of peas (Pisum sativum L.). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse using soils of clayey texture, in a fully randomized design, with four treatments, based on minimum soil water potentials (-33, -100, -200 and -1500 kPa) in three replicates, each one containing two pea plants Caprice cultivar. The results obtained indicate that the reduction of soil water potential induced the decrease of leaf area, but did not interfer on the behaviour of leaf weight ratio, leaf area ratio, net assimilation rate and relative growth rate

    Long-term effect of multiple global environmental changes on the retention and distribution of nitrogen in a grassland ecosystem

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    Long-term effect of multiple global environmental changes on the retention and distribution of nitrogen in a grassland ecosystem. Annual Meeting British Ecological Society and Société Française d'Ecologi

    Long-term responses of Melilotus segetalis to salinity. I. Growth and partitioning

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    6 pages.Annual sweetclover plants [Melilotus segetalis (Brot) Ser.] were grown for a complete life cycle with and without saline (NaCl treatment of CE=15 dS m−1). Growth and partitioning analyses were performed. Sequential harvests (every 15 d) during the life cycle, and separation of plant material into roots, stems, petioles, leaves and reproductive structures were carried out Salt treatment reduced growth during the early and middle stages of the life of the plant, but did not significantly affect RGR in the reproductive phase. The root–shoot allometric coefficient of salinized plants in the generative phase decreased more than in control plants. We suggest that salinity-induced growth reduction in M. segetalis was primarily a result of a lower unit leaf rate (ULR) despite an increased leaf area ratio (LAR). Earlier flowering, higher biomass allocation to shoot and greater reproductive investment, but similar relative growth rate (RGR), were some of the main characteristics of salt-stressed plants compared to controls during the reproductive phase, these apparently being associated with increased sink strength caused by developing flowers and fruits.Peer reviewe

    Physiological responses of two tropical weeds to shade: I. Growth and biomass allocation Respostas fisiológicas de duas plantas invasoras tropicais ao sombreamento: I. Crescimento e alocação de biomassa

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    Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schultz (Convolvulaceae) and Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich) Vahl. (Verbenaceae), two weeds found in pastures and crop areas in Brazilian Amazonia, were grown in controlled environment cabinets under high (800-1000 µmol m-² s-¹) and low (200-350 µmol m-² s-¹) light regimes during a 40-day period. For both species leaf dry mass and leaf area per total plant dry mass, and leaf area per leaf dry mass were higher for low-light plants, whereas root mass per total plant dry mass was higher for high-light plants. High-light S. cayennensis allocated significantly more biomass to reproductive tissue than low-light plants, suggesting a probably lower ability of this species to maintain itself under shaded conditions. Relative growth rate (RGR) in I. asarifolia was initially higher for high-light grown plants and after 20 days started decreasing, becoming similar to low-light plants at the last two harvests (at 30 and 40 days). In S. cayennensis, RGR was also higher for high-light plants; however, this trend was not significant at the first and last harvest dates (10 and 40 days). These results are discussed in relation to their ecological and weed management implications.<br>Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schultz (Convolvulaceae) e Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich) Vahl. (Verbenaceae), duas plantas invasoras encontradas em pastagens e áreas agrícolas da Amazônia brasileira, foram cultivadas durante 40 dias, em câmaras de crescimento sob alto (800-1000 µmol m-² s-¹, "sol") e baixo (200-350 µmol m-² s-¹, "sombra") regime de luz. Em ambas as espécies a razão de massa e de área foliar por unidade de massa total da planta, e a área foliar por unidade de massa foliar foram maiores na sombra, enquanto a proporção de biomassa alocada para as raízes foi maior nas plantas ao sol. Em S. cayennensis a alocação de biomassa para tecido reprodutivo foi maior nas plantas ao sol, sugerindo uma provável menor habilidade dessa espécie de se manter sob condições de sombreamento. A taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR) em I. asarifolia foi, inicialmente, maior nas plantas ao sol, e após 20 dias passou a decrescer, tornando-se semelhante entre tratamentos nas últimas duas avaliações (aos 30 e 40 dias). Em S. cayennensis, a TCR foi também maior em plantas ao sol, porém esta tendência não foi significativa na primeira e última avaliação (10 e 40 dias). Esses resultados são discutidos com relação às suas importâncias ecológica e de manejo