8 research outputs found

    Neuropsychological Profile, Emotional/Behavioral Problems, and Parental Stress in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Background: The aim of our study was to trace a specific neuropsychological profile, to investigate emotional-behavioral problems and parental stress in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1/High functioning (ASD-HF), Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) disorders and to highlight similarities and differences among the three groups. Methods: We retrospectively collected the data from a total of 62 subjects with ASD-HF (n = 19) ADHD (n = 21), SLD (n = 22) and 20 typical development. All the participants underwent neuropsychological standardized test for the evaluation of cognitive profile (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Edition—WISC-IV), behavioral and emotional problems (Child Behavior CheckList CBCL), and parental stress (Parental Stress Index Short Form—PSI-SF). The scores of the ASD-HF, ADHD, and SLD groups were compared using non-parametric statistic methods (Kruskall–Wallis H test and U Mann–Whitney for post-hoc analysis). Results: The ASD-HF group were significantly higher in all areas of the WISC-IV than the other two clinical groups. The SLD group performed significantly lower than ASD-HF in Working Memory Index. The SLD group showed lower scores on the somatic problems subscale than the other two groups. In the Difficult Child subscale of the PSI-SF, parents of ADHD children scored lower than the mothers of SLD subjects and higher than the fathers of SLD subjects. In all three groups there are specific deficiencies compared to the control group in the cognitive profile, behavioral and emotional problems, and parental stress. Conclusions: Our comparative analysis highlighted similarities and differences in three groups of children with different neurodevelopmental disorders, helping to better define cognitive, behavioral, and emotional characteristics of these children and parental stress of their parents

    Psychogenic Seizures in Adolescents: An “Evergreen” Diagnostic Challenge

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    Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are not associated with abnormal brain EEG activity and cannot be explained by other neurological disorders. PNES are also defined as functional neurological disorders and are included among the Conversion Disorders in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). There is no doubt about the importance of an early and correct diagnosis of PNES. Diagnostic process is first based on an accurate clinical history. Video-EEG is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis, though it is often time consuming and it does not always allow to record an ictal event. When PNES is diagnosed, because it is not a seizure and no emergency treatment is required, the first goal is to ensure acceptance of the diagnosis. Initially, putative precipitating stressors need to be identified and addressed so that PNES can be contained and managed. Possible interventions for patients with PNES include psychotherapy, family counseling interventions, changes in the school environment and drug treatment. The latter may include anxyolytics and/or antidepressants; in case of a comorbid ADHD disorder, methylphenidate may be also considered.</em

    Psychogenic Seizures in Adolescents: An "Evergreen" Diagnostic Challenge

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    Paroxysmal events are classified as non-epileptic or epileptic symptoms. The first ones are distinguished in psychogenic and organic/physiological paroxysmal events (LĂĽders et al., 2019). In organic and physiological disorders there are several symptoms: inattention, daydreaming, staring, sleep myoclonus, stereotyped movements, hypnotic spasms, tonic postures, parasomnia, movement disorders. Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are not associated with abnormal brain EEG activity and cannot be explained by other neurological disorders. PNES are also defined as functional neurological disorders and are included among the Conversion Disorders in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). This disorder is characterized by symptoms of impaired voluntary or sensorimotor function without the presence of other neurological or clinical conditions

    Social Cognition in Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Pediatric Age

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    Objective: The purpose of our study was to assess social cognition in ad-olescents and children with epilepsy or Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) compared to typical individuals. It was verified whether the age of onset, duration and drug therapy of epileptics can influence this ability and if there is a correlation between Social Cognition, intelligence and executive functions.Methods: This is an observational cross-sectional study that included a total of 125 subjects between 7 and 16 years (62 with focal epilepsy and 63 with SLD). The control group included 32 healthy subjects. Study sub-jects were evaluated with neuropsychological tools to evaluate executive functions (EpiTrack Junior), Social Cognition (NEPSY-II), and intelli-gence; a nonverbal cognitive test (Raven's Matrices) was used in subjects with Epilepsy, while WISC-IV was administered to SLDs.Results: the groups of subjects scored significantly lower than the con-trols in Social Cognition. The results showed a positive correlation be-tween affect recognition scores and executive function in both groups. In patients with epilepsy the deficit in Affect Recognition appeared to be linked with early age of onset of epilepsy, long term of disease and lack of non-verbal intelligence; a high frequency of seizures, on the other hand, was related to poor performance in the Theory of Mind (ToM). In the SLD group there was no correlation between social cognition and in-tellectual level.Conclusions: The results of our study suggest that individuals with focal epilepsy or SLD have deficits in the recognition of facial emotions and ToM compared to their peers.In epilepsy group, the Social Cognition deficit seems to be linked to char-acteristics of epilepsy, particularly the deficits in the recognition of facial emotions seems linked to problems in nonverbal intelligence and in exec-utive function.In the SLD group, however, the ability to recognize emotions was corre-lated only with executive functions.</p

    Social Cognition in Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Pediatric Age

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    Objective: The purpose of our study was to assess social cognition in adolescents and children with epilepsy or Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) compared to typical individuals. It was verified whether the age of onset, duration and drug therapy of epileptics can influence this ability and if there is a correlation between Social Cognition, intelligence and executive functions. Methods: This is an observational cross-sectional study that included a total of 125 subjects between 7 and 16 years (62 with focal epilepsy and 63 with SLD). The control group included 32 healthy subjects. Study subjects were evaluated with neuropsychological tools to evaluate executive functions (EpiTrack Junior), Social Cognition (NEPSY-II), and intelligence; a nonverbal cognitive test (Raven's Matrices) was used in subjects with Epilepsy, while WISC-IV was administered to SLDs. Results: the groups of subjects scored significantly lower than the controls in Social Cognition. The results showed a positive correlation between affect recognition scores and executive function in both groups. In patients with epilepsy the deficit in Affect Recognition appeared to be linked with early age of onset of epilepsy, long term of disease and lack of non-verbal intelligence; a high frequency of seizures, on the other hand, was related to poor performance in the Theory of Mind (ToM). In the SLD group there was no correlation between social cognition and intellectual level. Conclusions: The results of our study suggest that individuals with focal epilepsy or SLD have deficits in the recognition of facial emotions and ToM compared to their peers. In epilepsy group, the Social Cognition deficit seems to be linked to characteristics of epilepsy, particularly the deficits in the recognition of facial emotions seems linked to problems in nonverbal intelligence and in executive function. In the SLD group, however, the ability to recognize emotions was correlated only with executive functions

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Adolescents with Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Emotional/Behavioral Symptoms and Parental Stress

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    The objective of our study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotional and behavioral symptoms in minors with neuropsychiatric disorders and on parental stress through a standardized neuropsychological assessment, comparing the data collected before the pandemic with those collected during the lock-down. Another goal of our study was to analyze the relationship between parental stress and behavioral/emotional symptoms in children. Our study was conducted on 383 families of patients who had already been referred at the Child Neuropsychiatry Unit of the University Hospital of Salerno for different neuropsychiatric conditions. All the parents completed two neuropsychological standardized questionnaires for the assessment of parental stress (PSI—Parenting Stress Index-Short Form) and the emotional/behavioral problems of their children (Child Behaviour CheckList). The data collected during the pandemic were compared with those collected from questionnaires administered during the six months preceding the pandemic, as is our usual clinical practice. The comparison between the mean scores of PSI and CBCL before and after the pandemic showed a statistically significant increase in all subscales analyzed in the total sample. The correlation analysis showed significant positive relationship between the subscale Total Stress of PSI and the subscales Total Problems and Internalizing Problems of CBCL. Our study suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding measures adopted led to an increase in internalizing and externalizing symptoms in children and adolescents with neuropsychiatric disorder. Similarly, parental stress increased during COVID-19 and ahigher level of stress in parents can be related to the internalizing symptoms of their children

    A custom-built planar biaxial system for soft tissue material testing

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    Accurate material characterization of soft tissues is crucial for understanding the physiopathology of cardiovascular diseases. However, commercial biaxial testing systems are expensive, prompting the need for affordable custom solutions. This study aimed to develop a low-cost custom biaxial system capable of accurately characterizing the mechanical behavior of soft tissues. The biaxial system was constructed using 3D printing technology and non-captive linear actuators for precise displacement control. A real-time marker tracking system was implemented to estimate dis-placements without the need for costly hardware. The system's performance was evaluated through tests on a calibration spring and frozen porcine aorta samples. The linear actuators demonstrated excellent response to user position input after motor tuning, showing no discrepancies between commands and actual positions. The experimental testing of the calibration spring showed good agreement with the analytical solution, validating the system's ability to accurately test materials. Testing on porcine aorta samples revealed stress–strain responses consistent with existing literature, accounting for potential variations due to tissue preservation and regional material property heterogeneity. Overall, this custom biaxial system demonstrates promising performance in accurately assessing the mechanical behavior of soft tissues, providing researchers with a valuable tool for cardiovascular disease research and tissue engineering applications