8,065 research outputs found

    Cosmological and Solar-System Tests of f(R) Modified Gravity

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    We investigate the cosmological and the local tests of the f(R) theory of modified gravity via the observations of (1) the cosmic expansion and (2) the cosmic structures and via (3) the solar-system experiments. To fit the possible cosmic expansion histories under consideration, for each of them we reconstruct f(R), known as "designer f(R)". We then test the designer f(R) via the cosmic-structure constraints on the metric perturbation ratio Psi/Phi and the effective gravitational coupling G_eff and via the solar-system constraints on the Brans-Dicke theory with the chameleon mechanism. We find that among the designer f(R) models specified by the CPL effective equation of state w_eff, only the model closely mimicking general relativity with a cosmological constant (LambdaCDM) can survive all the tests. Accordingly, these tests rule out the frequently studied "w_eff = -1" designer f(R) models which are distinct in cosmic structures from LambdaCDM. When considering only the cosmological tests, we find that the surviving designer f(R) models, although exist for a variety of w_eff, entail fine-tuning.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    Angular Momentum Transport in Particle and Fluid Disks

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    We examine the angular momentum transport properties of disks composed of macroscopic particles whose velocity dispersions are externally enhanced (``stirred''). Our simple Boltzmann equation model serves as an analogy for unmagnetized fluid disks in which turbulence may be driven by thermal convection. We show that interparticle collisions in particle disks play the same role as fluctuating pressure forces and viscous dissipation in turbulent disks: both transfer energy in random motions associated with one direction to those associated with another, and convert kinetic energy into heat. The direction of angular momentum transport in stirred particle and fluid disks is determined by the direction of external stirring and by the properties of the collision term in the Boltzmann equation (or its analogue in the fluid problem). In particular, our model problem yields inward transport for vertically or radially stirred disks, provided collisions are suitably inelastic; the transport is outwards in the elastic limit. Numerical simulations of hydrodynamic turbulence driven by thermal convection find inward transport; this requires that fluctuating pressure forces do little to no work, and is analogous to an externally stirred particle disk in which collisions are highly inelastic.Comment: 15 pages; final version accepted by ApJ; minor changes, some clarificatio

    Keck Pencil-Beam Survey for Faint Kuiper Belt Objects

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    We present the results of a pencil-beam survey of the Kuiper Belt using the Keck 10-m telescope. A single 0.01 square degree field is imaged 29 times for a total integration time of 4.8 hr. Combining exposures in software allows the detection of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) having visual magnitude V < 27.9. Two new KBOs are discovered. One object having V = 25.5 lies at a probable heliocentric distance d = 33 AU. The second object at V = 27.2 is located at d = 44 AU. Both KBOs have diameters of about 50 km, assuming comet-like albedos of 4%. Data from all surveys are pooled to construct the luminosity function from red magnitude R = 20 to 27. The cumulative number of objects per square degree, N (< R), is fitted to a power law of the form log_(10) N = 0.52 (R - 23.5). Differences between power laws reported in the literature are due mainly to which survey data are incorporated, and not to the method of fitting. The luminosity function is consistent with a power-law size distribution for objects having diameters s = 50 to 500 km; dn ~ s^(-q) ds, where the differential size index q = 3.6 +/- 0.1. The distribution is such that the smallest objects possess most of the surface area, but the largest bodies contain the bulk of the mass. Though our inferred size index nearly matches that derived by Dohnanyi (1969), it is unknown whether catastrophic collisions are responsible for shaping the size distribution. Implications of the absence of detections of classical KBOs beyond 50 AU are discussed.Comment: Accepted to AJ. Final proof-edited version: references added, discussion of G98 revised in sections 4.3 and 5.

    Dimerized and trimerized phases for spin-2 Bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice

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    We study the phase diagram for spin-2 bosons loaded in a one-dimensional optical lattice. By using non-Abelian density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method we identify three possible phases: ferromagnetic, dimerized, and trimerized phases. We sketch the phase boundaries based on DMRG. We illustrate two methods for identifying the phases. The first method is based on the spin-spin correlation function while in the second method one observes the excitation gap as a dimerization or a trimerization superlattice is imposed. The advantage of the second method is that it can also be easily implemented in experiments. By using the scattering lengths in the literature we estimate that 83^{83}Rb, 23^{23}Na, and 87^{87}Rb be ferromagnetic, dimerized, and trimerized respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Add acknowledgemen

    Magnetotransport in a two-dimensional electron system in dc electric fields

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    We report on nonequilibrium transport measurements in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system subject to weak magnetic field and dc excitation. Detailed study of dc-induced magneto-oscillations, first observed by Yang {\em et al}., reveals a resonant condition that is qualitatively different from that reported earlier. In addition, we observe dramatic reduction of resistance induced by a weak dc field in the regime of separated Landau levels. These results demonstrate similarity of transport phenomena in dc-driven and microwave-driven systems and have important implications for ongoing experimental search for predicted quenching of microwave-induced zero-resistance states by a dc current.Comment: Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Apsidal Alignment in Upsilon Andromedae

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    One of the parameters fitted by Doppler radial velocity measurements of extrasolar planetary systems is omega, the argument of pericenter of a given planet's orbit referenced to the plane of the sky. Curiously, the omega's of the outer two planets orbiting Upsilon Andromedae are presently nearly identical: Delta-omega = omega_D - omega_C = 4.8 deg +/- 4.8 deg (1 sigma). This observation is least surprising if planets C and D occupy orbits that are seen close to edge-on (sin i_C, sin i_D > 0.5) and whose mutual inclination Theta does not exceed 20 deg. In this case, planets C and D inhabit a secular resonance in which Delta-omega librates about 0 deg with an amplitude of 30 deg and a period of 4000 yr. The resonant configuration spends about one-third of its time with |Delta-omega| 40 deg, either Delta-omega circulates or the system is unstable. This instability is driven by the Kozai mechanism which couples the eccentricity of planet C to Theta to drive the former quantity to values approaching unity. Our expectation that Theta < 20 deg suggests that planets C and D formed in a flattened, circumstellar disk, and may be tested by upcoming astrometric measurements with the FAME satellite.Comment: Refereed version, accepted by AJ, to appear in September 2001 issu

    Quantum Critical Spin-2 Chain with Emergent SU(3) Symmetry

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    We study the quantum critical phase of a SU(2) symmetric spin-2 chain obtained from spin-2 bosons in a one-dimensional lattice. We obtain the scaling of the entanglement entropy and finite-size energies by exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization group methods. From the numerical results of the energy spectrum, central charge, and scaling dimension we identify the conformal field theory describing the whole critical phase to be the SU(3)1_1 Wess-Zumino-Witten model. We find that while in the whole critical phase the Hamiltonian is only SU(2) invariant, there is an emergent SU(3) symmetry in the thermodynamic limit

    Bose-Einstein condensation in an optical lattice: A perturbation approach

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    We derive closed analytical expressions for the order parameter Φ(x)\Phi (x) and for the chemical potential μ\mu of a Bose-Einstein Condensate loaded into a harmonically confined, one dimensional optical lattice, for sufficiently weak, repulsive or attractive interaction, and not too strong laser intensities. Our results are compared with exact numerical calculations in order to map out the range of validity of the perturbative analytical approach. We identify parameter values where the optical lattice compensates the interaction-induced nonlinearity, such that the condensate ground state coincides with a simple, single particle harmonic oscillator wave function

    Hitting Time of Quantum Walks with Perturbation

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    The hitting time is the required minimum time for a Markov chain-based walk (classical or quantum) to reach a target state in the state space. We investigate the effect of the perturbation on the hitting time of a quantum walk. We obtain an upper bound for the perturbed quantum walk hitting time by applying Szegedy's work and the perturbation bounds with Weyl's perturbation theorem on classical matrix. Based on the definition of quantum hitting time given in MNRS algorithm, we further compute the delayed perturbed hitting time (DPHT) and delayed perturbed quantum hitting time (DPQHT). We show that the upper bound for DPQHT is actually greater than the difference between the square root of the upper bound for a perturbed random walk and the square root of the lower bound for a random walk.Comment: 9 page

    Aspects of Horava-Lifshitz cosmology

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    We review some general aspects of Horava-Lifshitz cosmology. Formulating it in its basic version, we extract the cosmological equations and we use observational data in order to constrain the parameters of the theory. Through a phase-space analysis we extract the late-time stable solutions, and we show that eternal expansion, and bouncing and cyclic behavior can arise naturally. Concerning the effective dark energy sector we show that it can describe the phantom phase without the use of a phantom field. However, performing a detailed perturbation analysis, we see that Horava-Lifshitz gravity in its basic version suffers from instabilities. Therefore, suitable generalizations are required in order for this novel theory to be a candidate for the description of nature.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, invited talk given at the 2nd International Workshop on Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Matter-Antimatter Assymetry, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 5-6, 201