4,026 research outputs found

    Switching Properties of Finite-Sized Ferroelectrics

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    On characteristic points and approximate decision algorithms for the minimum Hausdorff distance

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    We investigate {\em approximate decision algorithms} for determining whether the minimum Hausdorff distance between two points sets (or between two sets of nonintersecting line segments) is at most ε\varepsilon.\def\eg{(\varepsilon/\gamma)} An approximate decision algorithm is a standard decision algorithm that answers {\sc yes} or {\sc no} except when ε\varepsilon is in an {\em indecision interval} where the algorithm is allowed to answer {\sc don't know}. We present algorithms with indecision interval [δγ,δ+γ][\delta-\gamma,\delta+\gamma] where δ\delta is the minimum Hausdorff distance and γ\gamma can be chosen by the user. In other words, we can make our algorithm as accurate as desired by choosing an appropriate γ\gamma. For two sets of points (or two sets of nonintersecting lines) with respective cardinalities mm and nn our approximate decision algorithms run in time O(\eg^2(m+n)\log(mn)) for Hausdorff distance under translation, and in time O(\eg^2mn\log(mn)) for Hausdorff distance under Euclidean motion

    Theoretical framework of entangled-photon generation from biexcitons in nano-to-bulk crossover regime with planar geometry

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    We have constructed a theoretical framework of the biexciton-resonant hyperparametric scattering for the pursuit of high-power and high-quality generation of entangled photon pairs. Our framework is applicable to nano-to-bulk crossover regime where the center-of-mass motion of excitons and biexcitons is confined. Material surroundings and the polarization correlation of generated photons can be considered. We have analyzed the entangled-photon generation from CuCl film, by which ultraviolet entangled-photon pairs are generated, and from dielectric microcavity embedding a CuCl layer. We have revealed that in the nano-to-bulk crossover regime we generally get a high performance from the viewpoint of statistical accuracy, and the generation efficiency can be enhanced by the optical cavity with maintaining the high performance. The nano-to-bulk crossover regime has a variety of degrees of freedom to tune the entangled-photon generation, and the scattering spectra explicitly reflect quantized exciton-photon coupled modes in the finite structure.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Racism and the Pinkerton syndrome in Singapore: effects of race on hiring decisions

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    The aim of the study was to examine racism and the Pinkerton syndrome in Singapore. Specifically, the study examined the effects of race on hiring decisions in a simulated hiring decision task. Participants were 171 (61% males) Singaporean Chinese undergraduates from a private university in Singapore. They were randomly assigned into one of nine groups and asked to review a resume of a job applicant. The study used a 3 (Academic qualifications: strong, moderate, or weak) × 3 (Race: White, Chinese, or Malay) between-subjects design with perceived warmth, competence, applicant suitability and recommended salary as the dependent variables. The results showed that while Chinese participants discriminated against Malay applicants (racism), they discriminated in favor of White applicants (the Pinkerton syndrome). The results provided a potential explanation to the economic disparities between Malays and the other races, and first experimental evidence for racism and the Pinkerton syndrome in Singapore

    Containment versus Mobility: Embodying Nation Building in the City-State of Singapore through Urban Planning

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    Feminist geographers have shown how control of territory, borders and mobility at multiple scales are central to inclusionary and exclusionary processes of nation building. This thesis explores how urban planning in the global city-state of Singapore utilizes territory, borders and mobility as tools of marginalization and inclusion, tied to the desirability of different bodies. Whilst planning policies for foreign worker dormitories relegate migrant workers to peripheral areas and attempt to contain them through the provision of in-house facilities, strategies of neoliberal urbanism embodied in the Master Plan 2008 facilitate the mobility of citizens, tourists and skilled talent on multiple scales, for the dual purpose of attracting capital and engendering love for the city. This contrast brings to the forefront questions of social-spatial justice within Singapore's planning framework, as well as the role of the built environment and the state in negotiating the relationship between neoliberalism and nation building

    The perceptions of general practice among Central and Eastern Europeans in the United Kingdom: A systematic scoping review

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    Background Around 2 million people have migrated from Central and Eastern Europe to the UK since 2004. The UK Central and Eastern European Community (UK-CEE) are disproportionately exposed to the social determinants of poor physical and mental health. Their health and healthcare beliefs remain under-researched, particularly regarding primary care. Objective This review explores UK-CEE community members' use and perceptions of UK general practice. Methods A systematic search of nine bibliographic databases identified 2094 publications that fulfilled the search criteria. Grey literature searches identified 16 additional relevant publications. Screening by title and abstract identified 201 publications of relevance, decreasing to 65 after full-text screening. Publications were critically appraised, with data extracted and coded. Thematic analysis using constant comparison allowed generation of higher-order thematic constructs. Results Full UK-CEE national representation was achieved. Comparatively low levels of GP registration were described, with ability, desire and need to engage with GP services shaped by the interconnected nature of individual community members' cultural and sociodemographic factors. Difficulties overcoming access and in-consultation barriers are common, with health expectations frequently unmet. Distrust and dissatisfaction with general practice often persist, promoting alternative health-seeking approaches including transnational healthcare. Marginalized UK-CEE community subgroups including Roma, trafficked and homeless individuals have particularly poor GP engagement and outcomes. Limited data on the impact of Brexit and COVID-19 could be identified. Conclusions Review findings demonstrate the need for codesigned approaches to remove barriers to engagement, culturally adapt and develop trust in GP care for UK-CEE individuals. Community Involvement Community members and stakeholders shaped the conceptualisation of the review question and validation of emergent themes

    Help Seeking and Access to Primary Care for People from “Hard-to-Reach” Groups with Common Mental Health Problems

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    Background. In the UK, most people with mental health problems are managed in primary care. However, many individuals in need of help are not able to access care, either because it is not available, or because the individual's interaction with care-givers deters or diverts help-seeking. Aims. To understand the experience of seeking care for distress from the perspective of potential patients from “hard-to-reach” groups. Methods. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews, analysed using a thematic framework. Results. Access to primary care is problematic in four main areas: how distress is conceptualised by individuals, the decision to seek help, barriers to help-seeking, and navigating and negotiating services. Conclusion. There are complex reasons why people from “hard-to-reach” groups may not conceptualise their distress as a biomedical problem. In addition, there are particular barriers to accessing primary care when distress is recognised by the person and help-seeking is attempted. We suggest how primary care could be more accessible to people from “hard-to-reach” groups including the need to offer a flexible, non-biomedical response to distress

    Dr. Martin Hillenbrand to Receive University of Dayton Distinguished Alumnus Award

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    News release announcing the University of Dayton will Award Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Dr. Martin Hillenbrand, with the Distinguished Alumnus Award

    A game characterisation of tree-like Q-resolution size

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    We provide a characterisation for the size of proofs in treelike Q-Resolution by a Prover-Delayer game, which is inspired by a similar characterisation for the proof size in classical tree-like Resolution [10]. This gives the first successful transfer of one of the lower bound techniques for classical proof systems to QBF proof systems. We confirm our technique with two previously known hard examples. In particular, we give a proof of the hardness of the formulas of Kleine Büning et al. [20] for tree-like Q-Resolution