1,685 research outputs found

    Desarrollo, implementacioĢn y publicacioĢn de un sistema geograĢfico para la gestioĢn vial del cantoĢn Cuenca

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    En la ciudad de Cuenca, el aumento del parque automotor conlleva un problema de congestioĢn vehicular, a esto contribuye el cierre de viĢas por mejoras en la ciudad, estas circunstancias han provocado un malestar en los usuarios de sistemas puĢblicos y privados de transporte, agravando el estreĢs urbano como consecuencia de la contaminacioĢn, el aumento de los tiempos de viaje,repercutiendo de forma econoĢmica y social en la poblacioĢn de Cuenca. Disponer de mapas y cartografiĢa vial accesible desde dispositivos moĢviles como celulares, GPS, tablets, PDA, permite tener alternativas de circulacioĢn y brinda herramientas para generar rutas alternas para llegar a un destino. Una propuesta de gran acogida es la iniciativa Openstreetmap, la cual busca generar mapas viales del mundo a traveĢs de aportes hechos por usuarios entusiastas que usan las capturas de datos de GPS en el terreno, para luego ingresarla a la web. Algo similar se ha puesto en funcionamiento en la plataforma de la Universidad del Azuay con la informacioĢn cartograĢfica vial actualizada y depurada a nivel 2, lo que representa viĢas principales y secundarias en diferentes formatos para su descarga. Este sitio tambieĢn tiene accesos a los diferentes portales que disponen de informacioĢn cartograĢfica vial

    Lithology and Internal Structure of the San Andreas Fault at Depth Based on Characterization of Phase 3 Whole-rock Core in the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Borehole

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    We characterize the lithology and structure of the spot core obtained in 2007 during Phase 3 drilling of the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) in order to determine the composition, structure, and deformation processes of the fault zone at 3 km depth where creep and microseismicity occur. A total of approximately 41 m of spot core was taken from three separate sections of the borehole; the core samples consist of fractured arkosic sandstones and shale west of the SAF zone (Pacific Plate) and sheared fine-grained sedimentary rocks, ultrafine black fault-related rocks, and phyllosilicate-rich fault gouge within the fault zone (North American Plate). The fault zone at SAFOD consists of a broad zone of variably damaged rock containing localized zones of highly concentrated shear that often juxtapose distinct protoliths. Two zones of serpentinite-bearing clay gouge, each meters-thick, occur at the two locations of aseismic creep identified in the borehole on the basis of casing deformation. The gouge primarily is comprised of Mg-rich clays, serpentinite (lizardite Ā± chrysotile) with notable increases in magnetite, and Ni-Cr-oxides/hydroxides relative to the surrounding host rock. The rocks surrounding the two creeping gouge zones display a range of deformation including fractured protolith, block-in-matrix, and foliated cataclasite structure. The blocks and clasts predominately consist of sandstone and siltstone embedded in a clay-rich matrix that displays a penetrative scaly fabric. Mineral alteration, veins and fracture-surface coatings are present throughout the core, and reflect a long history of syn-deformation, fluid-rock reaction that contributes to the low-strength and creep in the meters-thick gouge zones

    Prevalence and Social Inequality in Youth Loneliness in the UK.

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    Using data from the English arm of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study, we examined the prevalence of loneliness for school-aged adolescents and how it is linked to social inequalities. The HBSC study collects data from 11-, 13-, and 15-year-olds, and is repeated every four years, allowing the exploration of prevalence rates of loneliness pre COVID-19 pandemic for comparison. We also explored whether loneliness was associated with socio-economic status (SES) and linked to academic attainment and health complaints. The total sample was 14,077 from 156 schools in England. Findings revealed a stable prevalence rate of 8.2% for loneliness from 2006 to 2014. We also found, across all survey years, (1) those aged 15 years were significantly lonelier than younger peers, (2) those who reported lower SES were lonelier than their more well-off peers, and (3) higher loneliness was associated with being '"below average" academically and reporting more health complaints. Conclusions: These prevalence data enable researchers, policymakers, and others to make comparisons with prevalence rates during the COVID-19 pandemic to explore whether there have been increases in loneliness among school-aged adolescents. Loneliness was consistently related to social inequalities, suggesting that targeted interventions that include whole systems changes are needed

    The two-fluid model with superfluid entropy

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    The two-fluid model of liquid helium is generalized to the case that the superfluid fraction has a small entropy content. We present theoretical arguments in favour of such a small superfluid entropy. In the generalized two-fluid model various sound modes of Heā€…ā€Š\;II are investigated. In a superleak carrying a persistent current the superfluid entropy leads to a new sound mode which we call sixth sound. The relation between the sixth sound and the superfluid entropy is discussed in detail.Comment: 22 pages, latex, published in Nuovo Cimento 16 D (1994) 37

    Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Harmonic Potential

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    We examine several features of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in an external harmonic potential well. In the thermodynamic limit, there is a phase transition to a spatial Bose-Einstein condensed state for dimension D greater than or equal to 2. The thermodynamic limit requires maintaining constant average density by weakening the potential while increasing the particle number N to infinity, while of course in real experiments the potential is fixed and N stays finite. For such finite ideal harmonic systems we show that a BEC still occurs, although without a true phase transition, below a certain ``pseudo-critical'' temperature, even for D=1. We study the momentum-space condensate fraction and find that it vanishes as 1/N^(1/2) in any number of dimensions in the thermodynamic limit. In D less than or equal to 2 the lack of a momentum condensation is in accord with the Hohenberg theorem, but must be reconciled with the existence of a spatial BEC in D=2. For finite systems we derive the N-dependence of the spatial and momentum condensate fractions and the transition temperatures, features that may be experimentally testable. We show that the N-dependence of the 2D ideal-gas transition temperature for a finite system cannot persist in the interacting case because it violates a theorem due to Chester, Penrose, and Onsager.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, 6 Postscript figures, Submitted to Jour. Low Temp. Phy

    Novel Mechanism of Supersolid of Ultracold Polar Molecules in Optical Lattices

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    We study the checkerboard supersolid of the hard-core Bose-Hubbard model with the dipole-dipole interaction. This supersolid is different from all other supersolids found in lattice models in the sense that superflow paths through which interstitials or vacancies can hop freely are absent in the crystal. By focusing on repulsive interactions between interstitials, we reveal that the long-range tail of the dipole-dipole interaction have the role of increasing the energy cost of domain wall formations. This effect produces the supersolid by the second-order hopping process of defects. We also perform exact quantum Monte Carlo simulations and observe a novel double peak structure in the momentum distribution of bosons, which is a clear evidence for supersolid. This can be measured by the time-of-flight experiment in optical lattice systems

    The brightest high-latitude 12-micron IRAS sources

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    The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) Point Source catalog was searched for sources brighter than 28 Jy (0 mag) at 12 Ī¼m with absolute galactic latitude greater than 30Ā° excluding the Large Magellanic Cloud. The search resulted in 269 sources, two of which are the galaxies NGC 1068 and M82. The remaining 267 sources are identified with, or have infrared color indices consistent with late-type stars some of which show evidence of circumstellar dust shells. Seven sources are previously uncataloged stars. K and M stars without circumstellar dust shells, M stars with circumstellar dust shells, and carbon stars occupy well-defined regions of infrared color-color diagrams

    The effectiveness of manual stretching in the treatment of plantar heel pain: a systematic review

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    Background: Plantar heel pain is a commonly occurring foot complaint. Stretching is frequently utilised as a treatment, yet a systematic review focusing only on its effectiveness has not been published. This review aimed to assess the effectiveness of stretching on pain and function in people with plantar heel pain. Methods: Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, and The Cochrane Library were searched from inception to July 2010. Studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria were independently assessed, and their quality evaluated using the modified PEDro scale. Results: Six studies including 365 symptomatic participants were included. Two compared stretching with a control, one study compared stretching to an alternative intervention, one study compared stretching to both alternative and control interventions, and two compared different stretching techniques and durations. Quality rating on the modified Pedro scale varied from two to eight out of a maximum of ten points. The methodologies and interventions varied significantly between studies, making meta-analysis inappropriate. Most participants improved over the course of the studies, but when stretching was compared to alternative or control interventions, the changes only reached statistical significance in one study that used a combination of calf muscle stretches and plantar fascia stretches in their stretching programme. Another study comparing different stretching techniques, showed a statistically significant reduction in some aspects of pain in favour of plantar fascia stretching over calf stretches in the short term. Conclusions: There were too few studies to assess whether stretching is effective compared to control or other interventions, for either pain or function. However, there is some evidence that plantar fascia stretching may be more effective than Achilles tendon stretching alone in the short-term. Appropriately powered randomised controlled trials, utilizing validated outcome measures, blinded assessors and long-term follow up are needed to assess the efficacy of stretching

    A primer set for the rapid isolation of scFv fragments against cell surface antigens from immunised rats

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    Antibody phage display is a powerful platform for discovery of clinically applicable high affinity monoclonal antibodies against a broad range of targets. Libraries generated from immunized animals offer the advantage of in vivo affinity-maturation of V regions prior to library generation. Despite advantages, few studies have described isolation of antibodies from rats using immune phage display. In our study, we describe a novel primer set, covering the full rat heavy chain variable and kappa light chain variable regions repertoire for the generation of an unbiased immune libraries. Since the immune repertoire of rats is poorly understood, we first performed a deep sequencing analysis of the V(D)J regions of VH and VLK genes, demonstrating the high abundance of IGVH2 and IGVH5 families for VH and IGVLK12 and IGVLK22 for VLK. The comparison of geneā€™s family usage in naĆÆve rats have been used to validate the frequencyā€™s distribution of the primer set, confirming the absence of PCR-based biases. The primers were used to generate and assemble a phage display library from human CD160-vaccinated rats. CD160 represents a valid therapeutic target as it has been shown to be expressed on chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells and on the surface of newly formed vessels. We utilised a novel phage display panning strategy to isolate a high affinity pool (KD range: 0.399ā€“233 nM) of CD160 targeting monoclonal antibodies. Subsequently, identified binders were tested for function as third generation Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CAR) T cells demonstrating specific cytolytic activity. Our novel primer set coupled with a streamlined strategy for phage display panning enable the rapid isolation and identification of high affinity antibodies from immunised rats. The therapeutic utility of these antibodies was demonstrated in CAR format
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