9 research outputs found
The Career Advancement Prospects of Managers and Professionals: Are MIS Employees Unique?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Motivation and Information System Professionals
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The limits of accommodation: Frederick Douglass and the Garrisonian abolitionists
- Author
- Blight D. W.
- Burke R. K.
- Chesebrough D. B.
- Dillon M. L.
- Douglass F.
- Douglass F.
- Douglass F.
- Douglass F.
- Factor R. L.
- Foner P. S.
- Fuller J. C.
- Garrison W. L.
- Hammerback J. C.
- Hinshaw G. A.
- Kraditor A. S.
- Lampe G. P.
- Levine R. S.
- Martin W. E.
- McFeely W. S.
- McKivigan J. R.
- Pease W. H.
- Quarles B.
- Rogers W. B.
- Walker P. F.
- Weaver R.
- Weld T.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Frederick Douglass’ use of comparison in his Fourth of July oration: A textual criticism
- Author
- Bacon J.
- Beale I.
- Bell B. W.
- Bitzer L.
- Bitzer L.
- Blight D. W.
- Burke R. K.
- Campbell J. A.
- Chesebrough D. B.
- Cicero
- Clark G.
- Cmeil K.
- Condit C. M.
- Consigny S.
- Douglass F.
- Douglass F.
- Douglass F.
- Douglass F.
- Foner P.
- Frothingham O. B.
- Garrison W. L.
- Garvey G. T.
- Gronbeck B. E.
- Herrick J. A.
- Hewitt N. A.
- Hewitt N. A.
- Hunsaker D. M.
- Jasinski J.
- Kammen M.
- Kevin R. McClure
- Lampe G. P.
- Larson C.
- Leff M.
- Leroux N.
- Lucaites J. L.
- May S. J.
- Murphy J. J.
- Quintilian
- Stephens G.
- Vatz R. E.
- Wills G.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Japanese approach
- Author
- Auerbach Publishers
- Bartol K.M.
- Benbazat I.
- Boehm B.W.
- Bybee D.
- Carey T.T.
- Cherlin M.
- Chesebrough P.
- Chrysler E.
- Cougar
- Cougar J.D.
- Cougar J.D.
- Cougar J.D.
- Crane
- Crossman T.
- Ewers J.
- Fitz-Enz J.
- Francl C.
- Gitlin P.
- Goneau M.
- Grodman L.K.
- Hoard B.
- Hoard B.
- Hoard B. DP
- Kraft P.
- Kugel H.
- McLaughlin R.A.
- Nolan R.L.
- Olson M.H.
- Paul S. Licker
- Scheidt F.L.
- Singer L.M.
- Stevens
- Stone J.
- Systems
- Szweda R.
- Turner J.A.
- Wilson G.T.
- Woodruff C.K.
- Publication venue
- 'Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Room for Rigor: Designs and Methods in Informal Science Education Evaluation
- Author
- Alice C. Fu
- Allen S.
- Allen S.
- American Evaluation Association
- Amy Kurpius
- Archana Kannan
- Brisson L.
- Camargo C.
- Camargo C.
- Campbell D.
- Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education
- Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education
- Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education
- Chesebrough D. E.
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Cronbach L. J.
- Darling-Hammond L.
- Dierking L. D.
- Ellenbogen K.
- Ellenbogen K.
- Falk J.
- Falk J. H.
- Falk J. H.
- Frechtling J.
- Friedman A. J.
- Gertler P. J.
- Grack Nelson A.
- Grack Nelson A.
- Greene J. P.
- Krathwohl D. R.
- Learning Activation Lab
- Lisa Peterson
- Museum of Science Boston
- National Research Council
- National Research Council
- National Science Foundation [NSF]
- Program in Education Afterschool &
- Program in Education Afterschool &
- Randi Korn &
- Richard J. Shavelson
- Schneider B.
- Schwartz D. L.
- Serrell B.
- Serrell B.
- Serrell B.
- Shadish W. R.
- Shah A.
- Shavelson R. J.
- Shute V.
- U. S. Department of Education
- U. S. Department of Education &
- Ucko D. A.
- University of Washington
- Visitor Studies Association
- Webb E. J.
- Yarbrough D. B.
- Zapata-Rivera D.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Elementary preservice teachers learning to teach science in science museums and nature centers: A novel program’s impact on science knowledge, science pedagogy, and confidence teaching
- Author
- A. Ahlgren
- A. Hofstein
- A. M. Cox-Petersen
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- B. Aldridge
- B. Ferry
- B. Ferry
- C-C. Chin
- C. David
- C. J. Eick
- C. Mason
- D. Chesebrough
- D. P. Butts
- E. Bailey
- E. L. Caton
- F. Abd-El-Khalick
- F. Swift
- G. Lenton
- I. S. Ginns
- J. D. Wilson
- J. H. Falk
- J. Kelly
- J. P. Spradley
- J. R. Baird
- J. R. Cannon
- Karen L. Tonso
- L. Darling-Hammond
- L. Ramey-Gassert
- L. Ramey-Gassert
- L. Ramey-Gassert
- M. A. Eisenhart
- M. F. Neathery
- M. O. Tirunarayanan
- M. St. John
- Maura Lobos Jung
- N. G. Lederman
- N. K. Denzin
- National Research Council (NRC)
- O. S. Jarrett
- P. Katz
- R. D. Anderson
- S. G. Paris
- S. H. Harwell
- S. M. Wilson
- T. Tosun
- V. L. Akerson
- W. Harlen
- W. J. Jacobson
- Y. S. Lincoln
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Susan B. Anthony’s Extemporaneous Speaking for Woman Suffrage
- Author
- Adams John Quincy
- Altschuler Glenn C.
- Anthony Susan B.
- Banner Lois W.
- Barkun Michael
- Barrows John Henry
- Barry Kathleen
- Bautain M.
- Bormann Ernest
- Brigance Linda Czuba
- Browne Stephen H.
- Campbell Karlyn Kohrs
- Chesebrough David B.
- Cross Whitney R.
- Dorr Rheta Childe
- DuBois Ellen Carol
- Flexner Eleanor
- Fox Richard Wightman
- Gornick Vivian
- Griffith Elisabeth
- Harper Ida Husted
- Harrington-Lueker Donna
- Holland Patricia G.
- Hull N. E.
- Kern Kathi
- Lee Guy Clareton
- LeFevre Karen Burke
- Lerner Gerda.
- Logan Shirley Wilson.
- Lutz Alma.
- Macaulay Thomas Babington.
- Montgomery Kirt E.
- O’Connor Lillian.
- Pittenger William
- Prentice George D.
- Ray Angela G.
- Reid Ronald F.
- Richards Cindy Koenig.
- Rippingham John.
- Sherr Lynn.
- Smith Asa D.
- Sproule J. Michael.
- Stanton Elizabeth Cady
- Stanton Elizabeth Cady
- Ware Henry.
- Ware William.
- Wellman Judith.
- Witherspoon John.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Agrawal Surendra P
- Agrawal Surendra P
- Ahmed Sadrudin A
- Andrew Austin
- Bai Zhao Lu
- Bailes Jack C
- Bakal Robin J
- Baker H.
- Barrett M. Edgar
- Belverd E. Needles
- Berry Maureen H
- Bloom Robert
- Bloom Robert
- Bloom Robert
- Bloom Robert
- Bose A.
- Brennan W. John
- Brooks LeRoy
- Chambers R. J.
- Chan Anthony
- Chang Lucia S
- Cheng Philip C
- Cheng Philip C
- Chesebrough Harry E
- Chetkovich Michael N
- Cho
- Choi Frederick D. S.
- Choi Frederick D. S.
- Chu Kuo-Chang
- Deakin Edward B
- Doost Roger K
- Doupnik Timothy S
- Elam Rick
- Evans Thomas G
- Falk Haim
- Falk Haim
- Farag Shawki M
- Farag Shawki M
- Foroughi
- Fujita Yukio
- Ghosh Santi Narayan
- Gniewosz A.
- Gray H.
- Gray S. J.
- Gray S. J.
- Gul Ferdinand A
- Hagigi Moshe
- Hardman D. J.
- Hauworth II
- Heintz James A
- Holzer H.
- Houghton Keith A
- Hoyt Ronald E
- Hsu Tsun Tsien
- Jaggi Bikki L
- Johnson Eldon L
- Kaocharern Sukri
- Karnes Sterner
- Katsuyama Susumu
- Kubota Keiichi
- Kurisaka Yoshiro
- Kwang Ching-Wen
- Lau
- Lee Samuel S. O.
- Leech Stewart A
- Leech Stewart A
- Lefebvre Chris J. L.
- Leung Victor K. L.
- Liang
- Mak Y. T.
- Markell William
- McCall Owen S
- McKinnon Jill
- Meek Gary
- Meek Gary
- Mette Jr.
- Nakajima Seigo
- Needles Jr.
- Ninsuvannakul Pianchai
- Ninsuvannakul Prawit
- Ohno Ichikawa
- Park Soong Hyun
- Park Soong Hyun
- Parker L. D.
- Pasewark William R
- Pendrill David
- Popoff Boris
- Popoff Boris
- Pound G. D.
- Qureshi Mahmood A
- Rahman M. Zubaidur
- Raymond Robert H
- Robb A. J.
- Schiff J. B.
- Schweikart James A
- Schweikart James A
- Simon Daniel T
- Simyar Farhad
- Singh D. R.
- Singhvi Surendra S
- Sishtla Vijaya Saradhi
- Skinner R. C
- Skully Michael T
- Someya Kyojiro
- Suzuki Norihiko
- Tai Benjamin Y. K.
- Tai Benjamin Y. K.
- Tearney Michael G
- Teoh
- Teruya Yukio
- Tondkar Rasoul H
- Toshio
- Trotman Ken T
- Vobroucek C. A.
- Vol No.
- Wasley Robert S
- Wasley Robert S
- Welton Ralph E
- White Hopkins
- Woodruff William
- Wu Frederick H
- Yamaji Hidetoshi
- Yu
- Yunus Hadori
- Zeff Stephen A
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study