873 research outputs found
Health Assessment In The Bowhead Whale
Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006Tissue samples and morphometric data were collected from 64 bowhead whales landed during the 1998-2002 subsistence hunts in Barrow and Kaktovik, Alaska. Our primary goal was to assess the health status of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. Ages of whales were determined via aspartic acid racemization of the eye lens nucleus, baleen stable carbon isotope analysis and morphometric and histologic indices. We investigated the gross and microscopic anatomy of organs and blubber, thyroid hormone concentrations, serum haptoglobin, vitamin A and E concentrations in liver, blubber and serum and essential element concentrations in liver and kidney. Thyroid hormone and vitamin A were also evaluated as potential biomarkers of organochlorine (OC) concentrations in blubber, liver and serum. Neither of these substances was found to correlate with the relatively low OC concentrations found in these mysticetes. Histological changes of interest included renal interstitial fibrosis, hepatic periportal fibrosis/pigmentation/lipidosis, splenic extramedullary hematopoiesis and pulmonary fibromuscular hyperplasia. Changes in the kidney and lung were related to both age and renal and hepatic Cd concentrations. Most of the histological differences observed did not appear to adversely affect organ function or health of the individual. Thyroid hormone concentrations were stable over age/sex/seasonal groups, however, pregnant females had significantly lower total and free thyroxine than non-pregnant adult females and other age-sex classes. Serum haptoglobin was measured as an indirect determinant of acute inflammation, with three reactors found among 51 whales examined. Liver contained the highest mean concentrations of vitamins A and E (followed by epidermis, blubber, and serum and serum, epidermis, and blubber, in order). Finally, blubber percent collagen was measured at 30 locations on each whale and was found to be stable by site and most depths, with the most internal region of the reticular dermis being the only exception. Overall, the bowhead whales were healthy. However, climate change, offshore development and increases in arctic pollution emphasize the importance of baseline data collection. An ongoing surveillance effort is recommended to ensure that the species will be viable for generations to come and to assure subsistence users of the robust and healthy status of this stock of whales
Activation pattern of rectus femoris during gait in subjects with stroke - an exploratory study of the loading phase
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Pathways toward a positive future
Examples of emerging sustainable living practices can be found in all parts of the world. However, negative impacts from production and consumption remain and broad shifts toward sustainable lifestyles are not yet occurring. How can future scenarios and road mapping be used to develop actions to support the transition toward sustainable living
The digitalization era currently has a big role in affecting the development of language which we use for communication and the hallmark of a country. This study aims to determine the development of the Indonesian language used by students in the Industrial Engineering Department at UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. The method used in this research is through a qualitative approach with data collection through questionnaires distributed to students of the Industrial Engineering Department. The data obtained then will be analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that students of the Industrial Engineering Department generally use slang in everyday communication. The slang language used reflects the current dynamics of the Indonesian language which is affected by globalization, such as the influence of foreign languages ​​and social media. In addition, this study also found that slang was used with the aim of creating a relaxed atmosphere and an intimate impression in their relationships. Suggestions that researchers can give from the research results are for Industrial Engineering students, the results of this study can be used to increase student awareness regarding the use of good and correct Indonesian. Students need to maintain good Indonesian language skills and be able to express opinions clearly and effectively in a variety of situations. For other researchers, this research can be developed in the environment of students of other departments or in a wider scope. This will provide a deeper understanding of how the Indonesian language has developed over time
The digitalization era currently has a big role in affecting the development of language which we use for communication and the hallmark of a country. This study aims to determine the development of the Indonesian language used by students in the Industrial Engineering Department at UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. The method used in this research is through a qualitative approach with data collection through questionnaires distributed to students of the Industrial Engineering Department. The data obtained then will be analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that students of the Industrial Engineering Department generally use slang in everyday communication. The slang language used reflects the current dynamics of the Indonesian language which is affected by globalization, such as the influence of foreign languages ​​and social media. In addition, this study also found that slang was used with the aim of creating a relaxed atmosphere and an intimate impression in their relationships. Suggestions that researchers can give from the research results are for Industrial Engineering students, the results of this study can be used to increase student awareness regarding the use of good and correct Indonesian. Students need to maintain good Indonesian language skills and be able to express opinions clearly and effectively in a variety of situations. For other researchers, this research can be developed in the environment of students of other departments or in a wider scope. This will provide a deeper understanding of how the Indonesian language has developed over time
The physical activity and health status of two generations of Black South African professional women
Increased health risks associated with physical inactivity in the Black population have been reported in recent years. Black women, suffering the highest levels of inactivity, overweight and obesity, are at greatest risk of developing chronic diseases of lifestyle. This explorativedescriptive study investigated the physical activity patterns and health status of two generations of Black professional women, reflecting pre-democracy and post-democracy age groups. Quantitative measures were used, including the ActiGraph GT1M accelerometer, the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile. Sample groups comprised teachers, nurses, social workers and public sector managers. Participants aged between 35 and 45 years were allocated to the older generation group (n = 111), whilst those aged between 18 and 21 years (students in the mentioned professional fields) were allocated to the younger generation group (n = 69). The results indicated that these women displayed lower levels of health-promoting behavioural practices than expected, significantly lower levels of physical activity and significantly higher levels of overweight and obesity than the South African norms. The observation that the younger group appeared to be replicating the patterns of the older women is a cause of concern. Greater compliance to health-promoting behaviours was expected in this group owing to participants’ professional involvement in health, education and social development fields. Wide-ranging initiatives are necessary to promote physical activity and health amongst the Black female population in South Africa.
Gedurende die afgelope jare het navorsing onder die Swart bevolking ʼn toename in gesondheidsrisiko’s wat met fisieke onaktiwiteit geassosieer is, getoon. Swart vroue, wat die hoogste vlakke van onaktiwiteit, oorgewig en obesiteit toon, blyk ook die grootste risiko te loop om leefstylverwante chroniese siektes te ontwikkel. Hierdie ondersoekendbeskrywende studie het die fisieke aktiwiteitspatrone en gesondheidstatus van twee generasies van Swart professionele vroue ondersoek. Die tweegenerasiesteekproef verteenwoordig voor- en na-demokrasie-ouderdomsgroepe. Kwantitatiewe meetinstrumente, naamlik die ActiGraph GT1M versnellingsmeter, Globale Fisieke Aktiwiteitsvraelys en die Gesondheidsbevorderende Leefstylprofiel is gebruik. Die steekproef het onderwysers, verpleegkundiges, maatskaplike werkers en bestuurders in die openbare sektor ingesluit. Deelnemers tussen 35 en 45 jaar is aan die ouergenerasie-toetsgroep toegewys (n = 111), terwyl dié tussen 18 en 21 jaar (studente in bogenoemde studierigtings) aan die jongergenerasietoetsgroep toegewys is (n = 69). Die resultate het gewys dat die Swart professionele vroue laer as verwagte gesondheidsbevorderende gedrag, betekenisvol laer vlakke van fisieke aktiwiteit en betekenisvol hoër vlakke van oorgewig en obesiteit toon as die Suid-Afrikaanse norme. Die waarneming dat die jonger groep dieselfde gedragspatrone as die ouer vroue getoon het, is ʼn bron van kommer. ʼn Groter nakoming van gesondheidsbevorderende gedrag is onder die jonger groep vroue verwag, aangesien hulle hul opleiding in die professionele sektor van gesondheid, onderwys en maatskaplike werk ontvang. ʼn Holistiese benadering is nodig om fisieke aktiwiteit en gesondheid onder Swart Suid-Afrikaanse vrouens te bevorder
Disease, activity and schoolchildren's health (DASH) in Port Elizabeth, South Africa: a study protocol
BACKGROUND: An in-depth epidemiological investigation on intestinal parasite infections in an impoverished area of Port Elizabeth, South Africa provides a unique opportunity for research on its impact on children's physical fitness, cognitive performance and psychosocial health. Additionally, we will screen risk factors for the development of diabetes and hypertension in adulthood.
METHODS/DESIGN: A 2-year longitudinal cohort study will be conducted, consisting of three cross-sectional surveys (baseline and two follow-ups), in eight historically black and coloured (mixed race) primary schools located in different townships in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Approximately 1000 Grade 4 primary schoolchildren, aged 8 to 12 years, will be enrolled and followed. At each survey, disease status, anthropometry and levels of physical fitness, cognitive performance and psychosocial health will be assessed. After each survey, individuals diagnosed with parasitic worm infections will be treated with anthelminthic drugs, while children with other infections will be referred to local clinics. Based on baseline results, interventions will be tailored to the local settings, embedded within the study and implemented in half of the schools, while the remaining schools will serve as controls. Implementation of the interventions will take place over two 8-week periods. The effect of interventions will be determined with predefined health parameters.
DISCUSSION: This study will shed new light on the health burden incurred by children in deprived urban settings of South Africa and provide guidance for specific health interventions. Challenges foreseen in the conduct of this study include: (i) difficulty in obtaining written informed consent from parents/guardians; (ii) administration of questionnaires in schools where three languages are spoken (Afrikaans, Xhosa and English); (iii) challenges in grasping concepts of psychosocial health among schoolchildren using a questionnaire; and (iv) loss to follow-up due to the study setting where illiteracy, mobility and violence are common. Finally, designing the health interventions together with local principals and teachers will allow all concerned with the research to bolster a sense of community ownership and sustained use of the interventions after the study has ceased
Shrinking risk profiles after deworming of children in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, with special reference to Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura
Risk maps facilitate discussion among different stakeholders and provide a tool for spatial targeting of health interventions. We present maps documenting shrinking risk profiles after deworming with respect to soil-transmitted helminthiasis among schoolchildren from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Children were examined for soil-transmitted helminth infections using duplicate Kato-Katz thick smears in March 2015, October 2015 and May 2016, and subsequently treated with albendazole after each survey. The mean infection intensities for Ascaris lumbricoides were 9,554 eggs per gram of stool (EPG) in March 2015, 4,317 EPG in October 2015 and 1,684 EPG in March 2016. The corresponding figures for Trichuris trichiura were 664 EPG, 331 EPG and 87 EPG. Repeated deworming shrank the risk of soil-transmitted helminthiasis, but should be complemented by other public health measures
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