139 research outputs found

    Biodiesel via in situ wet microalgae biotransformation: Zwitter-type ionic liquid supported extraction and transesterification

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    The production of biodiesel derived from microalgae is among the most forthcoming technologies that provide an ecologic alternative to fossil fuels. Herein, a method was developed that enables the direct extraction and conversion of algal oil to biodiesel without prior isolation. The reaction occurs in aqueous media catalyzed by immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B (Novozyme 435). Zwitter-type ionic liquids were used as cocatalyst to improve the selectivity and reactivity of the enzyme. In a model reaction with sunflower oil, 64% biodiesel was obtained. Applying this method to a slurry of whole-cell Chlorella zof ingiensis in water resulted in 74.8% of lipid extraction, with 27.7% biotransformation products and up to 16% biodiesel. Factors that reduced the lipase activity with whole-cell algae were subsequently probed and discussed. This "in situ" method shows an improvement to existing methods, since it integrates the oil extraction and conversion into an one-pot procedure in aqueous conditions. The extraction is nondisruptive, and is a model for a greener algae to biodiesel process

    Stratégies de coping et dynamique d'équipe: travail de Bachelor

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    Ce travail de Bachelor est une revue de la littérature qui a pour but de montrer les répercussions de la dynamique de groupe sur la qualité des soins. Il démontre l’importance de la satisfaction au travail, la nécessité de la communication au sein d’une équipe, et le rôle majeur de la hiérarchie pour le bien être des professionnels soignants. L’issue de ce travail insiste sur la coresponsabilité de chacun et les stratégies de coping finalement propres à chaque personnalité. C’est au regard des modes de l’interdépendance et des fonctions de rôle selon Roy, que ces différentes stratégies de coping ont été discutées. Une atmosphère propice à l’entre aide, favorisant la confiance dans l’unité de soins, et des entretiens d’évaluation réguliers pertinents par la hierarchie permettent de prévenir l’épuisement professionnel, et favorise la dynamique d’équipe

    Évolution des comportements et des représentations sociales liés à la consommation de cannabis chez les adolescents. Résumé

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    La recherche, dont les résultats principaux sont décrits dans ce résumé, visait trois objectifs différents: a) mieux comprendre l'évolution de la consommation de substances durant l'adolescence; b) mesurer les représentations sociales, par rapport à la consommation, dans une population de consommateurs comparée à une population «tout-venant»; c) valider un instrument de dépistage de la consommation. L'échantillon, sur lequel porte l'observation du suivi, est représentatif d'une population de consommateurs de substances. Le suivi a été réalisé sur une période de quatre ans, l'âge des sujets variant entre 15 et 20 ans au moment du premier entretien. Pour l'évaluation des représentations sociales, une population «tout-venant» a été recrutée, afin de pouvoir comparer les attitudes et opinions des adolescents en relation avec la consommation. Enfin, pour la validation de l'instrument de screening, les deux populations, suivi et «tout-venant», ont été réunies

    Extensive range persistence in peripheral and interior refugia characterizes Pleistocene range dynamics in a widespread Alpine plant species (Senecio carniolicus, Asteraceae)

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    Recent evidence suggests that survival of arctic-alpine organisms in peripheral or interior glacial refugia are not mutually exclusive and may both be involved in shaping an organism’s Pleistocene history, yet potentially at different time levels. Here, we test this hypothesis in a high-mountain plant (diploid lineage of Senecio carniolicus, Asteraceae) from the Eastern European Alps, in which patterns of morphological variation and current habitat requirements suggest survival in both types of refugia. To this end, we used AFLPs, nuclear and plastid DNA sequences and analysed them, among others, within a graph theoretic framework and using novel Bayesian methods of phylogeographic inference. On the basis of patterns of genetic diversity, occurrence of rare markers, distribution of distinct genetic lineages and patterns of range connectivity both interior refugia in the formerly strongly glaciated central Alps and peripheral refugia along the southern margin of the Alps were identified. The presence of refugia congruently inferred by markers resolving at different time levels suggests that these refugia acted as such throughout several glacial cycles. The high degree of range persistence together with gradual range expansion, which contrasts with the extent of range shifts implied for other Alpine species, is likely responsible for incipient lineage differentiation evident from the genetic data. Replacing a simplistic peripheral vs. interior refugia dualism by more complex models involving both types of refugia and considering different time levels will help identifying common phylogeographic patterns with respect to, for instance, location of refugia and colonization routes and elucidating their underlying genetic and/or ecological causes

    Celecoxib exerts protective effects in the vascular endothelium via COX-2-independent activation of AMPK-CREB-Nrf2 signalling

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    Although concern remains about the athero-thrombotic risk posed by cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2-selective inhibitors, recent data implicates rofecoxib, while celecoxib appears equivalent to NSAIDs naproxen and ibuprofen. We investigated the hypothesis that celecoxib activates AMP kinase (AMPK) signalling to enhance vascular endothelial protection. In human arterial and venous endothelial cells (EC), and in contrast to ibuprofen and naproxen, celecoxib induced the protective protein heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1). Celecoxib derivative 2,5-dimethyl-celecoxib (DMC) which lacks COX-2 inhibition also upregulated HO-1, implicating a COX-2-independent mechanism. Celecoxib activated AMPKα(Thr172) and CREB-1(Ser133) phosphorylation leading to Nrf2 nuclear translocation. Importantly, these responses were not reproduced by ibuprofen or naproxen, while AMPKα silencing abrogated celecoxib-mediated CREB and Nrf2 activation. Moreover, celecoxib induced H-ferritin via the same pathway, and increased HO-1 and H-ferritin in the aortic endothelium of mice fed celecoxib (1000 ppm) or control chow. Functionally, celecoxib inhibited TNF-α-induced NF-κB p65(Ser536) phosphorylation by activating AMPK. This attenuated VCAM-1 upregulation via induction of HO-1, a response reproduced by DMC but not ibuprofen or naproxen. Similarly, celecoxib prevented IL-1β-mediated induction of IL-6. Celecoxib enhances vascular protection via AMPK-CREB-Nrf2 signalling, a mechanism which may mitigate cardiovascular risk in patients prescribed celecoxib. Understanding NSAID heterogeneity and COX-2-independent signalling will ultimately lead to safer anti-inflammatory drugs