678 research outputs found

    Structural analysis of MDM2 RING separates degradation from regulation of p53 transcription activity

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    MDM2–MDMX complexes bind the p53 tumor-suppressor protein, inhibiting p53's transcriptional activity and targeting p53 for proteasomal degradation. Inhibitors that disrupt binding between p53 and MDM2 efficiently activate a p53 response, but their use in the treatment of cancers that retain wild-type p53 may be limited by on-target toxicities due to p53 activation in normal tissue. Guided by a novel crystal structure of the MDM2–MDMX–E2(UbcH5B)–ubiquitin complex, we designed MDM2 mutants that prevent E2–ubiquitin binding without altering the RING-domain structure. These mutants lack MDM2's E3 activity but retain the ability to limit p53′s transcriptional activity and allow cell proliferation. Cells expressing these mutants respond more quickly to cellular stress than cells expressing wild-type MDM2, but basal p53 control is maintained. Targeting the MDM2 E3-ligase activity could therefore widen the therapeutic window of p53 activation in tumors

    Identification and Profiling of MicroRNAs from Skeletal Muscle of the Common Carp

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    The common carp is one of the most important cultivated species in the world of freshwater aquaculture. The cultivation of this species is particularly productive due to its high skeletal muscle mass; however, the molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle development in the common carp remain unknown. It has been shown that a class of non-coding ∼22 nucleotide RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in vertebrate development. They regulate gene expression through sequence-specific interactions with the 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) of target mRNAs and thereby cause translational repression or mRNA destabilization. Intriguingly, the role of miRNAs in the skeletal muscle development of the common carp remains unknown. In this study, a small-RNA cDNA library was constructed from the skeletal muscle of the common carp, and Solexa sequencing technology was used to perform high throughput sequencing of the library. Subsequent bioinformatics analysis identified 188 conserved miRNAs and 7 novel miRNAs in the carp skeletal muscle. The miRNA expression profiling showed that, miR-1, miR-133a-3p, and miR-206 were specifically expressed in muscle-containing organs, and that miR-1, miR-21, miR-26a, miR-27a, miR-133a-3p, miR-206, miR-214 and miR-222 were differentially expressed in the process of skeletal muscle development of the common carp. This study provides a first identification and profiling of miRNAs related to the muscle biology of the common carp. Their identification could provide clues leading towards a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of carp skeletal muscle development

    Transcriptional Activation of OsDERF1 in OsERF3 and OsAP2-39 Negatively Modulates Ethylene Synthesis and Drought Tolerance in Rice

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    The phytohormone ethylene is a key signaling molecule that regulates a variety of developmental processes and stress responses in plants. Transcriptional modulation is a pivotal process controlling ethylene synthesis, which further triggers the expression of stress-related genes and plant adaptation to stresses; however, it is unclear how this process is transcriptionally modulated in rice. In the present research, we report the transcriptional regulation of a novel rice ethylene response factor (ERF) in ethylene synthesis and drought tolerance. Through analysis of transcriptional data, one of the drought-responsive ERF genes, OsDERF1, was identified for its activation in response to drought, ethylene and abscisic acid. Transgenic plants overexpressing OsDERF1 (OE) led to reduced tolerance to drought stress in rice at seedling stage, while knockdown of OsDERF1 (RI) expression conferred enhanced tolerance at seedling and tillering stages. This regulation was supported by negative modulation in osmotic adjustment response. To elucidate the molecular basis of drought tolerance, we identified the target genes of OsDERF1 using the Affymetrix GeneChip, including the activation of cluster stress-related negative regulators such as ERF repressors. Biochemical and molecular approaches showed that OsDERF1 at least directly interacted with the GCC box in the promoters of ERF repressors OsERF3 and OsAP2-39. Further investigations showed that OE seedlings had reduced expression (while RI lines showed enhanced expression) of ethylene synthesis genes, thereby resulting in changes in ethylene production. Moreover, overexpression of OsERF3/OsAP2-39 suppressed ethylene synthesis. In addition, application of ACC recovered the drought-sensitive phenotype in the lines overexpressing OsERF3, showing that ethylene production contributed to drought response in rice. Thus our data reveal that a novel ERF transcriptional cascade modulates drought response through controlling the ethylene synthesis, deepening our understanding of the regulation of ERF proteins in ethylene related drought response

    Expansion and Evolution of the X-Linked Testis Specific Multigene Families in the melanogaster Species Subgroup

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    The testis specific X-linked genes whose evolution is traced here in the melanogaster species subgroup are thought to undergo fast rate of diversification. The CK2ßtes and NACβtes gene families encode the diverged regulatory β-subunits of protein kinase CK2 and the homologs of β-subunit of nascent peptide associated complex, respectively. We annotated the CK2βtes-like genes related to CK2ßtes family in the D. simulans and D. sechellia genomes. The ancestor CK2βtes-like genes preserved in D. simulans and D. sechellia are considered to be intermediates in the emergence of the D. melanogaster specific Stellate genes related to the CK2ßtes family. The CK2ßtes-like genes are more similar to the unique autosomal CK2ßtes gene than to Stellates, taking into account their peculiarities of polymorphism. The formation of a variant the CK2ßtes gene Stellate in D. melanogaster as a result of illegitimate recombination between a NACßtes promoter and a distinct polymorphic variant of CK2ßtes-like ancestor copy was traced. We found a close nonrandom proximity between the dispersed defective copies of DINE-1 transposons, the members of Helitron family, and the CK2βtes and NACβtes genes, suggesting an involvement of DINE-1 elements in duplication and amplification of these genes

    Improved Measurement of Electron Antineutrino Disappearance at Daya Bay

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    Differential expression of microRNAs during fiber development between fuzzless- lintless mutant and its wild-type allotetraploid cotton

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    Cotton is one of the most important textile crops but little is known how microRNAs regulate cotton fiber development. Using a well-studied cotton fiberless mutant Xu-142-fl, we compared 54 miRNAs for their expression between fiberless mutant and its wildtype. In wildtype Xu-142, 26 miRNAs are involved in cotton fiber initiation and 48 miRNAs are related to primary wall synthesis and secondary wall thickening. Thirty three miRNAs showed different expression in fiber initiation between Xu-142 and Xu- 142-fl. These miRNAs potentially target 723 protein-coding genes, including transcription factors, such as MYB, ARF, and LRR. ARF18 was newly predicted targets of miR160a, and miR160a was expressed at higher level in −2DPA of Xu-142-fl compared with Xu-142. Furthermore, the result of Gene Ontology- based term classification (GO), EuKaryotic Orthologous Groups (KOG) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analysis shows that miRNA targets were classified to 222 biological processes, 64 cellular component and 42 molecular functions, enriched in 22 KOG groups, and classified into 28 pathways. Together, our study provides evidence for better understanding of miRNA regulatory roles in the process of fiber development, which is helpful to increase fiber yield and improve fiber quality

    The muon system of the Daya Bay Reactor antineutrino experiment

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    Wound dressings for a proteolytic-rich environment

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    Wound dressings have experienced continuous and significant changes over the years based on the knowledge of the biochemical events associated with chronic wounds. The development goes from natural materials used to just cover and conceal the wound to interactive materials that can facilitate the healing process, addressing specific issues in non-healing wounds. These new types of dressings often relate with the proteolytic wound environment and the bacteria load to enhance the healing. Recently, the wound dressing research is focusing on the replacement of synthetic polymers by natural protein materials to delivery bioactive agents to the wounds. This article provides an overview on the novel protein-based wound dressings such as silk fibroin keratin and elastin. The improved properties of these dressings, like the release of antibiotics and growth factors, are discussed. The different types of wounds and the effective parameters of healing process will be reviewed

    Independent measure of the neutrino mixing angle θ13 via neutron capture on hydrogen at Daya Bay

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