1,677 research outputs found

    Wave Propagation Theory Denies the Big Bang

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    Problems related to Big Bang because of the Doppler interpretation of cosmological redshift have not been resolved up to recent years. The “tired light” theory proposes an energy loss model that has its own limitations. Chen in 2020 and 2021 proposed to treat light propagation through the space just as a field problem involving electromagnetic waves and governed by the well-known nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation. The space is not a vacuum and is sparsely populated with matters. Electromagnetic waves traveling through the space will undergo changes as predicted by the NLS equation involving a linear dispersion and a nonlinear self-phase focusing terms. Using the cosmological principle, the coefficients associated with these terms could be constants but extremely small in value. Special numerical methods have been developed and could be used to find both bright and dark soliton-like solutions for the NLS equation that are stable and could travel through the extremely long distance involved. These solutions clearly show the redshift is linearly proportional to distance traveled for both bright and dark solitons. The conclusion is that redshift (and blue shift) is an innate nature of light traveling through the space


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the pressure distribution patterns of the stable kick and unstable kick from the kick movement of a Tai-Chi Chuan athlete. A national elite female Tai-Chi Chuan athlete was the subject for this study. The Tekscan HR Mat Pressure Measurement System was used to collect the vertical ground reaction force and the pressure history of the standing foot in right kicking movement and left kicking movement. All the data of the standing foot were divided into metatarsals, tarsals and phalanges to calculate the partial force and partial pressure. The pressure-time diagram of the phalanges, metatarsals and tarsals indicated that the pressure histories trended to be stable in each time as the lefl kick completed, and the phalanges produced 'snatchy' and larger pressures acting on the ground

    Influence of Nb2O5 substitution on the structural and electrical properties of Bi3TaO7 ceramics

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    Herein we report the doping mechanism and impedance study of the Nb-substituted Bi3Ta1-xNbxO7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) prepared via conventional solid-state method at 900 °C over 24 h. The substitutional solid solution crystallised in a cubic fluorite structure, space group Fm-3m and with lattice parameter, a = b = c, in the range 5.4477 (±0.0037)–5.4654 (±0.0011) Å. An insignificant unit cell expansion was observed with increasing Nb2O5 content and the linear correlation between lattice parameter and composition variable showed that the Vegard's Law was obeyed. Both TGA and DTA analyses confirmed that the Bi3Ta1-xNbxO7 solid solution was thermally stable as neither phase transition nor weight loss was observed within the studied temperature range, ∼28 °C–1000 °C. The electrical conductivities of these samples were found to increase with increasing Nb concentration; the Bi3Ta0.5Nb0.5O7 exhibited the highest conductivity, ∼1.2 × 10−2 S cm−1 at 700 °C with a low activation energy of 1.03 eV

    Preparation, characterization and anti-ageing activity of Gastrodia elata blume polysaccharide

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    Gastrodia elata Blume polysaccharide (GEP) was extracted and then chemically characterised. Its antioxidant activity was evaluated in vitro and in vivo. The results of the in vitro investigation show that GEP consists of glucose with molecular weight of 875 185 Da and exhibits high hydroxyl radical scavenging, as well as 2,2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl activity and reducing capacity. For antioxidant activity in vivo, D-galactose-induced-aged mice were orally administered with three different doses of GEP over a period of 6 weeks. The administration of GEP dosedependently increased the body weight gain rates, liver and brain indices, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities, and malondialdehyde levels in the sera and brains of ageing mice. These results suggest that GEP exhibits high antioxidant activity and can retard human ageing associated with free radicals

    Observation of Two New N* Peaks in J/psi -> ppinˉp pi^- \bar n and pˉπ+n\bar p\pi^+n Decays

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    The πN\pi N system in decays of J/ψNˉNπJ/\psi\to\bar NN\pi is limited to be isospin 1/2 by isospin conservation. This provides a big advantage in studying NπNN^*\to \pi N compared with πN\pi N and γN\gamma N experiments which mix isospin 1/2 and 3/2 for the πN\pi N system. Using 58 million J/ψJ/\psi decays collected with the Beijing Electron Positron Collider, more than 100 thousand J/ψpπnˉ+c.c.J/\psi \to p \pi^- \bar n + c.c. events are obtained. Besides two well known NN^* peaks at 1500 MeV and 1670 MeV, there are two new, clear NN^* peaks in the pπp\pi invariant mass spectrum around 1360 MeV and 2030 MeV. They are the first direct observation of the N(1440)N^*(1440) peak and a long-sought "missing" NN^* peak above 2 GeV in the πN\pi N invariant mass spectrum. A simple Breit-Wigner fit gives the mass and width for the N(1440)N^*(1440) peak as 1358±6±161358\pm 6 \pm 16 MeV and 179±26±50179\pm 26\pm 50 MeV, and for the new NN^* peak above 2 GeV as 2068±340+152068\pm 3^{+15}_{-40} MeV and 165±14±40165\pm 14\pm 40 MeV, respectively

    Molecular cytogenetic aberrations in patients with multiple myeloma studied by interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization

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    Background: Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable hematological disorder characterized by the accumulation of malignant plasma cells within the bone marrow (BM). The clinical heterogeneity of MM is dictated by the cytogenetic aberrations present in the clonal plasma cells (PCs). Cytogenetic studies in MM are hampered by the hypoproliferative nature of plasma cells in MM. Therefore, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis combined with magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) is an attractive alternative for evaluation of numerical and structural chromosomal changes in MM. Methods: Interphase FISH studies with three different specific probes for the regions containing 13q14.3 (D13S319), 14q32 (IGHC/IGHV) and 1q12(CEP1 ) were performed in 48 MM patients. Interphase FISH studies with LSI IGH/CCND1, LSI IGH/FGFR3, and LSI IGH/MAF probes were used to detect t(11;14)(q13;q32), t(4;14)(p16;q32), and t(14;16)(q32;q23) in patients with 14q32 rearrangement. Results: Molecular cytogenetic aberrations were found in 40 (83.3%) of the 48 MM patients. 13 patients (27.1%) simultaneously had 13q deletion/monosomy 13 [del(13q14)], illegitimate IGH rearrangement and chromosome 1 abnormality. Del(13q14) was detected in 21 cases (43.7%), and illegitimate IGH rearrangements in 29 (60.4%) including 6 with t(11;14) and 5 with t(4;14). None of 9 patients with illegitimate IGH rearrangements and without t(11;14) or t(4;14) we detected had t(14;16) (q32;q23). 24 of the 48 MM patients (50%) had chromosome 1 abnormalities. Among 21 patients with del(13q14), 15 patients had Amp1q12;16 had IgH rearrangements. Whereas, among 27 cases without del(13q14), 8 had Amp1q12; 13 had IgH rearrangements. There was a strong association between del(13q14) and Amp1q12(c2 = 8.26, р < 0.01), and between del(13q14) and IgH rearrangement(c2 = 3.88, p < 0.05). Conclusion: 13q deletion/monosomy 13, IGH rearrangement and chromosome 1 abnormality are frequent in MM. They are not randomly distributed, but strongly interconnected. Interphase FISH technique combined with MACS using CD138-specific antibody is a highly sensitive technique at detecting molecular cytogenetic aberrations in MM.Обоснование: множественная миелома (MM) — неизлечимое гематологическое заболевание, характеризирующееся накоплением злокачественных плазматических клеток в костном мозге (КM). Клиническая гетерогенность MM определяется цитогенетическими аберрациями, присутствующими в клоне плазматических клеток (ПК). Цитогенетические исследования MM осложнены гипопролиферативными особенностями ПК. В связи с этим флуоресцентная гибридизация in situ (FISH) в комбинации с сортировкой клеток, активированных магнитными полями (MACS) представляется достойной альтернативой методам оценки точечных и структурных изменений хромосом при MM. Методы: интерфазные исследования методом FISH с использованием трех различных специфических зондов для участков, содержащих 13q14.3 (D13S319), 14q32 (IGHC/IGHV) и 1q12(CEP1), проводили у 48 больных с MM. Интерфазные исследования методом FISH с использованием зондов LSI IGH/CCND1, LSI IGH/FGFR3 и LSI IGH/MAF применяли для детекции t(11;14)(q13;q32), t(4;14)(p16;q32), и t(14;16)(q32;q23) у пациентов с перестройкой 14q32. Результаты: молекулярные цитогенетические аберрации выявляли у 40 (83,3%) из 48 больных с MM. У 13 пациентов (27,1%) одновременно определены 13q делеция/моносомия 13 [del(13q14)], аномальная перестройка IGH и аномалия хромосомы 1. Del(13q14) детектировали в 21 случае (43,7%), а аномальные перестройки IGH — в 29 (60,4%), в том числе у 6 пациентов с t(11;14) и 5 с t(4;14). Ни у одного из 9 больных с аномальными перестройками IGH и без t(11;14) или t(4;14) не выявляли транслокацию t(14;16) (q32;q23). У 24 из 48 пациентов с MM (50%) определяли аномалии хромосомы 1. В группе из 21 больных с del(13q14) в 15 случаях имелись перестройки IgH Amp1q12;16. В то же время из 27 случаев без del(13q14) у 8 содержались Amp1q12; в 13 случаях отмечали перестройки IgH. Выявлена взаимосвязь между del(13q14) и Amp1q12(χ2 = 8,26, p < 0,01) и между del(13q14) и перестройками IgH (χ2 = 3,88, p < 0,05). Выводы: 13q делецию/моносомию 13, перестройку IGH и аномалию хромосомы 1 часто отмечают при MM, причем их распределение не случайно и тесно взаимосвязано. Интерфазный анализ FISH в комбинации с MACS с использованием CD138-специфичных антител является высокочувствительным методом детекции молекулярных цитогенетических аберраций при MM

    Effect of Pin Diameters on the Wear Characteristics of Friction Pairs

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    The tribological tests are carried out to assess the effect of pin diameters on wear characteristics via changing contact stresses and sliding speeds to provide support for choosing friction pair sizes. The friction couple is set as CuZn pins for medium carbon steel (No. 1045 steel) rings. The differential wear rate and its calculation formula are defined to express the line wear rate or the wear resistance of unit cross-section area. The effect of the pin end surface diameter on differential wear rate and its scale/increased multiplier are investigated. When the product (P×V=0.095) is kept constant, the abrasion loss for the specimens of a small diameter (d1=0.6 mm) is lesser than that of the specimens of a large diameter (d2=4.0 mm). As compared to the sliding speed, the change in contact stresses exerts a greater influence on the wear behavior, especially for small-diameter specimens. The differential wear rate of small-diameter specimens is always higher than that of the specimens of a large diameter. The scale multiplier of the differential wear rate is always larger than that of the contact pressure stress, especially for small-diameter specimens.С целью обоснования выбора размеров пар трения проводятся трибологические испытания по оценке влияния диаметров штифта на характеристики износа путем изменения нагрузок и скорости скольжения. Пара трения представляется в виде штифтов из CuZn к кольцам из среднеуглеродистой стали (сталь 1045). Дифференциальная скорость изнашивания и формула для ее расчета определяются для выражения линейной скорости изнашивания или сопротивления износу единицы площади поперечного сечения. Исследуются влияние различного диаметра торцевой поверхности штифтов, дифференциальная скорость изнашивания и ее увеличенный множитель. Результаты показывают, что при поддержании постоянства произведения P×V=0,095 потери при истирании образцов малого диаметра (d1=0,6 мм) меньше, чем образцов большого диаметра (d2 =4,0 мм). По сравнению со скоростью скольжения изменение нагрузки более существенно влияет на характеристики износа, особенно для образцов малого диаметра. Дифференциальная скорость изнашивания образцов малого диаметра всегда больше, чем образцов большого диаметра. Увеличенный множитель дифференциальной скорости изнашивания всегда превышает увеличенный множитель повышения напряжения контактного давления, особенно для образцов малого диаметра.З метою обґрунтування вибору розмірів пар тертя проводяться трибологичні випробування з оцінки впливу діаметрів штифта на характеристики зносу шляхом зміни навантажень і швидкості ковзання. Пара тертя представляється у вигляді штифтів з СuZn до кілець з середньовуглецевої сталі (сталь 1045). Диференціальна швидкість зношування і формула для її розрахунку визначаються для вираження лінійної швидкості зношування або опору зносу одиниці площі поперечного перерізу. Досліджуються вплив різного діаметру торцевої поверхні штифтів, диференціальна швидкість зношування і її збільшений множник. Результати показують, що при підтримці сталості Р x V = 0,095 втрати при стиранні зразків малого діаметра (d1 = 0,6 мм) менше, ніж зразків великого діаметра (d2 = 4,0 мм). У порівнянні зі швидкістю ковзання зміна навантаження більш істотно впливає на характеристики зносу, особливо для зразків малого діаметра. Диференціальна швидкість зношування зразків малого діаметра завжди більше, ніж зразків великого діаметру. Збільшений множник диференціальної швидкості зношування завжди перевищує збільшений множник підвищення напружень контактного тиску, особливо для зразків малого діаметра

    Search for Invisible Decays of η\eta and η\eta^\prime in J/ψϕηJ/\psi \to \phi\eta and ϕη\phi \eta^\prime

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    Using a data sample of 58×10658\times 10^6 J/ψJ/\psi decays collected with the BES II detector at the BEPC, searches for invisible decays of η\eta and η\eta^\prime in J/ψJ/\psi to ϕη\phi\eta and ϕη\phi\eta^\prime are performed. The ϕ\phi signals, which are reconstructed in K+KK^+K^- final states, are used to tag the η\eta and η\eta^\prime decays. No signals are found for the invisible decays of either η\eta or η\eta^\prime, and upper limits at the 90% confidence level are determined to be 1.65×1031.65 \times 10^{-3} for the ratio B(ηinvisible)B(ηγγ)\frac{B(\eta\to \text{invisible})}{B(\eta\to\gamma\gamma)} and 6.69×1026.69\times 10^{-2} for B(ηinvisible)B(ηγγ)\frac{B(\eta^\prime\to \text{invisible})}{B(\eta^\prime\to\gamma\gamma)}. These are the first searches for η\eta and η\eta^\prime decays into invisible final states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; Added references, Corrected typo

    Anomalous dipion invariant mass distribution of the Υ(4S)\Upsilon(4S) decays into Υ(1S)π+π\Upsilon(1S) \pi^{+} \pi^{-} and Υ(2S)π+π\Upsilon(2S) \pi^{+} \pi^{-}

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    To solve the discrepancy between the experimental data on the partial widths and lineshapes of the dipion emission of Υ(4S)\Upsilon(4S) and the theoretical predictions, we suggest that there is an additional contribution which was not taken into account in previous calculations. Noticing that the mass of Υ(4S)\Upsilon(4S) is above the production threshold of BBˉB\bar B, the contribution of the sequential process Υ(4S)BBˉΥ(nS)+SΥ(nS)+π+π\Upsilon(4S)\to B\bar B\to \Upsilon(nS)+S\to \Upsilon(nS)+\pi^+\pi^- (n=1,2n=1,2) may be sizable, and its interference with that from the direct production would be important. The goal of this work is to investigate if a sum of the two contributions with a relative phase indeed reproduces the data. Our numerical results on the partial widths and the lineshapes dΓ(Υ(4S)Υ(2S,1S)π+π)/d(mπ+π)d\Gamma(\Upsilon(4S)\to \Upsilon(2S,1S)\pi^+\pi^-)/d(m_{\pi^+\pi^-}) are satisfactorily consistent with the measurements, thus the role of this mechanism is confirmed. Moreover, with the parameters obtained by fitting the data of the Belle and Babar collaborations, we predict the distributions dΓ(Υ(4S)Υ(2S,1S)π+π)/dcosθd\Gamma(\Upsilon(4S)\to \Upsilon(2S,1S)\pi^+\pi^-)/d\cos\theta which have not been measured yet.Comment: 5 pages, 3 tables and 4 figures. Accepted by Eur. Phys. J.