2,006 research outputs found

    Intergenerational Differences in Income among Asian Americans

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    Using three generational cohorts, this paper compares the effects of generational status on earnings among seven Asian ethnic groups: Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, and multi-race. Data from the 2014, 2016, and 2018 Current Population Survey were used to investigate income differences between first, second, and third and higher generations of Asian Americans. Total personal incomes of a sample of 16,521 individuals were analyzed. The findings showed that only Chinese, Filipino, and Korean individuals demonstrate income differences between first and second generations, where those who are second generation have higher incomes on the average than those who are first generation. Education has the strongest effect on income for all ethnic groups. In addition, results indicate that Asian women have lower personal incomes than Asian men on average. Among older respondents, all but one of the six Asian ethnic groups have higher personal incomes than those of younger respondents. The straight-line assimilation theory is partially confirmed by the first and second generations of Chinese, Filipino, and Korean. The study also indicates that the paths towards economic assimilation vary for different Asian ethnic groups

    Disfrute de lenguas extranjeras y ansiedad en aula de idiomas para estudiantes chinos de alemán

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    This study was supported by the National Social Science Fund of China (Grant No. 19WZXB011) and the Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 22YJC740047).This study examines both the foreign language enjoyment (FLE) and the foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) of 201 Chinese university students of non-German majors who were learning the German language. A questionnaire based on the FLE scale and the FLCA scale was employed to examine the participants’ classroom emotions as well as other learner- and teacher-related variables. Participants reported a higher level of FLE than FLCA, with these two emotions being negatively correlated. Also, regression analysis showed that FLE can be strongly predicted by teacher-related variables, while FLCA is predicted by learner-related variables. Moreover, qualitative analysis of the open-ended questions in the questionnaire showed that learners’ FLE in the German classroom was boosted by their sense of achievement in learning a new language and frequent interaction between the participants and their teachers and classmates. At the same time, the relatively high demands of German language learning and frequent exams resulted in higher FLCA. The findings suggest that teachers could organize diverse classroom activities and integrate more culture-related content to enhance their students’ FLE. Meanwhile, they could also adopt more flexible methods of assessment and provide clearer instructions thereon to help students to be more prepared, thereby ameliorating their FLCA.El presente estudio profundiza en el disfrute de lenguas extranjera (FLE) y ansiedad en el aula de lenguas extranjeras (FLCA) de 201 universitarios chinos de carreras no alemanas. Se empleó un cuestionario basado en escalas FLE y FLCA para examinar emociones en el aula de los participantes, y otras variables relacionadas con el alumno y el profesor. Los participantes mostraron un mayor nivel de FLE que FLCA, y que estas dos emociones estaban negativamente correlacionadas. El análisis de regresión demostró que FLE puede ser fuertemente predicha por variables relacionadas con el profesor y FLCA, por las con el alumno. Además, el análisis cualitativo de las preguntas abiertas manifestó que el FLE se vio impulsado por la sensación de logro en el aprendizaje de una nueva lengua y la frecuente interacción entre los participantes y sus profesores y compañeros. Simultáneamente, causaron una mayor FLCA la exigencia relativamente alta del aprendizaje del alemán y exámenes frecuentes. Según los resultados, sugerimos que los profesores organicen diversas actividades en el aula e integren más contenidos vinculados con la cultura para mejorar el FLE estudiantil. Mientras tanto, pueden adoptar formas más flexibles de evaluación e instrucciones más claras para prepararles más, mejorando así su FLCA.National Social Science Fund of China (19WZXB011)Ministry of Education of China (22YJC740047

    Self-Distillation Network with Ensemble Prototypes: Learning Robust Speaker Representations without Supervision

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    Training speaker-discriminative and robust speaker verification systems without speaker labels is still challenging and worthwhile to explore. Previous studies have noted a substantial performance disparity between self-supervised and fully supervised approaches. In this paper, we propose an effective Self-Distillation network with Ensemble Prototypes (SDEP) to facilitate self-supervised speaker representation learning. A range of experiments conducted on the VoxCeleb datasets demonstrate the superiority of the SDEP framework in speaker verification. SDEP achieves a new SOTA on Voxceleb1 speaker verification evaluation benchmark ( i.e., equal error rate 1.94\%, 1.99\%, and 3.77\% for trial Vox1-O, Vox1-E and Vox1-H , respectively), discarding any speaker labels in the training phase. Code will be publicly available at https://github.com/alibaba-damo-academy/3D-Speaker.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.0416

    Can Consumers Detect Deceptive Product Online? An Analysis of Consumers’ Anti-deception Mechanisms For Product-related Deceptions

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    The rapid growth of electronic commerce (e-commerce) has lead to great loss of online customers every year. Among the different kinds of e-Commerce deceptions, product-related deception receives relatively most attention by practitioners but less attention by researchers. This paper aims to address two questions, 1) Can consumers detect product-related deceptions online? 2) How consumers distinguish the product-related deceptions from the good ones? To answer these two questions, an integrative model and a set of hypothesis, describing the relationship among product-related deception practices, consumers’ perceptions and purchase behavior will be developed. And then, test the proposed model using Partial Least Squares (PLS) method on the data collected via a scenario experiment and servery on real customers

    Establishment of China Information Technology Outsourcing Early Warning Index Based on SVR

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    AbstractInformation technology outsourcing in China has developed fast, it plays a more and more important role in economic development of China. Economic analysis and early warning system of information technology outsourcing, which reflect the status of ITO, can promote the healthy development of the industry. This paper constructed the indicator system by the method of time difference relevance and peak-valley. The weight vector of each indicator is attained by using support vector regression. It also calculated the comprehensive early warning index and established the early warning index system. At last, we used a group of signal lamps to reflect the status at every time. Based on the reality of ITO in China, this paper found that the development speed of ITO is slowing in recent months, the government should take out some positive measures
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