156 research outputs found

    MLF-DET: Multi-Level Fusion for Cross-Modal 3D Object Detection

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    In this paper, we propose a novel and effective Multi-Level Fusion network, named as MLF-DET, for high-performance cross-modal 3D object DETection, which integrates both the feature-level fusion and decision-level fusion to fully utilize the information in the image. For the feature-level fusion, we present the Multi-scale Voxel Image fusion (MVI) module, which densely aligns multi-scale voxel features with image features. For the decision-level fusion, we propose the lightweight Feature-cued Confidence Rectification (FCR) module which further exploits image semantics to rectify the confidence of detection candidates. Besides, we design an effective data augmentation strategy termed Occlusion-aware GT Sampling (OGS) to reserve more sampled objects in the training scenes, so as to reduce overfitting. Extensive experiments on the KITTI dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Notably, on the extremely competitive KITTI car 3D object detection benchmark, our method reaches 82.89% moderate AP and achieves state-of-the-art performance without bells and whistles

    Variations in the East Asian summer monsoon over the past 1 millennium and their links to the Tropic Pacific and North 2 Atlantic oceans

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    Variations of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during the last millennium could help enlighten the monsoonal response to future global warming. Here we present a precisely dated and highly resolved stalagmite δ18O record from the Yongxing Cave, central China. Our new record, combined with a previously published one from the same cave, indicates that the EASM has changed dramatically in association with the global temperature rising. In particular, our record shows that the EASM has intensified during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the Current Warm Period (CWP) but weakened during the Little Ice Age (LIA). We find that the EASM intensity is similar during the MCA and CWP periods in both northern and central China, but relatively stronger during the CWP in southern China. This discrepancy indicates a complicated regional response of the EASM to the anthropogenic forcing. The intensified and weakened EASM during the MCA and LIA matches well with the warm and cold phases of Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature, respectively. This EASM pattern also corresponds well with the rainfall over the tropical Indo-Pacific warm pool. Surprisingly, our record shows a strong association with the North Atlantic climate as well. The intensified (weakened) EASM correlates well with positive (negative) phases of North Atlantic Oscillation. In addition, our record links well with the strong (weak) Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the MCA (LIA) period. All above-mentioned correlations indicate that the EASM tightly couples with oceanic processes in the tropical Pacific and North Atlantic oceans during the MCA and LIA

    Investment decision making along the B&R using critic approach in probabilistic hesitant fuzzy environment

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    The Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative receives enthusiastic response, the aim of which is to develop cooperative partnerships with countries along the routes and build a community of common destiny. So far, Chinese companies have invested in many different countries along the B&R. Generally, the investment decision making problems are characterized by high risk and uncertainty. Then how to make an appropriate investment decision will be a thorny issue. In this paper, probabilistic hesitant fuzzy set (PHFS) is used for handling uncertainty in multiple attribute decision making (MADM), and the criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) approach is extended to obtain attribute weights, no matter whether the weight information is incompletely known or not. Considering that the existing probabilistic hesitant fuzzy distance measures fail to meet the condition of distance measure, a new distance between PHFSs is proposed and applied to investment decision making for countries along the B&R. In the last, comparative analyses are performed to illustrate the advantages of the presented approach
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