10,470 research outputs found

    What Drives IoT-Based Smart Pet Appliances Usage Intention? The Perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model

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    The advancement of IOT (Internet of Things) has facilitated the development of smart pet appliances, and the market for these products has growing rapidly, this study seeks to identify key factors for pet owner adoption of “smart” pet appliances. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) a wellestablished model in the field of IOT research is used as the main framework, integrating brand trust, perceived value and perceived enjoyment as the basis for hypothesis formulation and testing based on data collected through questionnaires distributed through online social platforms. Reliability analysis, validity analysis and structural equation model analysis were carried out through confirmatory factor analysis to test the variables and research hypotheses. Results for the UTAUT indicate that effort expectancy has a direct impact on performance expectancy, while performance expectancy, effort expectancy and facilitating condition all have a positive impact on intention. While social influence does not directly or significantly affect use intention, it can indirectly affect intention through perceived value and perceived enjoyment. Brand trust does not have a significant impact on use intention, but can indirectly affect use intention through perceived value. This study further compares user age and number of smart pet home appliances owned to better understand the impact of demographic factors. Findings indicate that, for users under the age of 30, effort expectancy has no significant impact on use intention, while brand trust has no significant impact on perceived value among users over 30. Among the research results based on age as a basis, the impact of hardships in the ethnic group in the age of 30 is not significant, nor do facilitating conditions or perceived value have significant impact on use intention. For users with one smart pet device at home, neither favorable conditions not perceived value have significant impact on use intention, while for users with two smart pet devices, perceived enjoyment does not significantly impact use intention. These finding have potential reference value for future related research in the IOT or smart pet home appliance research field

    Estimating the Impacts of Climate Change on Mortality in OECD Countries

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    The major contribution of this study is to combines both climatic and macroeconomic factors simultaneously in the estimation of mortality using the capital city of 22 OECD countries from the period 1990 to 2008. The empirical results provide strong evidences that higher income and a lower unemployment rate could reduce mortality rates, while the increases in precipitation and temperature variation have significantly positive impacts on the mortality rates. The effects of changing average temperature on mortality rates in summer and winter are asymmetrical and also depend on the location. Combining the future climate change scenarios with the estimation outcomes show that mortality rates in OECD countries in 2100 will be increased by 3.77% to 5.89%.Climate change; mortality; panel data model

    Modeling the Effect of Oil Price on Global Fertilizer Prices

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    The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of crude oil price on global fertilizer prices in both the mean and volatility. The endogenous structural breakpoint unit root test, the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model, and alternative volatility models, including the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model, Exponential GARCH (EGARCH) model, and GJR model, are used to investigate the relationship between crude oil price and six global fertilizer prices. Weekly data for 2003-2008 for the seven price series are analyzed. The empirical results from ARDL show that most fertilizer prices are significantly affected by the crude oil price, which explains why global fertilizer prices reached a peak in 2008. We also find that that the volatility of global fertilizer prices and crude oil price from March to December 2008 are higher than in other periods, and that the peak crude oil price caused greater volatility in the crude oil price and global fertilizer prices. As volatility invokes financial risk, the relationship between oil price and global fertilizer prices and their associated volatility is important for public policy relating to the development of optimal energy use, global agricultural production, and financial integration.Volatility; Global fertilizer price; Crude oil price; Non-renewable fertilizers; Structural breakpoint unit root test

    Globalization and Knowledge Spillover: International Direct Investment, Exports and Patents

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    This paper examines the impact of the three main channels of international trade on domestic innovation, namely outward direct investment, inward direct investment (IDI) and exports. The number of Triadic patents serves as a proxy for innovation. The data set contains 37 countries that are considered to be highly competitive in the world market, covering the period 1994 to 2005. The empirical results show that increased exports and outward direct investment are able to stimulate an increase in patent output. In contrast, IDI exhibits a negative relationship with domestic patents. The paper shows that the impact of IDI on domestic innovation is characterized by two forces, and the positive effect of cross-border mergers and acquisitions by foreigners is less than the negative effect of the remaining IDI.International direct investment; Export; Triadic Patent; Outward Direct Investment; Inward Direct Investment; R&D; negative binomial model

    Rapid identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by a new array format-based surface plasmon resonance method

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    Tubercle bacillus [TB] is one of the most important chronic infectious diseases that cause millions of deaths annually. While conventional smear microscopy and culture methods are widely used for diagnosis of TB, the former is insensitive, and the latter takes up to 6 to 8 weeks to provide a result, limiting the value of these methods in aiding diagnosis and intermediate decisions on treatment. Therefore, a rapid detection method is essential for the diagnosis, prognosis assessment, and recurrence monitoring. A new surface plasmon resonance [SPR] biosensor based on an array format, which allowed immobilizing nine TB antigens onto the sensor chip, was constructed. Simultaneous determination of multiple TB antibodies in serum had been accomplished with this array-based SPR system. The results were compared with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a conventional immunological method. Array-based SPR showed more advantages in providing label-free and real-time detection. Additionally, the high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of TB infection showed its potential for future development of biosensor arrays for TB diagnosis

    Price Stabilization in the Taiwan Hog and Broiler Industries: Evidence from a STAR Approach

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    The paper examines the effectiveness of the price stabilization mechanism for the broiler and poultry industry in Taiwan during the period 1999 to 2008. After presenting some background information on the domestic marketing system and price stabilization mechanisms for the broiler and pork industry in Taiwan, the paper discusses the smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) methodology. Monthly hog and broiler price data from 1999 to 2008 at farm, import and retail levels are analyzed using the nonlinear, non-asymmetric logistic STAR model in order to determine price transmission structure. A price threshold parameter is used so that price transmission levels can vary, thereby allowing an examination of the efficacy with which the hog and broiler price stabilization mechanisms take effect.Broiler industry, Pork industry, Price stabilization, Domestic marketing system, Smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) methodology
