23 research outputs found

    Plasma microRNAs as potential biomarkers for non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the leading cause of cancer-related death. Developing minimally invasive techniques that can diagnose NSCLC, particularly at an early stage, may improve its outcome. Using microarray platforms, we previously identified 12 microRNAs (miRNAs) the aberrant expressions of which in primary lung tumors are associated with early-stage NSCLC. Here, we extend our previous research by investigating whether the miRNAs could be used as potential plasma biomarkers for NSCLC. We initially validated expressions of the miRNAs in paired lung tumor tissues and plasma specimens from 28 stage I NSCLC patients by real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR, and then evaluated diagnostic value of the plasma miRNAs in a cohort of 58 NSCLC patients and 29 healthy individuals. The altered miRNA expressions were reproducibly confirmed in the tumor tissues. The miRNAs were stably present and reliably measurable in plasma. Of the 12 miRNAs, five displayed significant concordance of the expression levels in plasma and the corresponding tumor tissues (all r>0.850, all P<0.05). A logistic regression model with the best prediction was defined on the basis of the four genes (miRNA-21, -126, -210, and 486-5p), yielding 86.22% sensitivity and 96.55% specificity in distinguishing NSCLC patients from the healthy controls. Furthermore, the panel of miRNAs produced 73.33% sensitivity and 96.55% specificity in identifying stage I NSCLC patients. In addition, the genes have higher sensitivity (91.67%) in diagnosis of lung adenocarcinomas compared with squamous cell carcinomas (82.35%) (P<0.05). Altered expressions of the miRNAs in plasma would provide potential blood-based biomarkers for NSCLC

    Deploying effective service strategy in the operations stage of high-speed rail

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    This paper utilizes a confirmatory passenger continuance behavior model to appraise high-speed rail service quality and performance. Surveys are administered for Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) and Korea Train eXpress (KTX) corporations to gain an understanding of passengers’ perceptions of the operational performance using a proposed satisfaction index. A modified importance–performance analysis is employed to enable elaboration of strategic service management decisions. The empirical study concludes that level of access to THSR station and personal space on KTX train are the top-priority quality indicators that need to be addressed to improve customer satisfaction and corporate profits

    Prefrontal - subthalamic pathway supports action selection in a spatial working memory task

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    Subthalamic nucleus (STN) is the main source of feed-forward excitation in the basal ganglia and a main target of therapeutic deep brain stimulation in movement disorders. Alleviation of motor symptoms during STN stimulation can be accompanied by deterioration of abilities to quickly choose between conflicting alternatives. Cortical afferents to the subthalamic region (ST), comprising STN and zona incerta (ZI), include projections from the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), yet little is known about prefrontal-subthalamic coordination and its relevance for decision-making. Here we combined electrophysiological recordings with optogenetic manipulations of projections from mPFC to ST in mice as they performed a spatial working memory task (T-maze) or explored an elevated plus maze (anxiety test). We found that gamma oscillations (30-70Hz) are coordinated between mPFC and ST at theta (5-10Hz) and, less efficiently, at sub-theta (2-5Hz) frequencies. An optogenetic detuning of the theta/gamma cross-frequency coupling between the regions into sub-theta range impaired performance in the T-maze, yet did not affect anxiety-related behaviors in the elevated plus maze. Both detuning and inhibition of the mPFC-ST pathway led to repeated incorrect choices in the T-maze. These effects were not associated with changes of anxiety and motor activity measures. Our findings suggest that action selection in a cognitively demanding task crucially involves theta rhythmic coordination of gamma oscillatory signaling in the prefrontal-subthalamic pathway

    Deploying effective service strategy in the operations stage of high-speed rail

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    This paper utilizes a confirmatory passenger continuance behavior model to appraise high-speed rail service quality and performance. Surveys are administered for Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) and Korea Train eXpress (KTX) corporations to gain an understanding of passengers' perceptions of the operational performance using a proposed satisfaction index. A modified importance-performance analysis is employed to enable elaboration of strategic service management decisions. The empirical study concludes that level of access to THSR station and personal space on KTX train are the top-priority quality indicators that need to be addressed to improve customer satisfaction and corporate profits.Transportation service management Performance measurement Facilities management Service quality Passenger satisfaction index Structural equation analysis

    WDR77 inhibits prion-like aggregation of MAVS to limit antiviral innate immune response

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    Abstract RIG-I-MAVS signaling pathway plays a crucial role in defending against pathogen infection and maintaining immune balance. Upon detecting viral RNA, RIG-I triggers the formation of prion-like aggregates of the adaptor protein MAVS, which then activates the innate antiviral immune response. However, the mechanisms that regulate the aggregation of MAVS are not yet fully understood. Here, we identified WDR77 as a MAVS-associated protein, which negatively regulates MAVS aggregation. WDR77 binds to MAVS proline-rich region through its WD2-WD3-WD4 domain and inhibits the formation of prion-like filament of recombinant MAVS in vitro. In response to virus infection, WDR77 is recruited to MAVS to prevent the formation of its prion-like aggregates and thus downregulate RIG-I-MAVS signaling in cells. WDR77 deficiency significantly potentiates the induction of antiviral genes upon negative-strand RNA virus infections, and myeloid-specific Wdr77-deficient mice are more resistant to RNA virus infection. Our findings reveal that WDR77 acts as a negative regulator of the RIG-I-MAVS signaling pathway by inhibiting the prion-like aggregation of MAVS to prevent harmful inflammation

    Place fields of single spikes in hippocampus involve Kcnq3 channel-dependent entrainment of complex spike bursts

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    Hippocampal pyramidal cells encode an animal's location by single action potentials and complex spike bursts. The authors show that Kcnq3-containing M-channels synergistically with GABAergic inputs coordinate complex spike bursts during theta oscillations, which is a key mechanism for spatial coding by single spikes. Hippocampal pyramidal cells encode an animal's location by single action potentials and complex spike bursts. These elementary signals are believed to play distinct roles in memory consolidation. The timing of single spikes and bursts is determined by intrinsic excitability and theta oscillations (5-10 Hz). Yet contributions of these dynamics to place fields remain elusive due to the lack of methods for specific modification of burst discharge. In mice lacking Kcnq3-containing M-type K+ channels, we find that pyramidal cell bursts are less coordinated by the theta rhythm than in controls during spatial navigation, but not alert immobility. Less modulated bursts are followed by an intact post-burst pause of single spike firing, resulting in a temporal discoordination of network oscillatory and intrinsic excitability. Place fields of single spikes in one- and two-dimensional environments are smaller in the mutant. Optogenetic manipulations of upstream signals reveal that neither medial septal GABA-ergic nor cholinergic inputs alone, but rather their joint activity, is required for entrainment of bursts. Our results suggest that altered representations by bursts and single spikes may contribute to deficits underlying cognitive disabilities associated with KCNQ3-mutations in humans