62 research outputs found

    Digital Twin-Driven Multi-Factor Production Capacity Prediction for Discrete Manufacturing Workshop

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    Traditional capacity forecasting algorithms lack effective data interaction, leading to a disconnection between the actual plan and production. This paper discusses the multi-factor model based on a discrete manufacturing workshop and proposes a digital twin-driven discrete manufacturing workshop capacity prediction method. Firstly, this paper gives a system framework for production capacity prediction in discrete manufacturing workshops based on digital twins. Then, a mathematical model is described for discrete manufacturing workshop production capacity under multiple disturbance factors. Furthermore, an innovative production capacity prediction method, using the “digital twin + Long-Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM) algorithm”, is presented. Finally, a discrete manufacturing workshop twin platform is deployed using a commemorative disk custom production line as the prototype platform. The verification shows that the proposed method can achieve a prediction accuracy rate of 91.8% for production line capacity. By integrating the optimization feedback function of the digital twin system into the production process control, this paper enables an accurate perception of the current state and future changes in the production system, effectively evaluating the production capacity and delivery date of discrete manufacturing workshops

    A Product Evolution Rules Based Method for Retired Mechanical Product Demand Acquisition

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    Accurate acquisition of retired mechanical products demand (RMPD) is the basis for realizing effective utilization of remanufacturing service data and improving the feasibility of remanufacturing schemes. Some studies have explored product demands, making product demands an important support for product design and development. However, these studies are obtained through the transformation of customer and market demand information, and few studies are studied from a product perspective. However, remanufacturing services for retired mechanical products (RMP) must consider the impact of the failure characteristics. Consequently, based on the generalized growth of RMP driven by the failure characteristics, the concept of RMPD is proposed in this paper. Then, the improved ant colony algorithm is proposed to mine the generalized growth evolution law of RMP from the empirical data of remanufacturing services, and the RMPD is deduced based on the mapping relationship between the product and its attributes. Finally, the feasibility and applicability of the proposed method are verified by obtaining the demand for retired rolls. In detail, the results show that the proposed method can obtain the RMPD accurately and efficiently, and the performance of the method can be continuously optimized with the accumulation of empirical data

    Toward dynamic resources management for IoT-based manufacturing

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    The cyber-physical production system (CPPS), which combines information communication technology, cyberspace virtual technology, and intelligent equipment technology, is accelerating the path of Industry 4.0 to transform manufacturing from traditional to intelligent. The Industrial Internet of Things integrates the key technologies of industrial communication, computing, and control, and is providing a new way for a wide range of manufacturing resources to optimize management and dynamic scheduling. In this article, OLE for process control technology, software defined industrial network, and device-To-device communication technology are proposed to achieve efficient dynamic resource interaction. Additionally, the integration of ontology modeling with multiagent technology is introduced to achieve dynamic management of resources. We propose a load balancing mechanism based on Jena reasoning and Contract-Net Protocol technology that focuses on intelligent equipment in the smart factory. Dynamic resources management for IoT-based manufacturing provides a solution for complex resource allocation problems in current manufacturing scenarios, and provides a technical reference point for the implementation of intelligent manufacturing in Industry 4.0. © 1979-2012 IEEE. **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Muhammad Imran" is provided in this record*

    Exploring equipment electrocardiogram mechanism for performance degradation monitoring in smart manufacturing

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    Similar to the use of electrocardiogram (ECG) for monitoring heartbeat, this article proposes an equipment electrocardiogram (EECG) mechanism based on fine-grained collection of data during the entire operating duration of the manufacturing equipment, with the purpose of the EECG to reveal the equipment performance degradation in smart manufacturing. First, the system architecture of EECG in smart manufacturing is constructed, and the EECG mechanism is explored, including the granular division of the duration of the production process, the matching strategy for process sequences, and several important working characteristics (e.g., baseline, tolerance, and hotspot). Next, the automatic production line EECG (APL-EECG) is deployed, to optimize the cycle time of the production process and to monitor the performance decay of the equipment online. Finally, the performance of the APL-EECG was validated using a laboratory production line. The experimental results have shown that the APL-EECG can monitor the performance degradation of the equipment in real-time and can improve the production efficiency of the production line. Compared with a previous factory information system, the APL-EECG has shown more accurate and more comprehensive understanding in terms of data for the production process. The EECG mechanism contributes to both equipment fault tracking and optimization of production process. In the long run, APL-EECG can identify potential failures and provide assistance in for preventive maintenance of the equipment

    Fog Computing for Energy-Aware Load Balancing and Scheduling in Smart Factory

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    Due to the development of modern information technology, the emergence of the fog computing enhances equipment computational power and provides new solutions for traditional industrial applications. Generally, it is impossible to establish a quantitative energy-Aware model with a smart meter for load balancing and scheduling optimization in smart factory. With the focus on complex energy consumption problems of manufacturing clusters, this paper proposes an energy-Aware load balancing and scheduling (ELBS) method based on fog computing. First, an energy consumption model related to the workload is established on the fog node, and an optimization function aiming at the load balancing of manufacturing cluster is formulated. Then, the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to obtain an optimal solution, and the priority for achieving tasks is built toward the manufacturing cluster. Finally, a multiagent system is introduced to achieve the distributed scheduling of manufacturing cluster. The proposed ELBS method is verified by experiments with candy packing line, and experimental results showed that proposed method provides optimal scheduling and load balancing for the mixing work robots

    Improving cognitive ability of edge intelligent IIoT through machine learning

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    Computer-integrated manufacturing is a notable feature of Industry 4.0. Integrating machine learning (ML) into edge intelligent Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a key enabling technology to achieve intelligent IIoT. To realize novel intelligent applications of edge-enhanced IIoT, ML methods are proposed to improve the cognitive ability of edge intelligent IIoT in this article. First, an ML-enabled framework of the cognitive IIoT is proposed. Second, the ML methods are presented to enhance the cognitive ability of IIoT including the ML model of IIoT, data-driven learning and reasoning, and coordination with cognitive methods. Finally, with a focus on the reconfigurable production line, a scenario-aware dynamic adaptive planning (DAP) with deep reinforcement learning (DRL) was conducted. The experimental results show that the DRL-based dynamic adaptive planning (DRL-based DAP) had good performance in an observable IIoT environment. The main purpose of this work is to point out the effects of ML-based optimization methods on the analysis of industrial IoT from the macroscopic view. © 1986-2012 IEEE

    Edge Computing in IoT-Based Manufacturing

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