277 research outputs found

    Теоретические аспекты взаимодействия университета и региона в национальной экономике (Theoretical aspects of the interaction of the university and the region in the national economy)

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    Статья обращается к теоретико-методологическим вопросам взаимодействия университетов и регионов в национальной экономике. Рассматриваются основные элементы системы взаимодействия вузов и регионов, выделяются модели подобного взаимодействия, формулируются условия эффективного взаимодействия университетов и регионов. The article examines the theoretical and methodological issues of cooperation of universities and regions in the national economy. The article discusses the main elements of the system of interaction between universities and regions, models of interaction between universities and regions are allocated, conditions of effective interaction of universities and regions are formulated

    Technologies of tutor activity in the educational environment of higher school

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    The relevance of the issue of students' adaptation to the educational environment of the university is caused by the aggravated contradiction between the need of society and the state for high quality higher education and the insufficient willingness of applicants to enter higher education to receive professional education in the new conditions of interaction with the educational environment of higher education. The authors set a goal to consider the factors of successful adaptation of students to the educational environment of higher education, one of which is the technology of tutoring. Turning to scientific sources allowed the authors to identify the provisions adopted as a regularity of the adaptation process, and to define adaptation as an intensive and dynamic, multilateral and complex life process associated with the development of an individual's sustainable skills to meet the requirements for him during training and education in higher education based on appropriate adaptive responses

    Modulation of the nanoscale motion rate of Candida albicans by X-rays.

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    Patients undergoing cancer treatment by radiation therapy commonly develop Candida albicans infections (candidiasis). Such infections are generally treated by antifungals that unfortunately also induce numerous secondary effects in the patient. Additional to the effect on the immune system, ionizing radiation influences the vital activity of C. albicans cells themselves; however, the reaction of C. albicans to ionizing radiation acting simultaneously with antifungals is much less well documented. In this study, we explored the effects of ionizing radiation and an antifungal drug and their combined effect on C. albicans. The study essentially relied on a novel technique, referred to as optical nanomotion detection (ONMD) that monitors the viability and metabolic activity of the yeast cells in a label and attachment-free manner. Our findings demonstrate that after exposure to X-ray radiation alone or in combination with fluconazole, low-frequency nanoscale oscillations of whole cells are suppressed and the nanomotion rate depends on the phase of the cell cycle, absorbed dose, fluconazole concentration, and post-irradiation period. In a further development, the ONMD method can help in rapidly determining the sensitivity of C. albicans to antifungals and the individual concentration of antifungals in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy

    Features of human spinal inhibition during voluntary motor activity in persons doing increasing intensity graded physical exercises sports

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    Objective: the purpose of the research was to study of different types of spinal inhibition when performing voluntary movements in persons doing increasing intensity graded physical exercises sports. Materials and methods: 45 male took part in the research. Presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents of soleus was evaluated using the technique of Y. Mizuno et al., nonreciprocal inhibition of α-motoneurons - by E. Pierrot-Deseilligny et al, and reciprocal inhibition of α-motoneurons - by C. Crone et al., in the state of relative muscular rest and during a 30-second isometric contraction with a force of 25% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) using the multijoint medical-diagnostic complex «Biodex». Results: it was established that weakening of inhibitory processes occurred in comparison with the state of relative muscular rest in the course of a 30-second isometric contraction; this pattern is related to the specificity of supraspinal excitatory and inhibitory effects on Ia and Ib interneurons in the spinal cord when performing a voluntary movement. The voluntary movement performed for 30 seconds was accompanied by an increased activity of the presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents of foot flexor, unlike reciprocal and nonreciprocal inhibition. Conclusions: the voluntary movement presynaptic inhibition must be actively regulating the excess afferent input to α-motoneurons of agonist and antagonist lower leg muscles, accelerating nonreciprocal and reciprocal inhibitory effects rendered on them, providing normal motor activity in man. New data derived from such research can be a theoretical basis for the study of physiological patterns of involvement of cortical and spinal neuronal inhibition networks underlying motor tasks of different complexity in athletes

    Mechanical Properties and Nanomotion of BT-20 and ZR-75 Breast Cancer Cells Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy and Optical Nanomotion Detection Method.

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    Cells of two molecular genetic types of breast cancer-hormone-dependent breast cancer (ZR-75 cell line) and triple-negative breast cancer (BT-20 cell line)-were studied using atomic force microscopy and an optical nanomotion detection method. Using the Peak Force QNM and Force Volume AFM modes, we revealed the unique patterns of the dependence of Young's modulus on the indentation depth for two cancer cell lines that correlate with the features of the spatial organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Within a 200-300 nm layer just under the cell membrane, BT-20 cells are stiffer than ZR-75 cells, whereas in deeper cell regions, Young's modulus of ZR-75 cells exceeds that of BT-20 cells. Two cancer cell lines also displayed a difference in cell nanomotion dynamics upon exposure to cytochalasin D, a potent actin polymerization inhibitor. The drug strongly modified the nanomotion pattern of BT-20 cells, whereas it had almost no effect on the ZR-75 cells. We are confident that nanomotion monitoring and measurement of the stiffness of cancer cells at various indentation depths deserve further studies to obtain effective predictive parameters for use in clinical practice

    The willingness of teachers to use modern educational technologies in educational process

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    Among the most significant trends in the development of vocational education, introduction and use of educational technologies can be distinguished. Since the main goal of higher schools is to prepare a competent competitive specialist, they search for the most suitable methods that contribute to rapid achievement of results. The use of technologies by educational institutions is explained by their advantage over other methods of developing professional competence. Due to implementation of a certain algorithm of actions, they allow you to achieve guaranteed results in a timely manner. The purpose of the article is to form future teachers ' the level of competency development, reflecting students’ willingness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional teaching activities. To do this, we checked the level of motivation of future teachers, the level of knowledge of the theoretical foundations of educational technologies, their design and implementation in professional and pedagogical activities, and the level of formation of the ability to reflect. The development of competencies reflecting the student’s readiness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional pedagogical activity was carried out in a certain logical sequence, so that the student possessed versatile knowledge about educational technologies, was capable of their systematic creative application and his reflective activity was associated with self-actualization and striving for the implementation of constructive professional activities. The development process was carried out in the course of students solving research and design problems. Research activity was carried out by students in the study of the course “Pedagogical technologies”, fundamental for future teachers of vocational training. The implementation of the projects was carried out during the development of the course "Project Activities of a Professional Education Teacher"

    Technology for compiling supporting abstracts in the organization of students' independent work

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    In the conditions of modern Russian reality, higher educational institutions are faced with the need to train a highly qualified specialist capable of active independent activity. Speaking about independence, we note that this is one of the main features of a modern student and a future specialist, since the labor market needs employees who are fully prepared to solve professional problems, able to join professional activities immediately after graduation from higher school. Based on this need, higher education institutions try to build a learning process that can form a competent graduate who creatively applies his knowledge in practice. To do this, various innovative methods and tools are introduced into educational process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of implementing the technology of making reference notes in the organization of independent work of students. The article presents an overview of the concept of "reference abstract" and "independent work", reveals the importance of independent work and features of its organization using reference notes. The study shows the possibilities of reference notes in the process of training students of pedagogical universities. The study revealed the performance of control and experimental groups in a professional course, one of the fundamental in the training of students of pedagogical universities. Using the questionnaire, the students ' assessment of the reference abstract technology influence on the independence was revealed. The implementation of the technology of reference notes in the organization of independent work of students allows you to expand the possibilities of training a modern highly qualified specialist

    Technology "Debate" as a tool for communicative competence development

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    The task of a modern university is to produce a highly qualified and competent specialist, ready for independent implementation of professional activities. Communicative competence is one of the fundamental in such preparation. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of implementing the Debate technology as an effective means of developing communicative competence of future vocational training teachers. The article focuses on the specifics of their future activities, its features and conditions, as well as their role in the field of professional education. The teacher of vocational training carries out pedagogical, educational-production and organizational-methodological activities in students training in secondary vocational schools. The basis for the implementation of his professional activity is the construction of effective interaction in the classroom between the teacher and students. For this, future teachers of vocational training must master communicative competence which is one of the main components of their future activities success. The article reveals features of the "Debate" and their capabilities in students’ training. The study allowed us to check the level of communicative competence development in dynamics, as well as to identify the level of students' motivation before using the Debate technology and after. Based on the data obtained, we can talk about the effectiveness of technology implementation. "Debate" provides ample opportunities for students to develop interaction skills, conduct constructive dialogue, select arguments, effective interaction strategies, the ability to balance emotional stress during the discussion, the ability to speak in public and other skills that contribute to the development of communicative competence and provide highly qualified specialist training

    Electrocatalytic oxidation and amperometric detection of ethanol on graphite electrodes modified with a coating composed of hexacyanometallates

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    The electrochemical behavior of methanol on graphite electrodes modified with a coating composed of (III) hexacyanoferrate and ruthenium(III) hexacyanoferrate(II) and hexacyanoruthenate(II) was studied. A method for electrochemical determination of ethanol on a carbon-paste electrode modified with a coating composed of ruthenium(III) hexacyanoruthenate(II) under stationary and flow-injection conditions was suggested. © 2004 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    Students activities organization technology in environmental communities

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    Environmental education in modern world is becoming an essential element in the harmonious development of society, and each individual in particular. Ecological problems lead to irreversible processes that negatively affect the whole world, therefore, environmental awareness and conscious consumption must be developed already at the college age. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of organizing students' activities in environmental communities to develop an environmental culture and responsibility towards the environment. University is stated to be actively developing in the Ecological Movement field and supports the principles of the “Green” Universities Association in Russia. The article shows a part of students’ survey conducted to identify the level of environmental culture development, the level of consumption awareness; and environmental awareness. The survey was organized in 2016 (before the active students’ involvement in environmental activities) and in 2017 and 2018 (after the students’ environmental movements development). The article considers the results of students’ environmental projects. Discussions, interactive and information technologies that were actively used contributed to the students’ activities improvement. Large-scale discussions were held among all participants to solve common issues. Partially, the discussions were organized with the help of electronic means. As part of the university environmental activities, students made projects that were subsequently presented at the university competition. The analysis of the environmental projects presentations conducted over several years has shown that the number of projects has increased significantly and has reached the regional and national level. The research found the environmental indicators growth from 2016 to 2018