386 research outputs found

    The Schmidt modes of biphoton qutrits: Poincare-sphere representation

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    For a general-form polarization biphoton qutrit, physically corresponding to a pair of arbitrarily polarized photons in a single frequency and wavevector mode, we explicitly find polarization Schmidt modes. A simple method is suggested for factorizing the state vector and the explicit expressions for the factorizing photon creation operators are found. The degrees of entanglement and polarization of a qutrit are shown to depend directly on the commutation features of the factorizing operators. Clear graphic representations for the Stokes vectors of the qutrit state as a whole, its Schmidt modes, and factorizing single-photon creation operators are given, based on the Poincar\'e sphere. An experimental scheme is proposed for measuring the parameters of the Schmidt decomposition as well as for demonstrating the operational meaning of qutrit entanglement.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Seeded and unseeded high order parametric down conversion

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    Spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) has been one of the foremost tools in quantum optics for over five decades. Over that time it has been used to demonstrate some of the curious features that arise from quantum mechanics. Despite the success of SPDC, its higher-order analogues have never been observed, even though it has been suggested that they generate far more unique and exotic states than SPDC. An example of this is the emergence of non-Gaussian states without the need for post-selection. Here we calculate the expected rate of emission for nth-order SPDC with and without external stimulation (seeding). Focusing primarily on third-order parametric down-conversion (TOPDC), we estimate the photon detection rates in a rutile crystal, for both the unseeded and seeded regimes.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Accessing higher order correlations by time-multiplexing

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    We experimentally measured higher order normalized correlation functions (nCF) of pulsed light with a time-multiplexing-detector. We demonstrate excellent performance of our device by verifying unity valued nCF up to the eighth order for coherent light, and factorial dependence of the nCF for pseudothermal light. We applied our measurement technique to a type-II parametric downconversion source to investigate mutual two-mode correlation properties and ascertain nonclassicality.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Two-Color Bright Squeezed Vacuum

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    In a strongly pumped non-degenerate traveling-wave OPA, we produce two-color squeezed vacuum with up to millions of photons per pulse. Our approach to registering this macroscopic quantum state is direct detection of a large number of transverse and longitudinal modes, which is achieved by making the detection time and area much larger than the coherence time and area, respectively. Using this approach, we obtain a record value of twin-beam squeezing for direct detection of bright squeezed vacuum. This makes direct detection of macroscopic squeezed vacuum a practical tool for quantum information applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Autonomous absolute calibration of an ICCD camera in single-photon detection regime

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    Intensified charge coupled device (ICCD) cameras are widely used in various applications such as microscopy, astronomy, spectroscopy. Often they are used as single-photon detectors, with thresholding being an essential part of the readout. In this paper, we measure the quantum efficiency of an ICCD camera in the single-photon detection mode using the Klyshko absolute calibration technique. The quantum efficiency is obtained as a function of the threshold value and of the wavelength of the detected light. In addition, we study the homogeneity of the photon sensitivity over the camera chip area. The experiment is performed in the autonomous regime, without using any additional detectors. We therefore demonstrate the self-calibration of an ICCD camera.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
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