9 research outputs found

    Clinical and pathomorphological changes in mycotoxicosis of cows

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    The defeat of feed by microscopic fungi is a fairly common phenomenon at this stage of the management of the agricultural sector. This is due to weather conditions (high rainfall) and errors in harvesting and storage of grain. Feeding affected feed leads to irreversible processes in the body of cows, reducing their productivity. The aim of the study was to establish marker indicators for the rapid diagnosis of mycotoxicoses in cows. So, when exposed simultaneously to T-2 toxin and toxins of the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, destructive changes in the skin and mucous membranes were diagnosed, and pathology of the limbs was diagnosed, which was characterized by lameness. The laboratory revealed an increase in the level of leukocytes up to 37.1 g/l and a decrease in the content of hemoglobin in the blood of sick animals. Also, a characteristic feature was the latch of the contents of the rumen at pH 8.0, which in turn leads to a decrease in the number of ciliates. Also a sign of poisoning are changes in the fecal matter: liquid, musty odors and with an increased pH of up to 7.5. At the autopsy of the dead animals, a characteristic sign was: necrosis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, gastrointestinal tract, protein degeneration in the liver and kidneys, and serous pulmonary edema. Infertility is 67.35 %, which leads to multiple unsuccessful insemination, which is due to destructive changes in the organs of the reproductive system. So, in sick animals, ovarian hypotrophy was diagnosed at the level of 54.09 %, ovarian cysts v in 8.18 %, yellow persistent bodies in the postpartum period – 7.54 %. The prospect of further research will be the development of preventive methods for treating cows and increasing their reproductive function of mycotoxicoses

    Revealing changes in the technical parameters of the teat cup liners of milking machines during testing and production conditions

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    To implement effective cow milking, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the milk flow process, the milking machine's adaptability to perform the given technological functions. The aim of research is to establish changes in the design and technological parameters and physical and mechanical properties of teat cup liner of milking machines during its testing and in production conditions. The results obtained will make it possible to make a rational choice of rubber, ensure an efficient milking process during its service life. It is found that the tensile strength of silicone teat cup liner at the beginning of operation was 1.6 times higher than that of a rubber compound, and after 6 months. operation – 1.7 times. With respect to the relative elongation, this difference was 1.4 times, and after operating time – 1.3 times. Studies have proven that rubber during operation changes its physical and mechanical properties: the length of the active part increased by 3.1 mm; wall thickness – 0.2 mm. It is found that the most intensively elastic properties of teat cup liner changed during the first 10–20 days. After 10 days, the closing vacuum increased by 16.6 % compared to the initial one, and after 20 days by 23.3 %, which amounted to 8.57 and 9.06 kPa, respectively. Up to 420 hours of operation, the clamping vacuum reached 11.3 kPa, which is 5.8 % lower than the requirements for toughening teat cup liner for rejection. In general, over the period of experiments, the average value of the vacuum of closing the opposite walls of teat cup liner increased from 7.35 to 12.43 kPa, which is 3.6 % higher than the norm (12 kPa). As a result of experimental studies, the regularity of the rubber tension force depending on the operating time in the form of a fourth degree polynomial is obtained. It is found that after 150 hours of operation, the tensile force of teat cup liner decreased by 21 

    Розробка пристрою для очищення дійок вимені корів з апробацією у виробничих умовах

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    Preparing cows for milking is one of the most important operations. Not only the speed of milk production but also the quality of milk depends on the level of the work performed. One of the most effective ways to mechanize the preparation of cows for milking implies the development of a special mechanical brush that cleans and stimulates the teat skin. As a result, there is no need to use additional foam detergents and napkins to cleanse and disinfect teats. A device has been designed for cleansing teats with two rotating brushes. Theoretical studies of the interaction of cleansing elements of the device for mechanical removal of pollutants from the udder teats in the course of milking operation were carried out. Assuming constancy of the modulus of elasticity, shape and roughness of teats, linear and angular velocities of brushes, nap stiffness, and homogeneity of physical and mechanical properties of contaminants on the teat, dependence of force Fe of the mechanical device on length l of the cleansing element and its speed ω was established. Under the condition that force Fe of the mechanical device is smaller than force Fp which causes pain but greater than the force retaining pollutants (adhesion), values of the main design and technological parameters of the developed device were determined: l=8 mm, ω=106 rpm. As a result of production tests, it was found that when using the developed device, the daily milk yield of the experimental group of cows exceeded that of the control group by an average of 1.1 times which has made it possible to obtain a supplement of 132.5 kg of milk. Along with this, there was a 0.19 % increase in milk fat content in the experimental group compared to the control group. The number of microorganisms decreased 2.2 times and the number of contaminant particles decreased 4.6 timesПодготовка коров к доению – одна из самых ответственных операций. От уровня выполненной работы зависит не только скорость молокоотдачи, но и качество молока. Один из наиболее эффективных способов механизации подготовки коров к доению – разработка специальной механической щетки, которая чистит и стимулирует кожу сосков. В результате отпадает необходимость применения дополнительного пенного средства для очистки и дезинфекции сосков, а также салфеток. Разработано устройство, при работе которого соски очищаются за счет вращения двух щеток. Проведены теоретические исследования взаимодействия очищающих элементов устройства для механической очистки с загрязнением сосков вымени в процессе работы. При допущении постоянства модуля упругости, формы и шероховатости дойки, линейной и угловой скоростей щеток и жесткости ворса, однородности физико-механических свойств загрязнения на дойке установлена зависимость силы воздействия механического устройства Fe от длины очищающего элемента l и частоты его вращения ω. При выполнении условия, при котором силовое воздействие механического устройства Fe будет меньше усилия, при котором возникнут болевые ощущения Fp, но больше усилия удержания (адгезии) загрязнения Fa, определены значения основных конструктивно-технологических параметров разработанного устройства l=8 мм, ω=106 об/мин. В результате производственных испытаний установлено, что при использовании разработанного устройства суточный удой экспериментальной группы коров превысил аналогичный показатель контрольной группы в среднем в 1,1 раза, что позволило получить прибавку в 132,5 кг молока. Наряду с этим произошло увеличение жирности молока экспериментальной группы – на 0,19 % по сравнению с контрольной. Количество микроорганизмов уменьшилось в 2,2 раза, а содержание количества частиц загрязнения – в 4,6 разаПідготовка корів до доїння – одна з найвідповідальніших операцій. Від рівня виконаної роботи залежить не тільки швидкість молоковіддачі, але і якість молока. Один з найбільш ефективних способів механізації підготовки корів до доїння – розробка спеціальної механічної щітки, яка чистить та стимулює шкіру дійок. В результаті відпадає необхідність застосування додаткового пінного засобу для очищення і дезінфекції дійок, а також серветок. Розроблено пристрій, при роботі якого дійки очищаються за рахунок обертання двох щіток. Проведені теоретичні дослідження взаємодії очищувальних елементів пристрою для механічного очищення з забрудненням дійок вимені в процесі роботи. При допущенні постійності модуля пружності, форми та шорсткості дійки, лінійної та кутової швидкостей щіток та жорсткості ворсу, однорідності фізико-механічних властивостей забруднення на дійці встановлена залежність сили впливу механічного пристрою Fe від довжини очищувального елемента l і частоти його обертання ω. При виконанні умови, при якому силовий вплив механічного пристрою Fe буде менше зусилля, при якому виникнуть больові відчуття Fp, але більше зусилля утримання (адгезії) забруднення Fa, визначені значення основних конструктивно-технологічних параметрів розробленого пристрою l=8 мм, ω=106 об/хв. В результаті виробничих випробувань встановлено, що за використання розробленого пристрою добовий удій дослідної групи корів перевищив аналогічний показник контрольної групи в середньому в 1,1 рази, що дозволило отримати надбавку у 132,5 кг молока. Поряд з цим відбулося збільшення жирності молока дослідної групи – на 0,19 % в порівнянні з контрольною. Кількість мікроорганізмів зменшилася у 2,2 рази, а вміст кількості часток забруднення – у 4,6 раз

    Use of contraceptives in cats with ovarian and uterine pathology

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    Regulation of the reproductive capacity of cats using megestrol acetate (a gestagenic preparation) contributes to the development of pathological processes in the uterus, ovaries, and imbalance of gonadal hormones. Therefore, it is essential to investigate and scientifically substantiate the pathogenetic processes in the body of cats under medical contraception. The purpose of this study was to substantiate the pathomorphological changes and dynamics of certain blood parameters in the body of cats under the use of megestrol acetate. The study employed clinical (examination, palpation), laboratory (haematological, biochemical, hormonal), morphological (examination of the genital organs of cats amputated during ovariohysterectomy) methods. A decrease in ovarian size in hypotrophic cats by 11.3×9.05% was found compared to the ovaries of healthy cats. The dependence of megestrol acetate administration on the occurrence of cystic formations in the ovaries was found, with an increase in ovaries in the experimental group by 1.7×2.47 times in follicular cysts and by 1.9×3.1 and 2.5×3.9 times in luteal cysts and polycystic cysts, respectively. It was found that the uterus in cats with megestrol acetate was increased by 3.16×1.93 times in the right horn and 2.84×2.1 times in the left horn compared to the uterus of healthy cats. The dynamics of progesterone (increase by 37.85%), follicle-stimulating hormone (decrease by 43.75%) and oestradiol (increase by 72.15%) were determined in comparison with intact animals. The increase in serum glucose levels in cats after megestrol administration by 34.31%, total protein by 25.0% and creatinine by 11.10%, aspartate aminotransferase by 43.84% (1.78 times) and alanine aminotransferase by 49.84% (1.99 times), and serum urea by 58.71% was substantiated. At the same time, haemoglobin levels decreased by 16.5%. The findings of this study can be used in the development of new methods and regimens of medical contraception with minimisation of risks of complications of the reproductive system, regulation of reproductive capacity, and prevention of infertility in cat

    Визначення ефективного режиму роботи системи промивання молочної лінії доїльної установки

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    The application of techniques for effective cleaning of milking routes in milking machines is an important way to improve the quality of milk and increase labor productivity in dairy farming. The object of research was the system of washing the milk line of the milking machine with the upper milk line. The problem of rational use of energy resources was solved in the implementation of a routine operation – washing the milking machine. Experimental studies were carried out according to the Box-Benkin plan of the second order for 3 factors (the speed of movement of the washing solution, V; the temperature of the washing solution, T; the duration of the rinsing phase, t). In this case, a mathematical apparatus for planning a multivariate experiment according to the D-optimal plan was used. It was found that with an increase in the speed of movement of the washing solution and temperature, as well as the duration of the rinsing phase, the number of microorganisms on the surfaces of the nodes and elements of the milky line decreases. Milk lines of the milking machine made of any material are better cleaned with a hotter washing solution (40 °C) than with a cold one (20 °C). Thus, when cleaning with a solution of 40 °C of stainless steel and food aluminum, the reduction of microorganisms is 4.3 times, glass – 4 times, and rubber – 4.7. The essence of the experiment was to establish patterns when cleaning the milk line from various materials. The influence of the regime parameters (the speed of movement of the washing solution, V; its temperature, T; and the duration of the rinsing phase, t) on the energy consumption of the milking machine, E, was determined. The compromise problem of rationalizing the washing modes of the milk lines of the milking machine has been solved. Thus, rational mode parameters for the washing system were established: V=2.4 m/s, T=38.2 °C, t=3.2 minutes. With these parameters, the optimization criteria are: N=79 thousand CFU/cm3, Q=23.3 l, E=8.08 kWhЗастосування способів ефективного очищення молокопровідних шляхів доїльних установок – це важливий шлях покращення якості молока та підвищення продуктивності праці у молочному тваринництві. Об’єктом досліджень слугувала система промивання молочної лінії доїльної установки з верхнім молокопроводом. Так вирішувалася проблема раціонального використання енергоресурсів при здійсненні регламентної операції – промивання доїльної установки. Експериментальні дослідження були проведені за планом Бокса-Бєнкіна другого порядку для 3 факторів (швидкість руху миючого розчину V, температура миючого розчину T, тривалість фази прополіскування t). При цьому використовувався математичний апарат планування багатофакторного експерименту за D-оптимальним планом. Встановлено, що зі збільшенням швидкості руху миючого розчину та температури, а також тривалості фази прополіскування, кількість мікроорганізмів на поверхнях вузлів і елементів молокопровідної лінії зменшується. Молочні лінії доїльної установки з будь-якого матеріалу краще очищаються більш гарячим мийним розчином (40 °С), ніж холодним (20 °С). Так, при очищенні розчином 40 °С сталі нержавіючої та алюмінію харчового зменшення мікроорганізмів становить 4,3 рази, скла – 4 рази, гуми – 4,7. Суть досліду полягала у встановленні закономірностей при очищенні молочної лінії з різних матеріалів. Визначено вплив режимних параметрів (швидкості руху миючого розчину V, його температури T та тривалості фази прополіскування t) на енерговитрати доїльної установки E. Вирішено компромісну задачу раціоналізації режимів промивання молочних ліній доїльної установки. Так, отримано раціональні режимні параметри системи промивання: V=2,4 м/с, T=38,2 °С, t=3,2 хв. При цих параметрах критерії оптимізації дорівнюють: N=79 тис. КУО/см3, Q=23,3 л, Е=8,08 кВт·го

    Revealing Changes in the Technical Parameters of the Teat Cup Liners of Milking Machines During Testing and Production Conditions

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    To implement effective cow milking, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the milk flow process, the milking machine's adaptability to perform the given technological functions. The aim of research is to establish changes in the design and technological parameters and physical and mechanical properties of teat cup liner of milking machines during its testing and in production conditions. The results obtained will make it possible to make a rational choice of rubber, ensure an efficient milking process during its service life. It is found that the tensile strength of silicone teat cup liner at the beginning of operation was 1.6 times higher than that of a rubber compound, and after 6 months. operation – 1.7 times. With respect to the relative elongation, this difference was 1.4 times, and after operating time – 1.3 times. Studies have proven that rubber during operation changes its physical and mechanical properties: the length of the active part increased by 3.1 mm; wall thickness – 0.2 mm. It is found that the most intensively elastic properties of teat cup liner changed during the first 10–20 days. After 10 days, the closing vacuum increased by 16.6 % compared to the initial one, and after 20 days by 23.3 %, which amounted to 8.57 and 9.06 kPa, respectively. Up to 420 hours of operation, the clamping vacuum reached 11.3 kPa, which is 5.8 % lower than the requirements for toughening teat cup liner for rejection. In general, over the period of experiments, the average value of the vacuum of closing the opposite walls of teat cup liner increased from 7.35 to 12.43 kPa, which is 3.6 % higher than the norm (12 kPa). As a result of experimental studies, the regularity of the rubber tension force depending on the operating time in the form of a fourth degree polynomial is obtained. It is found that after 150 hours of operation, the tensile force of teat cup liner decreased by 21 

    Development of A Device for Cleansing Cow Udder Teats and Testing IT Under Industrial Conditions

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    Preparing cows for milking is one of the most important operations. Not only the speed of milk production but also the quality of milk depends on the level of the work performed. One of the most effective ways to mechanize the preparation of cows for milking implies the development of a special mechanical brush that cleans and stimulates the teat skin. As a result, there is no need to use additional foam detergents and napkins to cleanse and disinfect teats. A device has been designed for cleansing teats with two rotating brushes. Theoretical studies of the interaction of cleansing elements of the device for mechanical removal of pollutants from the udder teats in the course of milking operation were carried out. Assuming constancy of the modulus of elasticity, shape and roughness of teats, linear and angular velocities of brushes, nap stiffness, and homogeneity of physical and mechanical properties of contaminants on the teat, dependence of force Fe of the mechanical device on length l of the cleansing element and its speed ω was established. Under the condition that force Fe of the mechanical device is smaller than force Fp which causes pain but greater than the force retaining pollutants (adhesion), values of the main design and technological parameters of the developed device were determined: l=8 mm, ω=106 rpm. As a result of production tests, it was found that when using the developed device, the daily milk yield of the experimental group of cows exceeded that of the control group by an average of 1.1 times which has made it possible to obtain a supplement of 132.5 kg of milk. Along with this, there was a 0.19 % increase in milk fat content in the experimental group compared to the control group. The number of microorganisms decreased 2.2 times and the number of contaminant particles decreased 4.6 time

    Establishing the Influence of Technical and Technological Parameters of Milking Equipment on the Efficiency of Machine Milking

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    One of the tasks that imply increasing the milk productivity of cows is to create optimal maintenance conditions that ensure the increased use of the genetic potential of cattle based on the implementation of engineering and technological solutions. A mathematical model has been built that links the technical and technological parameters of the vacuum system of milking equipment, namely, the value of the working vacuum P, the pulsation frequency n, the ratio of pulsation cycles, and the tension strength of milking rubber FH to cows' milk yield rate V. The range of milking plant operating parameters for milking in the milk line has been determined, at which the milk yield rate is maximum: P=52 kPa, n=57.6–58.8 min–1, δ=0.59–0.64, FH=59.3–60.4 H. Under these parameters, the milk yield rate is V=1.48–1.53 l/min. The results of the multifactor experiment have helped construct an adequate mathematical model of the second order, which confirms the theoretical dependence of the influence of the technical and technological parameters of the vacuum system of milking equipment on milk yield rate and the air flow of the milking machine. Analysis of the mathematical model has made it possible to establish the rational structural and technological parameters for the vacuum system of a milking machine: the value of the working vacuum, P=50.6 kPa; pulsation frequency, n=55.9 min–1, the ratio of pulsation cycles and the tension force of milking rubber FH=64.8 H. Under these parameters, the milk yield rate is maximum: V=1.47–1.52 l/min; the air flow consumption of the milking machine is Q=2.19 m3/h. The mathematical model built fully reveals the influence of technical and technological parameters of milking equipment on the efficiency of machine milking. Owing to this, the issue related to the rational choice of equipment is resolved

    Establishing the Influence of Technical and Technological Parameters of Milking Equipment on the Efficiency of Machine Milking

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    One of the tasks that imply increasing the milk productivity of cows is to create optimal maintenance conditions that ensure the increased use of the genetic potential of cattle based on the implementation of engineering and technological solutions. A mathematical model has been built that links the technical and technological parameters of the vacuum system of milking equipment, namely, the value of the working vacuum P, the pulsation frequency n, the ratio of pulsation cycles, and the tension strength of milking rubber FH to cows' milk yield rate V. The range of milking plant operating parameters for milking in the milk line has been determined, at which the milk yield rate is maximum: P=52 kPa, n=57.6–58.8 min–1, δ=0.59–0.64, FH=59.3–60.4 H. Under these parameters, the milk yield rate is V=1.48–1.53 l/min. The results of the multifactor experiment have helped construct an adequate mathematical model of the second order, which confirms the theoretical dependence of the influence of the technical and technological parameters of the vacuum system of milking equipment on milk yield rate and the air flow of the milking machine. Analysis of the mathematical model has made it possible to establish the rational structural and technological parameters for the vacuum system of a milking machine: the value of the working vacuum, P=50.6 kPa; pulsation frequency, n=55.9 min–1, the ratio of pulsation cycles and the tension force of milking rubber FH=64.8 H. Under these parameters, the milk yield rate is maximum: V=1.47–1.52 l/min; the air flow consumption of the milking machine is Q=2.19 m3/h. The mathematical model built fully reveals the influence of technical and technological parameters of milking equipment on the efficiency of machine milking. Owing to this, the issue related to the rational choice of equipment is resolved