33 research outputs found

    Empresas recuperadas por trabalhadores no Brasil e na Argentina

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    Este artigo Ă© resultado de uma tese de doutorado que teve como objetivo identificar inovaçÔes no campo da organização do trabalho produzidas pelas experiĂȘncias de empresas recuperadas por trabalhadores no Brasil e na Argentina. A tese central defendida Ă© a de que as limitaçÔes impostas pela hegemonia do modo de produção capitalista nĂŁo encerram a possibilidade de construção de novas relaçÔes sociais de produção. Os cinco estudos de caso realizados e a experiĂȘncia de levantamentos da totalidade das experiĂȘncias de empresas recuperadas nos dois paĂ­ses forneceram elementos que permitiram problematizar em vĂĄrios aspectos a organização capitalista do trabalho e, por meio de uma crĂ­tica prĂĄtica, como sugere RebĂłn (2007), propiciaram a reflexĂŁo sobre a possibilidade de superação do modelo hegemĂŽnico, que nĂŁo passa apenas pela inovação no interior das organizaçÔes, mas tambĂ©m da relação dessas empresas com seus territĂłrios.

    Differential involvement of the anterior temporal lobes in famous people semantics

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    The ability to recognize a famous person occurs through semantic memory. Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that the anterior temporal lobes (ATLs) are involved in the recognition of famous people. However, it is still a matter of debate whether the semantic processing of names or pictures of famous people has an impact on the activation of ATLs. The aim of this study was to explore the pattern of activation associated with a semantic processing of famous people based on face and written name stimuli. Fifteen healthy young individuals participated in our fMRI study, in which they were asked to perform a semantic categorization judgment task, based on profession, of visually presented pictures, and names of famous people. Neuroimaging findings showed a common pattern of activation for faces and names mainly involving the inferior frontal regions, the posterior temporal lobe, the visual cortex, and the ATLs. We found that the comparison names vs. pictures lead to significant activation in the anterior superior temporal gyrus. On the other hand, faces vs. names seemed associated with increased activation in the medial ATL. Moreover, our results demonstrated that the functional connectivity network anchored to the medial ATL, compared to the anterior STG, is more connected to the bilateral occipital lobe and fusiform gyrus that are regions implicated in the visual system and visual processing of faces. This study provides critical evidence of the differential involvement of ATL regions in semantics of famous people

    Who are they and what do they do? Profile of allied health professionals working with people with disabilities in rural and remote New South Wales

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    Objective: To explore the characteristics of allied health professionals (AHPs) working with people with disabilities in western New South Wales. Design: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using an online questionnaire. Setting: Rural western NSW. Participants: AHPs including physiotherapists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists and psychologists (“therapists”) working with people with disabilities. Main outcome measure: Questionnaire Results: The majority of respondents were female (94%), with a mean age of 39 years; average time since qualification was 14 years; mean years in current position was 6. Most worked with people with a lifelong disability. Two-thirds reported family ties kept them in rural areas; 71% grew up in a rural/remote area. Most participants (94%) enjoyed the rural lifestyle and 84% reported opportunities for social interaction as good or very good. Participants with dependent children were less likely to cease working in western NSW within 5 years than those without dependent children (p<0.05). Conclusions: The characteristics of therapists working with people with disabilities in rural NSW were identified. Overall working, but also social, conditions and community attachment were important for this group. Understanding the workforce will contribute to policy development to meet increasing demands for therapy services.The project is jointly funded through the National Health and Medical Research Council ‘Partnerships for Better Health’ scheme, by the National Health and Medical Research Council (ID 571446) and NSW Government Family and Community Services – Ageing, Disability and Home Care (Western Region)

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    Evaluation sur 24 mois de la pulpotomie Ă  l’oxyde de zinc-eugĂ©nol sur des canines temporaires saines ou cariĂ©es

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    Pulpotomy is the most performed and controversial therapeutic in pediatric dentistry. Since formocresol is known to have a toxic effect on living tissues, plus a mutagenic and carcinogenic potential with a systemic uptake of formocresol via pulpotomized teeth, other alternative products have been investigated. Twenty-five decayed primary canines and twenty-five healthy primary canines necessitating disking for orthodontic purposes were pulpotomized using non modified Zinc Oxide Eugenol. The effects of this material were evaluated both clinically and radiographically. Post operative control examinations were performed at 1, 6, 12 and 24 months trying to detect spontaneous or stimulated pain, pathological tooth mobility, abscesses or fistulas, internal or external pathological tooth resorption, periapical bone destruction, or canal obliteration. Pain was absent at 24 months post operatively. Half of the treated canines presented with a mobility, while internal and external resorptions were more frequent in decayed teeth and their number increased with time. On the other hand, abscesses and fistulas were equally found in both treated groups. The observations were compared to others related to formocresol ferric sulfate, MTA, and laser pulpotomies, using the binominal law, or the comparative test of an observed proportion to a reference proportion. In this study, and based on the excessive negative results in both groups, we demonstrated that non fixative pulpotomies on temporary canines were a promising techniqueLa pulpotomie, est la thĂ©rapeutique pulpaire la plus couramment rĂ©alisĂ©e et la plus controversĂ©e en mĂ©decine dentaire pĂ©diatrique. Les craintes concernant la diffusion systĂ©matique et la potentielle toxicitĂ©, allergĂ©nicitĂ©, carcinogĂ©nicitĂ©, en mutagĂ©nicitĂ© du formaldĂ©hyde ont conduit Ă  rechercher des alternatives Ă  ce produit. Afin d’évaluer, selon des critĂšres cliniques et radiologiques, l’action de l’oxyde de zinc-eugĂ©nol non modifiĂ©, l’une des alternatives au formocrĂ©sol, 25 canines temporaires cariĂ©es et 25 canines temporaires nĂ©cesitant un meulage dimensionnel dans le cadre de traitements interceptifs de dysharmonies dento-maxillaires (DDM) mineures du secteur antĂ©rieur, ont subi une pulpotomie Ă  l’aide de ce matĂ©riau. Les contrĂŽles post-opĂ©ratoires ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  1, 6, 12 et 24 mois, Ă  la recherche de douleur spontanĂ©e ou provoquĂ©e, de mobilitĂ© dentaire pathologique, d’abcĂšs ou de fistule, de rĂ©sorption radiculaire interne ou externe pathologique, de destruction osseuse pĂ©ripicale ou d’oblitĂ©ration canalaire. La douleur Ă©tait inexistante Ă  24 mois. La moitiĂ© des canines traitĂ©es prĂ©sentaient une mobilitĂ© alors que les rĂ©sorptions internes et externes ont Ă©tĂ© rencontrĂ©es plus frĂ©quemment dans le groupe « Carie » oĂč le nombre augmentait avec le temps. Par ailleurs, le nombre d’abcĂšs sans fistule s’observait de la mĂȘme façon dans les deux groupes. Ces observations ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es Ă  celles relatives Ă  la pulpotomie au formocrĂ©sol, au sulfate ferrique, au MTA et au laser, en utilisant le test de la loi binomiale ou le test de la comparaison d’une proportion observĂ©es Ă  une proportion de rĂ©fĂ©rence. L’abondance de rĂ©sultats nĂ©gatifs dans les deux groupes dĂ©montre fortement que la pulpotomie non fixatrices sur des canines temporaires n’est pas une technique prometteuse

    Empresas recuperadas por trabalhadores no Brasil e na Argentina

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    Este artigo Ă© resultado de uma tese de doutorado que teve como objetivo identificar inovaçÔes no campo da organização do trabalho produzidas pelas experiĂȘncias de empresas recuperadas por trabalhadores no Brasil e na Argentina. A tese central defendida Ă© a de que as limitaçÔes impostas pela hegemonia do modo de produção capitalista nĂŁo encerram a possibilidade de construção de novas relaçÔes sociais de produção. Os cinco estudos de caso realizados e a experiĂȘncia de levantamentos da totalidade das experiĂȘncias de empresas recuperadas nos dois paĂ­ses forneceram elementos que permitiram problematizar em vĂĄrios aspectos a organização capitalista do trabalho e, por meio de uma crĂ­tica prĂĄtica, como sugere RebĂłn (2007), propiciaram a reflexĂŁo sobre a possibilidade de superação do modelo hegemĂŽnico, que nĂŁo passa apenas pela inovação no interior das organizaçÔes, mas tambĂ©m da relação dessas empresas com seus territĂłrios.

    Erodibility of soil above the groundwater level: some test results

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    The paper presents a study on erodibility of soil above the groundwater level where the water is in tension. Such soils particularly clays are very sensitive to moisture and temperature changes and can be eroded significantly by water flow. The erosion of clay and sand samples from the US National Geotechnical Experimentation Site at Texas A&M University is studied. Two sets of experiments are done with the clay and the sand. The first set was performed on sample collected in November 2014 and the second set on samples from June 2014. The depth of the samples varied from 0.6 to 3.6 m where water content and density changes. A series of erosion tests was performed in the Erosion Function apparatus (EFA) with the intact clay and then with the sand reconstructed to the field density and field water content. The erosion tests are performed at different flow velocities varying from 0.5 m/s to 5.5 m/s. The erodibility is quantified by the relationship between the erosion rate and the water velocity called the erosion function. Some relationships between the critical velocity and common soil properties are discussed. The collapse of the clay structure when inundated (soaking) is studied

    Erodibility of soil above the groundwater level: some test results

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    The paper presents a study on erodibility of soil above the groundwater level where the water is in tension. Such soils particularly clays are very sensitive to moisture and temperature changes and can be eroded significantly by water flow. The erosion of clay and sand samples from the US National Geotechnical Experimentation Site at Texas A&M University is studied. Two sets of experiments are done with the clay and the sand. The first set was performed on sample collected in November 2014 and the second set on samples from June 2014. The depth of the samples varied from 0.6 to 3.6 m where water content and density changes. A series of erosion tests was performed in the Erosion Function apparatus (EFA) with the intact clay and then with the sand reconstructed to the field density and field water content. The erosion tests are performed at different flow velocities varying from 0.5 m/s to 5.5 m/s. The erodibility is quantified by the relationship between the erosion rate and the water velocity called the erosion function. Some relationships between the critical velocity and common soil properties are discussed. The collapse of the clay structure when inundated (soaking) is studied

    Differential involvement of the anterior temporal lobes in famous people semantics

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    The ability to recognize a famous person occurs through semantic memory. Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that the anterior temporal lobes (ATLs) are involved in the recognition of famous people. However, it is still a matter of debate whether the semantic processing of names or pictures of famous people has an impact on the activation of ATLs. The aim of this study was to explore the pattern of activation associated with a semantic processing of famous people based on face and written name stimuli. Fifteen healthy young individuals participated in our fMRI study, in which they were asked to perform a semantic categorization judgement task, based on profession, of visually presented pictures and names of famous people. Neuroimaging findings showed a common pattern of activation for faces and names mainly involving the inferior frontal regions, the posterior temporal lobe, the visual cortex and the anterior temporal lobes. We found that the comparison names vs. pictures lead to significant activation in the anterior superior temporal gyrus. On the other hand, faces vs. names seemed associated with increased activation in the medial ATL. Moreover, our results demonstrated that the functional connectivity network anchored to the medial ATL, compared to the anterior STG, is more connected to the bilateral occipital lobe and fusiform gyrus that are regions implicated in the visual system and visual processing of faces. This study provides critical evidence of the differential involvement of ATL regions in semantics of famous people