28 research outputs found

    Simple time-biased KNN-based recommendations

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in CAMRa '10 Proceedings of the Workshop on Context-Aware Movie Recommendation, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1869652.1869655.In this paper, we describe the experiments conducted by the Information Retrieval Group at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) in order to better recommend movies for the 2010 CAMRa Challenge edition. Experiments were carried out on the dataset corresponding to weekly Filmtipset track. We consider simple strategies for taking into account the temporal context for movie recommendations, mainly based on variations of the KNN algorithm, which has been deeply studied in the literature, and one ad-hoc strategy, taking advantage of particular information in the weekly Filmtipset track. Results show that the usage of information near to the recommendation date alone can help improving recommendation results, with the additional benefit of reducing the information overload of the recommender engine. Furthermore, the use of social interaction information shows also a contribution in order to better predict a part of users' tastes.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02) and the Scientific Computing Institute at UAM. The first author acknowledges support from the Chilean Government through the Becas-Chile scholarship progra

    Movie recommendations based in explicit and implicit features extracted from the filmtipset dataset

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in CAMRa '10 Proceedings of the Workshop on Context-Aware Movie Recommendation, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1869652.1869660In this paper, we describe the experiments conducted by the Information Retrieval Group at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) in order to better recommend movies for the 2010 CAMRa Challenge edition. Experiments were carried out on the dataset corresponding to social Filmtipset track. To obtain the movies recommendations we have used different algorithms based on Random Walks, which are well documented in the literature of collaborative recommendation. We have also included a new proposal in one of the algorithms in order to get better results. The results obtained have been computed by means of the trec_eval standard NIST evaluation procedure.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02) and the Scientific Computing Institute at UAM. The third author also wants to acknowledge support from the Chilean Government through the Becas-Chile scholarship progra

    An empirical comparison of social, collaborative filtering, and hybrid recommenders

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2414425.2414439In the Social Web, a number of diverse recommendation approaches have been proposed to exploit the user generated contents available in the Web, such as rating, tagging, and social networking information. In general, these approaches naturally require the availability of a wide amount of these user preferences. This may represent an important limitation for real applications, and may be somewhat unnoticed in studies focusing on overall precision, in which a failure to produce recommendations gets blurred when averaging the obtained results or, even worse, is just not accounted for, as users with no recommendations are typically excluded from the performance calculations. In this article, we propose a coverage metric that uncovers and compensates for the incompleteness of performance evaluations based only on precision. We use this metric together with precision metrics in an empirical comparison of several social, collaborative filtering, and hybrid recommenders. The obtained results show that a better balance between precision and coverage can be achieved by combining social-based filtering (high accuracy, low coverage) and collaborative filtering (low accuracy, high coverage) recommendation techniques. We thus explore several hybrid recommendation approaches to balance this trade-off. In particular, we compare, on the one hand, techniques integrating collaborative and social information into a single model, and on the other, linear combinations of recommenders. For the last approach, we also propose a novel strategy to dynamically adjust the weight of each recommender on a user-basis, utilizing graph measures as indicators of the target user's connectedness and relevance in a social network.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02), Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (CCG10-UAM/TIC-5877), and the Scientific Computing Institute at UAM

    Arabidopsis LEC1 and LEC2 Orthologous Genes Are Key Regulators of Somatic Embryogenesis in Cassava

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    High genotype-dependent variation in friable embryogenic callus (FEC) induction and subsequent somaclonal variation constitute bottlenecks for the application and scaling of genetic transformation (GT) technology to more farmer- and industry-preferred cassava varieties. The understanding and identification of molecular factors underlying embryogenic development in cassava may help to overcome these constraints. Here, we described the Arabidopsis thaliana LEAFY COTYLEDON (LEC) LEC1 and LEC2 orthologous genes in cassava, designated as MeLEC1 and MeLEC2, respectively. Expression analyses showed that both, MeLEC1 and MeLEC2, are expressed at higher levels in somatic embryogenic (SE) tissues in contrast with differentiated mature tissues. The rapid expression increase of MeLEC genes at early SE induction times strongly suggests that they are involved in the transition from a somatic to an embryonic state, and probably, in the competence acquisition for SE development in cassava. The independent overexpression of the MeLEC genes resulted in different regenerated events with embryogenic characteristics such as MeLEC1OE plants with cotyledon-like leaves and MeLEC2OE plants with somatic-like embryos that emerged over the surface of mature leaves. Transcript increases of other embryo-specific regulating factors were also detected in MeLECOE plants, supporting their mutual interaction in the embryo development coordination. The single overexpression of MeLEC2 was enough to reprogram the vegetative cells and induce direct somatic embryogenesis, which converts this gene into a tool that could improve the recovery of transformed plants of recalcitrant genotypes. The identification of MeLEC genes contributes not only to improve our understanding of SE process in cassava, but also provides viable alternatives to optimize GT and advance in gene editing in this crop, through the development of genotype-independent protocols

    Síndrome del dedo azul: de la piel a lo multisistémico

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    El signo del dedo azul (SDA) es una condición poco frecuente causada principalmente por la oclusión de la vasculatura periférica. Clínicamente puede manifestarse como una coloración azulada o eritrocianótica en uno o varios dedos en ausencia de traumatismo y condiciones propias de congelación. Las etiologías son múltiples e incluyen obstrucción del flujo arterial, disminución del flujo venoso y alteración en la viscosidad sanguínea. La importancia de reconocer el signo como motivo de consulta radica en encaminar un diagnóstico temprano e instaurar un tratamiento que evite la evolución natural de la enfermedad hacia la necrosis, amputación o muerte del paciente. Proponemos un algoritmo diagnóstico para reconocer los elementos de la historia clínica que guíen la etiología y los paraclínicos disponibles desde el Servicio de Urgencias

    The potential of using biotechnology to improve cassava: a review

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    The importance of cassava as the fourth largest source of calories in the world requires that contributions of biotechnology to improving this crop, advances and current challenges, be periodically reviewed. Plant biotechnology offers a wide range of opportunities that can help cassava become a better crop for a constantly changing world. We therefore review the state of knowledge on the current use of biotechnology applied to cassava cultivars and its implications for breeding the crop into the future. The history of the development of the first transgenic cassava plant serves as the basis to explore molecular aspects of somatic embryogenesis and friable embryogenic callus production. We analyze complex plant-pathogen interactions to profit from such knowledge to help cassava fight bacterial diseases and look at candidate genes possibly involved in resistance to viruses and whiteflies—the two most important traits of cassava. The review also covers the analyses of main achievements in transgenic-mediated nutritional improvement and mass production of healthy plants by tissue culture and synthetic seeds. Finally, the perspectives of using genome editing and the challenges associated to climate change for further improving the crop are discussed. During the last 30 yr, great advances have been made in cassava using biotechnology, but they need to scale out of the proof of concept to the fields of cassava growers

    Manual de como hacer más productiva su panadería fortaleciendo su cadena de suministro a través del diseño e implementación de un modelo SCOR

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    La idea que se plantea consiste en ofrecer una información clara y muy concisa mediante un manual que ayudaría a las panaderías de Bogotá a ser más productivas y competitivas para responder al mercado actual y a las exigencias del consumidor que cada día quiere un producto que dure más días fresco en sus hogares, con un precio favorable y con los mejores estándares de calidad

    Limitations of Prostate Biopsy in Detection of Cribriform and Intraductal Prostate Cancer

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgments: Rui M. Bernardino is supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (2022.13386.BD). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 European Association of UrologyBackground: The presence of cribriform morphology and intraductal carcinoma (IDC) in prostate biopsies and radical prostatectomy specimens is an adverse prognostic feature that can be used to guide treatment decisions. Objective: To assess how accurately biopsies can detect cribriform morphology and IDC cancer by examining matched biopsy and prostatectomy samples. Design, setting, and participants: Patients who underwent radical prostatectomy at The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre between January 2015 and December 2022 and had cribriform morphology and/or IDC in the surgical specimen were included in the study. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: We used detection sensitivity to evaluate the level of agreement between biopsy and prostatectomy samples regarding the presence of cribriform morphology and IDC. Results and limitations: Of the 287 men who underwent radical prostatectomy, 241 (84%) had cribriform morphology and 161 (56%) had IDC on final pathology. The sensitivity of prostate biopsy, using radical prostatectomy as the reference, was 42.4% (95% confidence interval [CI] 36–49%) for detection of cribriform morphology and 44.1% (95% CI 36–52%) for detection of IDC. The sensitivity of prostate biopsy for detection of either IDC or cribriform morphology was 52.5% (95% CI 47–58%). Among patients who underwent multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging–guided biopsies, the sensitivity was 54% (95% CI 39–68%) for detection of cribriform morphology and 37% (95% CI 19–58%) for detection of IDC. Conclusions: Biopsy has low sensitivity for detecting cribriform morphology and IDC. These limitations should be incorporated into clinical decision-making. Biomarkers for better detection of these histological patterns are needed. Patient summary: Prostate biopsy is not an accurate method for detecting two specific types of prostate cancer cells, called cribriform pattern and intraductal prostate cancer, which are associated with unfavorable prognosis.proofepub_ahead_of_prin