33 research outputs found

    Structure, health benefits, antioxidant property and processing and storage of carotenoids

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    The conjugated system in which the p electrons are delocalised over the entire length of the polyene chain is responsible for the molecular shape, chemical and physical reactivity and the antioxidant properties of carotenoids. It is sensitive to heat, light and oxygen. Enzymatic and non-enzymaticoxidation is the major cause of carotenoid destruction during processing and storage of food. Bioavailability of carotenoids from different food requires disruption of the food matrices. Thermal treatment and freezing increases the extractability of b-carotene from the food matrices. Ripening is accompanied by increased carotenoid biosynthesis

    Effect of combination pre-treatment on physicochemical, sensory and microbial characteristics of fresh aerobically stored minced goat (Black Bengal) meat organs

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    Minced goat meat organs (bicep fermoris muscle, heart, kidney and liver) of a particular variety of goat (Black Bengal) were stored aerobically in refrigerator at 4°C for 15 days after some combinationpretreatments: a) tea liquor and honey, b) acetic acid and glucose and c) spices and curing mixture; followed by subsequent refrigerated storage at 4°C. It was observed that pretreated samples exhibitedsignificantly (

    Effect of fermentation and drying temperature on the characteristics of goat meat (Black Bengal variety) dry sausage

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    A new variety of fermented goat meat sausage was prepared from Black-Bengal goat. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactobacillus casei (NCIM 2586), Lactobacillus plantarum (NCIM 2083) and Pediococcus pentosaceus (NCIM 2245) were used as starter culture. Effect of temperature during fermentation and drying steps of sausage preparation was studied with respect to change in pH, lactic acid production, proximate composition, sensory characteristics and microbial characteristics in sausage (LAB count and viable aerobic cell count). Decrease in meat pH to 4.7–5.1 and corresponding increase in lactic acid production within 24 h of fermentation indicated potential use of combined starter culture in commercial production of fermented sausage. Among samples fermented at 25, 30 and 35°C, the one at 35°C was mostly acceptable industrially due to its lowest production cycle. The decrease in pH due to formation of lactic acid was directly proportional to the increase in drying temperature from 10 to 15°C. Sample fermented at 30°C, followed by drying at 10°C was the most acceptable sample with respect to sensory characteristics. Lactic bacterial cell count of sausage samples increased from 6.4 to 6.92 – 9.26 log cfu/ml within the fermentation period, then dropped to 6.19 –7.23 log cfu/ml at the end of dryin

    Variation of resistivity with thickness of tin oxide films grown by spray pyrolysis

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    Reports the observed variation of electrical resistivity with thickness of tin oxide films grown by spray pyrolysis. An explanation for the observed variation is also given

    Degradation of characteristics of tin oxide films deposited by spray pyrolysis

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    Reports the observed degradation in the optical transmission and electrical conduction characteristics of tin oxide films prepared by spray pyrolysis. An explanation of this degradation is also given

    Electrochemical Behavior of Gold-Silver Alloy Nanoparticles

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    We report the voltammetry of alloy nanoparticles via the cyclic voltammetry of gold-silver alloy nanoparticles. Through careful comparison with the response of pure gold nanoparticles, pure silver nanoparticles and their mixture the contrasting electrochemical behavior of the alloy nanoparticles is established, providing insights into the electrochemical stability of gold-silver alloy nanoparticles in chloride-containing media