7 research outputs found

    GeoTraceAgri final project report (GTA)

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    Are the universalisation and the globalisation of trade exchanges synonymous with a standardization in which agro-food products uprooted of their soil will no longer be differentiated from manufacturers or supermarket brands? Original food products belong to the inheritance of the territories and the consumers are attracted more and more by their authenticity. The GeoTraceAgri project resolutely supports agriculture and the sustainable promotion of the territory as opposed to universalisation which standardizes and moves away those who produce for consumers. Geotraceability aims at associating information of geographical nature with the traditional data of traceability. Farming origin and operations have become factual and verifi able data is available everywhere in the world, thus making it possible to bring additional guarantees to the signs of quality. The GeoTraceAgri (GTA) project largely contributed to the realisation of geotraceability. With the implementation from January 1,2005 of the new Common Agricultural Policy and its regulation imposing on the Member States a single system of declaration, all the agricultural parcels now form part of a European database of geographical references. This new regulation reinforces the basis of the concept of geotraceability, whereas throughout the project it was necessary to defi ne geo-indicators for integrated or crop production with very few geographical data on the farming precedents. The development of the GTA prototype rests on a decentralized architecture and Web services. It was indeed necessary to conceive a system which is readily accessible on Internet for farmers, co-operatives and collectors, and potentially with the administrations which have control responsibilities. In term of acceptability, the potential users realise the potential economic benefi ts of the concept and of the indicators of geotraceability in their plan of exploitation, on the other hand sociological acceptability is less evident which induces the need for communication to make for its adoption. This fi nal report fi nal illustrates the fi rst stage : the GeoTraceAgri partners are continuing their research on the defi nition of an integrated system of geotraceability for the Common agricultural policy and the plan of analysis of the results of GeoTraceAgri should lead to the marketing within two years of an application making it possible to integrate the geo-indicators into management software for the actors of the agro food chain

    Quand le social passe en revue Revue française du travail - Revue française des affaires sociales, 1946-2006

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    International audienceIl y a soixante ans paraissait le numéro 1 de la Revue française du travail qui allait devenir en 1967 la Revue française des affaires sociales. Plus qu'une commémoration, le présent numéro propose un regard reflexif sur l'évolution de la revue à partir de la base de données que constituent les quelque 2.200 articles et 1.700 auteurs qui ont été répertoriés autour de 72 thématiques. Historiens, sociologues, économistes, juristes... s'interrogent sur la relation entre les sujets développés dans la revue et l'évolution de la société. La revue a-t-elle, selon les époques, précédé, accompagné -ou au contraire ignoré- les questions sociales (au sens large) et sanitaires pendant ces soixante années et comment ? Leurs articles montrent que la RFAS constitue une source importante pour l'histoire des problèmes sociaux. Enfin, tout au long du numéro, on trouvera des entretiens avec des acteurs et des lecteurs interrogés à l'occasion de cet anniversaire et qui révèlent la vie de la revue. (RA

    Quand le social passe en revue Revue française du travail - Revue française des affaires sociales, 1946-2006

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    International audienceIl y a soixante ans paraissait le numéro 1 de la Revue française du travail qui allait devenir en 1967 la Revue française des affaires sociales. Plus qu'une commémoration, le présent numéro propose un regard reflexif sur l'évolution de la revue à partir de la base de données que constituent les quelque 2.200 articles et 1.700 auteurs qui ont été répertoriés autour de 72 thématiques. Historiens, sociologues, économistes, juristes... s'interrogent sur la relation entre les sujets développés dans la revue et l'évolution de la société. La revue a-t-elle, selon les époques, précédé, accompagné -ou au contraire ignoré- les questions sociales (au sens large) et sanitaires pendant ces soixante années et comment ? Leurs articles montrent que la RFAS constitue une source importante pour l'histoire des problèmes sociaux. Enfin, tout au long du numéro, on trouvera des entretiens avec des acteurs et des lecteurs interrogés à l'occasion de cet anniversaire et qui révèlent la vie de la revue. (RA

    Chronic use of inhaled corticosteroids in patients admitted for respiratory virus infections: a 6-year prospective multicenter study

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    International audienceInhaled corticosteroids (ICS) have been associated with increased risk of pneumonia. Their impact on respiratory virus infections is unclear. We performed a post-hoc analysis of the FLUVAC cohort, a multicenter prospective cohort study of adults hospitalized with influenza-like illness (ILI) during six consecutive influenza seasons (2012–2018). All patients were tested for respiratory virus infection by multiplex PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs and/or bronchoalveolar lavage. Risk factors were identified by logistic regression analysis. Among the 2658 patients included, 537 (20.2%) were treated with ICS before admission, of whom 282 (52.5%, 282/537) tested positive for at least one respiratory virus. Patients on ICS were more likely to test positive for non-influenza respiratory viruses (25.1% vs. 19.5%, P = 0.004), especially for adenovirus (aOR 2.36, 95% CI 1.18–4.58), and respiratory syncytial virus (aOR 2.08, 95% CI 1.39–3.09). Complications were reported in 55.9% of patients on ICS (300/537), primarily pneumonia (171/535, 32%). Among patients on chronic ICS who tested positive for respiratory virus, 14.2% (40/282) were admitted to intensive care unit, and in-hospital mortality rate was 2.8% (8/282). Chronic use of ICS is associated with an increased risk of adenovirus or RSV infections in patients admitted for ILI