4,692 research outputs found

    Direct CP violation in two-body hadronic charmed meson decays

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    Motivated by the recent observation of CP violation in the charm sector by LHCb, we study direct CP asymmetries in the standard model (SM) for the singly Cabibbo-suppressed two-body hadronic decays of charmed mesons using the topological-diagram approach. In this approach, the magnitude and the phase of topological weak annihilation amplitudes which arise mainly from final-state rescattering can be extracted from the data. Consequently, direct CP asymmetry adir(tree)a_{dir}^{\rm (tree)} at tree level can be reliably estimated. In general, it lies in the range 104<adir(tree)<10310^{-4}<a_{dir}^{\rm (tree)}<10^{-3}. Short-distance QCD penguins and penguin annihilation are calculated using QCD factorization. Their effects are generally small, especially for DVPD\to VP modes. Since weak penguin annihilation receives long-distance contributions from the color-allowed tree amplitude followed by final-state rescattering, it is expected to give the dominant contribution to the direct CP violation in the decays D0K+KD^0\to K^+K^- and D0π+πD^0\to \pi^+\pi^- in which adir(tree)a_{dir}^{\rm (tree)} is absent. The maximal ΔaCPdir\Delta a_{CP}^{\rm dir}, the direct CP asymmetry difference between the above-mentioned two modes, allowed in the SM is around -0.25%, more than 2σ2\sigma away from the current world average of (0.645±0.180)-(0.645\pm 0.180)%.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures; typos correcte

    Exclusive Hadronic D Decays to eta' and eta

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    Hadronic decay modes D0(Kˉ0,Kˉ0)η,ηD^0\to(\bar K^0, \bar K^{*0})\eta,\eta' and (D+,Ds+)(π+,ρ+)η,η(D^+,D_s^+)\to(\pi^+,\rho^+)\eta,\eta' are studied in the generalized factorization approach. Form factors for (D,Ds+)(η,η)(D,D_s^+)\to(\eta,\eta') transitions are carefully evaluated by taking into account the wave function normalization of the eta and eta'. The predicted branching ratios are generally in agreement with experiment except for D0Kˉ0η,D+π+ηD^0\to\bar K^0\eta', D^+\to\pi^+\eta and Ds+ρ+ηD_s^+\to\rho^+\eta'; the calculated decay rates for the first two decay modes are too small by an order of magnitude. We show that the weak decays D0Kπ+D^0\to K^-\pi^+ and D+K+Kˉ0D^+\to K^+\bar K^0 followed by resonance-induced final-state interactions (FSI), which are amenable technically, are able to enhance the branching ratios of D0Kˉ0ηD^0\to\bar K^0\eta' and D+π+ηD^+\to\pi^+\eta dramatically without affecting the agreement between theory and experiment for D0Kˉ0ηD^0\to\bar K^0\eta and D+π+ηD^+\to\pi^+\eta'. We argue that it is difficult to understand the observed large decay rates of Ds+ρ+ηD_s^+\to \rho^+\eta' and ρ+η\rho^+\eta simultaneously; FSI, W-annihilation and the production of excess eta' from gluons are not helpful in this regard. The large discrepancy between the factorization hypothesis and experiment for the ratio of Ds+ρ+ηD_s^+\to\rho^+ \eta' and Ds+ηe+νD_s^+\to\eta' e^+\nu remains as an enigma.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Form factors for D to eta and eta' transitions are slightly change

    Relation Between Quantum Speed Limits And Metrics On U(n)

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    Recently, Chau [Quant. Inform. & Comp. 11, 721 (2011)] found a family of metrics and pseudo-metrics on nn-dimensional unitary operators that can be interpreted as the minimum resources (given by certain tight quantum speed limit bounds) needed to transform one unitary operator to another. This result is closely related to the weighted 1\ell^1-norm on Rn{\mathbb R}^n. Here we generalize this finding by showing that every weighted p\ell^p-norm on Rn{\mathbb R}^n with 1\le p \le \limitingp induces a metric and a pseudo-metric on nn-dimensional unitary operators with quantum information-theoretic meanings related to certain tight quantum speed limit bounds. Besides, we investigate how far the correspondence between the existence of metrics and pseudo-metrics of this type and the quantum speed limits can go.Comment: minor amendments, 6 pages, to appear in J.Phys.

    Factorial Moments in a Generalized Lattice Gas Model

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    We construct a simple multicomponent lattice gas model in one dimension in which each site can either be empty or occupied by at most one particle of any one of DD species. Particles interact with a nearest neighbor interaction which depends on the species involved. This model is capable of reproducing the relations between factorial moments observed in high--energy scattering experiments for moderate values of DD. The factorial moments of the negative binomial distribution can be obtained exactly in the limit as DD becomes large, and two suitable prescriptions involving randomly drawn nearest neighbor interactions are given. These results indicate the need for considerable care in any attempt to extract information regarding possible critical phenomena from empirical factorial moments.Comment: 15 pages + 1 figure (appended as postscript file), REVTEX 3.0, NORDITA preprint 93/4

    Good Quantum Convolutional Error Correction Codes And Their Decoding Algorithm Exist

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    Quantum convolutional code was introduced recently as an alternative way to protect vital quantum information. To complete the analysis of quantum convolutional code, I report a way to decode certain quantum convolutional codes based on the classical Viterbi decoding algorithm. This decoding algorithm is optimal for a memoryless channel. I also report three simple criteria to test if decoding errors in a quantum convolutional code will terminate after a finite number of decoding steps whenever the Hilbert space dimension of each quantum register is a prime power. Finally, I show that certain quantum convolutional codes are in fact stabilizer codes. And hence, these quantum stabilizer convolutional codes have fault-tolerant implementations.Comment: Minor changes, to appear in PR

    Implications of Recent Bˉ0D()0X0\bar{B}^0\to D^{(*)0}X^0 Measurements

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    The recent measurements of the color-suppressed modes Bˉ0D()0π0\bar B^0\to D^{(*)0}\pi^0 imply non-vanishing relative final-state interaction (FSI) phases among various BˉDπ\bar B\to D\pi decay amplitudes. Depending on whether or not FSIs are implemented in the topological quark-diagram amplitudes, two solutions for the parameters a1a_1 and a2a_2 are extracted from data using various form-factor models. It is found that a2a_2 is not universal: a2(Dπ)=0.400.55|a_2(D\pi)|= 0.40-0.55 and a2(Dπ)=0.250.35|a_2(D^*\pi)|= 0.25-0.35 with a relative phase of order (5055)(50-55)^\circ between a1a_1 and a2a_2. If FSIs are not included in quark-diagram amplitudes from the outset, a2eff/a1effa_2^{eff}/a_1^{eff} and a2effa_2^{eff} will become smaller. The large value of a2(Dπ)|a_2(D\pi)| compared to a2eff(Dπ)|a_2^{eff}(D\pi)| or naive expectation implies the importance of long-distance FSI contributions to color-suppressed internal WW-emission via final-state rescatterings of the color-allowed tree amplitude.Comment: 17 pages. The Introduction is substantially revised and the order of the presentation in Sec. 2 is rearranged. To appear in Phys. Re

    Cabibbo-allowed nonleptonic weak decays of charmed baryons

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    Cabibbo-allowed nonleptonic weak decays of charmed baryons \lamc,~\xin,~\xip and Ωc0\Omega_c^0 into an octet baryon and a pseudoscalar meson are analyzed. The nonfactorizable contributions are evaluated under pole approximation, and it turns out that the ss-wave amplitudes are dominated by the low-lying \halfm resonances, while pp-wave ones governed by the ground-state \halfp poles. The MIT bag model is employed to calculate the coupling constants, form factors and baryon matrix elements. Our conclusions are: (i) ss waves are no longer dominated by commutator terms; the current-algebra method is certainly not applicable to parity-violating amplitudes, (ii) nonfactorizable WW exchange effects are generally important; they can be comparable to and somtimes even dominate over factorizable contributions, depending on the decay modes under consideration, (iii) large-NcN_c approximation for factorizable amplitudes also works in the heavy baryon sector and it accounts for the color nonsuppression of \lamc\ri p\bar{K}^0 relative to \lamc\ri\Lambda\pi^+, (iv) a measurement of the decay rate and the sign of the α\alpha asymmetry parameter of certain proposed decay modes will help discern various models; especially the sign of α\alpha in \lamc\ri\Sigma\pi decays can be used to unambiguously differentiate recent theoretical schemes from current algebra, and (v) pp waves are the dominant contributions to the decays \lamc\ri\Xi^0 K^+ and \xin\ri\Sigma^+ K^-, but they are subject to a large cancellation; this renders present theoretical predictions on these two channels unreliable.Comment: PHYZZX, 31 pages, 3 tables, IP-ASTP-10-93, ITP-SB-93-2

    Wolfenstein Parametrization Re-examined

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    The Wolfenstein parametrization of the 3×33\times 3 Kobayashi-Maskawa (KM) matrix VV is modified by keeping its unitarity up to the accuracy of O(λ6)O(\lambda^{6}). This modification can self-consistently lead to the off-diagonal asymmetry of VV: Vij2Vji2|V_{ij}|^{2}-|V_{ji}|^{2} = Zkϵijk Z\displaystyle\sum_{k}\epsilon^{~}_{ijk} with Z=A2λ6(12ρ)Z=\approx A^{2}\lambda^{6} (1-2\rho), which is comparable in magnitude with the Jarlskog parameter of CPCP violation JA2λ6ηJ\approx A^{2}\lambda^{6}\eta. We constrain the ranges of JJ and ZZ by using the current experimental data, and point out that the possibility of a symmetric KM matrix has almost been ruled out.Comment: 5 Latex pages including a figure; Two references are adde

    Relation between CKM and MNS Matrices Induced by Bi-Maximal Rotations in the Seesaw Mechanism

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    It is found that the seesaw mechanism not only explains the smallness of neutrino masses but also accounts for the large mixing angles simultaneously, even if the unification of the neutrino Dirac mass matrix with that of up-type quark sector is realized. In this mechanism, we show that the mixing matrix of the Dirac-type mass matrix gets extra rotations from the diagonalization of Majorana mass matrix. Assuming that the mixing angles to diagonalize the Majorana mass matrix are extremely small, we find that the large mixing angles of leptonic sector found in atmospheric and long baseline reactor neutrino oscillation experiments can be explained by these extra rotations. We also find that provided the mixing angle around y-axis to diagonalize the Majorana mass matrix vanishes, we can derive the information about the absolute values of neutrino masses and Majorana mass responsible for the neutrinoless double beta decay experiment through the data set of neutrino experiments. In the simplified case that there is no CP phase, we find that the neutrino masses are decided as m1:m2:m31:2:8m_1:m_2:m_3\approx 1:2:8 and that there are no solution which satisfy m3<m1<m2m_3<m_1<m_2 (inverted mass spectrum). Then, including all CP phases, we reanalyze the absolute values of neutrino masses and Majorana mass responsible for the neutrinoless double beta decay experiment.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, revtex4, to appear in J.PHYS.SOC.JA

    Branching Ratio and CP Violation of B to pi pi Decays in Perturbative QCD Approach

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    We calculate the branching ratios and CP asymmetries for B^0 to pi^+pi^-, B^+ to pi^+pi^0 and B^0 to pi^0pi^0 decays, in a perturbative QCD approach. In this approach, we calculate non-factorizable and annihilation type contributions, in addition to the usual factorizable contributions. We found that the annihilation diagram contributions are not very small as previous argument. Our result is in agreement with the measured branching ratio of B to pi^+pi^- by CLEO collaboration. With a non-negligible contribution from annihilation diagrams and a large strong phase, we predict a large direct CP asymmetry in B^0 to pi^+pi^-, and pi^0pi^0, which can be tested by the current running B factories.Comment: Latex, 28 pages including 11 figures; added contents and figures, corrected typo