83 research outputs found


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    In Vietnam, ginger (zingiber) belonging to ginger family (zingiberaceae) is a valuable spice plant. Extraction is the first step of great importance for the recovery and purification of essential oil from plant materials. In this paper, we studied on the factors that affect the process of total essential oil extraction from ginger roots originated from Pu Mat National Park, Nghe An province. The total essential oil yield extraction from ginger roots was optimized using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with experimental order of Box-Behnken design. The final optimization value for yield of ginger essential oil is at 570 ml water to 100 g sample at 290 minutes of steam distillation using 1.09 mm material thickness size. In this condition, the maximum total essential oil yield was predicted to be 1.23 %

    Estimates for the elastic moduli of 2D aggregate of hexagonal-shape orthorhombic crystals with in-plane random crystalline orientations

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    Numerical finite element simulations on the homogenization problem for large samples of particular 2D hexagonal-shape-geometry random orientation aggregates from the base crystals of orthorhombic symmetry have been performed. At sufficiently large random-aggregate samples, the scatter intervals of the macroscopic 2D bulk and shear elastic moduli converge toward the Voigt-Reuss-Hill bounds, and then our recently constructed theoretical estimates, which have been specified for the aggregates

    Synthesis of antiulcer drug esomeprazole.

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    Esomeprazole (Nexium®), the (S)-isomer of Omeprazole, is the first proton-pump inhibitor developed as a single isomer for the treatment of acid-related diseases. It is used for the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastroesophagal reflux disease, and erosive esophagitis. Herein, we report our synthetic study of esomeprazole sodium salt from the starting    2-mercapto-5-methoxybenzimidazole and 2-(chloromethyl)-4-methoxy-3,5-dimethylpyridine hydrochloride reagents. The Esomeprazole sodium salt was obtained from enantioselectivesulfoxidation reaction in moderate yield with high enantioselectivity

    Proteoliza sardina i inćuna u slanim otopinama pomoću komercijalnih enzima

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    Fish sauce production is a very long process and there is a great interest in shortening it. Among the different strategies to speed up this process, the addition of external proteases could be a solution. This study focuses on the eff ect of two commercial enzymes (Protamex and Protex 51FP) on the proteolysis of two fish species traditionally converted into fish sauce: sardine and anchovy, by comparison with classical autolysis. Hydrolysis reactions were conducted with fresh fish at a temperature of 30 °C and under different saline conditions (from 0 to 30 % NaCl). Hydrolysis degree and liquefaction of the raw material were used to follow the process. As expected, the proteolysis decreased with increasing amount of salt. Regarding the fi sh species, higher rate of liquefaction and higher hydrolysis degree were obtained with anchovy. Between the two proteases, Protex 51FP gave better results with both fi sh types. This study demonstrates that the addition of commercial proteases could be helpful for the liquefaction of fi sh and cleavage of peptide bonds that occur during fi sh sauce production and thus speed up the production process.Postoji veliki interes za skraćivanjem procesa proizvodnje ribljeg umaka. Jedno je od mogućih rješenja ubrzavanja tog postupka dodatak proteaza. U ovom je radu ispitan učinak dvaju komercijalnih enzima (Protamex i Protex 51FP) na proteolizu dvije vrste riba koje se tradicionalno koriste za proizvodnju ribljeg umaka, i to sardina i inćuna, te su rezultati uspoređeni s onima dobivenim autolizom proteina. Hidroliza svježih riba provedena je na temperaturi od 30 °C i pri različitim udjelima soli (od 0 do 30 %). Tijekom postupka praćeni su stupanj hidrolize i likvefakcija sirovine. Prema očekivanjima, pri većim je udjelima soli stupanj hidrolize bio manji. Veća likvefakcija uzorka te veći stupanj hidrolize dobiveni su proteolizom inćuna. Primjenom enzima Protex 51FP postignuti su bolji rezultati s obje vrste riba. Rezultati rada pokazuju da dodatak komercijalnih proteaza može povoljno djelovati na likvefakciju ribe i kidanje peptidnih veza tijekom proizvodnje ribljeg umaka, te na taj način ubrzati proces proizvodnje


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    Bidens pilosa is used in traditional medicine in Vietnam. The antioxidant potential of the ethanol extract and fractions from the flowers of Bidens pilosa was evaluated through DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging and the total antioxidant capacity method. The ethyl acetate fraction exhibits the highest activity with the lowest IC50 value (IC50 = 31.54 μg·mL–1 and IC50 = 35.33 μg·mL–1 for DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging capacity), and the total antioxidant capacity was 85.05 ± 0.28 mg GA·g–1. The composition of Bidens pilosa flowers: the total phenolic, total flavonoid, polysaccharides, and triterpenoid, was examined by using the colorimetric method, and their quantities are equivalent to 59.35 ± 0.83 mg GAE·g–1, 42.35 ± 1.50 mg QE·g–1, 4.44 ± 0.02%, and 32.88 ± 0.66 mg acid oleanolic·g–1, respectively. Specifically, the polysaccharide and total triterpenoid content of Bidens pilosa flowers was reported for the first time.Xuyến chi đã được sử dụng trong các bài thuốc cổ truyền Việt Nam. Khả năng chống oxy hóa của cao toàn phần và các cao phân đoạn từ hoa cây Xuyến chi được đánh giá thông qua ba mô hình: tổng khả năng chống oxy hoá, khả năng bắt gốc tự do DPPH và khả năng bắt gốc ABTS. Kết quả cho thấy cao ethyl acetate có khả năng chống oxy hóa tốt nhất với IC50 nhỏ nhất (IC50 = 31,54 μg·mL–1 và           IC50 = 35,33 μg·mL–1 tương ứng với khả năng bắt gốc DPPH và ABTS) và hàm lượng các chất chống oxy hóa cao nhất (85,05 ± 0,28 mg·g–1 acid gallic). Hàm lượng các hợp chất có hoạt tính sinh học (tổng các hợp chất phenol, tổng flavonoid, tổng triterpenoid và polysaccharide) trong dịch chiết hoa cây Xuyến chi được xác định bằng phương pháp trắc quang. Hàm lượng tổng các hợp chất phenol và flavonoid là 59,35 ± 0,83 mg GAE·g–1 và 42,35 ± 1,50 mg QE·g–1; hàm lượng polysacharide và triterpenoid là 4,44 ± 0,02% và 32,88 ± 0,66 mg acid oleanolic·g–1. Lần đầu tiên, tổng hàm lượng triterpenoid và polysacharide trong hoa Xuyến chi được công bố

    A practical synthesis of fluoroquinolone antibiotic moxifloxacin

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    The fluoroquinoloneantibiotic has been used in clinical practice since the 1980s, primarily for the treatment infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria. Moxifloxacin, a fourth-generation fluoroquinolone antibiotic developed by pharmaceutical company Bayer AG, exhibit broad spectrum of activity against Gram-negative, Gram-positive bacteria as well as  anaerobia. Moxifloxacin is used for community-acquired respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, and skin structure infections. We have described the synthesis of moxifloxacin using difluoroboron complex. In this paper, a practical synthesis of moxifloxacin using acetoxyboronate complexwas reported

    Differential prevalence and geographic distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes in acute and chronic hepatitis C patients in Vietnam.

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    BACKGROUND: The highest burden of disease from hepatitis C virus (HCV) is found in Southeast Asia, but our understanding of the epidemiology of infection in many heavily burdened countries is still limited. In particular, there is relatively little data on acute HCV infection, the outcome of which can be influenced by both viral and host genetics which differ within the region. We studied HCV genotype and IL28B gene polymorphism in a cohort of acute HCV-infected patients in Southern Vietnam alongside two other cohorts of chronic HCV-infected patients to better understand the epidemiology of HCV infection locally and inform the development of programs for therapy with the increasing availability of directly acting antiviral therapy (DAAs). METHODS: We analysed plasma samples from patients with acute and chronic HCV infection, including chronic HCV mono-infection and chronic Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-HCV coinfection, who enrolled in four epidemiological or clinical research studies. HCV infection was confirmed with RNA testing. The 5' UTR, core and NSB5 regions of HCV RNA positive samples were sequenced, and the genotype and subtype of the viral strains were determined. Host DNA from all HCV positive patients and age- and sex-matched non-HCV-infected control individuals were analysed for IL28B single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs12979860 and rs8099917). Geolocation of the patients were mapped using QGIS. RESULTS: 355 HCV antibody positive patients were analysed; 54.6% (194/355) and 46.4% (161/355) were acute and chronic infections, respectively. 50.4% (81/161) and 49.6.4% (80/161) of chronic infections had HCV mono-infection and HIV-HCV coinfection, respectively. 88.7% (315/355) and 10.1% (36/355) of the patients were from southern and central regions of Vietnam, respectively. 92.4% (328/355) of patients were HCV RNA positive, including 86.1% (167/194) acute and 100% (161/161) chronic infections. Genotype could be determined in 98.4% (322/328) patients. Genotypes 1 (56.5%; 182/322) and 6 (33.9%; 109/322) predominated. Genotype 1 including genotype 1a was significantly higher in HIV-HCV coinfected patients compared to acute HCV patients [43.8% (35/80) versus 20.5% (33/167)], (p = <0.001), while genotype 6 was significantly higher in chronic HCV mono-infected patients [(44.4% (36/81) versus 20.0% (16/80)] (p = < 0.004) compared to HIV-HCV coinfected patients. The prevalence of IL28B SNP (rs12979860) homozygous CC was 86.46% (83/96) in control individuals and was significantly higher in acutely-infected compared to chronically-infected patients [93.2 (82/88) versus 76.1% (35/46)] (p = < 0.005). CONCLUSION: HCV genotype 6 is highly prevalent in Vietnam and the high prevalence in treatment naïve chronic HCV patients may results from poor spontaneous clearance of acute HCV infection with genotype 6