12 research outputs found

    A Winding Road: Alzheimer’s Disease Increases Circuitous Functional Connectivity Pathways

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    Neuroimaging has been successful in characterizing the pattern of cerebral atrophy that accompanies the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Examination of functional connectivity, the strength of signal synchronicity between brain regions, has gathered pace as another way of understanding changes to the brain that are associated with AD. It appears to have good sensitivity and detect effects that precede cognitive decline, and thus offers the possibility to understand the neurobiology of the disease in its earliest phases. However, functional connectivity analyzes to date generally consider only the strongest connections, with weaker links ignored. This proof-of-concept study compared patients with mild-to-moderate AD (N = 11) and matched control individuals (N = 12) based on functional connectivities derived from blood-oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) sensitive functional MRI acquired during resting wakefulness. All positive connectivities irrespective of their strength were included. Transitive closures of the resulting connectome were calculated that classified connections as either direct or indirect. Between-group differences in the proportion of indirect paths were observed. In AD, there was broadly increased indirect connectivity across greater spatial distances. Furthermore, the indirect pathways in AD had greater between-subject topological variance than controls. The prevailing characterization of AD as being a disconnection syndrome is refined by the observation that direct links between regions that are impaired are perhaps replaced by an increase in indirect functional pathways that is only detectable through inclusion of connections across the entire range of connection strengths

    Semi-Metric Topology of the Human Connectome: Sensitivity and Specificity to Autism and Major Depressive Disorder.

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    The human functional connectome is a graphical representation, consisting of nodes connected by edges, of the inter-relationships of blood oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) time-series measured by MRI from regions encompassing the cerebral cortices and, often, the cerebellum. Semi-metric analysis of the weighted, undirected connectome distinguishes an edge as either direct (metric), such that there is no alternative path that is accumulatively stronger, or indirect (semi-metric), where one or more alternative paths exist that have greater strength than the direct edge. The sensitivity and specificity of this method of analysis is illustrated by two case-control analyses with independent, matched groups of adolescents with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) and major depressive disorder (MDD).Significance differences in the global percentage of semi-metric edges was observed in both groups, with increases in ASC and decreases in MDD relative to controls. Furthermore, MDD was associated with regional differences in left frontal and temporal lobes, the right limbic system and cerebellum. In contrast, ASC had a broadly increased percentage of semi-metric edges with a more generalised distribution of effects and some areas of reduction. In summary, MDD was characterised by localised, large reductions in the percentage of semi-metric edges, whilst ASC is characterised by more generalised, subtle increases. These differences were corroborated in greater detail by inspection of the semi-metric backbone for each group; that is, the sub-graph of semi-metric edges present in >90% of participants, and by nodal degree differences in the semi-metric connectome.These encouraging results, in what we believe is the first application of semi-metric analysis to neuroimaging data, raise confidence in the methodology as potentially capable of detection and characterisation of a range of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders

    Semi-metric percentages and backbones.

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    <p>(a) Sagittal, axial and coronal projections of nodes coloured according to the modules in which they are contained. (b) Between-group comparisons (patient groups relative to controls) for whole brain, left and right hemisphere SMP displayed as box-and-whisker plots identifying the median by the central line, the 25<sup>th</sup> and 75<sup>th</sup> percentile ranges by the limits of the box, and the minimum and maximum range (excluding outliers) by the limits of the whiskers. Outliers are individually displayed and defined as values >1.5 the interquartile range from the 25% and 75% quartiles. (c) Sagittal projections of the left and right hemispheres of the semi-metric backbones for each group. The thickness of the edges represents the percentage of participants within each group with a semi-metric edge at that location, with percentages > 90% omitted.</p

    Overview of network properties and analysis.

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    <p>(a) Histogram of correlation coefficients (i.e. edge weights) for each group. (b) Schematic diagram of a simple network with a semi-metric connection between nodes 1 and 2 (dashed edge) due to a shorter indirect path comprising edges between nodes 2 and 3 and 3 and 1 (solid edges). (c) The distribution of number of edges for semi-metric paths for each group. (d) Proximity matrices averaged across participants, for each group. (e) Axial projections of metric and semi-metric backbones for the control group. The thickness of the edges represents the percentage of participants within each group with a semi-metric edge at that location, with percentages > 90% omitted.</p

    Node degree and node disruption indices.

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    <p>Sagittal, axial and coronal projections (left-to-right) of nodes for comparisons of node degree in the semi-metric network for each between-group comparisons: (a) ASC vs. controls; (b) MDD vs controls. The radius of the node is proportional to the average degree difference and the colour denotes the direction of the effect; red indicating increases and green decreases, relative to controls. Plots of the difference in mean degree between (c) ASC and (d) MDD, and controls against mean degree for controls, for the semi-metric network. Node disruption indices are defined as the slope of the regression lines, plotted on each graph.</p