170 research outputs found

    Archaeoseismology of the AD 1545 earthquake in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand

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    The A.D. 1545 Chiang Mai earthquake in northern Thailand was studied by historical and archaeological sources.The temple Wat Chedi Luang has lost about half of the original 80-metres height due to southward-directed collapse. Twenty-one temple sites – out of 74 visited – has tilted pagodas, up to 5° in various directions, dominated by a SE trend. All damaged temples were built before the 1545 earthquake. We suggest that a city-wide liquefaction event caused tilting. The responsible earthquake possibly occurred along the Doi Suthep Fault within city limits. Possible activity of distant faults is assessed

    Recent Paleoseismic Investigations in Northern and Western Thailand

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    Recent paleoseismic investigations have identified a number of active faults in Northern and Western Thailand. Northern Thailand is an intraplate basin and range province, comprised of north-south-trending Cenozoic intermontane grabens and half grabens, bounded by north- to northwest-striking normal to normal-oblique faults and northeast-striking left-lateral strike-slip faults. The basin-bounding normal faults are marked by steep, linear range fronts with triangular facets and wineglass canyons and have slip rates of 0.1 to 0.8 mm/yr. Based on limited data, the average vertical displacement-per-event is about 1.0 to 1.5 m. These faults are characterized by recurrence intervals of thousands to tens of thousands of years and are capable of generating earthquakes up to moment magnitude (M) 7, and larger. The northeast-striking strike-slip faults are marked by shutter ridges, and deflected drainages. Slip rates are 3 mm/yr or less. Western Thailand is dissected by a number of northwest- and north-northwest-striking, right-lateral strike-slip faults related to the Sagaing Fault in Myanmar. Although showing much less activity than the faults in neighboring Myanmar, these faults display abundant evidence for late Quaternary movement, including shutter ridges, sag ponds, and laterally offset streams. The slip rate on these faults is estimated to be 0.5 to 2.0 mm/yr. These faults are considered capable of generating maximum earthquakes of up to M 71/2

    Recent paleoseismic investigations in Northern and Western Thailand

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    Recent paleoseismic investigations have identified a number of active faults in Northern and Western Thailand. Northern Thailand is an intraplate basin and range province, comprised of north-south-trending Cenozoic intermontane grabens and half grabens, bounded by north- to northwest-striking normal to normal-oblique faults and northeast-striking left-lateral strike-slip faults. The basin-bounding normal faults are marked by steep, linear range fronts with triangular facets and wineglass canyons and have slip rates of 0.1 to 0.8 mm/yr. Based on limited data, the average vertical displacement-per-event is about 1.0 to 1.5 m. These faults are characterized by recurrence intervals of thousands to tens of thousands of years and are capable of generating earthquakes up to moment magnitude (M) 7, and larger. The northeast-striking strike-slip faults are marked by shutter ridges, and deflected drainages. Slip rates are 3 mm/yr or less. Western Thailand is dissected by a number of northwest- and north-northwest-striking, right-lateral strike-slip faults related to the Sagaing Fault in Myanmar. Although showing much less activity than the faults in neighboring Myanmar, these faults display abundant evidence for late Quaternary movement, including shutter ridges, sag ponds, and laterally offset streams. The slip rate on these faults is estimated to be 0.5 to 2.0 mm/yr. These faults are considered capable of generating maximum earthquakes of up to M 71/2

    New Insights Into the Paleoseismic History of the Mae Hong Son Fault, Northern Thailand

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    The Mae Hong Son Fault (MHSF) is a north-trending active fault in northern Thailand. The largest earthquake ever recorded in Thailand occurred in February 1975 with a magnitude of 5.6 and was associated with the southern end of the MHSF. Paleoearthquake magnitudes, recurrence intervals, and slip rates for the MHSF are evaluated using the morphological characteristics of the MHSF aided with a 12.5-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and using fault trenching. Morphotectonic analysis, including studies of offset streams, linear valleys, triangular facets, and fault scarps, helps illustrate dextral fault movements within the MHSF zone. Two separated N–S trending basins, the Mae Hong Son to the north and the Mae Sariang to the south, are present along the MHSF. Between these basins, fault displacements decrease toward the Khun Yuam area. Surface rupture length investigation from fault segments in both basins indicates maximum credible earthquake magnitudes between 5.8 and 6.3. Fault trenching and road-cut studies show that nine earthquakes occurred along the MHSF over the past ∼43 ka. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating help define the timing of the earthquakes to ∼43, ∼38, ∼33, ∼28, ∼23, ∼18, ∼13, ∼8, and ∼3 ka. The recurrence interval of earthquakes on the Mae Hong Son Fault is ∼5,000 years and the fault has a slip rate of ∼0.04–0.15 mm/a

    Missing ophiolitic rocks along the Mae Yuam Fault as the Gondwana-Tethys divide in north-west Thailand

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    Thailand comprises two continental blocks: Sibumasu and Indochina. The clastic rocks of the Triassic Mae Sariang Group are distributed in the Mae Hong Son-Mae Sariang area, north-west Thailand, which corresponds to the central part of Sibumasu. The clastic rocks yield abundant detrital chromian spinels, indicating a source of ultramafic/mafic rocks. The chemistry of the detrital chromian spinels suggests that they were derived from three different rock types: ocean-floor peridotite, chromitite and intraplate basalt, and that ophiolitic rocks were exposed in the area, where there are no outcrops of them at present. Exposition of an ophiolitic complex denotes a suture zone or other tectonic boundary. The discovery of chromian spinels suggests that the Gondwana-Tethys divide is located along the Mae Yuam Fault zone. Both paleontological and tectonic aspects support this conclusion. © 2004 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd

    Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Lan Sang gneisses and its tectonic implications for the Mae Ping shear zone, NW Thailand

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    The Mae Ping shear zone (MPSZ), a major shear zone trending NW-SE in Thailand, is responsible for the left-lateral displacement of the N-S Triassic-Jurassic granitoid and gneiss belt. This displacement is postulated to have contributed to Cenozoic extrusion tectonics. Within the Lan Sang National Park, the MPSZ exposes several intensely deformed lithologies, collectively known as the Lan Sang gneisses. These gneisses have attracted considerable attention for their potential to substantiate the extrusion model. However, the timing of the emplacement of the orthogneiss protolith is still debated. Moreover, the origin and distribution of the Eocene syn-shearing granodiorite within this shear zone are not well understood. To shed light on the magmatic history of the MPSZ, this study utilized zircon U-Pb geochronology to systematically investigate the Lan Sang gneisses. Our findings demonstrate that these gneisses can be categorized into paragneiss and orthogneiss groups. Paragneiss samples feature zircons displaying rounded detrital cores ranging from 3,078 to 450 Ma, with metamorphic rim overgrowth of ca. 200 Ma (most Th/U <0.01). This indicates that their Paleozoic sedimentary protoliths experienced high-grade metamorphism during the Triassic-Jurassic Indosinian orogeny. On the other hand, zircon from orthogneiss samples shows that their magmatic protoliths were predominantly emplaced either around ∼200 Ma or within 45-32 Ma. The Eocene-Oligocene magmatism likely coincided with the proposed Eocene metamorphism. Since these samples were deformed by left-lateral shearing, the left-lateral motion of the MPSZ probably ended after 32 Ma. Eocene-Oligocene magmatic events have also been identified in granite, mylonite, and gneiss samples from other regions along the Sibumasu terrane, including the Three Pagodas, Klaeng, Ranong, Khlong Marui shear zones, and the Doi Inthanon area. The Eocene-Oligocene magmatism was likely linked with the movement of the shear zones and may be responsible for the regional cooling pattern. The spatial and temporal distribution of the Eocene-Oligocene magmatism within the Sibumasu terrane supports the hypothesis that the inward migration of magmatism in the overriding plate resulted from the shallowing of the Neo-Tethyan slab

    Cenozoic tectonic evolution of south-eastern Thailand derived from low-temperature thermochronology

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    Low-temperature thermochronologic techniques, specifically apatite (U-Th)/He and apatite fission track dating were used to reconstruct the thermal history of south-eastern Thailand. This area is intersected by vast and complex fault networks related to the Cenozoic Mae Ping and Three Pagodas Faults. These were identified from satellite imagery and confirmed by field observations. New apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He data were collected from crystalline basement blocks within these fault networks. Ages obtained range from 48 Ma to 24 Ma, with most of the samples clustering between 36 and 24 Ma. Thermal history modelling indicates late Eocene – Oligocene exhumation of the exposed granitic and metamorphic basement rocks in south-eastern Thailand. Exhumation was regional and was contemporaneous with sinistral fault activity during the late Eocene – early Oligocene along the Mae Ping Fault and Three Pagodas Fault. Moreover, this exhumation occurred coevally with a syn-rift phase of intracontinental offshore rift basin and half-graben basin development in the eastern Gulf of Thailand. The phase of exhumation ended in the early Miocene, as a result of the changing plate tectonic forces along the complex plate boundaries of Sundaland

    The timing of strike-slip shear along the Ranong and Khlong Marui faults, Thailand

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    The timing of shear along many important strike-slip faults in Southeast Asia, such as the Ailao Shan-Red River, Mae Ping and Three Pagodas faults, is poorly understood. We present 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb SHRIMP and microstructural data from the Ranong and Khlong Marui faults of Thailand to show that they experienced a major period of ductile dextral shear during the middle Eocene (48–40 Ma, centered on 44 Ma) which followed two phases of dextral shear along the Ranong Fault, before the Late Cretaceous (>81 Ma) and between the late Paleocene and early Eocene (59–49 Ma). Many of the sheared rocks were part of a pre-kinematic crystalline basement complex, which partially melted and was intruded by Late Cretaceous (81–71 Ma) and early Eocene (48 Ma) tin-bearing granites. Middle Eocene dextral shear at temperatures of ~300–500°C formed extensive mylonite belts through these rocks and was synchronous with granitoid vein emplacement. Dextral shear along the Ranong and Khlong Marui faults occurred at the same time as sinistral shear along the Mae Ping and Three Pagodas faults of northern Thailand, a result of India-Burma coupling in advance of India-Asia collision. In the late Eocene (<37 Ma) the Ranong and Khlong Marui faults were reactivated as curved sinistral branches of the Mae Ping and Three Pagodas faults, which were accommodating lateral extrusion during India-Asia collision and Himalayan orogenesis

    Restoration of Cenozoic deformation in Asia and the size of Greater India

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