9 research outputs found

    The Roman funerary monument Tower of Sant Josep de Villajoyosa (Alicante). New data and proposal of restitution

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    Este artículo tiene como objeto la presentación de los resultados de las intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas en el monumento romano de la Torre de Sant Josep en la última década. Éstas han permitido conocer en profundidad las técnicas constructivas empleadas en la edificación del monumento, las fases de ocupación de la torre y su entorno inmediato, así como el significado del monumento en el contexto de la arqueología romana de Villajoyosa. El levantamiento fotogramétrico tanto de la torre como de los elementos arquitectónicos existentes en los alrededores ha permitido elaborar una propuesta de reconstrucción virtual del monumento con los sillares originales. La propuesta contenida en este trabajo ha servido de base para la realización del Proyecto de Restauración de la Torre cuyo fin será la puesta en valor de una de las torres funerarias mejor conservadas de Hispania.The aim of this article is to present the results of the archaeological excavation carried out within the last decade in the Roman monument in the Tower of Sant Josep. These have revealed important information about the Roman construction techniques used to build the monument, the occupation phases of the tower and its surroundings, and the meaning of the monument in the context of the Roman archaeology in Villajoyosa. A 3D photogrammetric survey of the tower and the architectural elements in the surroundings has been used to propose a virtual reconstruction of the funerary monument with the original ashlars. The proposal in this study has been the basis for the Restoration Project of the Tower, which will enhance one of the best preserved funerary towers in Hispania

    The Tower of Sant Josep in Villajoyosa, the Restitution of the Roman Monument and its Funerary Context

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la restitución definitiva del monumento a partir de los resultados de las últimas intervenciones que se han llevado a cabo en 2014/2015 en el yacimiento de la Torre de Sant Josep en Villajoyosa (Alicante). Se han localizado tres nuevos sillares, claves en la reconstrucción del monumento, ya que han modificado la anterior propuesta de reconstrucción de la tumba, añadiendo una hilada más a su altura. La reconstrucción y restauración real del monumento también se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de estas intervenciones. Además, se ha localizado prácticamente todo el perímetro del recinto funerario que rodea el mausoleo, uno de los más grandes localizados en Hispania. Realizado en opus caementicium, con puerta de acceso y refuerzo de esquinas de sillería en la fachada que da al mar, encaja dentro del marco de recintos funerarios romanos en entornos rurales durante el siglo II d.C.The aim of this paper is to present the final reconstruction of the monument based on the results from the latest excavations carried out in 2014/2015 in the site of La Torre de Sant Josep in Villajoyosa (Alicante). Three new ashlars have been found, which are key to the reconstruction of the monument because they modify the previous reconstruction proposal by adding an extra course to its height. The reconstruction and real restoration of the monument has taken place during these excavations. Furthermore, almost the whole furnerary enclosure that surrounds the mausoleum has been discovered, one of the biggest ones in Hispania. It was built in opus caementicium, with an access door and ashlar corners in the façade overlooking the sea, and can be easily placed in the context of the Roman funerary enclosures of the 2nd century AD in rural environments

    Effective psychological therapy for PTSD changes the dynamics of specific large-scale brain networks

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    In posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), re-experiencing of the trauma is a hallmark symptom proposed to emerge from a de-contextualised trauma memory. Cognitive therapy for PTSD (CT-PTSD) addresses this de-contextualisation through different strategies. At the brain level, recent research suggests that the dynamics of specific large-scale brain networks play an essential role in both the healthy response to a threatening situation and the development of PTSD. However, very little is known about how these dynamics are altered in the disorder and rebalanced after treatment and successful recovery. Using a data-driven approach and fMRI, we detected recurring large-scale brain functional states with high temporal precision in a population of healthy trauma-exposed and PTSD participants before and after successful CT-PTSD. We estimated the total amount of time that each participant spent on each of the states while being exposed to trauma-related and neutral pictures. We found that PTSD participants spent less time on two default mode subnetworks involved in different forms of self-referential processing in contrast to PTSD participants after CT-PTSD (mtDMN+ and dmDMN+) and healthy trauma-exposed controls (only mtDMN+). Furthermore, re-experiencing severity was related to decreased time spent on the default mode subnetwork involved in contextualised retrieval of autobiographical memories, and increased time spent on the salience and visual networks. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that PTSD involves an imbalance in the dynamics of specific large-scale brain network states involved in self-referential processes and threat detection, and suggest that successful CT-PTSD might rebalance this dynamic aspect of brain function

    Aporte universitario al Debate Nacional sobre Drogas

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    Contenido -- La Universidad al servicio de la República – Introducción -- Aportes del análisis económico al estudio de las drogas, Carlos Casacuberta, Mariana Gerstenbluth, Patricia Triunfo : Resumen -- El análisis económico de las drogas -- Conducta adictiva y modelos de comportamiento -- Efectos de las drogas en desempeños y conductas -- Mercados de drogas ilegales -- Políticas, legalización y despenalización – Conclusiones – Bibliografía -- Se presume culpable. Sobre la justificación de las decisiones judiciales relativas a la interpretación del artículo 31 del decreto ley 14.294 en su redacción dada por la ley 17.016, Gianella Bardazano : Resumen -- Introducción --La decisión judicial -- Argumentos en juego en las soluciones que privilegian el prohibicionismo -- Límites a la ley penal -- Gestión textual de la justificación de las decisiones judiciales – Conclusiones -- Bibliografía -- Los trasfondos del imaginario sobre ‘drogas’:valores culturales, geopolítica, intereses corporativos y hechos mediáticos, Rafael Bayce : Introducción -- 1. La matriz cultural hegemónica que codifica, cognitiva, emocional y moralmente las ‘drogas’ --2. Las estrategias geopolíticas que les dan densidad estratégica histórica -- 3. Los intereses que se persiguen con la ayuda de los imaginarios hegemónicos – Conclusión -- Bibliografía -- La marihuana provoca esquizofrenia. Espacio público y drogas en Uruguay, Veronica Filardo, Sebastian Aguiar, Clara Musto, Diego Pieri : Resumen -- Introducción -- Drogas en el espacio público . Panorama cuantitativo -- Análisis de medios de prensa --Organizaciones sociales y la demanda por la legalización -- Discurso oficial sobre drogas -- Conclusiones -- Bibliografía -- Textualidades cannábicas, L. Nicolas Guigou :Resumen – Introducción -- Textualidades muertas, textualidades vivas -- Uruguay, inevitable – Bibliografía -- Notas sobre políticas de drogas y gubernamentalidad, Valentin Magnone -- Resumen -- Algunas consideraciones sobre el concepto de gubernamentalidad La política de drogas en el Uruguay actual – Conclusiones -- Bibliografía -- Cuentos de Gárgolas y Latas…Una aproximación a ciertas narrativas desplegadas (desde) (sobre) (con) a prácticas relacionadas con el consumo de pasta base, Gabriel Eira Charquero : 1. Justificación -- 2. Pre-ámbulo instrumental: performatividad --3. Narrando el universo de l@s gárgolas – Bibliografía --Aspectos farmacognósticos del cannabis, Carlos Garcia Carnelli, Selva Cairabu : Resumen – Introducción -- La planta y la droga -- Aplicaciones y usos históricos -- Química del cannabis -- Aspectos analíticos -- Aspectos farmacológicos -- Aspectos toxicológicos -- Usos terapéuticos -- Conclusiones -- Bibliografí

    Estrategias en la búsqueda de agentes anti-tripanosomátidos.

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    La familia Tryoanosomatidae está constituida por parásitos protozoarios causantes de la enfermedad de Chagas y del sueño(Trypanosoma bracei). En el cual, las estrategias empleada para identificación de compuestos con potencial de desarrollarse son de dos formas : ensayo de cribado contra blanco molecular y ensayos de cribado contra células; y el objetivo es contribuir a la identificación de nuevas entidades químicas que reducen de manera específica y significativa la variabilidad de tripanosomátidos patógenos

    Effective psychological therapy for PTSD changes the dynamics of specific large-scale brain networks

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    In posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), re-experiencing of the trauma is a hallmark symptom proposed to emerge from a de-contextualised trauma memory. Cognitive therapy for PTSD (CT-PTSD) addresses this de-contextualisation through different strategies. At the brain level, recent research suggests that the dynamics of specific large-scale brain networks play an essential role in both the healthy response to a threatening situation and the development of PTSD. However, very little is known about how these dynamics are altered in the disorder and rebalanced after treatment and successful recovery. Using a data-driven approach and fMRI, we detected recurring large-scale brain functional states with high temporal precision in a population of healthy trauma-exposed and PTSD participants before and after successful CT-PTSD. We estimated the total amount of time that each participant spent on each of the states while being exposed to trauma-related and neutral pictures. We found that PTSD participants spent less time on two default mode subnetworks involved in different forms of self-referential processing in contrast to PTSD participants after CT-PTSD (mtDMN+ and dmDMN+) and healthy trauma-exposed controls (only mtDMN+). Furthermore, re-experiencing severity was related to decreased time spent on the default mode subnetwork involved in contextualised retrieval of autobiographical memories, and increased time spent on the salience and visual networks. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that PTSD involves an imbalance in the dynamics of specific large-scale brain network states involved in self-referential processes and threat detection, and suggest that successful CT-PTSD might rebalance this dynamic aspect of brain function

    9- and 11-substituted 4-azapaullones are potent and selective inhibitors of African trypanosoma.

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    International audienceTrypanosomes from the "brucei" complex are pathogenic parasites endemic in sub-Saharan Africa and causative agents of severe diseases in humans and livestock. In order to identify new antitrypanosomal chemotypes against African trypanosomes, 4-azapaullones carrying α,β-unsaturated carbonyl chains in 9- or 11-position were synthesized employing a procedure with a Heck reaction as key step. Among the so prepared compounds, 5a and 5e proved to be potent antiparasitic agents with antitrypanosomal activity in the submicromolar range

    Effective psychological therapy for PTSD changes the dynamics of specific large-scale brain networks

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    In posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), re‐experiencing of the trauma is a hallmark symptom proposed to emerge from a de‐contextualised trauma memory. Cognitive therapy for PTSD (CT‐PTSD) addresses this de‐contextualisation through different strategies. At the brain level, recent research suggests that the dynamics of specific large‐scale brain networks play an essential role in both the healthy response to a threatening situation and the development of PTSD. However, very little is known about how these dynamics are altered in the disorder and rebalanced after treatment and successful recovery. Using a data‐driven approach and fMRI, we detected recurring large‐scale brain functional states with high temporal precision in a population of healthy trauma‐exposed and PTSD participants before and after successful CT‐PTSD. We estimated the total amount of time that each participant spent on each of the states while being exposed to trauma‐related and neutral pictures. We found that PTSD participants spent less time on two default mode subnetworks involved in different forms of self‐referential processing in contrast to PTSD participants after CT‐PTSD (mtDMN(+) and dmDMN(+)) and healthy trauma‐exposed controls (only mtDMN(+)). Furthermore, re‐experiencing severity was related to decreased time spent on the default mode subnetwork involved in contextualised retrieval of autobiographical memories, and increased time spent on the salience and visual networks. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that PTSD involves an imbalance in the dynamics of specific large‐scale brain network states involved in self‐referential processes and threat detection, and suggest that successful CT‐PTSD might rebalance this dynamic aspect of brain function