9 research outputs found

    Treatment of incontinence following repair of vesico-vaginal fistulae

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    Increased Vascularity in Cervicovaginal Mucosa with Schistosoma haematobium Infection

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    Schistosomiasis is a fresh water parasite infection that affects millions of people, especially in Africa. Recent knowledge about the genital manifestations of schistosomiasis; especially its possible association with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, has led to increased focus on this neglected tropical disease. Millions of women remain undiagnosed for genital schistosomiasis, and may suffer from abnormal mucosal blood vessels, contact bleeding and lesions named sandy patches. This study analyses a unique selection of female genital biopsies containing parasite eggs. Protein detection and standard histopathological assessment are combined to quantify and study the characteristics of the mucosal blood vessels surrounding the eggs. Our results show that the genital mucosa with parasite eggs is more vascularised compared to healthy tissue, and that viable eggs tend to be surrounded by proliferating blood vessels. These findings have not yet been correlated directly to clinical manifestations. Further studies are needed in order to provide clinical advice on the risks and consequences of mucosal lesions particular to female genital schistosomiasis

    Female genital schistosomiasis as an evidence of a neglected cause for reproductive ill-health: a retrospective histopathological study from Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis affects the reproductive health of women. Described sequelae are ectopic pregnancy, infertility, abortion, and cervical lesions and symptoms mimicking cervical cancer and STIs. There are indications that cervical schistosomiasis lesions could become co-factors for viral infection such as HIV and HPV. METHODS: In a retrospective descriptive histopathological study clinical specimens sent between 1999 and 2005 to the pathology department of a consultant hospital in Tanzania were reviewed to analyse the occurrence and features of schistosomiasis in female genital organs. RESULTS: During the study period, schistosomiasis was histopathologically diagnosed in 423 specimens from different organs (0.7% of all specimens examined in the study period), out of those 40% were specimens from female and male organs. The specimens were sent from 24 hospitals in 13 regions of mainland Tanzania. Female genital schistosomiasis was diagnosed in 125 specimens from 111 patients. The main symptoms reported were bleeding disorders (48%), ulcer (17%), tumor (20%), lower abdominal pain (11%) and infertility (7%). The majority of cases with genital schistosomiasis were diagnosed in cervical tissue (71 cases). The confirmation of cervical cancer was specifically requested for 53 women, but the diagnosis could only be verified for 13 patients (25%), in 40 cases only severe cervical schistosomiasis was diagnosed. Vulval/labial schistosomiasis was seen in specimens from young women. Infertility was reported in four patients with schistosomiasis of the Fallopian tubes. CONCLUSION: Genital schistosomiasis adds to the disease burden of women in all age groups. Pathological consequences due to the involvement of different genital organs can be damaging for the affected women. Clinical unawareness of genital schistosomiasis can lead to misdiagnosis and therefore false and ineffective therapy. In endemic areas cervical schistosomiasis should be considered as differential diagnosis of cancer

    Mittelschmerz or ovulation pain

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    Mittelschmerz mimicking appendicitis

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    Some Inflammatory Conditions That May Simulate Tumours

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