1,635 research outputs found

    Challenging the Spectacle: A Case Study on Education Policy Advocacy

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    Much of the current education reform movement is centered on promoting policies aimed directly at improving teacher performance and, in turn, student learning. However, much of the advocacy has divided policymakers and educators by using ideologically charged methods that do not promote reasoned discussion or compromise. Schools of education have sometimes become targets for state-level policymakers who present teacher preparation programs as part of the problem. This paper is a case study of leadership by a school of education in advocating for policy. Viewing the circumstances through the lens of “political spectacle” theory, this study outlines how utilizing an advocacy model, backed by data and bolstered by coalition partners, convinced policymakers to make reasonable adjustments to dramatic rule changes

    Sistema web para el proceso de gestión de pedidos de la empresa A&G La Esperanza S.A.C.

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    De la revisión de la literatura sobre sistemas web para gestión de pedidos, se concluyó que se enfoca en el ciclo de vida de los pedidos y su adecuada gestión. En ese sentido, la presente investigación abarcó el desarrollo e implementación de un Sistema web para el proceso de gestión de pedidos de la empresa A&G La Esperanza S.A.C., perteneciente al rubro de elaboración de productos panaderos. Justificándose a través de un mayor control sobre el proceso, fortaleciendo así la adecuada entrega y envío del pedido al cliente que es fundamental en la rentabilidad de la empresa y la confiabilidad de los procesos que en ella se desarrollan. El objetivo principal es determinar el nivel de influencia de un sistema web en el proceso de gestión de pedidos que se desarrolla en la mencionada institución, a través de la implementación del mencionado sistema web. Para tal fin, se empleó la metodología de desarrollo SCRUM, y como gestor de base de datos MySQL 5.0, también el lenguaje de desarrollo PHP (Hypertext PreProcessor), JavaScript. La población estaba conformada por el número de pedidos realizados en un mes, siendo para tal proceso 900 pedidos en dicho periodo de tiempo, la muestra ha resultado 269 pedidos, se desarrolló un muestreo aleatorio simple. El tipo de investigación fue aplicada con un diseño pre-experimental. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó instrumentos como la ficha de registro, la técnica que se utilizó fue el fichaje. Asimismo, para el contraste de hipótesis se aplicó la prueba de Wilcoxon debido a que la muestra era mayor a 30. Finalmente, se llegó a la conclusión que el sistema web para el proceso de gestión de pedidos mejoró dicho proceso de la empresa A&G La Esperanza S.A.C., debido a que se incrementó el porcentaje de los pedidos entregados a tiempo en 27.14% y el porcentaje de los pedidos entregados completos en 24.9%

    Solvent-induced morphological transitions in methacrylate-based block-copolymer aggregates

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    Poly(ethylene oxide)-b\textit{b}-poly(butylmethacrylate) (PEO-b\textit{b}-PBMA) copolymers have recently been identified as excellent building blocks for the synthesis of hierarchical nanoporous materials. Nevertheless, while experiments have unveiled their potential to form bicontinuous phases and vesicles, a general picture of their phase and aggregation behavior is still missing. By performing Molecular Dynamics simulations, we here apply our recent coarse-grained model of PEO-b\textit{b}-PBMA to investigate its self-assembly in water and tetrahydrofuran (THF) and unveil the occurrence of a wide spectrum of mesophases. In particular, we find that the morphological phase diagram of this ternary system incorporates bicontinuous and lamellar phases at high copolymer concentrations, and finite-size aggregates, such as dispersed sheets or disk-like aggregates, spherical vesicles and rod-like vesicles, at low copolymer concentrations. The morphology of these mesophases can be controlled by tuning the THF/water relative content, which has a striking effect on the kinetics of self-assembly as well as on the resulting equilibrium structures. Our results disclose the fascinating potential of PEO-b\textit{b}-PBMA copolymers for the templated synthesis of nanostructured materials and offer a guideline to fine-tune their properties by accurately selecting the THF/water ratio

    Coastal Wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach

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    Coastal Wetlands, Second Edition: An Integrated and Ecosystem Approach provides an understanding of the functioning of coastal ecosystems and the ecological services that they provide. As coastal wetlands are under a great deal of pressure from the dual forces of rising sea levels and the intervention of human populations, both along the estuary and in the river catchment, this book covers important issues, such as the destruction or degradation of wetlands from land reclamation and infrastructures, impacts from the discharge of pollutants, changes in river flows and sediment supplies, land clearing, and dam operations

    Self-inflicted wound with a nail in the heart: case report

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    Adequate diagnosis and treatment of penetrating cardiac injury (PCI) represents a great challenge for the surgeon in the emergency department (ED) because of its high mortality. It is estimated that more than 90% of mortality happens before the patient reaches the hospital and only 15---50% of those will receive appropriate medical treatment. Case report: A 42-year-old hemodynamically stable male is brought to the ED with a protruding nail in his thorax. He is taken to the operating room (OR) where a medial sternotomy is performed and an injury is found in the left ventricle. Cardiac muscle repair is performed with pericardial patch. Discussion: PCI from a suicide attempt secondary to a nail hammered into the chest is very rare and no previous reports were found by the author. Conclusion: The objects that penetrate cardiac structures must be removed in a proper OR with capable personnel and the resources available to perform procedures like an urgent thoracotomy or sternotomy

    Sexual Dimorphism of Rhyssomatus subtilis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Examination with a binocular microscope of adults of Rhyssomatus subtilis Fielder (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) revealed distinct differences between the sexes in the foreleg, which permits their differentiation with complete accuracy. In the female the profemual process is weak, subacute, angulate and the protibia has an uncus and mucro. In the male the profemur process is strong, curved, subacute, tooth-like and lacks an protibia uncus.La examinación con microscopio binocular de los adultos de Rhyssomatus subtilis Fielder (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) revelan diferencia entre los sexos en las patas delanteras, permitiendo diferenciarlos con completa precisión. Las hembras presentan el proceso femoral anterior débil, subagudo, angulado y la protibia con uncus y mucro presente. En los machos el proceso femoral anterior es fuerte, curvado, subagudo, con diente y la protibia no presenta uncus.Fil: Cazado, Lucas Emiliano. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Instituto de Tecnología Agroindustrial del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina; ArgentinaFil: O'brien, Charles W..Fil: Casmuz, Augusto S.. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; ArgentinaFil: Gastaminza, Gerardo A.. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; ArgentinaFil: Murúa, María Gabriela. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Instituto de Tecnología Agroindustrial del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina; Argentin

    Prospective Study of Recovery from Copperhead Snake Envenomation: An Observational Study

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    BACKGROUND: Although much is known about signs, symptoms, and management in the acute phase of crotaline snake envenomation, little is known about signs, symptoms, function, and quality of life during the recovery phase. The purpose of this observational pilot investigation is to evaluate the utility of several clinical outcome instruments in the setting of copperhead snakebite, and to characterize the clinical course of recovery. METHODS: This is a multi-center prospective, open-label, observational study of patients envenomated by copperhead snakes. We administered the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH), Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS), Patient-Specific Functional Scale (PSFS), Work Productivity and Ability Impairment: Special Health Problem (WPAI: SHP), Patients\u27 Global Impression of Change (PGIC), Patient\u27s Global Assessment of Recovery (PGAR), and SF-36 instruments, obtained numeric pain rating scales, and measured grip strength, walking speed, and swelling prior to hospital discharge and 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after envenomation. RESULTS: 20 subjects were enrolled; none were lost to follow-up. Most (80%) had moderate severity swelling, and most (75%) received antivenom. Across the broad range of measures, abnormalities of pain, swelling, impairments of physical and role function, and quality of life persisted for 7-14 days in most subjects. Validated self-reported outcome measures, such as the DASH, LEFS, PSFS, PGIC, SF-36, and the daily activities impairment portion of the WPAI: SHP were more responsive than measurements of swelling or walking speed. Data quality issues limited the utility of the work impairment portion of the WPAI: SHP. Residual signs, symptoms, and impairment in some subjects lasted through the 28-day study period. The study design precluded any assessment of the effectiveness of antivenom. CONCLUSIONS: Signs, symptoms, impaired function, and decreased quality of life typically last 7 - 14 days after copperhead envenomation. Several tools appear responsive and useful in studying recovery from pit viper envenomation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01651299

    Mucins trigger dispersal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

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    Mucus is a biological gel that lines all wet epithelia in the body, including the mouth, lungs, and digestive tract, and has evolved to protect the body from pathogenic infection. However, microbial pathogenesis is often studied in mucus-free environments that lack the geometric constraints and microbial interactions in physiological three-dimensional mucus gels. We developed fluid-flow and static test systems based on purified mucin polymers, the major gel-forming constituents of the mucus barrier, to understand how the mucus barrier influences bacterial virulence, particularly the integrity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms, which can become resistant to immune clearance and antimicrobial agents. We found that mucins separate the cells in P. aeruginosa biofilms and disperse them into suspension. Other viscous polymer solutions did not match the biofilm disruption caused by mucins, suggesting that mucin-specific properties mediate the phenomenon. Cellular dispersion depended on functional flagella, indicating a role for swimming motility. Taken together, our observations support a model in which host mucins are key players in the regulation of microbial virulence. These mucins should be considered in studies of mucosal pathogenesis and during the development of novel strategies to treat biofilms

    Valores y objetivos de vida: un estudio empírico con estudiantes universitarios

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    Los valores son un sistema dinámico de conceptos abstractos que guían el comportamiento humano y con los que se trabaja permanentemente en la educación, mientras que los objetivos de vida son una perspectiva sobre la dirección que desean dar las personas a sus vidas. El objetivo de este estudio es describir y relacionar los valores y objetivos de vida más importantes para los estudiantes de cuatro planteles de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila ubicados en la ciudad de Monclova. La investigación es cuantitativa, descriptiva y correlacional. Se diseñó un instrumento ad hoc para el estudio conformado por 22 valores y 20 objetivos de vida. Los resultados mostraron que los valores más importantes fueron respeto, justicia, responsabilidad, sinceridad y honestidad, y los menos importantes paciencia, entusiasmo, optimismo, ahorro y obediencia. Los objetivos más relevantes fueron bienestar familiar, desarrollo personal, tener una casa, tener éxito profesional y divertirse, mientras los menos importantes fueron tener poder, casarse, tener hijos, tener fama y dedicarse a la política. Las mujeres tuvieron mayores promedios significativos en 13 valores y 7 objetivos de vida, mientras los hombres solo tuvieron un mayor promedio en el objetivo referente a tener hijos. Se encontraron relaciones significativas entre los valores y los objetivos de vida. En conclusión, los valores que más impacto tienen en la vida de los universitarios están relacionados con el desarrollo profesional, personal y familiar