89 research outputs found

    The Identification of Extreme Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars and Red Supergiants in M33 by 24 {\mu}m Variability

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    We present the first detection of 24 {\mu}m variability in 24 sources in the Local Group galaxy M33. These results are based on 4 epochs of MIPS observations, which are irregularly spaced over ~750 days. We find that these sources are constrained exclusively to the Holmberg radius of the galaxy, which increases their chances of being members of M33. We have constructed spectral energy distributions (SEDs) ranging from the optical to the sub-mm to investigate the nature of these objects. We find that 23 of our objects are most likely heavily self-obscured, evolved stars; while the remaining source is the Giant HII region, NGC 604. We believe that the observed variability is the intrinsic variability of the central star reprocessed through their circumstellar dust shells. Radiative transfer modeling was carried out to determine their likely chemical composition, luminosity, and dust production rate (DPR). As a sample, our modeling has determined an average luminosity of (3.8 ±\pm 0.9) x 104^4 L⊙_\odot and a total DPR of (2.3 ±\pm 0.1) x 10−5^{-5} M⊙_\odot yr−1^{-1}. Most of the sources, given the high DPRs and short wavelength obscuration, are likely "extreme" AGB (XAGB) stars. Five of the sources are found to have luminosities above the classical AGB limit (Mbol_{\rm bol} 54,000 L⊙_\odot), which classifies them as probably red supergiants (RSGs). Almost all of the sources are classified as oxygen rich. As also seen in the LMC, a significant fraction of the dust in M33 is produced by a handful of XAGB and RSG stars.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in A

    Super Star Clusters in SBS0335-052E

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    As one of the lowest metallicity star forming galaxies, with a nucleus of several super star clusters, SBS0335-052E is the subject of substantial current study. We present new insights on this galaxy based on new and archival high spatial resolution NICMOS and ACS images. We provide new measurements and limits on the size of several of the SSCs. The images have sufficient resolution to divide the star formation into compact regions and newly discovered extended regions, indicating a bi-modal form of star formation. The star formation regions are dated via the equivalent width of the Pa alpha emission and we find that two of the extended regions of star formation are less than 10 million years old. Our previous finding that stellar winds confine the photo-ionizing flux to small regions around individual stars is consistent with the new observations. This may allow planet formation in what would traditionally be considered a harsh environment and has implications for the number of planets around globular cluster stars. In addition the images pinpoint the regions of H2 emission as located in, but not at the center of the two star forming super star clusters, S1 and S2.Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Delayed Photoionization Feedback in a Super Star Cluster in SBS0335-052E

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    SBS0335-052 is a well studied Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy with one of the lowest metallicities of any known galaxy. It also contains 6 previously identified Super Star Clusters. We combine archival HST NICMOS images in the Pa alpha line and the 1.6 micron continuum of the eastern component, SBS0335-052E, with other space and ground based data to perform a multi-wavelength analysis of the super star clusters. We concentrate on the southern most clusters, designated S1 and S2, which appear to be the youngest clusters and are the strongest emitters of Pa alpha, radio, and x-ray flux. Our analysis leads to a possible model for S1 and perhaps S2 as a cluster of very young, massive stars with strong stellar winds. The wind density can be high enough to absorb the majority of ionizing photons within less than 1000 AU of the stars, creating very compact HII regions that emit optically thick radiation at radio wavelengths. These winds would then effectively quench the photoionizing flux very close to the stars. This can delay the onset of negative feedback by photoionization and photodissociation on star formation in the clusters. This is significant since SBS0335-052E resembles the conditions that were probably common for high redshift star formation in galaxies near the epoch of reionization.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Spitzer 70~Ό\mum Emission as a SFR Indicator for Sub--Galactic Regions

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    We use Spitzer 24 ÎŒ\mum, 70 ÎŒ\mum and ground based Hα\alpha data for a sample of 40 SINGS galaxies to establish a star formation rate (SFR) indicator using 70 ÎŒ\mum emission for sub--galactic (∌0.05−2 kpc\sim0.05-2\ \rm{kpc}) line-emitting regions and to investigate limits in application. A linear correlation between 70 ÎŒ\mum and SFR is found and a star formation indicator SFR(70) is proposed for line-emitting sub-galactic regions as $\rm \Sigma(SFR)\ ({M_{\odot}\cdot yr^{-1}\cdot kpc^{-2}})=9.4\times10^{-44}\ \Sigma(70)\ \rm{(ergs\cdot s^{-1}\cdot kpc^{-2})},forregionswith, for regions with 12+\rm{log(O/H)}\gtrsim8.4and and \rm \Sigma(SFR)\gtrsim10^{-3}\ (M_{\odot}\cdot yr^{-1}\cdot kpc^{-2}),witha1−, with a 1-\sigmadispersionaroundthecalibrationof dispersion around the calibration of \sim0.16dex.Wealsodiscusstheinfluenceofmetallicityonthescatterofthedata.ComparingwiththeSFRindicatorat70 dex. We also discuss the influence of metallicity on the scatter of the data. Comparing with the SFR indicator at 70 \mumforintegratedlightfromgalaxies,wefindthatthereism for integrated light from galaxies, we find that there is \sim40%excess70 excess 70 \mu$m emission in galaxies, which can be attributed to stellar populations not involved in the current star formation activity.Comment: 36 pages, 1 table, 18 figures, accepted by Ap

    Empirical ugri-UBVRc Transformations for Galaxies

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    We present empirical color transformations between Sloan Digital Sky Survey ugri and Johnson-Cousins UBVRc photometry for nearby galaxies (D < 11 Mpc). We use the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) galaxy sample where there are 90 galaxies with overlapping observational coverage for these two filter sets. The LVL galaxy sample consists of normal, non-starbursting galaxies. We also examine how well the LVL galaxy colors are described by previous transformations derived from standard calibration stars and model-based galaxy templates. We find significant galaxy color scatter around most of the previous transformation relationships. In addition, the previous transformations show systematic offsets between transformed and observed galaxy colors which are visible in observed color-color trends. The LVL-based galaxygalaxy transformations show no systematic color offsets and reproduce the observed color-color galaxy trends.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (9 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables

    Spitzer Local Volume Legacy (LVL) SEDs and Physical Properties

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    We present the panchromatic spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) survey which consists of 258 nearby galaxies (D<D<11 Mpc). The wavelength coverage spans the ultraviolet to the infrared (1500 A˚\textrm{\AA} to 24 ÎŒ\mum) which is utilized to derive global physical properties (i.e., star formation rate, stellar mass, internal extinction due to dust.). With these data, we find color-color relationships and correlated trends between observed and physical properties (i.e., optical magnitudes and dust properties, optical color and specific star formation rate, and ultraviolet-infrared color and metallicity). The SEDs are binned by different galaxy properties to reveal how each property affects the observed shape of these SEDs. In addition, due to the volume-limited nature of LVL, we utilize the dwarf-dominated galaxy sample to test star formation relationships established with higher-mass galaxy samples. We find good agreement with the star-forming "main-sequence" relationship, but find a systematic deviation in the infrared "main-sequence" at low luminosities. This deviation is attributed to suppressed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation in low metallicity environments and/or the destruction of PAHs in more intense radiation fields occurring near a suggested threshold in sSFR at a value of log(sSFRsSFR) ∌\sim −-10.2.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (15 pages, 14 figures, 1 table

    The Spitzer Local Volume Legacy (LVL) Global Optical Photometry

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    We present the global optical photometry of 246 galaxies in the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) survey. The full volume-limited sample consists of 258 nearby (D < 11 Mpc) galaxies whose absolute B-band magnitude span a range of -9.6 < M_B < -20.7 mag. A composite optical (UBVR) data set is constructed from observed UBVR and SDSS ugriz imaging, where the ugriz magnitudes are transformed into UBVR. We present photometry within three galaxy apertures defined at UV, optical, and IR wavelengths. Flux comparisons between these apertures reveal that the traditional optical R25 galaxy apertures do not fully encompass extended sources. Using the larger IR apertures we find color-color relationships where later-type spiral and irregular galaxies tend to be bluer than earlier-type galaxies. These data provide the missing optical emission from which future LVL studies can construct the full panchromatic (UV-optical-IR) spectral energy distributions.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (9 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables

    The Spectral Energy Distribution of Dust Emission in the Edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4631 as seen with Spitzer and the James Clerk Maxwell telescope

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    We explore variations in dust emission within the edge-on Sd spiral galaxy NGC 4631 using 3.6-160 ÎŒm Spitzer Space Telescope data and 450-850 ÎŒm JCMT data with the goals of understanding the relation between PAHs and dust emission, studying the variations in the colors of the dust emission, and searching for possible excess submillimeter emission compared to what is expected from dust models extrapolated from far-infrared wavelengths. The 8 ÎŒm PAH emission correlates best with 24 ÎŒm hot dust emission on 1.7 kpc scales, but the relation breaks down on 650 pc scales, possibly because of differences in the mean free paths between photons that excite the PAHs and photons that heat the dust and possibly because the PAHs are destroyed by the hard radiation fields within some star formation regions. The ratio of 8 ÎŒm PAH emission to 160 ÎŒm cool dust emission appears to vary as a function of radius. The 70 ÎŒm/160 ÎŒm and 160 ÎŒm/450 ÎŒm flux density ratios are remarkably constant even though the surface brightnesses vary by factors of 25, which suggests that the emission is from dust heated by a nearly uniform radiation field. Globally, we find an excess of 850-1230 ÎŒm emission relative to what would be predicted by dust models. The 850 ÎŒm excess is highest in regions with low 160 ÎŒm surface brightnesses, although the magnitude depends on the model fit to the data. We rule out variable emissivity functions or ~4 K dust as the possible origins of this 850 ÎŒm emission, but we do discuss the other possible mechanisms that could produce the emission

    Ultraviolet through far-infrared spatially resolved analysis of the recent star formation in M81 (NGC 3031)

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    The recent star formation (SF) in the early-type spiral galaxy M81 is characterized using imaging observations from the far-ultraviolet to the far-infrared. We compare these data with models of the stellar, gas, and dust emission for subgalactic regions. Our results suggest the existence of a diffuse dust emission not directly linked to the recent star formation. We find a radial decrease of the dust temperature and dust mass density, and in the attenuation of the stellar light. The IR emission in M81 can be modeled with three components: (1) cold dust with a temperature = 18 ± 2 K, concentrated near the H II regions but also presenting a diffuse distribution; (2) warm dust with = 53 ± 7 K, directly linked with the H II regions; and (3) aromatic molecules, with diffuse morphology peaking around the H II regions. We derive several relationships to obtain total IR luminosities from IR monochromatic fluxes, and we compare five different star formation rate (SFR) estimators for H II regions in M81 and M51: the UV, H alpha, and three estimators based on Spitzer data. We find that the H alpha luminosity absorbed by dust correlates tightly with the 24 mu m emission. The correlation with the total IR luminosity is not as good. Important variations from galaxy to galaxy are found when estimating the total SFR with the 24 mu m or the total IR emission alone. The most reliable estimations of the total SFRs are obtained by combining the H alpha emission (or the UV) and an IR luminosity (especially the 24 mu m emission), which probe the unobscured and obscured SF, respectively. For the entire M81 galaxy, about 50% of the total SF is obscured by dust. The percentage of obscured SF ranges from 60% in the inner regions of the galaxy to 30% in the outer zones
