11 research outputs found

    Methods to collect Anopheles mosquitoes and evaluate malaria transmission: A comparative study in two villages in Senegal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various methods have been studied as replacement of human landing catches (HLC) for mosquito sampling in entomological studies on malaria transmission. Conflicting results have been obtained in comparing relative efficiency of alternative methods, according to the area, the species present and their density. The aim of this study was to compare the number and characteristics of mosquitoes sampled in two areas of Senegal by three different methods: HLC, light traps adjacent to an occupied bed net (LT/N), pyrethrum spray catches (PSC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Collections were performed in two villages: Dielmo (Soudan savanna) and Bandafassi (Soudan Guinean savanna), two or three nights per month for a 4-5 months period during the maximal transmission season in 2001-2002. Species were identified and <it>Plasmodium </it>infection determined by ELISA. The specific composition, circumsporozoite protein rate and entomological inoculation rate were calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The diversity of mosquito species captured was maximal with LT/N, minimal with PSC. The mean number of anopheles captures each night was significantly different according to the method used and the species. PSC displayed a significantly lower anopheles density. HLC was the most efficient sampling method when <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>was the main vector (in Bandafassi); LT/N when it was <it>Anopheles funestus </it>(in Dielmo). A significant correlation was found between HLC and LT/M but correlation parameters were different according to the species. Circumsporozoite protein rates were not significantly different between methods or species. The entomological inoculation rate varied along with vector density and thus with methods and species.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The choice of sampling method influenced entomological data recorded. Therefore, the sampling technique has to be chosen according to the vector studied and the aim of the study. Only HLC must be considered as the reference method, but in some conditions LT/N can be used as an alternative method.</p

    Using MALDI-TOF MS to Identify Mosquitoes from Senegal and the Origin of Their Blood Meals

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    International audienceMosquitoes are arthropods that represent a real public health problem in Africa. Morphology and molecular biology techniques are usually used to identify different mosquito species. In recent years, an innovative tool, matrix-assisted desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), has been used to identify many arthropods quickly and at low cost, where equipment is available. We evaluated the ability of MALDI-TOF MS to identify mosquitoes collected in Senegal and stored for several months in silica gel, and to determine the origin of their blood meal. A total of 582 mosquitoes were collected and analysed. We obtained 329/582 (56.52%) MALDI-TOF MS good-quality spectra from mosquito legs and 123/157 (78.34%) good-quality spectra from engorged abdomens. We updated our home-made MALDI-TOF MS arthropod spectra database by adding 23 spectra of five mosquito species from Senegal that had been identified morphologically and molecularly. These included legs from Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles cf. rivulorum, Culex nebulosus, Anopheles funestus, and three spectra from abdomens engorged with human blood. Having updated the database, all mosquitoes tested by MALDI-TOF MS were identified with scores greater than or equal to 1.7 as An. gambiae (n = 64), Anopheles coluzzii (n = 12), An. arabiensis (n = 1), An. funestus (n = 7), An. cf rivulorum (n = 1), Lutzia tigripes (n = 3), Cx. nebulosus (n = 211), Culex quinquefasciatus (n = 2), Culex duttoni (n = 1), Culex perfescus (n = 1), Culex tritaeniorhynchus (n = 1), and Aedes aegypti (n = 2). Blood meal identification by MALDI-TOF MS revealed that mosquitoes had fed on the blood of humans (n = 97), cows (n = 6), dogs (n = 2), goats (n = 1), sheep (n = 1), and bats (n = 1). Mixed meals were also detected. These results confirm that MALDI-TOF MS is a promising technique for identifying mosquitoes and the origin of their blood meal

    Investigating insecticide resistance and knock-down resistance (kdr) mutation in Dielmo, Senegal, an area under long lasting insecticidal-treated nets universal coverage for 10 years

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    Abstract Background The use of insecticides, through indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs), is essential to control malaria vectors. However, the sustainability of these tools is challenged by the spread of insecticide resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes. This study was conducted to assess the susceptibility to insecticides and to determine the resistance mechanisms in malaria vectors in Dielmo, a rural area of western Senegal where LLINs were introduced a decade ago. Methods CDC bottle bioassays were used to determine the susceptibility of 2–5 day-old unfed Anopheles gambiae s.l. females to alphacypermethrin (12.5 ”g/bottle), deltamethrin (12.5 ”g/bottle), etofenprox (12.5 ”g/bottle), lambdacyhalothrin (12.5 ”g/bottle), permethrin (21.5 ”g/bottle), DDT (100 ”g/bottle), bendiocarb (12.5 ”g/bottle), pirimiphos-methyl (20 ”g/bottle) and fenitrothion (50 ”g/bottle). The involvement of glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) in insecticide resistance was assessed using a synergist, etacrynic acid (EA, 80 ”g/bottle). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to investigate the presence of ‘knock-down resistance (kdr)’ mutation and to identify sibling species within the An. gambiae complex. Results CDC bottle bioassays showed that mosquitoes were fully susceptible to lambdacyhalothrin, bendiocarb and fenitrothion. Overall, mortality rates of 97, 94.6, 93.5, 92.1, and 90.1% were, respectively, observed for permethrin, deltamethrin, pirimiphos-methyl, etofenprox and alphacypermethrin. Resistance to DDT was observed, with a mortality rate of 62%. The use of EA significantly improved the susceptibility of An. gambiae s.l. to DDT by inhibiting GSTs (p = 0.03). PCR revealed that Anopheles arabiensis was the predominant species (91.3%; IC 95 86.6–94%) within An. gambiae complex from Dielmo, followed by Anopheles coluzzii (5.4%; IC 95 2.7–8.1%) and Anopheles gambiae s.s. (3.3%; IC 95 0.6–5.9%). Both 1014F and 1014S alleles were found in An. arabiensis population with frequencies of 0.08 and 0.361, respectively, and 0.233 and 0.133, respectively in An. coluzzii. In An. gambiae s.s. population, only kdr L1014F mutation was detected, with a frequency of 0.167. It was observed that some individual mosquitoes carried both alleles, with 19 specimens recorded for An. arabiensis and 2 for An. coluzzii. The presence of L1014F and L1014S alleles were not associated with resistance to pyrethroids and DDT in An. arabiensis. Conclusions The co-occurrence of 1014F and 1014S alleles and the probable involvement of GSTs enzymes in insecticide resistance in An. gambiae s.l. should prompt the local vector programme to implement non-pyrethroid/DDT insecticides alternatives

    <i>Ornithodoros sonrai</i> Soft Ticks and Associated Bacteria in Senegal

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    The soft ticks, Ornithodoros sonrai, are known as vectors of the tick-borne relapsing fever caused by Borrelia spp. and have also been reported to carry other micro-organisms. The objective of this study was to collect and to identify O. sonrai ticks and to investigate the micro-organisms associated with them. In 2019, an investigation of burrows within human dwellings was conducted in 17 villages in the Niakhar area and in 15 villages in the Sine-Saloum area in the Fatick region of Senegal. Ticks collected from the burrows were identified morphologically and by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Micro-organism screening was performed by bacteria-specific qPCR and some identifications were made by standard PCR and gene sequencing. O. sonrai ticks were found in 100% (17/17) of the villages surveyed in the Niakhar area and in 66% (10/15) of the villages in the Sine-Saloum area. A total of 1275 soft tick specimens were collected from small mammal burrows. The ticks collected were morphologically identified as O. sonrai. About 20% (259/1275) of the specimens were also submitted to MALDI-TOF MS for identification. Among the resulting MS profiles, 87% (139/159) and 95% (95/100) were considered good quality specimens, preserved in alcohol and silica gel, respectively. All spectra of good quality were tested against our MALDI-TOF MS arthropod spectra database and identified as O. sonrai species, corroborating the morphological classification. The carriage of four micro-organisms was detected in the ticks with a high prevalence of Bartonella spp., Anaplasmataceae, and Borrelia spp. of 35, 28, and 26%, respectively, and low carriage of Coxiella burnetii (2%). This study highlights the level of tick infestation in domestic burrows, the inventory of pathogens associated with the O. sonrai tick, and the concern about the potential risk of tick involvement in the transmission of these pathogens in Senegal

    The impact of periodic distribution campaigns of long-lasting insecticidal-treated bed nets on malaria vector dynamics and human exposure in Dielmo, Senegal

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    International audienceThe implementation of long-lasting insecticidal-treated bed nets (LLINs) has contributed to halving the mortality rate due to malaria since 2000 in sub-Saharan Africa. These tools are highly effective against indoor-feeding malaria vectors. Thus, to achieve the World Health Assembly's new target to reduce the burden of malaria over the next 15 years by 90%, it is necessary to understand how the spatiotemporal dynamics of malaria vectors and human exposure to bites is modified in the context of scaling up global efforts to control malaria transmission. This study was conducted in Dielmo, a Senegalese village, after the introduction of LLINs and two rounds of LLINs renewals. Data analysis showed that implementation of LLINscorrelatedwith a significant decrease in the biting densities of themainmalaria vectors, Anopheles gambiae s. l. and Anopheles funestus, reducing malaria transmission. Other environment factors likely contributed to the decrease in An. funestus, but this trend was enhanced with the introduction of LLINs. The bulk of bites occurred during sleeping hours, but the residual vector populations of An. gambiae s. l. and An. funestus had an increased propensity to bite outdoors, so a risk of infectious bites remained for LLINs users. These results highlight the need to increase the level and correct use of LLINs and to combine this intervention with complementary control measures against residual exposure, such as spatial repellents and larval source management, to achieve the goal of eliminating malaria transmission

    Morphological, Molecular and MALDI-TOF MS Identification of Bedbugs and Associated Wolbachia Species in Rural Senegal

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    International audienceAbstract Bed bugs are known to carry several microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of bed bug infestation in two rural areas of Senegal and determine the species present in the population. A screening was conducted to detect some arthropod associated pathogenic bacteria in bed bugs and to evaluate the prevalence of endosymbiont carriage. One survey took place in 17 villages in Niakhar and two surveys in Dielmo and Ndiop and surroundings area in the same 20 villages. Bed bugs collected were identified morphologically and by MALDI-TOF MS tools. Microorganisms screening was performed by qPCR and confirmed by sequencing. During the survey in the Niakhar region, only one household 1/255 (0.4%) in the village of Ngayokhem was found infested by bed bugs. In a monitoring survey of the surroundings of Dielmo and Ndiop area, high prevalence was found during the two rounds of surveys in 65/314 (21%) in 16/20 villages (January–March) and 93/351 (26%) in 19/20 villages (December). All bed bugs were morphologically identified as the species Cimex hemipterus, of which 285/1,637 (17%) were randomly selected for MALDI-TOF MS analysis and bacteria screening. Among the Bacteria tested only Wolbachia (Alphaproteobacteria, Rickettsiales, Rickettsiaceae) DNA was found in 248/276 (90%) of the bedbugs. We briefly describe a high level of non-generalized bed bug infestation in rural Senegal and the diversity of Wolbachia strains carried by C. hemipterus. This study opens perspectives for raising household awareness of bed bug infestations and possibilities for appropriate control

    One hundred malaria attacks since birth. A longitudinal study of African children and young adults exposed to high malaria transmissionResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Despite significant progress in malaria control over the past twenty years, malaria remains a leading cause of child morbidity and mortality in Tropical Africa. As most patients do not consult any health facility much uncertainty persists about the true burden of the disease and the range of individual differences in susceptibility to malaria. Methods: Over a 25-years period, from 1990 to 2015, the inhabitants of Dielmo village, Senegal, an area of intense malaria transmission, have been monitored daily for their presence in the village and the occurrence of diseases. In case of fever thick blood films were systematically examined through microscopy for malaria parasites and patients received prompt diagnosis and treatment. Findings: We analysed data collected in 111 children and young adults monitored for at least 10 years (mean 17.3 years, maximum 25 years) enrolled either at birth (95 persons) or during the two first years of life. A total of 11,599 episodes of fever were documented, including 5268 malaria attacks. The maximum number of malaria attacks in a single person was 112. Three other persons suffered one hundred or more malaria attacks during follow-up. The minimum number of malaria attacks in a single person was 11. The mean numbers of malaria attacks in children reaching their 4th, 7th, and 10th birthdays were 23.0, 37.7, and 43.6 attacks since birth, respectively. Sixteen children (14.4%) suffered ten or more malaria attacks each year at ages 1–3 years, and six children (5.4%) each year at age 4–6 years. Interpretation: Long-term close monitoring shows that in highly endemic areas the malaria burden is higher than expected. Susceptibility to the disease may vary up to 10-fold, and for most children childhood is an endless history of malaria fever episodes. No other parasitic, bacterial or viral infection in human populations has such an impact on health. Funding: The Pasteur Institutes of Dakar and Paris, the Institut de Recherche pour le DĂ©veloppement, and the French Ministry of Cooperation provided funding