21 research outputs found

    AGN STORM 2. I. First results: A Change in the Weather of Mrk 817

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    We present the first results from the ongoing, intensive, multiwavelength monitoring program of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 817. While this active galactic nucleus was, in part, selected for its historically unobscured nature, we discovered that the X-ray spectrum is highly absorbed, and there are new blueshifted, broad, and narrow UV absorption lines, which suggest that a dust-free, ionized obscurer located at the inner broad-line region partially covers the central source. Despite the obscuration, we measure UV and optical continuum reverberation lags consistent with a centrally illuminated Shakura–Sunyaev thin accretion disk, and measure reverberation lags associated with the optical broad-line region, as expected. However, in the first 55 days of the campaign, when the obscuration was becoming most extreme, we observe a de-coupling of the UV continuum and the UV broad emission-line variability. The correlation recovered in the next 42 days of the campaign, as Mrk 817 entered a less obscured state. The short C IV and Lyα lags suggest that the accretion disk extends beyond the UV broad-line region. Unified

    Layered Formulation for the Robust Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

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    Abstract. This paper studies the vehicle routing problem with time windows where travel times are uncertain and belong to a predetermined polytope. The objective of the problem is to find a set of routes that services all nodes of the graph and that are feasible for all values of the travel times in the uncertainty polytope. The problem is motivated by maritime transportation where delays are frequent and must be taken into account. We present an extended formulation for the vehicle routing problem with time windows that allows us to apply the classical (static) robust programming approach to the problem. The formulation is based on a layered representation of the graph, which enables to track the position of each arc in its route. We test our formulation on a test bed composed of maritime transportation instances