477 research outputs found

    Into the Magic Mirror: The Narratives that Reflect Our Lives and Dictate How We Should Live

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    This thesis investigates the influence fairytales have on society, how they dichotomously reflect cultural worldviews yet set standards for appropriate behavior and prescribe hegemonic ideologies. It specifically explores the fairytales told in America over the last couple of centuries, examining how those stories have evolved in correlation with the shifting values of the country. Each chapter lays a foundation for how certain characters are normally portrayed in fairytale tradition - the hero, the beauty, and the villain - and then evaluates how our culture has Americanized those figures, consequently making each of them less idealistic or archetypal and evolution of fairytale storytelling from oral tradition to literary narrative to film, observing the influence of each medium on the tales and the shifting relationship between naiTator and audience and concluding that fairytales should not be dismissed as vapid children’s literature but understood to be the voice of society that reveals what that society is and what it wants to be


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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze the effect on wound healing following treatment with a water extract of Mirabilis jalapa L. by investigatingwound contraction and the associated histopathological changes in rat skin.Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups, namely negative control, positive control (povidone-iodine), dose 1, dose 2, anddose 3. A 20-×10-mm rectangular wound area was created for the test. In dose 1, 2, and 3 groups, the corresponding dose variation of a 0.5-mLM. jalapa L. water extract (dose 1: 5% v/v, ≈243.1 mg/kg body weight BW; dose 2: 10% v/v, ≈486.2 mg/kg BW; and dose 3: 20% v/v, ≈972.4 mg/kg BW)was topically applied for 14 days on open wounds of rats. Widespread wound contractions were measured on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13, andhistopathological changes in the skin were observed on day 15 using hematoxylin and eosin staining.Results: The M. jalapa L. water extract accelerated wound healing. The optimal dose was found to be 20% v/v (≈972.4 mg/kg BW).Conclusion: M. jalapa L. extracts are potential healing agents for open wounds


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    Objective: This study was conducted to determine the cardioprotective effect of secang extract on the heart cells of rats who suffered from myocardialinfarction induced by isoproterenol.Materials and Methods: Sprague Dawley rats were divided into six groups: Normal control, negative control, control extract (200 mg/kg), and threedifferent dose extract groups (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg body weight) that were given treatment for 30 days, and then, induced with isoproterenol.Observations were made for changes in the macroscopic appearance, cardiac weight, and histology of the cardiac organ.Results: The results showed a decrease in the incidence of myocardial infarction in rats given secang extract. The infarction area decreased withincreasing doses of extract. The weight of the heart in the control extract group was smaller than in the negative control group.Conclusions: Damage to heart cells, seen in the microscope, decreased with increasing doses

    Aku, Saya dan Diriku

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    Introversi artinya “bersifat suka memendam rasa dan pikiran sendiri dan tidak mengutarakannya kepada orang lain”. Dalam tekanan sosial, seorang introvert dapat melakukan represi emosi dan ekspresi yang berlebihan dan jika tidak disalurkan secara sehat, maka dapat terjadi kecenderungan penyakit mental yang dikenal sebagai depersonalisasi. Dengan menggunakan boneka sebagai media berekspresi dan objek simbol yang mewakili sosok ideal penulis, penulis membuat boneka-boneka sebagai manifestasi atas fantasi yang tercipta dari emosi dan perasaan yang tidak tersampaikan supaya tersalurkan dengan sehat.Kemudian manifestasi ini menggantikan penulis untuk berbicara melalui sebuah cinematic poem yang menampilkan perjalanan emosi yang dialami penulis sehingga penulis dapat mengutarakan apa yang sebenarnya dirasakannya. Karya ini menyampaikan pemikiran terpendam, keinginan, fantasi, identitas seniman dan menjadi komunikasi internal dalam diri seniman untuk tetap jujur pada diri sendiri


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    Objective: Acrylamide is a carcinogenic compound that can be found in commonly consumed foods and cigarette smoke. This compound is metabolized by cytochrome P450 in the human body to a more reactive metabolite, glycidamide. This study aimed to optimize and validate a sensitive HPLC-UV method for determining acrylamide and glycidamide simultaneously in the volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) sample. Methods: Isoniazid as an internal standard was added to the VAMS sample containing acrylamide and glycidamide prior to protein precipitation. The analytes and internal standard were separated using reversed-phase chromatography with the C18 SunfireTMWaters® column (5 µm; 250 mm x 4.6 mm) and an ultraviolet detector. Results: The optimum chromatographic condition was eluted at a column temperature of 30 °C with a mobile phase of 6 mmol potassium dihydrogen phosphate pH 3.5–methanol (96:4 v/v) using a flow rate of 0.50 ml/min and was detected at 210 nm. The LLOQ was obtained at 1.0 µg/ml for both acrylamide and glycidamide. The calibration curve was linear over the concentration range of 1.0-100.0 µg/ml. Conclusion: The developed bioanalytical method was valid based on US FDA Guideline for Bioanalytical Method Validation 2018


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    Objective: This study aimed to investigate the antithrombotic activity of Tamarindus indica L. extract (TIE) in mouse models (in vivo).Methods: TIE was orally administered to mice at three different doses for 7 days. TIE-treated mice were used in two experiments of antithromboticactivity: An examination of bleeding time following tail cutting and an examination of survival rate after collagen-epinephrine-inducedthromboembolism. The TIE groups were observed after 7 days of treatment and compared to an aspirin-treated group and a control group.Results: Treatment with TIE led to a significant increase in bleeding time compared with that in the control group. TIE treatment also protected micefrom thromboembolic death, significantly increasing survival rates in a dose-dependent manner.Conclusion: TIE has the potential as an antithrombotic agent against platelet thromboembolism

    Synthesis and Preliminary In Vitro Anti-inflammatory Evaluation of Mannich Bases Derivatives of 4’-Methoxy-substituted of Asymmetrical Cyclovalone Analogs

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    Two of Mannich bases derivatives of 4’-methoxy-substituted of asymmetrical cyclovalone analog (ACA) (2a and 2b) were synthesized. The synthesized compounds and the other two Mannich bases derivatives of 4'-methoxy-substituted ACA (2c and 2d) were evaluated for their in-vitro anti-inflammatory activity preliminary by protein denaturation inhibition method using a final concentration of 1.57 μM. The study found that all the Mannich bases exhibited anti-inflammatory potential with inhibition ranging from 33.17- 42.47%. The activity of 2b (42,47%) and 2d (41.90%) was higher than that of diclofenac sodium (35.27%) and the parent compound 1 (38.16%). As a conclusion,  2b and 2d have a prospect as a potential candidate for an anti-inflammatory agent. Further study should be done using more specific methods

    Studi Kebutuhan Desain Tas Wanita Kustomisasi untuk Generasi Z sebagai Sarana Ekspresi Diri

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    Abstrak- Perkembangan produk kustomisasi seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan generasi Z untuk Mengekspresikan diri. Karakteristik Generasi Z ini berdampak pada berbagai sektor industri, salah satunya industri fesyen. Bagi Generasi Z, dengan mengenakan produk fesyen dapat memperlihatkan jati diri mereka pada orang lain. Bahkan, Generasi Z rela mengganti tas untuk menyesuaikan gaya dan kebutuhan mereka. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, produk-produk existing masih kurang efisien, dan belum memenuhi kebutuhan Generasi Z dalam mengekspresikan diri. Karena itu, penelitian dilakukan untuk mempelajari aspek-aspek yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan produk tas wanita yang dapat disesuaikan dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan pengguna. Untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat, penulis melakukan observasi lapangan, melakukan wawancara, dan pengumpulan data. Temuan-temuan tersebut dibandingkan dengan literatur untuk merumuskan DR&O (Design Requirements and Objectives), lalu dikembangkan menjadi konsep desain. Selanjutnya, penulis membuat sketsa ideasi dan desain alternatif, lalu melakukan pembuatan studi model untuk menguji desain. Desain final yang dibuat berupa tas yang dapat dikustomisasi menggunakan sistem interchangeable dengan mekanisme snap button. Komponen tas yang dapat dibongkar-pasang adalah base tas, flap dan strap, masing-masing komponen memiliki variasi yang dapat dikombinasikan sesuai citra yang diinginkan. Tas kustomisasi ini mewadahi kebutuhan Generasi Z untuk ekspresi diri. Ekspresi yang dapat ditonjolkan dari produk ini adalah minimalist preppy, girly feminine, casual boyish, elegant glamour dan retro indie.Abstract—The development of customized products is in line with the increasing need for Z Generation's self expression. Most characteristics of Z Generation have an impact on various industrial sectors, one of which is the fashion industry. For the Z Generation, wearing fashion products can show their identity to others. In fact, they are willing to change bags to suit their style. This shows that in general, existing bags products are still less efficient, and have not met the needs of Z Generation in expressing themselves. Therefore, this research is done to study the aspects needed to develop women's bag products that can be adapted depending on what the user wants. To obtain accurate data, the authors conducted field observations, conducted interviews, and collected data. These findings are compared with the literature to formulate DR&O (Design Requirements and Objectives), then developed into a design concept. Next, the author sketches ideation and alternative designs and made a model study to test the design. The final design is a bag that can be customized using an interchangeable system with a snap button mechanism. The components of the bag that can be disassembled are the base bag, flap and strap, each component has variations that can be combined according to the desired image. This customized bag caters to Generation Z's need for self-expression. Expressions that can be highlighted from this product are minimalist preppy, girly feminine, casual boyish, elegant glamor and retro indi


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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the safety, physical stability, and hair growth activity of ethanol extract of licorice.Methods: In this study, 2.5%, 5%, and 10% licorice extract was formulated into a hair tonic as a tonic is easier to use and is not sticky like a semisoliddosage. The hair growth activity test was conducted by rubbing the hair tonic preparations on rabbit's backs; subsequently, the hair length, hairthickness, hair weight, and hair density were measured. Quantitative analysis of glycyrrhizic acid from the licorice ethanol extract with a ultravioletspectrophotometer showed a level of about 156.65 mg/g or 15.665%. The physical stability test was performed on samples of the tonic stored at low(4±2°C), room (25±2°C), and high (40±2°C) temperature, and a cycling test was also performed. The safety test was performed using an eye irritationtest that employed the Hen's egg test–chorioallantoic membrane (HET-CAM) method and a skin irritation test that employed the patch test method.Results: The hair tonics containing 5% and 10% licorice extract had an equivalent activity of hair growth and even better than the positive controlcontaining 2% minoxidil. The physical stability test showed that the licorice extract hair tonic has good physical stability. The results of the safety testshowed no skin irritation, whereas the HET-CAM test showed that the hair tonic containing licorice extract showed mild eye irritation.Conclusions: Licorice ethanol extract hair tonic solutions in concentrations of 2.5%, 5%, and 10% had hair growth activity similar to that of thepositive control (minoxidil). They have a good physical and chemical stability, also safe for topical use, except the 2.5% licorice ethanol extract hairtonic solution which caused mild eye irritation

    Formulasi Emulgel yang Mengandung Ekstrak Etanol Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) dan Uji Aktivitasnya terhadap Propionibacterium acnes secara In Vitro

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    Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) leaves have been known to have antibacterial activity but the activity against Propionibacterium acnes as one of the bacteria that play a role in acne’s pathogenesis is still unknown. Binahong leaves ethanolic extract containing 1,28% of ursolic acid in this study were tested by in vitro against Propionibacterium acnes giving result minimum bactericidal concentration of 0,05%. Emulgel of binahong leaves ethanolic extract in this study had physical stability for 12 weeks. Inhibition zone of binahong leaves ethanolic extract emulgel is larger than clindamycin phosphate 1,2% against Propionibacterium acnes, which is in formula 1 (extract equivalen with MIC 0,05%) is 19,67±1,25 mm and formula 2 (extract equivalen double MIC 0,05%) is 20,67±0,47 mm, while inhibition zone of clindamycin phosphate 1,2% is 16,3±0,47 mm