20 research outputs found

    Levels of career commitment and career entrenchment of nurses from public and private hospitals

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    Objective: to determine the prevalence of the types of relations to career - commitment and entrenchment - of nurses from public and private hospitals. Methods: field survey with a quantitative approach. A total of 237 nurses participated in the survey through a questionnaire with 43 questions about sociodemographic data, occupation, and relation to career. Descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, and Mann-Whitney U test were used for data analysis. Results: nurses from public and private hospitals have a high level of career commitment and a median level of career entrenchment. Conclusions: nurses have a stronger relation of affection and identification to career than a relation of stagnation, maintained primarily due to investments, followed by emotional costs and lack of alternatives. This fact is associated with individuals continuing in nursing and having a strong commitment to activities

    Towards Euranglo Research ? A Critical Comparison of Thirty Years of Anglo-Saxon and French Organizational Analysis

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    Francophone organizational scholarship has been neglected by Anglophone researchers. The development of the Francophone field can be understood in terms of both epoch and episteme. Three epochs are discernible – foundations, architecture, and building/rebuilding. There are also two epistemes. Relations in the mainstream are either mimetic (seeking to emulate dominant approaches) or characteristic (seeking to maintain the autonomous character of their own work). Relations at the margins can be either singularistic (comfortable in a niche) or configurational (seeking to shape the margins, and the potential development of the future mainstream)

    Health, Morbidity and Development: Definitions and Concepts

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    Perspectivas para um novo modelo de organização do trabalho da enfermagem

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    Neste estudo, fundamentado no materialismo histórico e dialético, busco refletir sobre estratégias de re-organização do trabalho da enfermagem, no sentido de minimizar o processo de desgaste físico e psíquico dos trabalhadores. A apreensão dos dados empíricos foi realizada junto aos trabalhadores de enfermagem de duas instituições de saúde, na região sul do país., sendo utilizada entrevista, observação e análise documental. A partir dos indicativos, apresento um modelo de organização, pautado na democracia das relações, visando a expressão dos trabalhadores enquanto sujeitos multidimensionais, como atores sociais e não meros executores de tarefas delegadas, como hoje estabelece a divisão social e técnica do trabalho. Um modelo que tem por objetivo estabelecer relações interpessoais mais harmônicas e horizontais, buscando compartilhar saberes e fazeres

    The role of regulatory and temporal context in the construction of diversity discourses: The case of the UK, France and Germany, European Journal of Industrial Relations

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    Despite growing interest in how the concept of diversity management is reinterpreted as it crosses national boundaries, there has been little study of this process in Europe. To bridge this knowledge gap, this article explores the construction of diversity discourses in the context of the UK, France and Germany. We use the discursive politics approach to investigate the ways in which the meaning of diversity is shrunk, bent and stretched. We demonstrate that the concept of diversity has no universal fixed meaning but is contextual, contested and temporal. Temporarily fixed definitions and frames of diversity are path-dependent and shaped by the regulatory context. Thus unique national histories and the context of regulation are key determinants of the ways in which the concept is redefined as it crosses national and regional borders