8 research outputs found

    A novel interaction between ATOH8 and PPP3CB

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    ATOH8 is a bHLH transcription factor playing roles in a variety of developmental processes such as neurogenesis, differentiation of pancreatic precursor cells, development of kidney and muscle, and differentiation of endothelial cells. PPP3CB belongs to the catalytic subunit of the serine/threonine phosphatase, calcineurin, which can dephosphorylate its substrate proteins to regulate their physiological activities. In our study, we demonstrated that ATOH8 interacts with PPP3CB in vitro with different approaches. We show that the conserved catalytic domain of PPP3CB interacts with both the N-terminus and the bHLH domain of ATOH8. Although the interaction domain of PPP3CB is conserved among all isoforms of calcineurin A, ATOH8 selectively interacts with PPP3CB instead of PPP3CA, probably due to the unique proline-rich region present in the N-terminus of PPP3CB, which controls the specificity of its interaction partners. Furthermore, we show that inhibition of the interaction with calcineurin inhibitor, cyclosporin A (CsA), leads to the retention of ATOH8 to the cytoplasm, suggesting that the interaction renders nuclear localization of ATOH8 which may be critical to control its activity as transcription factor

    Diversification and Molecular Evolution of ATOH8, a Gene Encoding a bHLH Transcription Factor

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    ATOH8 is a bHLH domain transcription factor implicated in the development of the nervous system, kidney, pancreas, retina and muscle. In the present study, we collected sequence of ATOH8 orthologues from 18 vertebrate species and 24 invertebrate species. The reconstruction of ATOH8 phylogeny and sequence analysis showed that this gene underwent notable divergences during evolution. For those vertebrate species investigated, we analyzed the gene structure and regulatory elements of ATOH8. We found that the bHLH domain of vertebrate ATOH8 was highly conserved. Mammals retained some specific amino acids in contrast to the non-mammalian orthologues. Mammals also developed another potential isoform, verified by a human expressed sequence tag (EST). Comparative genomic analyses of the regulatory elements revealed a replacement of the ancestral TATA box by CpG-islands in the eutherian mammals and an evolutionary tendency for TATA box reduction in vertebrates in general. We furthermore identified the region of the effective promoter of human ATOH8 which could drive the expression of EGFP reporter in the chicken embryo. In the opossum, both the coding region and regulatory elements of ATOH8 have some special features, such as the unique extended C-terminus encoded by the third exon and absence of both CpG islands and TATA elements in the regulatory region. Our gene mapping data showed that in human, ATOH8 was hosted in one chromosome which is a fusion product of two orthologous chromosomes in non-human primates. This unique chromosomal environment of human ATOH8 probably subjects its expression to the regulation at chromosomal level. We deduce that the great interspecific differences found in both ATOH8 gene sequence and its regulatory elements might be significant for the fine regulation of its spatiotemporal expression and roles of ATOH8, thus orchestrating its function in different tissues and organisms

    Grundlagen der Limbusentwicklung im Hühnerembryo

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    3-year results of the German nationwide survey on eye injuries caused by fireworks

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    Background On festive days worldwide eyes are severely injured by fireworks. The data on the number and severity are to date not registered in Germany. Objective How frequent are firework-induced injuries in Germany, who are the affected, how serious are the injuries, which forms of treatment are necessary and how frequent are accompanying injuries? Method A German nationwide online-based survey was carried out in all inpatient eye departments and data over the last 3 consecutive years were descriptively analyzed. Results From New Years Eve 2016/2017, when 41 eye departments sent in data, the participation could be increased to 51 eye departments in 2018/2019. More than one third (33-39%) of all 1356 patients over 3 years were minors, 60% were younger than 25 years old and roughly 60% of patients were injured as bystanders or in an unclear situation. In total 25% of all eye injuries were considered severe and required inpatient treatment. Accompanying injuries of the other eye, the face and hands were more frequent in minors than in adults. Eyeball ruptures were reported in 10 minors and 38 adults over the 3 years. Conclusion Particularly minors and bystanders need better protection