13 research outputs found

    Efficient Authenticated Encryption Schemes with Public Verifiability

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    An authenticated encryption scheme allows messages to be encrypted and authenticated simultaneously. In 2003, Ma and Chen proposed such a scheme with public verifiability. That is, in their scheme the receiver can efficiently prove to a third party that a message is indeed originated from a specific sender. In this paper, we first identify two security weaknesses in the Ma-Chen authenticated encryption scheme. Then, based on the Schnorr signature, we proposed an efficient and secure improved scheme such that all the desired security requirements are satisfied.Comment: Early version appears in the Proc. of The 60th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2004-Fall) - Wireless Technologies for Global Security. IEEE, 200

    Practical Searchable Symmetric Encryption Supporting Conjunctive Queries without Keyword Pair Result Pattern Leakage

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    Recently proposed searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) scheme HXT improves the OXT by avoiding the KPRP leakage at the cost of increasing the storage by two orders of magnitude. In this paper, we reconsider the principle of designing SSE protocols to prevent KPRP leakage. At first, we introduce a new primitive called subset membership check (SMC), where a set is encrypted such that its subset membership can be checked only through a protocol between Sender and Tester. The security of SMC requires that nothing is revealed other than the membership of a subset after each execution of the protocol. We propose a hash-based SMC implementation with efficient computation, communication, and storage. Secondly, based on the hash-based SMC, we present two practical SSE protocols that support conjunctive queries without KPRP leakage. Our first protocol, called ‘Practical Hidden Cross-Tags’ (PHXT), maintains the same storage size as OXT while preserving the same privacy and functionality as HXT. Our second protocol, called ‘Fast Hidden Cross-Tags’ (FHXT), further optimizes the performances of PHXT through eliminating the expensive Diffie-Hellman type operations. Compared with HXT, our FHXT reduces the storage size, server’s computational costs, client’s computational costs, and the communication overhead by 96.09%, 98.44%, 79.54%, and 78.57%, respectively

    On two RFID privacy notions and their relations

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    Democratic Group Signatures with Threshold Traceability

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    Recently, democratic group signatures(DGSs) particularly catch our attention due to their great flexibilities, \emph{i.e}., \emph{no group manager}, \emph{anonymity}, and \emph{individual traceability}. In existing DGS schemes, individual traceability says that any member in the group can reveal the actual signer\u27s identity from a given signature. In this paper, we formally describe the definition of DGS, revisit its security notions by strengthening the requirement for the property of traceability, and present a concrete DGS construction with (t,n)(t, n)-\emph{threshold traceability} which combines the concepts of group signatures and of threshold cryptography. The idea behind the (t,n)(t, n)-threshold traceability is to distribute between nn group members the capability of tracing the actual signer such that any subset of not less than tt members can jointly reconstruct a secret and reveal the identity of the signer while preserving security even in the presence of an active adversary which can corrupt up to t−1t-1 group members

    zero-knowledge argument for simultaneous discrete logarithms

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    In Crypto 1992, Chaum and Pedersen introduced a protocol (CP protocol for short) for proving the equality of two discrete logarithms (EQDL) with unconditional soundness, which is widely used nowadays and plays a central role in DL-based cryptography. Somewhat surprisingly, the CP protocol has never been improved for nearly two decades since its advent. We note that the CP protocol is usually used as a non-interactive proof by using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, which inevitably relies on the random oracle model (ROM) and assumes that the adversary is computationally bounded. In this paper, we present an EQDL protocol in the ROM which saves approximately 40% of the computational cost and approximately 33% of the prover's outgoing message size when instantiated with the same security parameter. The catch is that our security guarantee only holds for computationally bounded adversaries. Our idea can be naturally extended for simultaneously showing the equality of n discrete logarithms with O(1)-size commitment, in contrast to the n-element adaption of the CP protocol which requires O(n)-size. This improvement benefits a variety of interesting cryptosystems, ranging from signatures and anonymous credential systems, to verifiable secret sharing and threshold cryptosystems. As an example, we present a signature scheme that only takes one (offline) exponentiation to sign, without utilizing pairing, relying on the standard decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.Office of Research, Singapore Management University; National Science Foundation of China 60903178, 61070217, 61005049, 61133014; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 21610204; Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Project 2010A032000002In Crypto 1992, Chaum and Pedersen introduced a protocol (CP protocol for short) for proving the equality of two discrete logarithms (EQDL) with unconditional soundness, which is widely used nowadays and plays a central role in DL-based cryptography. Somewhat surprisingly, the CP protocol has never been improved for nearly two decades since its advent. We note that the CP protocol is usually used as a non-interactive proof by using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, which inevitably relies on the random oracle model (ROM) and assumes that the adversary is computationally bounded. In this paper, we present an EQDL protocol in the ROM which saves approximately 40% of the computational cost and approximately 33% of the prover's outgoing message size when instantiated with the same security parameter. The catch is that our security guarantee only holds for computationally bounded adversaries. Our idea can be naturally extended for simultaneously showing the equality of n discrete logarithms with O(1)-size commitment, in contrast to the n-element adaption of the CP protocol which requires O(n)-size. This improvement benefits a variety of interesting cryptosystems, ranging from signatures and anonymous credential systems, to verifiable secret sharing and threshold cryptosystems. As an example, we present a signature scheme that only takes one (offline) exponentiation to sign, without utilizing pairing, relying on the standard decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Fast Digital Signature Schemes as Secure as Diffie-Hellman Assumptions

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    Abstract: This paper presents two fast digital signature schemes based on Diffie-Hellman assumptions. In the random oracle model, the first scheme S1 has a tight security reduction to the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem; and the second scheme S2 has a tight security reduction to the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) problem. Comparing with existing signature schemes (whose security is tightly related to CDH problem) like EDL signature schemes, the signature generation of S1 is about 27 % faster, and the verification is about 35 % faster, if without considering the hash function evaluations. Comparing with existing signature schemes (whose security is tightly related to DDH problem) like KW-DDH signature scheme, the signing of S2 is about 40 % faster and the verification is about 35 % faster. The high efficiency of the proposed schemes is attributed to a new protocol EDL mwz which implements the proof of equality of discrete logarithm. The EDL mwz protocol outperforms its counterpart, the Chaum and Pedersen protocol, as its computation is about 38 % faster and its bandwidth is |G | bits shorter. This new protocol may be of independent interests

    zero-knowledge argument for simultaneous discrete logarithms

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    In Crypto92, Chaum and Pedersen introduced a widely-used protocol (CP protocol for short) for proving the equality of two discrete logarithms (EQDL) with unconditional soundness, which plays a central role in DL-based cryptography. Somewhat surprisingly, the CP protocol has never been improved for nearly two decades since its advent. We note that the CP protocol is usually used as a non-interactive proof by using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, which inevitably relies on the random oracle model (ROM) and assumes that the adversary is computationally bounded. In this paper, we present an EQDL protocol in the ROM which saves &asyum;40% of the computational cost and &asyum;33% of the provers uploading bandwidth. Our idea can be naturally extended for simultaneously showing the equality of n discrete logarithms with O(1)-size commitment, in contrast to the n-element adaption of the CP protocol which requires O(n)-size. This improvement benefits a variety of interesting cryptosystems, ranging from signatures and anonymous credential systems, to verifiable secret sharing and threshold cryptosystems. As an example, we present a signature scheme that only takes one (offline) exponentiation to sign, without utilizing pairing, relying on the standard decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg