12,672 research outputs found

    On first-order expressibility of satisfiability in submodels

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    Let Îș,λ\kappa,\lambda be regular cardinals, λ≀Îș\lambda\le\kappa, let φ\varphi be a sentence of the language LÎș,λ\mathcal L_{\kappa,\lambda} in a given signature, and let ϑ(φ)\vartheta(\varphi) express the fact that φ\varphi holds in a submodel, i.e., any model A\mathfrak A in the signature satisfies ϑ(φ)\vartheta(\varphi) if and only if some submodel B\mathfrak B of A\mathfrak A satisfies φ\varphi. It was shown in [1] that, whenever φ\varphi is in LÎș,ω\mathcal L_{\kappa,\omega} in the signature having less than Îș\kappa functional symbols (and arbitrarily many predicate symbols), then ϑ(φ)\vartheta(\varphi) is equivalent to a monadic existential sentence in the second-order language LÎș,ω2\mathcal L^{2}_{\kappa,\omega}, and that for any signature having at least one binary predicate symbol there exists φ\varphi in Lω,ω\mathcal L_{\omega,\omega} such that ϑ(φ)\vartheta(\varphi) is not equivalent to any (first-order) sentence in L∞,ω\mathcal L_{\infty,\omega}. Nevertheless, in certain cases ϑ(φ)\vartheta(\varphi) are first-order expressible. In this note, we provide several (syntactical and semantical) characterizations of the case when ϑ(φ)\vartheta(\varphi) is in LÎș,Îș\mathcal L_{\kappa,\kappa} and Îș\kappa is ω\omega or a certain large cardinal


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    Access to knowledge forms an integral part of the continuous learning processes of medical and other health professionals throughout their career. Modern technologies have become instrumental in extending learning processes to the online realm, particularly through the use of social media technologies. Health Practitioners’ (HPs) exploitation of online social media technologies for online learning and knowledge sharing purposes has evolved into Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoP). However, there is limited research on the types of knowledge being shared to fulfil the notion of ‘knowledge-into-action’ in the healthcare domain. In addition, little is known of the use of online social media technologies as a catalyst to achieve ‘knowledge-into-action’. This research in progress paper extends the conceptual model from our previous work and draws on current literature that identifies the types of knowledge being shared in a Health VCoP. We discuss some of our data using our conceptual lens as a preliminary analysis of our work. Expected outcomes are a new extended conceptual model that fulfils the notion of ‘knowledge-into-action’ that informs the design of an IT artefact based on types of knowledge being shared in a Health VCoP

    Dynamics on the Way to Forming Glass: Bubbles in Space-time

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    We review a theoretical perspective of the dynamics of glass forming liquids and the glass transition. It is a perspective we have developed with our collaborators during this decade. It is based upon the structure of trajectory space. This structure emerges from spatial correlations of dynamics that appear in disordered systems as they approach non-ergodic or jammed states. It is characterized in terms of dynamical heterogeneity, facilitation and excitation lines. These features are associated with a newly discovered class of non-equilibrium phase transitions. Equilibrium properties have little if anything to do with it. The broken symmetries of these transitions are obscure or absent in spatial structures, but they are vivid in space-time (i.e., trajectory space). In our view, the glass transition is an example of this class of transitions. The basic ideas and principles we review were originally developed through the analysis of idealized and abstract models. Nevertheless, the central ideas are easily illustrated with reference to molecular dynamics of more realistic atomistic models, and we use that illustrative approach here.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Annu. Rev. Phys. Che

    Mutual Information Decay Curves and Hyper-Parameter Grid Search Design for Recurrent Neural Architectures

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    We present an approach to design the grid searches for hyper-parameter optimization for recurrent neural architectures. The basis for this approach is the use of mutual information to analyze long distance dependencies (LDDs) within a dataset. We also report a set of experiments that demonstrate how using this approach, we obtain state-of-the-art results for DilatedRNNs across a range of benchmark datasets.Comment: Published at the 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2020, Bangkok, Thailand, November 18-22, 2020. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.0296

    Alpha Event-Related Decreases During Encoding in Adults with ADHD - An Investigation of Sustained Attention and Working Memory Processes.

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    BACKGROUND: Executive functioning deficits are central to established neuropsychological models of ADHD. Oscillatory activity, particularly the alpha rhythm (8-12Hz) has been associated with cognitive impairments in ADHD. However, most studies to date examined such neural mechanisms underlying executive dysfunction in children and adolescents with ADHD, raising the question of whether and to what extent those ADHD-related working memory impairments are still present in adults. To this end, the current study aimed to investigate the role of alpha event-related decreases (ERD) during working memory processes in adults with and without ADHD. METHODS: We collected electroencephalographic (EEG) data from 85 adults with a lifetime diagnosis of ADHD and 105 controls (aged 32-64), while they performed a continuous performance (CPT) and a Sternberg working memory task (SDRT). Time-frequency and independent component analysis (ICA) was used to identify alpha (8-12Hz) clusters to examine group and condition effects during the temporal profile of sustained attention and working memory processes (encoding, maintenance, retrieval), loads (low and high) and trial type (go and nogo). RESULTS: Individuals with ADHD exhibited higher reaction time-variability in SDRT, and slower response times in SDRT and CPT, despite no differences in task accuracy. Although working memory load was associated with stronger alpha ERD in both tasks and both groups (ADHD, controls), we found no evidence for attenuated alpha ERD in adults with ADHD, failing to replicate effects reported in children. In contrast, when looking at the whole sample, the correlations of alpha power during encoding with inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms were significant, replicating prior findings in children with ADHD, but suggesting an alternate source for these effects in adults. CONCLUSIONS: Our results corroborate the robustness of alpha as a marker of visual attention and suggest that occipital alpha ERD normalizes in adulthood, but with unique contributions of centro-occipital alpha ERD, suggesting a secondary source. This implies that deviations in processes other than previously reported visuospatial cortex engagement account for the persistent symptoms and cognitive deficits in adults with a history of ADHD
