27 research outputs found

    Regulation of Xenopus gastrulation by ErbB signaling

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    AbstractDuring Xenopus gastrulation, mesendodermal cells are internalized and display different movements. Head mesoderm migrates along the blastocoel roof, while trunk mesoderm undergoes convergent extension (C&E). Different signals are implicated in these processes. Our previous studies reveal that signals through ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases modulate Xenopus gastrulation, but the mechanisms employed are not understood. Here we report that ErbB signals control both C&E and head mesoderm migration. Inhibition of ErbB pathway blocks elongation of dorsal marginal zone explants and activin-treated animal caps without removing mesodermal gene expression. Bipolar cell shape and cell mixing in the dorsal region are impaired. Inhibition of ErbB signaling also interferes with migration of prechordal mesoderm on fibronectin. Cell–cell and cell–matrix interaction and cell spreading are reduced when ErbB signaling is blocked. Using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides, we show that ErbB4 is involved in Xenopus gastrulation morphogenesis, and it partially regulates cell movements through modulation of cell adhesion and membrane protrusions. Our results reveal for the first time that vertebrate ErbB signaling modulates gastrulation movements, thus providing a novel pathway, in addition to non-canonical Wnt and FGF signals, that controls gastrulation. We further demonstrate that regulation of cell adhesive properties and cell morphology may underlie the functions of ErbBs in gastrulation

    Imaging of dynamic actin remodeling reveals distinct behaviors of head and trunk mesoderm in gastrulating Xenopus laevis

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Komatsu, V., Doddihal, V., & Chang, C. Imaging of dynamic actin remodeling reveals distinct behaviors of head and trunk mesoderm in gastrulating Xenopus laevis. MicroPublication Biology, (2021), https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000483.Gastrulation involves coordinated movements of cells, facilitating mesoderm and endoderm internalization and proper patterning of tissues across the germ layers. In Xenopus laevis, head mesoderm migrates collectively along the blastocoel roof fibronectin network towards the animal pole. Meanwhile, the trunk mesodermal cells migrate over each other in convergent thickening and convergent extension movements elongating the body axis. The behaviors of cells in these regions are investigated mainly in tissue explants taken from the respective head or trunk mesodermal regions. How cells behave at the transitional zone between these territories is not described in detail. To learn about cell behaviors around this junction, we imaged cell movements in an explant that encompassed the head and trunk mesoderm. We observed that head mesoderm migration on fibronectin employed lamellipodial protrusions at the leading edge and dynamic actin remodeling in the trailing cells. Trunk mesodermal cells underwent mediolateral cell elongation and intercalation to form the notochord. Lateral edges of the notochord were defined before the anterior edge. Our movie reveals distinct mesodermal cell behaviors occurring simultaneously in different regions of gastrulating embryos. This study highlights the power of applying modern microscopy tools to revisit classical experiments, permitting a greater understanding of the cellular dynamics that shape the embryo.The embryology course was funded by NIH/NICHD R25HD094666, the Bourroughs Wellcome Fund 1021168, and the Company of Biologists - Scientific Meeting Grant EA392. V.K. and V.D. received additional support from the Company of Biologists Scientific Meeting Grant EA392 and the Richard G Kessel Endowed Scholarship, respectively. C.C. is supported by the NIH grant 1R01GM127371

    MicroRNA-31 is required for astrocyte specification

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    Previously, we determined microRNA-31 (miR-31) is a noncoding tumor suppressive gene frequently deleted in glioblastoma (GBM); miR-31 suppresses tumor growth, in part, by limiting the activity of NF-κB. Herein, we expand our previous studies by characterizing the role of miR-31 during neural precursor cell (NPC) to astrocyte differentiation. We demonstrate that miR-31 expression and activity is suppressed in NPCs by stem cell factors such as Lin28, c-Myc, SOX2 and Oct4. However, during astrocytogenesis, miR-31 is induced by STAT3 and SMAD1/5/8, which mediate astrocyte differentiation. We determined miR-31 is required for terminal astrocyte differentiation, and that the loss of miR-31 impairs this process and/or prevents astrocyte maturation. We demonstrate that miR-31 promotes astrocyte development, in part, by reducing the levels of Lin28, a stem cell factor implicated in NPC renewal. These data suggest that miR-31 deletions may disrupt astrocyte development and/or homeostasis

    A YWHAZ Variant Associated With Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome Activates the RAF-ERK Pathway

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    Cardiofaciocutaneous (CFC) syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by distinctive facial features, congenital heart defects, and skin abnormalities. Several germline gain-of-function mutations in the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway are associated with the disease, including KRAS, BRAF, MEK1, and MEK2. CFC syndrome thus belongs to a group of disorders known as RASopathies, which are all caused by pathogenic mutations in various genes encoding components of the RAS pathway. We recently identified novel variants in YWHAZ, a 14-3-3 family member, in individuals with a phenotype consistent with CFC that may potentially be deleterious and disease-causing. In the current study, we take advantage of the vertebrate model Xenopus laevis to analyze the functional consequence of a particular YWHAZ variant, S230W, and investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying its activity. We show that compared with wild type YWHAZ, the S230W variant induces severe embryonic defects when ectopically expressed in early Xenopus embryos. The S230W variant also rescues the defects induced by a dominant negative FGF receptor more efficiently and enhances Raf-stimulated Erk phosphorylation to a higher level than wild type YWHAZ. Although neither YWHAZ nor the variant promotes membrane recruitment of Raf proteins, the variant binds to more Raf and escapes phosphorylation by casein kinase 1a. Our data provide strong support to the hypothesis that the S230W variant of YWHAZ is a gain-of-function mutation in the RAS-ERK pathway and may underlie a CFC phenotype

    Time-lapse microscopy of head mesoderm migration and notochord segregation and intercalation in Xenopus explant.

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    Time-lapse microscopy of head mesoderm migration and notochord segregation and intercalation in Xenopus explant.Related Publication: Imaging of dynamic actin remodeling reveals distinct behaviors of head and trunk mesoderm in gastrulating Xenopus laevis Chenbei Chang Embryology: Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, 02543; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294 microPublication Biology 2021-10-06 https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000483 engContact person: Chenbei Chang [email protected]

    Tomoregulin-1 (TMEFF1) inhibits nodal signaling through direct binding to the nodal coreceptor Cripto

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    Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signals regulate multiple processes during development and in adult. We recently showed that tomoregulin-1 (TMEFF1), a transmembrane protein, selectively inhibits nodal but not activin in early Xenopus embryos. Here we report that TMEFF1 binds to the nodal coreceptor Cripto, but does not associate with either nodal or the type I ALK (activin receptor-like kinase) 4 receptor in coimmunoprecipitation assays. The inhibition of the nodal signaling by TMEFF1 in Xenopus ectodermal explants is rescued with wild-type but not mutant forms of Cripto. Furthermore, we show that the Cripto-FRL1-Cryptic (CFC) domain in Cripto, which is essential for its binding to ALK4, is also important for its interaction with TMEFF1. Our results demonstrate for the first time that nodal signaling can be regulated by a novel mechanism of blocking the Cripto coreceptor

    Regulation of nodal and BMP signaling by tomoregulin-1 (X7365) through novel mechanisms

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    During early vertebrate development, members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) family play important roles in a variety of processes, including germ layer specification, patterning, cell differentiation, migration, and organogenesis. The activities of TGFβs need to be tightly controlled to ensure their function at the right time and place. Despite identification of multiple regulators of Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) subfamily ligands, modulators of the activin/nodal class of TGFβ ligands are limited, and include follistatin, Cerberus, and Lefty. Recently, a membrane protein, tomoregulin-1 (TMEFF1, originally named X7365), was isolated and found to contain two follistatin modules in addition to an Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) domain, suggesting that TMEFF1 may participate in regulation of TGFβ function. Here, we show that, unlike follistatin and follistatin-related gene (FLRG), TMEFF1 inhibits nodal but not activin in Xenopus. Interestingly, both the follistatin modules and the EGF motif contribute to nodal inhibition. A soluble protein containing the follistatin and the EGF domains, however, is not sufficient for nodal inhibition; the location of TMEFF1 at the membrane is essential for its function. These results suggest that TMEFF1 inhibits nodal through a novel mechanism. TMEFF1 also blocks mesodermal, but not epidermal induction by BMP2. Unlike nodal inhibition, regulation of BMP activities by TMEFF1 requires the latter’s cytoplasmic tail, while deletion of either the follistatin modules or the EGF motif does not interfere with the BMP inhibitory function of TMEFF1. These results imply that TMEFF1 may employ different mechanisms in the regulation of nodal and BMP signals. In Xenopus, TMEFF1 is expressed from midgastrula stages onward and is enriched in neural tissue derivatives. This expression pattern suggests that TMEFF1 may modulate nodal and BMP activities during neural patterning. In summary, our data demonstrate that tomoregulin-1 is a novel regulator of nodal and BMP signaling during early vertebrate embryogenesis.