815 research outputs found

    A spatio-temporal analysis of land use pattern and land use changes in Rajasthan

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    Land use planning is a strategic planning exercise to enhance the future potential of the agricultural sector andachieve augmented growth through judicious management of land. The presentpaper expresses the Spatio-temporal pattern of land-use in Rajasthan during 1960-61 to 2017-18 periods. The objective of the present paper is to find out the land use in different categories and the trend of variations so that the characteristics of land utilization may be analyzed for future planning. The study examines trends of variations in land use patterns in districts of Rajasthan and provides policy implications for future planning. The proportion of net sown area in the state has increased significantly from 38.7 percent in 1960-61 to 52.21 percent in 2017-18. Forest acreage has increased considerably from 2.4 percent in 1960-61 to 8.03 percent of the reporting area in 2017-18 while barren and un-cultivable land declined from 15.2 percent to 6.95 percent over the period of time. Current Fallows and Fallow Land other than Current Fallow have significantly decreased in the same time period.Keywords: Land use, Net Sown Area, Spatio-temporal, Waste land

    Energy budget and aspects of energy metabolism in common carp, Cyprinus carpio

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    Aspects of the resting respiration rate, specific dynamic action (SDA) and components of the total energy budget of 55 - 80g common carp were studied in the laboratory. The resting respiratory rate was monitored in computer operated metabolic chambers under different photoperiods. Common carp showed a crepuscular respiratory rhythm with peaks at dawn and dusk during a 12L : 12D photoperiod, with a mean oxygen consumption of 152 mg/kg/h. When acclimated to longer or shorter photoperiods respiration was also cyclic but with a lower mean respiratory rate. In continuous light or darkness respiratory rhythm was suppressed with no significant peakings. In carp fed with three diets containing 20,35 and 50% protein at a ration level of 0.40 to 1.00% body weight per day, SDA coefficient varied from 8.99 to 15.94% and was dependent on dietary protein but not on ration levels. SDA magnitude and post-feeding peak oxygen consumption varied significantly with both dietary protein content and total daily ration level. SDA duration was only related to ration size. The pattern of food energy allocation between the major components of the energy budget varied with dietary protein content and ration levels. The energy lost as heat of metabolism was found to increase with dietary protein level and total ration. Energy lost as faeces 'F' varied from 19 - 24% of 'C' and did not appear to be related to either protein content or ration levels. Nitrogenous excretion increased with an increase of dietary protein but decreased with an increase of ration level in the diet. Regression equations were developed from the data to allow prediction of respiratory energy loss 'R', faecal energy loss 'F' and energy lost through excretion 'U' from the food ingested V. Complete energy budget models compiled from experiments conducted over a 17 days period and using different diets did not successfully predict the actual growth. The energy budget balance was between 66.04% and 81.96%. Observed growth was less than predicted growth in every trial and it is suggested that this difference might have been due to short-term cyclic growth regulation and other minor experimental features. The data presented form the basis for the first reported study of total energy budgets in Cyprinus carpio

    Traditional rain water harvesting systems in Rajasthan: water resources conservation and its sustainable management – a review

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    Communities all over the world have been endowed with the wisdom of indigenous technologies to collect the rain where it falls, so one can find such structures all around the world. The region of western Rajasthan in India faces frequent droughts and an acute shortages of water. This has compelled the local people to incorporate mechanisms to conserve water in their everyday life. These traditional methods have been developed over centuries and reflect the accumulated wisdom of many generations. An attempt has been made in this paper to undertake a detailed investigation of the various traditional water harvesting systems weaved in the social fabric of Rajasthan, that have been constructed using the indigenous knowledge and locally available material and are also significant for the state in present context to cope with drought. Keywords: Traditional water harvesting, Johad, Rajasthan,  Thar Desert

    Correlation between female literacy and sex ratio in Rajasthan: a geographical analysis.

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    ABSTRACT Education changes the awareness of the society, so literacy responsible for the changing pattern of sex composition of any region. The study triumphs that Literacy has vital effects on the sex ratio. Therefore, the present paper is aimed to analyze the Correlation between female Literacy and Sex Ratio in Rajasthan using data collected by the 2011 census. Spearman’s Rank Difference method is used to analyze the correlation between literacy and sex ratio. The study reveals that the correlation between female literacy and sex ratio is r= -295. It is a moderate negative correlation. The female literacy and sex ratio have moved the opposite direction in Rajasthan. The sex ratio has been found higher in districts, which have low female literacy. Kota district has registered the highest female literacy of (65.9%) but it has a very low sex ratio of 911. Key Words: Sex-ratio, female Literacy, Correlation

    A case of ulcerative colitis presenting as pyoderma gangrenosum and lung nodule

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    Pyoderma gangrenosum is a phenomenon of cutaneous ulceration where etiology is not well understood. About half of the cases have an associated extracutanoeus manifestation or associated systemic diseases. Most commonly associated systemic disorders include inflammatory bowel disease, hematologic malignancies, autoimmune arthritis, and vasculitis. We are reporting a case where pyoderma gangrenosum has presenting features for ulcerative colitis

    Scourge of high fluoride in groundwater; its implication on human health and mitigation strategies: a case study of Sikar district, Rajasthan, India.

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    Water is a crucial natural resource for sustaining life and the environment but over the last few decades, the water quality is deteriorating due to its overexploitation. Fluoride is one of the critical chemical parameters, which impacts the quality of groundwater. Excess ingestion of fluoride (F) through drinking water causes ‘Fluorosis’ on human beings in many states of India, including Rajasthan. Sikar district in Rajasthan is also such a region where a high concentration of fluoride is present in groundwater. Due to the unavailability of surface water in Sikar district, groundwater plays an important role for all uses particularly as a drinking water source. The study was carried out to assess the fluoride contamination status and to understand its spatial variation. The fluoride concentration in groundwater of this region ranged from 0.1 to 9.94 mg/l. Physicochemical settings like decomposition, dissociation and subsequent dissolution with long residence time are responsible for leaching of fluoride into the groundwater. Artificial recharge structures are proposed to minimize the stress on groundwater extraction from deeper aquifers that are discharging fluoride in the area. There is an instant need to take urgent steps in this region to prevent the population from fluorosis. Keywords: Groundwater, Fluoride, Fluorosis, Sikar District

    Central corneal thickness and curvature changes in pseudoexfoliation eyes in comparison with normal eyes

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    Background:Pseudoexfoliation (PXF) syndrome results in the accumulation of PXF, particularly along the pupillary margin and throughout various structures in the anterior chamber of the eye. Many changes in various structures of the eye are observed secondary to the deposition of pseudoexfoliative material. This study is to observe the corneal curvatural and central corneal thickness changes due to pseudoexfoliation as compared to age related normal individuals without PXF.Aims and objectives: To compare central corneal thickness (CCT) and Central Corneal Curvature (CCC) changes in pseudoexfoliation eyes with normal eyes.Material and methods: A case control cross-sectional study conducted from January-June 2018 among elderly of 50-80 years, attending Ophthalmology outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital. Elderly patients (50-80 years), with or without PXF, underwent anterior and posterior segment examination, intraocular pressure, subjective refraction and CCT, CCC using AS-OCT. Data entered in MS EXCEL & statistical analysis performed with the help of SPSS 17.0 by using descriptive statistics like mean, percentage and were compared by chi square test. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the variables among the three groups. P<0.05 was taken as statistically significant.Results: CCT in PXF eyes was thinner (mean 509 +/- 15 microns) when compared to the normal (control) eyes (mean 549 +/_6 microns). CCT in PXF glaucoma eyes was least (mean 498 =/-10 microns). Central corneal curvature showed no variation among PXF eyes (mean 43.23 dioptres) and normal eyes (mean 43.58 dioptres).Conclusion: PXF eyes shows significantly thinner cornea and normal corneal curvature when compared to control eyes. PXF has no effect on corneal curvature. Further, PXF glaucoma eyes had thinnest CCT. Keywords: central corneal thickness, pseudoexfoliation, central corneal curvature, pseudoexfoliation glaucom

    A Simple Approach for Black Out Problem

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    Antennas surrounding by the plasma medium does not radiate for all the frequencies but only for those which are greater than the plasma frequency. Here we have proposed a cylindrical (axial magnetized) antenna system which radiates for all frequencies irrespective of plasma frequency and this is the solution for the black-out situation which occurs for certain frequencies

    The dynamics of growth and economic analysis of nuclear power generating industries based on plutonium converter and breeder reactors

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering; and, (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 1966.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 149).by Subhash-Chandra Kotecha.M.S
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