205 research outputs found

    Spatially Characterizing Major Airline Alliances: A Network Analysis

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    [[abstract]]An airline alliance is a group of member airlines that seek to achieve the same goals through routes and airports. Hence, airports’ connectivity plays an essential role in understanding the linkage between different markets, especially the impact of neighboring airports on focal airports. An airline alliance airport network (AAAN) comprises airports as nodes and routes as edges. It could reflect a clear collaborative proportion within AAAN and competitive routes between AAANs. Recent studies adopted an airport- or route-centric perspective to evaluate the relationship between airline alliances and their member airlines; meanwhile, they mentioned that an airport community could provide valuable air transportation information because it considers the entire network structure, including the impacts of the direct and indirect routes. The objectives are to identify spatial patterns of market region in an airline alliance and characterize the differences among airline alliances (Oneworld, Star Alliance, and SkyTeam), including regions of collaboration, competition, and dominance. Our results show that Star Alliance has the highest collaboration and international market dominance among three airline alliances. The most competitive regions are Asia-Pacific, West Asia, Europe, and North and Central America. The network approach we proposed identifies market characteristics, highlights the region of market advantages in the airline alliance, and also provides more insights for airline and airline alliances to extend their market share or service areas.[[notice]]補正完

    Polylogarithmic Approximation Algorithm for k-Connected Directed Steiner Tree on Quasi-Bipartite Graphs

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    In the k-Connected Directed Steiner Tree problem (k-DST), we are given a directed graph G = (V,E) with edge (or vertex) costs, a root vertex r, a set of q terminals T, and a connectivity requirement k > 0; the goal is to find a minimum-cost subgraph H of G such that H has k edge-disjoint paths from the root r to each terminal in T. The k-DST problem is a natural generalization of the classical Directed Steiner Tree problem (DST) in the fault-tolerant setting in which the solution subgraph is required to have an r,t-path, for every terminal t, even after removing k-1 vertices or edges. Despite being a classical problem, there are not many positive results on the problem, especially for the case k ? 3. In this paper, we present an O(log k log q)-approximation algorithm for k-DST when an input graph is quasi-bipartite, i.e., when there is no edge joining two non-terminal vertices. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the only known non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST, for k ? 3, that runs in polynomial-time Our algorithm is tight for every constant k, due to the hardness result inherited from the Set Cover problem

    Revisiting the effects of high-speed railway transfers in the early COVID-19 cross-province transmission in Mainland China

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    [[abstract]]Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an ongoing pandemic that was reported at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China, and was rapidly disseminated to all provinces in around one month. The study aims to assess the changes in intercity railway passenger transport on the early spatial transmission of COVID-19 in mainland China. Examining the role of railway transport properties in disease transmission could help quantify the spatial spillover effects of large-scale travel restriction interventions. This study used daily high-speed railway schedule data to compare the differences in city-level network properties (destination arrival and transfer service) before and after the Wuhan city lockdown in the early stages of the spatial transmission of COVID-19 in mainland China. Bayesian multivariate regression was used to examine the association between structural changes in the railway origin-destination network and the incidence of COVID-19 cases. Our results show that the provinces with rising transfer activities after the Wuhan city lockdown had more confirmed COVID-19 cases, but changes in destination arrival did not have significant effects. The regions with increasing transfer activities were located in provinces neighboring Hubei in the widthwise and longitudinal directions. These results indicate that transfer activities enhance interpersonal transmission probability and could be a crucial risk factor for increasing epidemic severity after the Wuhan city lockdown. The destinations of railway passengers might not be affected by the Wuhan city lockdown, but their itinerary routes could be changed due to the replacement of an important transfer hub (Wuhan city) in the Chinese railway transportation network. As a result, transfer services in the high-speed rail network could explain why the provinces surrounded by Hubei had a higher number of confirmed COVID-19 cases than other provinces.[[notice]]補正完

    Tuberculosis in Children and Adolescents, Taiwan, 1996–2003

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    Analysis of data from Taiwan’s National Tuberculosis (TB) Registry showed that incidence of TB in persons <20 years of age was 9.61/100,000 person-years, biphasic, and age-relevant, with a major peak in persons slightly >12 years. Aboriginal children were 8.1–17.4× more likely to have TB than non-Aboriginal children

    Extending the Pre-Training of BLOOM for Improved Support of Traditional Chinese: Models, Methods and Results

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    In this paper we present the multilingual language model BLOOM-zh that features enhanced support for Traditional Chinese. BLOOM-zh has its origins in the open-source BLOOM models presented by BigScience in 2022. Starting from released models, we extended the pre-training of BLOOM by additional 7.4 billion tokens in Traditional Chinese and English covering a variety of domains such as news articles, books, encyclopedias, educational materials as well as spoken language. In order to show the properties of BLOOM-zh, both existing and newly created benchmark scenarios are used for evaluating the performance. BLOOM-zh outperforms its predecessor on most Traditional Chinese benchmarks while maintaining its English capability. We release all our models to the research community

    Crystal Structures of a Piscine Betanodavirus: Mechanisms of Capsid Assembly and Viral Infection

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    Betanodaviruses cause massive mortality in marine fish species with viral nervous necrosis. The structure of a T = 3 Grouper nervous necrosis virus-like particle (GNNV-LP) is determined by the ab initio method with non-crystallographic symmetry averaging at 3.6 Å resolution. Each capsid protein (CP) shows three major domains: (i) the N-terminal arm, an inter-subunit extension at the inner surface; (ii) the shell domain (S-domain), a jelly-roll structure; and (iii) the protrusion domain (P-domain) formed by three-fold trimeric protrusions. In addition, we have determined structures of the T = 1 subviral particles (SVPs) of (i) the delta-P-domain mutant (residues 35−217) at 3.1 Å resolution; and (ii) the N-ARM deletion mutant (residues 35−338) at 7 Å resolution; and (iii) the structure of the individual P-domain (residues 214−338) at 1.2 Å resolution. The P-domain reveals a novel DxD motif asymmetrically coordinating two Ca2+ ions, and seems to play a prominent role in the calcium-mediated trimerization of the GNNV CPs during the initial capsid assembly process. The flexible N-ARM (N-terminal arginine-rich motif) appears to serve as a molecular switch for T = 1 or T = 3 assembly. Finally, we find that polyethylene glycol, which is incorporated into the P-domain during the crystallization process, enhances GNNV infection. The present structural studies together with the biological assays enhance our understanding of the role of the P-domain of GNNV in the capsid assembly and viral infection by this betanodavirus