605 research outputs found

    Harmonics: Towards Enlightened Evaluation

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    This paper aims to explore ways to enable designers, researchers and practitioners to share, discover and critique alternative and creative evaluation techniques. It draws on case examples of piloted enlightened evaluation approaches derived from a partnership between the Glasgow School of Art and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, a regional development agency with a remit of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Due to the complex initiatives, collaborations and partnerships involved in such a process, measurement frameworks that more appropriately support understanding and learning than traditional approaches have been being piloted. Despite a demand for more flexible techniques, there is a significant gap in understanding and knowledge regarding the most effective approaches, techniques and tools for enlightened evaluation

    Antipodean fugitive terranes in southern Laurentia: How Proterozoic Australia built the American West

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    Paleoproterozoic arc and backarc assemblages accreted to the south Laurentian margin between 1800 Ma and 1600 Ma, and previously thought to be indigenous to North America, more likely represent fragments of a dismembered marginal sea developed outboard of the formerly opposing Australian-Antarctic plate. Fugitive elements of this arc-backarc system in North America share a common geological record with their left-behind Australia-Antarctic counterparts, including discrete peaks in tectonic and/or magmatic activity at 1780 Ma, 1760 Ma, 1740 Ma, 1710ā€“1705 Ma, 1690ā€“1670 Ma, 1650 Ma, and 1620 Ma. Subduction rollback, ocean basin closure, and the arrival of Laurentia at the Australian-Antarctic convergent margin first led to arc-continent collision at 1650ā€“1640 Ma and then continent-continent collision by 1620 Ma as the last vestiges of the backarc basin collapsed. Collision induced obduction and transfer of the arc and more outboard parts of the Australian-Antarctic backarc basin onto the Laurentian margin, where they remained following later breakup of the Neoproterozoic Rodinia supercontinent. North American felsic rocks generally yield Nd depleted mantle model ages consistent with arc and backarc assemblages built on early Paleoproterozoic Australian crust as opposed to older Archean basement making up the now underlying Wyoming and Superior cratons

    Harmonics: Towards Enlightened Evaluation

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    This presentation aims to explore ways to enable designers, researchers and practitioners to share, discover and critique alternative and creative evaluation techniques. It draws on case examples of piloted enlightened evaluation approaches derived from a partnership between the Glasgow School of Art and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, a regional development agency with a remit of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Due to the complex initiatives, collaborations and partnerships involved in such a process, measurement frameworks that more appropriately support understanding and learning than traditional approaches have been being piloted. Despite a demand for more flexible techniques, there is a significant gap in understanding and knowledge regarding the most effective approaches, techniques and tools for enlightened evaluation

    Physiographic History of Five River Valleys in Northern Ohio

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    Author Institution: Department of Geology, Oberlin Colleg

    Quality of Life in Younger versus Older Breast Cancer Survivors

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    poster abstractBackground: Breast cancer is one of the most frequently occurring cancers in the developing world, but with earlier detection and better treatment, the majority of breast cancer survivors will live many years after diagnosis. Breast cancer survivors may experience many symptoms that impact their quality of life, and these symptoms may vary by age. The purpose of this study is to compare breast cancer survivors who were diagnosed at 45 and under (n=469) with survivors diagnosed at 55 to 70 (n=584) years of age. Materials and methods: Participants were identified through a large cooperative group (Eastern Cancer Cooperative Group). Eligibility criteria included use of chemotherapy at initial diagnosis, being 3 to 8 years from diagnosis, and not having a recurrence of breast cancer. The mean current age of younger survivors was 45.2 and for older survivors was 66.7. Women who agreed to participate were sent a survey and informed consent which was completed and returned via mail. Overall, 80% of eligible women contacted by researchers agreed to participate. Measures included physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and overall quality of life constructs. All measurements had good reported validity and reliability. A total of 469 younger and 584 older breast cancer survivors are included. Linear regression was used to compare the two groups on continuous outcomes while adjusting for the following potentially confounding covariates: marital status (married versus not), years of education, and total household income, and years since diagnosis. Results: Younger survivors scored significantly worse than older survivors on gynecological problems, sexual enjoyment, attention function, and overall reported symptoms. Psychologically, younger survivors demonstrated greater symptom distress, greater depression, and greater state and trait anxiety than older survivors. Younger survivors had lower marital satisfaction scores. Younger survivors reported greater fear of recurrence and less favorable body image. Younger survivors reported lower perceived social support from their partners and greater social constraint. Older survivors held higher spiritual beliefs and behaviors as compared to younger survivors. Perceived self efficacy for dealing with problems related to cancer survivorship was lower in younger survivors as compared to older survivors. For overall quality of life measures, younger survivors reported lower index of well being scores than older survivors and reported that breast cancer had a greater impact on their life. Health care service use was greater for younger as opposed to older survivors both during and after treatment. Conclusions: Younger survivors reported significantly more problems on several, physical, psychological, social and generic quality of life issues as compared to older survivors. Results indicate a need to proactively assess quality of life issues in younger women at time of diagnosis

    The effects of rural and urban areas on time allocated in self-employment : differences between men and women

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    This study investigates the association of the ruralāˆ’urban divide and the time individuals allocate in self-employment. The empirical analysis uses fixed effects modelling on data from the UK Household Longitudinal Survey over the period 2009āˆ’2019. The study identifies significant differences in the time men and women allocate in self-employment between rural and urban areas according to their career age group. While men and women tend to allocate more time in self-employment in their senior career age when residents of urban areas, the time they allocate in self-employment between rural and urban areas in early- and mid-career age differs markedly. More importantly, we find that significant differences exist not only between residents of rural and urban areas, but also between residents of these areas and in-migrants to these areas. We find a significant positive effect on the time senior career age women who migrate to rural areas allocate in self-employment. In contrast, we find that early career men who move from rural to urban areas allocate significantly more time in self-employment. The results reveal the existence of complex dynamics between gender and age, which affect the allocation of time in self-employment between rural and urban areas

    Orogenesis in Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Eastern Australia: A response to Arc-Continent and Continent-Continent Collision During Assembly of the Nuna Supercontinent

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    Northern and southern Australia preserve a common record of 1790ā€“1655 Ma intracontinental rifting and backarc extension culminating in formation of a marginal sea that subsequently collapsed following a 1650ā€“1640 Ma reversal in plate motion and onset of arcā€continent collision. Arcā€continent collision was accompanied by intermediateā€pressure Barrovianā€type metamorphism (6ā€“8 kb) and widespread crustal thickening as reflected in a clockwise pressureā€temperatureā€time path. Later metamorphism during the 1620ā€“1580 Ma Isa and Olary orogenies occurred under intrusionā€enhanced lower pressure conditions (4ā€“6 kb) and followed a counterclockwise pressureā€temperatureā€time path incompatible with either significant amounts of crustal thickening or tectonic models which have Australia and Laurentia commencing collision at this time. Continentā€continent collision more likely followed on closely behind arcā€continent collision (Riversleigh Tectonic Event), precipitating a switch in crustal shortening from northeastā€southwest to westā€east as the older rift template and underlying basement structures were reactivated in a transpressive or multicollisional tectonic regime not unlike that which produced the Himalayanā€Tibet orogenic system. As in the latter, ongoing collision was accommodated by thrusting, extensional collapse and lateral extrusion of still thermally weak crust on orogenā€parallel strikeā€slip faults, resulting in formation of the westā€eastā€striking Isa Superbasin, isothermal decompression and granite intrusion from 1620 Ma. A comparable record of deformation, metamorphism, and magmatic intrusion from 1650 until 1600 Ma has been documented for northern and southern North America (Forward/Racklan and Mazatzal orogenies) indicating that Laurentia and Australia were likely proximal to each other throughout this period.DCC and DH acknowledge support from the Federal Government's Exploring for the Future initiative, and both publish with permission of the CEO Geoscience Australia

    Predicting fear of breast cancer recurrence and self-efficacy in survivors by age at diagnosis

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    PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect that age at diagnosis has on fear of breast cancer recurrence and to identify the predictors of fear of recurrence using self-efficacy as a mediator. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Two university cancer centers and one cooperative group in the midwestern United States. SAMPLE: 1,128 long-term survivors. METHODS: Survivors were eligible if they were aged 18-45 years (younger group) or 55-70 years (older group) at cancer diagnosis, had received chemotherapy, and were three to eight years postdiagnosis. Fear of recurrence was compared between younger and older groups. Multiple regression analyses were used to test variables' prediction of fear of recurrence and breast cancer survivor self-efficacy, as well as breast cancer survivor self-efficacy mediation effects. MAIN RESEARCH VARIABLES: Fear of recurrence, breast cancer survivor self-efficacy, and age at diagnosis. FINDINGS: Survivors diagnosed at a younger age had significantly higher fear of recurrence, as well as health, role, womanhood, death, and parenting worries. Perceived risk of recurrence, trait anxiety, and breast cancer reminders explained significant variance in fear of recurrence and breast cancer survivor self-efficacy. Breast cancer survivor self-efficacy partially mediated the effects of variables on fear of recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that breast cancer survivor self-efficacy may have a protective effect for survivors who are younger at diagnosis and have higher perceived risk of recurrence, higher trait anxiety, and more breast cancer reminders. Oncology nurses already use the skills required to support self-efficacy. Additional research is needed to define and test breast cancer survivor self-efficacy interventions. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING: Oncology nurses are in a key role to assess fear of recurrence and provide self-efficacy interventions to reduce it in breast cancer survivors. Strategies to efficiently address fear of recurrence to reduce psychological distress in survivorship follow-up care are warranted
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