46 research outputs found

    A Mixture of LBG Overdensities in the Fields of Three 6<z<76 < z < 7 Quasars: Implications for the Robustness of Photometric Selection

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    The most luminous quasars at z>6z > 6 are suspected to be both highly clustered and reside in the most massive dark matter halos in the early Universe, making them prime targets to search for galaxy overdensities and/or protoclusters. We search for Lyman-break dropout-selected galaxies using HST WFC3/ACS broadband imaging in the fields of three 6<z<76 < z < 7 quasars, as well as their simultaneously observed coordinated-parallel fields, and constrain their photometric redshifts using EAZY. One field, J0305-3150, shows a volume density 10×\times higher than the blank-field UV luminosity function (UVLF) at MUV<20_{UV} < -20, with tentative evidence of a 3σ\sigma overdensity in its parallel field located 15 cMpc away. Another field, J2054-0005, shows an angular overdensity within 500 ckpc from the quasar but still consistent with UVLF predictions within 3σ\sigma, while the last field, J2348-3054, shows no enhancement. We discuss methods for reducing uncertainty in overdensity measurements when using photometric selection and show that we can robustly select LBGs consistent with being physically associated with the quasar, corroborated by existing JWST/NIRCam WFSS data in the J0305 field. Even accounting for incompleteness, the overdensities in J0305 and J2054 are higher for brighter galaxies at short angular separations, suggesting preferential enhancement of more massive galaxies in the immediate vicinity of the quasar. Finally, we compare the LBG population with previously-identified [CII] and mm-continuum companions; the LBG overdensities are not accompanied by an enhanced number of dusty galaxies, suggesting that the overdense quasar fields are not in the bursty star-forming phase sometimes seen in high-redshift protoclusters.Comment: 22 pages (main text), 12 figures, 10 tables, 2 appendices. Final version after addressing referee report, accepted to ApJ May 202

    Searching Far and Long I: Pilot ALMA 2mm Follow-up of Bright Dusty Galaxies as a Redshift Filter

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    A complete census of dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) at early epochs is necessary to constrain the obscured contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density (CSFRD), however DSFGs beyond z4z \sim 4 are both rare and hard to identify from photometric data alone due to degeneracies in submillimeter photometry with redshift. Here, we present a pilot study obtaining follow-up Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) 22\,mm observations of a complete sample of 39 850μm850\,\rm\mu m-bright dusty galaxies in the SSA22 field. Empirical modeling suggests 22\,mm imaging of existing samples of DSFGs selected at 850μm1850\,\rm\mu m - 1\,mm can quickly and easily isolate the "needle in a haystack" DSFGs that sit at z>4z>4 or beyond. Combining archival submillimeter imaging with our measured ALMA 22\,mm photometry (1σ0.081\sigma \sim 0.08\,mJy\,beam1^{-1} rms), we characterize the galaxies' IR SEDs and use them to constrain redshifts. With available redshift constraints fit via the combination of six submillimeter bands, we identify 6/39 high-zz candidates each with >50%>50\% likelihood to sit at z>4z > 4, and find a positive correlation between redshift and 22\,mm flux density. Specifically, our models suggest the addition of 22\,mm to a moderately constrained IR SED will improve the accuracy of a millimeter-derived redshift from Δz/(1+z)=0.3\Delta z/(1+z) = 0.3 to Δz/(1+z)=0.2\Delta z/(1+z) = 0.2. Our IR SED characterizations provide evidence for relatively high emissivity spectral indices (β=2.4±0.3\langle \beta \rangle = 2.4\pm0.3) in the sample. We measure that especially bright (S850μm>5.55S_{850\rm\mu m}>5.55\,mJy) DSFGs contribute 10\sim10% to the cosmic-averaged CSFRD from 2<z<52<z<5, confirming findings from previous work with similar samples.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Missing Giants: Predictions on Dust-Obscured Galaxy Stellar Mass Assembly Throughout Cosmic Time

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    Due to their extremely dust-obscured nature, much uncertainty still exists surrounding the stellar mass growth and content in dusty, star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) at z>1z>1. In this work, we present a numerical model built using empirical data on DSFGs to estimate their stellar mass contributions across the first \sim10 Gyr of cosmic time. We generate a dust-obscured stellar mass function that extends beyond the mass limit of star-forming stellar mass functions in the literature, and predict that massive DSFGs constitute as much as 50100%50-100\% of all star-forming galaxies with M 1011\ge10^{11}M_\odot at z>1z>1. We predict the number density of massive DSFGs and find general agreement with observations, although more data is needed to narrow wide observational uncertainties. We forward model mock massive DSFGs to their quiescent descendants and find remarkable agreement with observations from the literature demonstrating that, to first order, massive DSFGs are a sufficient ancestral population to describe the prevalence of massive quiescent galaxies at z>1z>1. We predict that massive DSFGs and their descendants contribute as much as 2560%25-60\% to the cosmic stellar mass density during the peak of cosmic star formation, and predict an intense epoch of population growth during the 1\sim1 Gyr from z=6z=6 to 3 during which the majority of the most massive galaxies at high-zz grow and then quench. Future studies seeking to understand massive galaxy growth and evolution in the early Universe should strategize synergies with data from the latest observatories (e.g. JWST and ALMA) to better include the heavily dust-obscured galaxy population.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    Imaging Cold Gas to 1 kpc Scales in High-Redshift Galaxies with the ngVLA

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    The next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) will revolutionize our understanding of the distant Universe via the detection of cold molecular gas in the first galaxies. Its impact on studies of galaxy characterization via detailed gas dynamics will provide crucial insight on dominant physical drivers for star-formation in high redshift galaxies, including the exchange of gas from scales of the circumgalactic medium down to resolved clouds on mass scales of ̃105 M☉. In this study, we employ a series of high-resolution, cosmological, hydrodynamic zoom simulations from the MUFASA simulation suite and a CASA simulator to generate mock ngVLA observations of a z ̃ 4.5 gas-rich star-forming galaxy. Using the DESPOTIC radiative transfer code that encompasses simultaneous thermal, chemical, and statistical equilibrium in calculating the molecular and atomic level populations, we generate parallel mock observations of low-J to high-J transitions of CO from ALMA for comparison. We find that observations of CO(1-0) are especially important for tracing the systemic redshift of the galaxy and the total mass of the well-shielded molecular gas reservoir, while even CO(2-1) can predominantly trace denser gas regions distinct from CO(1-0). The factor of 100 times improvement in mapping speed for the ngVLA beyond the Jansky VLA and the proposed ALMA Band 1 will make these detailed, high-resolution imaging and kinematic studies of CO(1-0) routine at z ̃ 2-5

    A Massive Protocluster Anchored by a Luminous Quasar at z=6.63z=6.63

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    Protoclusters, the progenitors of galaxy clusters, trace large scale structures in the early Universe and are important to our understanding of structure formation and galaxy evolution. To date, only a handful of protoclusters have been identified in the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). As one of the rarest populations in the early Universe, distant quasars that host active supermassive black holes are thought to reside in the most massive dark matter halos at that cosmic epoch, and could thus potentially pinpoint some of the earliest protoclusters. In this letter, we report the discovery of a massive protocluster around a luminous quasar at z=6.63z=6.63. This protocluster is anchored by the quasar, and includes three [CII] emitters at z6.63z\sim6.63, 12 spectroscopically confirmed Lyα\alpha emitters (LAEs) at 6.54<z6.646.54<z\le6.64, and a large number of narrow-band imaging selected LAE candidates at the same redshift. This structure has an overall overdensity of δ=3.30.9+1.1\delta=3.3^{+1.1}_{-0.9} within 35×74\sim35\times74 cMpc2^2 on the sky and an extreme overdensity of δ>30\delta>30 in its central region (i.e., R2R\lesssim2 cMpc). We estimate that this protocluster will collapse into a galaxy cluster with a mass of 6.91.4+1.2×1015 M6.9^{+1.2}_{-1.4}\times10^{15}~M_\odot at the current epoch, more massive than the most massive clusters known in the local Universe such as Coma. In the quasar vicinity, we discover a double-peaked LAE which implies that the quasar has a UV lifetime greater than 0.8 Myrs and has already ionized its surrounding intergalactic medium.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    A SPectroscopic survey of biased halos In the Reionization Era (ASPIRE): Impact of Galaxies on the CGM Metal Enrichment at z > 6 Using the JWST and VLT

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    We characterize the multiphase circumgalactic medium and galaxy properties at z = 6.0-6.5 in four quasar fields from the James Webb Space Telescope A SPectroscopic survey of biased halos In the Reionization Era (ASPIRE) program. We use the Very Large Telescope/X-shooter spectra of quasar J0305-3150 to identify one new metal absorber at z = 6.2713 with multiple transitions (OI, MgI, FeII and CII). They are combined with the published absorbing systems in Davies et al. (2023a) at the same redshift range to form of a sample of nine metal absorbers at z = 6.03 to 6.49. We identify eight galaxies within 1000 km s1^{-1} and 350 kpc around the absorbing gas from the ASPIRE spectroscopic data, with their redshifts secured by [OIII](λλ\lambda\lambda4959, 5007) doublets and Hβ\beta emission lines. Our spectral energy distribution fitting indicates that the absorbing galaxies have stellar mass ranging from 107.2^{7.2} to 108.8M^{8.8}M_{\odot} and metallicity between 0.02 and 0.4 solar. Notably, the z = 6.2713 system in the J0305-3150 field resides in a galaxy overdensity region, which contains two (tentatively) merging galaxies within 350 kpc and seven galaxies within 1 Mpc. We measure the relative abundances of α\alpha elements to iron ([α\alpha/Fe]) and find that the CGM gas in the most overdense region exhibits a lower [α\alpha/Fe] ratio. Our modeling of the galaxy's chemical abundance favors a top-heavy stellar initial mass function, and hints that we may be witnessing the contribution of the first generation Population III stars to the CGM at the end of reionization epoch.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures in the main text. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    The Web Epoch of Reionization Lyman-α\alpha Survey (WERLS) I. MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of z78\mathbf{z \sim 7-8} Lyman-α\alpha Emitters

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    We present the first results from the Web Epoch of Reionization Lyman-α\alpha Survey (WERLS), a spectroscopic survey of Lyman-α\alpha emission using Keck I/MOSFIRE and LRIS. WERLS targets bright (J<26J<26) galaxy candidates with photometric redshifts of 5.5z85.5\lesssim z \lesssim 8 selected from pre-JWST imaging embedded in the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) within three JWST deep fields: CEERS, PRIMER, and COSMOS-Web. Here, we report 11 z78z\sim7-8 Lyman-α\alpha emitters (LAEs; 3 secure and 8 tentative candidates) detected in the first five nights of WERLS MOSFIRE data. We estimate our observed LAE yield is 13\sim13%, broadly consistent with expectations assuming some loss from redshift uncertainty, contamination from sky OH lines, and that the Universe is approximately half-ionized at this epoch, whereby observable Lyman-α\alpha emission is unlikely for galaxies embedded in a neutral intergalactic medium. Our targets are selected to be UV-bright, and span a range of absolute UV magnitudes with 23.1<MUV<19.8-23.1 < M_{\text{UV}} < -19.8. With two LAEs detected at z=7.68z=7.68, we also consider the possibility of an ionized bubble at this redshift. Future synergistic Keck+JWST efforts will provide a powerful tool for pinpointing beacons of reionization and mapping the large scale distribution of mass relative to the ionization state of the Universe.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures; ApJ submitte

    Uncovering a Massive z~7.65 Galaxy Hosting a Heavily Obscured Radio-Loud QSO Candidate in COSMOS-Web

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    In this letter, we report the discovery of the highest redshift, heavily obscured, radio-loud QSO candidate selected using JWST NIRCam/MIRI, mid-IR, sub-mm, and radio imaging in the COSMOS-Web field. Using multi-frequency radio observations and mid-IR photometry, we identify a powerful, radio-loud (RL), growing supermassive black hole (SMBH) with significant spectral steepening of the radio SED (f1.32GHz2f_{1.32 \mathrm{GHz}} \sim 2 mJy, q24μm=1.1q_{24\mu m} = -1.1, α1.323GHz=1.2\alpha_{1.32-3\mathrm{GHz}}=-1.2, Δα=0.4\Delta \alpha = -0.4). In conjunction with ALMA, deep ground-based observations, ancillary space-based data, and the unprecedented resolution and sensitivity of JWST, we find no evidence of QSO contribution to the UV/optical/NIR data and thus infer heavy amounts of obscuration (NH>1023_{\mathrm{H}} > 10^{23} cm2^{-2}). Using the wealth of deep UV to sub-mm photometric data, we report a singular solution photo-z of zphotz_\mathrm{phot} = 7.650.3+0.4^{+0.4}_{-0.3} and estimate an extremely massive host-galaxy (logM=11.92±0.06M\log M_{\star} = 11.92 \pm 0.06\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}). This source represents the furthest known obscured RL QSO candidate, and its level of obscuration aligns with the most representative but observationally scarce population of QSOs at these epochs.Comment: Submitted to ApJL, Comments welcom