299 research outputs found

    A polymorphism in the stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene promoter influences monounsaturated fatty acid content of Duroc × Iberian hams

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    Valoración de los efectos saludables de péptidos bioactivos vegetales: efectos inmunomoduladores, antioxidantes y metabólicos.

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    El uso de péptidos bioactivos, procedentes de los alimentos, es un nuevo hallazgo en el campo de la nutrición. El objetivo último del uso de estos péptidos es modular las funciones biológicas y tratar, prevenir o reducir el riesgo de enfermedad. La hidrólisis enzimática es uno de los métodos más utilizados para la obtención de estos péptidos, debido al mantenimiento del valor nutricional de la proteína de origen y a la falta de formación de compuestos indeseables. En este estudio hemos evaluados si la administración in vitro de péptidos procedentes de los aislados proteicos de altramuz (LPHs), obtenidos utilizando la endopeptidasa Alcalasa 2.4 L, ejercen un efecto inmunomodulador y antioxidante sobre células de sangre periférica humana (PBMCs) de voluntarios sanos. Tras evaluar que estos péptidos redujeron la proliferación celular sin ejercer ningún efecto citotóxico, se estudiaron la producción de citoquinas pro- y antiinflamatorias y la expresión génica y actividad de enzimas clave implicadas en la prevención del estrés oxidativo. Los LPHs disminuyeron la respuesta Th1, aumentando el balance Th2/Th1 y, además, aumentaron la capacidad antioxidante total de las PBMCs a través del aumento en las actividades de las enzimas superóxido dismutasa y catalasa. Estos hallazgos nos llevaron a formular una bebida experimental basada en estos hidrolizados, para evaluar in vivo, a través de un ensayo alimentario en voluntarios sanos, su seguridad, su tolerabilidad y su eficacia terapéutica. La ingesta diaria de esta bebida durante 28 días fue segura y bien tolerada. Además de confirmar los resultados obtenidos en los estudios in vitro sobre su acción inmunomoduladora y antioxidante, ésta mostró tener efectos protectores sobre el perfil lipídico, sobre todo en aquellos varones con altos niveles basales de algunos parámetros indicadores de un mayor riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares. Estos resultados establecen evidencias científicas robustas sobre la bioactividad y las propiedades de estos LPHs. El objetivo último de esta tesis doctoral es poder transferir estos conocimientos a las empresas interesadas en el diseño y producción de alimentos biofuncionales (bebidas, geles, snacks, etc.) enfocados en mejorar el bienestar y la calidad de vida de la población humana

    El optimismo, la resiliencia y el estrés especifico por infertilidad en la aplicación de las técnicas de reproducción asistida

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    Background: Infertility generates high levels of stress to women. The aim was to explore optimism and resilience among women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART). Method: Participants were recruited in a private fertility clinic. The sample consisted of 229 women under medical treatment for fertility who completed the following self-report instruments: a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, Resilience Scale (RS), Life Orientation Test (LOT-R), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and STAI State and STAI Trait. Results: Our data revealed that high resilience levels were associated with a reduced psychological stress (β = .02, p < .001, 95% CI [.34, .13]). A significant negative correlation between perceived stress and resilience (r = -.320, p = .001) was found. Conclusion: The findings highlight the protective mediating role of resilience when women are confronted with the negative effects of infertility diagnosis and assisted reproductive technology (ART), and therefore the potential utility of resilience to reduce infertility-specific stress.Antecedentes: La infertilidad genera un nivel de estrés elevado en la mujer. El objetivo era explorar el optimismo y la resiliencia en las mujeres que se someten a técnicas de reproducción asistida (TRA). Método: Los participantes fueron reclutados en una clínica de fertilidad privada. La muestra estuvo conformada por 229 mujeres en tratamiento médico para de fertilidad que cumplimentaron los siguientes instrumentos de autoinforme: cuestionario sociodemográfico y clínico, Escala de Resiliencia (RS), Test de Orientación a la Vida (LOT-R), Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS) y STAI Estado y Rasgo. Resultados: Los datos revelaron que un nivel elevado de resiliencia se asociaba con menos estrés psicológico (β = .02, p < .001, IC del 95 % [.34, .13]). Se obtuvo una correlación negativa significativa entre estrés percibido y resiliencia (r = -.320, p = .001). Conclusión: Los hallazgos resaltan el papel mediador protector de la resiliencia cuando las mujeres se enfrentan a los efectos negativos del diagnóstico de infertilidad y las técnicas de reproducción asistida (TRA) y, por lo tanto, la utilidad potencial de la resiliencia para reducir el estrés específico de la infertilidad

    Mortalidad asociada a factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama en mujeres

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of malignancy in women and is a major cause of mortality, annually it is responsible for 458 000 deaths worldwide (Cáncer, 2013). There are many risk factors, both modifiable and non-modifiable, associated with the disease and the mortality of it. In the current study, conducted in the Oncology area of the Hospital Carlos Andrade Marin in Quito, Ecuador, in the period August 2011 to August 2013, were investigated nine variables including: age at diagnosis, age at menarche, number of children, family history, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, levels of hemoglobin and platelets at the time of diagnosis prior medical treatment and triple negative phenotype. 463 women were evaluated, the mean age was 56 years and approximately 16% of patients had triple negative phenotype. The only two statistically significant values found were age and triple negative phenotype. The OR for age was 6,75 (95% CI 0,905 – 50,299; p value 0,000), which means that if a women has more than 40 years has 6,75 times more chances to die. In the case of triple negative phenotype, the OR is 2,38 (95% CI 1,228 – 4,584; p value 0,010), which indicates that there is 2,38 more risk to die in comparison with the other patients. In conclusion, these two variables directly influence the mortality rates of patients diagnosed with the disease.El cáncer de mama es la primera causa de malignidad en mujeres y constituye una importante causa de mortalidad; anualmente es el responsable de 458 000 defunciones a nivel mundial (Cáncer, 2013). Hay algunos factores de riesgo, tanto modificables como no modificables, que se asocian a la enfermedad y a la mortalidad de la misma. En el actual estudio, realizado en el área de Oncología del Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín de la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador, desde agosto del 2011 a agosto del 2013, se analizaron a las siguientes variables: edad al momento del diagnóstico, edad de menarquia, número de gestas, antecedentes patológicos familiares, consumo de alcohol y tabaco, niveles de hemoglobina y plaquetas al momento del diagnóstico previo al tratamiento y fenotipo triple negativo. Se evaluaron a 463 mujeres, la media de la edad fue de 56 años y aproximadamente 16% de las pacientes tuvieron fenotipo triple negativo. Se encontró que los únicos valores asociados significativamente con la mortalidad por cáncer de mama fueron la edad y el fenotipo triple negativo. El OR para la edad fue de 6,75 (IC 95% 0,905 – 50,299; valor p 0,000) lo que significa que hay 6,75 veces más probabilidad de que una mujer muera si es que tiene más de 40 años. En el caso del fenotipo triple negativo, el OR fue de 2,38 (IC 95% 1,228 – 4,584; valor p 0,010), lo que indica que este fenotipo incrementa 2,38 veces el riesgo de morir. En conclusión, estas dos variables influyen directamente en las tasas de mortalidad de las pacientes diagnosticadas con la enfermedad

    Design of a mechatronic assistant in the treatment of cognitive abilities using musical stimuli for people with dementia

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    This research presents the design and control of a mechatronic assistant for the treatment with music therapy in dementia patients, in emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease, through control software im- plemented in a mechatronic system. The development of research shows that the proposed mechatronic system detects and records the behavior of brain waves, through communication in order to perform some corrective action against a possible unwanted unfore- seen response during therapy. This communication can be in real time by communicating via Bluetooth through an application to a family member or patient manager and regulates the musical style according to the type of brain wave that best effects the patient with dementia and additionally, with a cloud record for further analysis of the improvement and progress of the patient. With this, the implemented mechatronic assistant will improve the well-being and quality of life of dementia patients

    Design of an Automated Machine that Projects Ultraviolet Rays for the Safety of Food Products for Supermarkets

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    Abstract—This research presents the design and control of a machine for use in shopping centers and markets, which has been designed using mechatronic systems and artificial intelligence. In this research, a control is established for each moment of use, thus being more autonomous and efficient. The development of the project shows that the action of a reconnaissance camera with artificial intelligence before the disinfection chamber and mechanized pivoting arms at the outlet improves the autonomy of the machine. Also, a control panel was added that regulates the selection and control process in case of inconveniences; In addition, the type C UV disinfection chamber is covered with ABS polymer to prevent the rays from going outside. From the above, the mechatronic system implemented will improve the quality and disinfection time of the products in supermarkets

    Design of an automatic system of an accelerated biogas biodigester for rural areas in Peru

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    This research presents the design and control of a biodigester with mechatronic systems for control and a closed systemof controlled compression to reduce the times in the generation of biogas. The development of the project shows that the application of level sensors, electro valves, and exhaust ducts are feasible in each tank through a control panel in order to monitor each process. Theacceleration stage to obtain biogas consists of a closed system type cylinder-piston, to perform a controlled compression reducing fermentation times, additionally it was considered that the drive of this cylinder is mechanical type due to the limited access of electrical energy in rural areas. The control and design of the proposed system will provide multiple improvements in homes in rural Peruvian areas that require solutions based on better use of natural resources with the waste generated by livestock, use of energy reducing pollution to their environment, creating access to energy generation, and the possibility of reducing diseases due to the consumption of polluting fuels during the preparation of their food

    Design of an automated system for the production of chicha de Jora

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    This research presents the design and control of the fermentation, boiling, and straining process of chicha de Jora with mechatronic systems. In this work, process control is developed in the 2 tanks to monitor the procedure to optimize the resources and time of the elaboration. The development of the project shows that the application of 2 solenoid valves and sensors such as level and temperature sensors are feasible for better control of the boiling process. A mixer was also added to the first tank to ensure that the essence of the inputs remains in the liquid. In addition, it is possible to visualize an optimal operation of the system, including PLC programming as it makes the operation more autonomous, managing to accelerate the fermentation process and to be adequate according to the degree of alcohol required. The value obtained from the motor to drive the 6-blade mixer is 17,384 watts taking as a parameter the viscosity, the power number, and the appropriate rotation speed. The implemented control will help to accelerate the process of obtaining chicha de Jora and to monitor the degree of alcohol produced in the fermentation process


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    This article evaluates how the seismic pressures developed in embedded walls are affected by different wall stiffness and various contact soil-wall conditions. Several two-dimensional numerical models of an embedded wall-soil system were developed in Abaqus&reg; by varying the wall stiffness. One model considered the wall as very rigid with a large modulus of elasticity and the other one considered the wall as flexible with original modulus of elasticity. Wall heights of 10, 20 and 30 meters were considered on the models to obtain different wall stiffness. The contact between the soil and the wall is modified by changing the friction coefficient between 0 to 0.75. The response of the soil is validated using 1D nonlinear site response analyses. The analyses are performed using records that match a narrow-band modified target spectrum for a moment magnitude of 7.70. The results show that the rigid walls developed larger seismic pressures than the flexible walls when subjected to the same earthquake records. The seismic soil pressures in the rigid walls do not change considerably by varying the contact condition between the soil and wall. Changes in the friction coefficient have a major impact on the seismic pressure distributions on flexible walls

    Relación entre el sistema de seguridad y capital humano en la planta beneficios de la empresa minera ARES S.A.C. Ayacucho 2017

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    El trabajo de investigación titulado “Relación entre sistema de seguridad y capital humano en la planta beneficios de la empresa minera ares s.a.c. ayacucho 2017” tuvo como objetivo conocer la relación que existe entre el sistema de seguridad y capital humano en la planta beneficios de la empresa minera ARES SAC Ayacucho, 2017. El estudio fue correlacional y de tipo aplicado. Como método general usado es el científico y como método especifico el descriptivo. El tipo de investigación es Descriptivo y el diseño es no experimental. La población está conformada por 120 trabajadores siendo la muestra de 20