21 research outputs found

    Participatory methodology for the inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in urban neighbourhoods. Case study in Malaga city

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    This research allows the implementation of a methodology for the identification of intangible cultural heritage through the collaborative participation of expert agents and local community from the neighbourhood scale. Thus, a consensual process has been followed with the stakeholders involved based on semi-structured interviews and workshops. Once the participatory actions take part, a collaborative document has been drawn up for the inventorying of intangible cultural heritage according to Annex 2 of Guidance Note on Inventorying Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Methodology for mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage through webGIS integral platforms. La Fontanalla neighbourhood as a case study

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    [EN] The identification and cataloguing of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) was defined in Paris Convention by UNESCO (2003). However, it is difficult to identify and map this type of heritage in the territory due to the lack of consensus to establish a common representation methodology. Similar technological platforms identify and geolocate the stakeholders concerned about the safeguarding and transmission of this kind of heritage, with the aim of putting together memories from each heritage item, but not the direct relationship with the specific site. This research focuses on a methodology for mapping ICH through webGIS platforms on a local scale, taking into account the following issue: the intangible elements as an attribute related with other heritage categories. This is achieved by collecting the memories of each resource generated by agents involved —citizenship and associations— and its relationship with the physical environment —tangible cultural heritage: architecture, landscape...—. In this way, the sum of related items allows to identify the connection between ICH and territory. This method has been tested in La Fontanalla neighbourhood through Malaka_net webGIS: a comprehensive platform which shows data sheets about every cultural heritage item from Malaga city. This tool allows cultural heritage to be categorized into different material heritage types —architecture, landscape, archaeology, street furniture and urban pattern— and immaterial ones. The holistic meaning between these categories makes possible to link them through the same attribute: intangible value.This work was supported by Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Fomento, Infraestructuras y Ordenación del Territorio, Servicio General de Vivienda y del proyecto (UMA.20.01) and University of Malaga (B3-2019_15) under a collaboration agreement between IES Vicente Espinel "Gaona", Association of Neighbours and Merchants Arrabal Fontanalla, Museum of Glass and Crystal of Malaga, and VIARCA - Vidrieras Artísticas Cascón (PFIRMA-a109-58ef-368-ff7d-2b18-4797-56cf-6e09).Conejo-Arrabal, F.; Chamizo-Nieto, FJ.; Nebot-Gómez De Salazar, N.; Rosa-Jiménez, C. (2022). Methodology for mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage through webGIS integral platforms. La Fontanalla neighbourhood as a case study. En Proceedings HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 729-736. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1565172973

    Indicator systems for measuring tourism intensification and touristification because of social conflicts. A comparative study in Malaga and Barcelona

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    Overtourism spreads among tourist destinations because of urban tourism. This study aims to define patterns in tourism gentrified cities through their associative network. The objective is to measure and define two indicator systems to evaluate tourism intensification and touristification, with the presence of stakeholders in urban areas. The proposed indicators are dependent on tourism-related accommodations and activities variables, the former, and sociodemographic and economic ones, the latter. The census tract is defined as territorial unit to test the indicators considered: citizen initiatives involved, tourist accommodations and facilities, and socio-economic and demographic profiles with employment and social status. All variables were tested in two Spanish port cities: Malaga and Barcelona. Both cities combine the following features: low-cost hub airport, cruise port for large shipping companies, and a wide cultural and leisure offer. Geographic Information System tool has served to map and describe in a spatial way every indicator defined, such as the Airbnb offer spreads hugely in the city center, the lack of residential use there because of tourist accommodations and facilities which replace long term rents, and a depopulation in the historic center and neighbourhoods close to it. Spatial correlations among indicators have served to find associations by indicator system and between both of them, including the sum of actors involved in the urban areas analysed as a way to measure the social conflict; such as the relationship between areas with a huge Airbnb listings and high rents. Both mapping and associations may serve as a basis for local administration to monitor variables considered as a longitudinal study, and promote new urban policies dealing with all stakeholders’ demands. New research may include another geostatistical operation and algorithm to refine touristification scopes, as well as addition of variables to consider future tourist trends.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Spatial correlations between tourism indicators to identify neighbourhoods under touristification processes. Mediterranean port cities as case studies

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    The present work aims to define spatial correlations between indicators based on tourism variables which are quantitative and qualitative in nature. The main objective is to identify neighbourhoods where there is a conflict of interest between residents, tourists, hosts, catering sector and other stakeholders involved because of urban tourism. The methodology proposed is based on static and dynamic variables – population, short-term rentals, regulated tourist accommodations, catering facilities, cultural equipment and citizen initiatives– to measure the degree of overtourism. Research instruments are web scraping, open access data from local and regional governments, and most read local newspapers to create a database through Geographic Information System (GIS). Data collection has been analysed on a case-by-case basis with SPSS statistical treatment programme. These methods have been tested in three port cities from the Mediterranean arc: Malaga, Valencia and Palma de Mallorca; where average population is over half a million inhabitants. The key finding is the spatial correlations between indicators which show common patterns in the urban areas analysed by GIS mapping. On that basis, touristification thresholds have been established in order to measure "tourism gentrification" (Gotham, 2005) in-depth. The diagnosis presented may serve as a road map for local and regional administration to struggle with touristification through urban policy in the short- and medium-term. Furthermore, this work is open to new research considering new variables or redefining the existing ones, as well as new tourist destinations as case studies in order to build a comprehensive model which allows qualifying the scopes defined.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Case study on participatory processes for an artistic intervention in public space through art education

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    This article explores the potential of urban art projects through Art Education, focusing on the built environment, public space, thanks to its usage value and ability to re-signify in order to change its anonymity and facilitate the construction of relational situations. For this purpose, the artistic and educational project The net which links us is studied: an artistic intervention performed in the urban environment around an educational centre in the city of Malaga, and developed by the local and educational community from there through citizen participation processes. The study is based on a qualitative research as a case study. The procedures used have been the open interview, observation and pedagogical documentation. After presenting the educational project, the analysis of the results shows five questions which invite us to rethink the role Art Education plays in school: visual ethnography, divergent thinking, the destruction of the artist's myth, urban regeneration through artistic expression and working from the universals.El presente artículo explora las potencialidades de los proyectos de arte urbano a través de la Educación Artística, poniendo el foco en el entorno construido, el espacio público, gracias a su valor de uso y su capacidad de re-significación para revertir su anonimato y facilitar la construcción de situaciones relacionales. Para ello se estudia el proyecto artístico y educativo La red que nos une: una intervención artística realizada en el entorno urbano de un centro educativo de la ciudad de Málaga, desarrollada por la comunidad local y educativa del mismo a través de procesos de participación ciudadana. El estudio, dentro del paradigma de investigación cualitativa, sigue el diseño de un estudio de caso. Los procedimientos utilizados han sido la entrevista abierta, la observación y la documentación pedagógica. Tras exponer el proyecto pedagógico, el análisis de los resultados se detiene en cinco cuestiones que invitan a repensar el lugar de la Educación Artística en las escuelas: la etnografía visual, el pensamiento divergente, la destrucción del mito del artista, la regeneración urbana por medio de la expresión artística y el trabajo desde los universales

    Indicators for measuring tourism intensification in urban areas through their associative network: Case studies from the Spanish Mediterranean coast

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    Clustering of tourism-related activities leads to tourism gentrification because of urban tourism. This study proposes a methodology for identifying pattern of tourism intensification in cities. The main objectives were to conduct an in-depth measurement of tourism intensification and to consider the conflict of interest between stakeholders involved. The proposed indicator system is based on several variables measured by neighbourhoods as territorial units: citizen initiatives, population and tourist accommodations and facilities. All indicators were tested in two Spanish port cities: Malaga and Valencia. Geographic Information System mapping showed common patterns in both cities, such as tertiary use concentrated in the old town, new tourist offers around it, and emerging clusters far away. Statistical analysis showed a high spatial correlation between neighbourhoods with several citizen initiatives and a wide range of Airbnb listings or cultural facilities. The spatial analysis and correlations between tourism intensification indicators may serve as a basis for local administrations to propose an urban policy that deals with overtourism in the short and medium terms. This work serves as a basis for new research on urban tourism: redefinition and addition of variables, as well as further development of comparative case studies or field studies that check the datasets

    Developing Ubiquitous Sensor Network Platform Using Internet of Things: Application in Precision Agriculture

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    The application of Information Technologies into Precision Agriculture methods has clear benefits. Precision Agriculture optimises production efficiency, increases quality, minimises environmental impact and reduces the use of resources (energy, water); however, there are different barriers that have delayed its wide development. Some of these main barriers are expensive equipment, the difficulty to operate and maintain and the standard for sensor networks are still under development. Nowadays, new technological development in embedded devices (hardware and communication protocols), the evolution of Internet technologies (Internet of Things) and ubiquitous computing (Ubiquitous Sensor Networks) allow developing less expensive systems, easier to control, install and maintain, using standard protocols with low-power consumption. This work develops and test a low-cost sensor/actuator network platform, based in Internet of Things, integrating machine-to-machine and human-machine-interface protocols. Edge computing uses this multi-protocol approach to develop control processes on Precision Agriculture scenarios. A greenhouse with hydroponic crop production was developed and tested using Ubiquitous Sensor Network monitoring and edge control on Internet of Things paradigm. The experimental results showed that the Internet technologies and Smart Object Communication Patterns can be combined to encourage development of Precision Agriculture. They demonstrated added benefits (cost, energy, smart developing, acceptance by agricultural specialists) when a project is launched.This research was supported by Industrial Computers and Computer Networks program (I2RC) (2015/2016) funded by the University of Alicante

    Precision Agriculture Design Method Using a Distributed Computing Architecture on Internet of Things Context

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has opened productive ways to cultivate soil with the use of low-cost hardware (sensors/actuators) and communication (Internet) technologies. Remote equipment and crop monitoring, predictive analytic, weather forecasting for crops or smart logistics and warehousing are some examples of these new opportunities. Nevertheless, farmers are agriculture experts but, usually, do not have experience in IoT applications. Users who use IoT applications must participate in its design, improving the integration and use. In this work, different industrial agricultural facilities are analysed with farmers and growers to design new functionalities based on IoT paradigms deployment. User-centred design model is used to obtain knowledge and experience in the process of introducing technology in agricultural applications. Internet of things paradigms are used as resources to facilitate the decision making. IoT architecture, operating rules and smart processes are implemented using a distributed model based on edge and fog computing paradigms. A communication architecture is proposed using these technologies. The aim is to help farmers to develop smart systems both, in current and new facilities. Different decision trees to automate the installation, designed by the farmer, can be easily deployed using the method proposed in this document.This research was supported by Industrial Computers and Computer Networks program (I2RC) (2016/2017) funded by the University of Alicante

    Acercándonos a la realidad comunicativa de las nuevas generaciones: Telegram y tutorías.

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    La crisis sanitaria SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) precipitó la digitalización de los espacios educativos, la virtualización de la docencia y de la comunicación docente-alumnado, sobre todo en el contexto universitario, en el cual existía ya la necesidad de introducir metodologías de aprendizaje ajustadas a las nuevas características del estudiantado. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar una propuesta de proyecto de innovación educativa sobre el uso de la aplicación de mensajería instantánea Telegram para complementar las tutorías tradicionales de la Universidad, el cual facilite una comunicación más directa y eficaz entre el equipo educativo y el alumnado, así como entre el grupo de iguales. Este proyecto presenta la aplicación de Telegram como un canal abierto de resolución de dudas, un medio de estudio colaborativo y como una herramienta más para lograr la implicación del estudiantado en las distintas materias en las que se aplique. Para la evaluación de la implementación del proyecto y la evaluación de resultados, se propone un abordaje mixto contando con métodos de recogida de información tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos, a fin de obtener una visión profunda y contextualizada del impacto del proyecto en el alumnado, así como en el equipo docente. Se espera que el uso de la plataforma Telegram como herramienta complementaria a las tutorías, entre otros aspectos, facilite el proceso de aprendizaje, fomente la implicación del alumnado en clase, y genere cambios en las dinámicas de comunicación en el contexto académico universitario.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Aprendizaje de contenidos conceptuales en urbanismo: el portafolio como herramienta para su aplicación a casos prácticos.

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    La docencia de las asignaturas de Urbanismo en las Escuelas de Arquitectura se suele caracterizar por un gran desarrollo práctico, apoyado en conocimientos técnicos que se transmiten a través de contenido teórico, generalmente en formato de clase magistral o seminario. Una de las mayores limitaciones detectada en el formato de clase magistral, evaluada con una única prueba al final del semestre, es la poca traslación a la práctica de los contenidos teóricos durante el semestre. El alumnado acumula material que no vuelve a consultar hasta final de curso, justo antes de la prueba de evaluación. Para romper esta dinámica, en la asignatura de Urbanismo 2 de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Málaga se implantó en el curso 2020-21 el portafolio como herramienta para el aprendizaje significativo. Este portafolio se estructura en tres bloques: (1) resumen, (2) listado de aprendizajes (tanto teóricos como para aplicar a la práctica) y (3) aportaciones personales en relación a la temática de la clase teórica. El portafolio debe ser entregado después de cada clase magistral. La experiencia docente se está analizando desde una perspectiva comparada de los distintos portafolios y contenidos teóricos con otras asignaturas de grado (Urbanismo 3) y máster (Planificación y Legislación Urbanística), así como de los resultados del aprendizaje obtenidos. La evolución que se ha ido produciendo a lo largo de estos cuatro años de implantación del portafolio y las diferentes adaptaciones a las distintas casuísticas docentes sirven para generar un ámbito de innovación, diálogo e investigación de los docentes implicados, con el objetivo de conseguir mejores resultados, así como su posible desarrollo en otros cursos y asignaturas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech