2 research outputs found
S. L. A. Marshall’s Men Against Fire: New Evidence Regarding Fire Ratios
- Publication venue
- USAWC Press
- Publication date
- 01/08/2003
- Field of study
Na sombra do Vietnã: o nacionalismo liberal e o problema da guerra
- Author
- Ambrose
- Ambrose Stephen E.
- Ambrose Stephen E.
- Appy Christian G.
- Ashby Hal
- Bacevich
- Bacevich
- Bachman Jerald G.
- Banerjee Neela
- Binkin
- Binkin Martin
- Brinkley Douglas
- Brokaw Tom
- Brokaw Tom
- Brokaw Tom
- Brooke Edward W.
- Burns John F.
- Burns Ken
- Butler George
- Chambers
- Chambers II John Whiteclay
- Cimino Michael
- Cohen Eliot A.
- Cohen Eliot A.
- Coppola Francis Ford
- Cosmotos George Pan
- D'Emilio John
- Davey Monica
- Davey Monica
- Davey Monica
- DeBenedetti Charles
- DeBenedetti Charles
- Eckstein Arthur M.
- Ellis Joseph J.
- Farago Ladislas
- Farber David
- Fears Darryl
- Feaver Peter D.
- Fischer David Hackett
- Foley Michael S.
- Frankel David
- Fullinwider Robert K.
- Gerstle Gary
- Gettleman Jeffery
- Gordon Linda
- Gross Robert A.
- Hahn Steven
- Heinl Jr. Robert D.
- Hollinger David A.
- Hunter David J. A.
- Isserman Maurice
- Kerry John
- Knock Thomas J.
- Kranish Michael
- Kryder Daniel
- Kubrick Stanley
- Lasch Christopher
- Lippmann W.
- MacGregor Jr. J.
- Maxwell Ronald F.
- McPherson James M.
- Moore Michael
- Moskos Charles C.
- Nalty Bernard
- O'Neill John E.
- Owen A. Susan
- Powell
- Putnam Robert D.
- Ramirez Anthony
- Rangel Charles B.
- Resek Cari
- Ricks Thomas E.
- Rieckhoff Paul
- Sandel Michael J.
- Santora Eric
- Schaffner Franklin J.
- Schlesinger Jr Arthur M.
- Schlesinger Jr. Arthur M.
- Segai David R.
- Segal David R.
- Skocpol Theda
- Slevin Peter
- Slevin Peter
- Slotkin Richard
- Spielberg Steven
- Spielberg Steven
- Stannard Matthew B.
- Stone Oliver
- Stone Oliver
- Williams William A.
- Zaroulis Nancy
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study