8,172 research outputs found

    A good surgical death

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    An innovative asphalt patch repair pre–heating method using dynamic heating

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    In hot mix asphalt patch repair, inadequate temperature at the interfaces is one of the influencing factors for inferior compaction and poor interface bonding. To enhance repair performance, a precisely controlled infrared pre-heating method for patch repair has been investigated. Asphalt slabs with 45 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm deep pothole excavations were subjected to dynamic heating with infrared heater operating power from 6.6 kW to 7.7 kW. The heater was kept either stationary or moving slowly across the excavations at 130 mm and 230 mm offsets. The tests included evaluating temperature increase throughout the excavations and inside the slab, recording heat power of infrared heater and heating time to avoid burning the asphalt. Irrespective of excavation depth, heating power and offset, the temperature distribution was found non uniform in the pothole excavations and into the asphalt slab. The temperatures were higher at the faces of the excavation than inside the slab. Dynamic heating for approximately 10 min yielded better heat distribution while minimising the possibility of asphalt overheating and long pre-heating time. It has been concluded that 45 mm and 100 mm deep pothole excavations can be preheated with 6.6 kW and stationary heater or 7.5 kW and moving heater at 230 mm and 130 mm offset respectively. 75 mm deep excavation can be pre-heated with 7.1 kW and stationary heater at 230 mm offset

    The case for grazing dairy cows

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    The case for grazing dairy cows at pasture is reviewed in six categories: i) Optimal land use for food production; ii) Soil carbon sequestration; iii) Carbon footprint; iv) Animal health and welfare; v) Effects on human health of milk produced from grazed pasture; vi) Consumer demand for milk from grazed cows. Land best-suited to grazing is uncultivatable peaty soil receiving relatively low levels of fertilisation. With soil carbon sequestration, carbon footprint is lower for grazing than for other systems of milk production. Some indices of animal health and welfare (e.g. lameness, status of hock integument) are influenced positively by extent of grazing. Benefits to human health may accrue from higher levels of essential amino acids, carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid in milk from cows given pasture compared to diets based on silage and concentrates. Milk producers, processors and supermarkets are responding to consumer demand for milk and milk products from cows given access to pasture during the grazing season. The major constraint to milk production from grazing is energy intake. Research opportunities to address this constraint include application of remote sensing and artificial intelligence to grazing managemen

    Coupled basin-detachment systems as paleoaltimetry archives of the western North American Cordillera

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    Stable isotope paleoaltimetry data from the Snake Range metamorphic core complex (MCC) and Sacramento Pass Basin (NV, USA) document that extensional mylonite zones and kinematically linked syntectonic basins reliably record paleotopography in the continental interior of western North America when compared to a sea-level reference. Here we show that this basin-MCC pair tracks meteoric fluid flow at different levels of actively extending crust in a high-topography region during Oligo-Miocene extension of the Basin and Range Province. For paleoaltimetry purposes we compare multi-proxy oxygen (ÎŽ 18O) and hydrogen (ÎŽD) isotope data as well as geochronological information from the Snake Range MCC to a time-equivalent (ca. 20Ma) stable isotopic proxy record from the Buckskin Mountains MCC (AZ, USA), which developed next to the Pacific Coast near Miocene sea level. We complement this paleoaltimetry study by comparing the Buckskin Mountains MCC data with older (~35Ma) lacustrine stable isotope and paleofloral records from the nearby House Range (UT, USA), whose paleoelevation has been determined independently through paleobotanical analysis. Each of the investigated compartments of the paleohydrologic system within the Snake Range MCC depicts a coherent scenario of low Oligo-Miocene ÎŽ 18O and ÎŽD values of meteoric water that reflect precipitation sourced at high elevation. A 77‰ difference in ÎŽD water between the Snake Range (ÎŽD water~-113‰) and the Buckskin Mountains (ÎŽD water~-36‰) is consistent with minimum mean paleoelevation of the Snake Range of about 3850±650m above Miocene sea level. Additional support for such elevations comes from a comparison between the Buckskin Mountains MCC and the Eocene House Range basin (UT, USA) where differences in ÎŽ 18O water values are consistent with 2300±500m minimum paleoelevation of the House Range. Based on the presence of brecciated rock-avalanche deposits within the Sacramento Pass Basin, we conclude that the Snake Range was a topographic high and locus of significant relief during regional scale extension within the Cordilleran hinterland. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Turtles From an Arkadelphia Formation—Midway Group Lag Deposit (Maastrichtian—Paleocene), Hot Spring County, Arkansas, USA

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    The Arkadelphia Formation—Midway Group (Maastrichtian—Paleocene) contact near Malvern, Arkansas preserves a K-Pg boundary assemblage of turtle species consisting of skull, shell, and non-shell postcranial skeletal elements. The Malvern turtles are preserved within a coquina lag deposit that comprises the basalmost Midway Group and also contains an abundance of other reptiles, as well as chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and invertebrates. This coquina lag deposit records a complex taphonomic history of exhumation and reburial of vertebrate skeletal elements along a dynamic ancestral shoreline in southwestern Arkansas during the late Cretaceous-early Paleocene. Based on stratigraphic occurrence, the Malvern turtle assemblage indicates that these marine reptiles were living at or near the time of the K-Pg mass extinction and represent some of the latest Cretaceous turtles yet recovered from the Gulf Coastal Plain of the United States

    Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale

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    Chatbot-based tools are becoming pervasive in multiple domains from commercial websites to rehabilitation applications. Only recently, an eleven-item satisfaction inventory was developed (the ChatBot Usability Scale, BUS-11) to help designers in the assessment process of their systems. The BUS-11 has been validated in multiple contexts and languages, i.e., English, German, Dutch, and Spanish. This scale forms a solid platform enabling designers to rapidly assess chatbots both during and after the design process. The present work aims to adapt and validate the BUS-11 inventory in Italian. A total of 1360 questionnaires were collected which related to a total of 10 Italian chatbot-based systems using the BUS-11 inventory and also using the lite version of the Usability Metrics for User eXperience for convergent validity purposes. The Italian version of the BUS-11 was adapted in terms of the wording of one item, and a Multi-Group Confirmatory Factorial Analysis was performed to establish the factorial structure of the scale and compare the effects of the wording adaptation. Results indicate that the adapted Italian version of the scale matches the expected factorial structure of the original scale. The Italian BUS-11 is highly reliable (Cronbach alpha: 0.921), and it correlates to other measures of satisfaction (e.g., UMUX-Lite, τb = 0.67; p < .001) by also offering specific insights regarding the chatbots’ characteristics. The Italian BUS-11 can be confidently used by chatbot designers to assess the satisfaction of their users during formative or summative tests

    Estimating the incidence, prevalence and true cost of asthma in the UK: secondary analysis of national stand-alone and linked databases in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales-a study protocol.

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    INTRODUCTION: Asthma is now one of the most common long-term conditions in the UK. It is therefore important to develop a comprehensive appreciation of the healthcare and societal costs in order to inform decisions on care provision and planning. We plan to build on our earlier estimates of national prevalence and costs from asthma by filling the data gaps previously identified in relation to healthcare and broadening the field of enquiry to include societal costs. This work will provide the first UK-wide estimates of the costs of asthma. In the context of asthma for the UK and its member countries (ie, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales), we seek to: (1) produce a detailed overview of estimates of incidence, prevalence and healthcare utilisation; (2) estimate health and societal costs; (3) identify any remaining information gaps and explore the feasibility of filling these and (4) provide insights into future research that has the potential to inform changes in policy leading to the provision of more cost-effective care. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Secondary analyses of data from national health surveys, primary care, prescribing, emergency care, hospital, mortality and administrative data sources will be undertaken to estimate prevalence, healthcare utilisation and outcomes from asthma. Data linkages and economic modelling will be undertaken in an attempt to populate data gaps and estimate costs. Separate prevalence and cost estimates will be calculated for each of the UK-member countries and these will then be aggregated to generate UK-wide estimates. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Approvals have been obtained from the NHS Scotland Information Services Division's Privacy Advisory Committee, the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage Collaboration Review System, the NHS South-East Scotland Research Ethics Service and The University of Edinburgh's Centre for Population Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee. We will produce a report for Asthma-UK, submit papers to peer-reviewed journals and construct an interactive map
