56 research outputs found

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma Immune Landscape and the Potential of Immunotherapies

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common liver tumor and among the deadliest cancers worldwide. Advanced HCC overall survival is meager and has not improved over the last decade despite approval of several tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKi) for first and second-line treatments. The recent approval of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) has revolutionized HCC palliative care. Unfortunately, the majority of HCC patients fail to respond to these therapies. Here, we elaborate on the immune landscapes of the normal and cirrhotic livers and of the unique HCC tumor microenvironment. We describe the molecular and immunological classifications of HCC, discuss the role of specific immune cell subsets in this cancer, with a focus on myeloid cells and pathways in anti-tumor immunity, tumor promotion and immune evasion. We also describe the challenges and opportunities of immunotherapies in HCC and discuss new avenues based on harnessing the anti-tumor activity of myeloid, NK and ?? T cells, vaccines, chimeric antigen receptors (CAR)-T or -NK cells, oncolytic viruses, and combination therapies

    The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitates human-teleost comparisons

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    To connect human biology to fish biomedical models, we sequenced the genome of spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus), whose lineage diverged from teleosts before teleost genome duplication (TGD). The slowly evolving gar genome has conserved in content and size many entire chromosomes from bony vertebrate ancestors. Gar bridges teleosts to tetrapods by illuminating the evolution of immunity, mineralization and development (mediated, for example, by Hox, ParaHox and microRNA genes). Numerous conserved noncoding elements (CNEs; often cis regulatory) undetectable in direct human-teleost comparisons become apparent using gar: functional studies uncovered conserved roles for such cryptic CNEs, facilitating annotation of sequences identified in human genome-wide association studies. Transcriptomic analyses showed that the sums of expression domains and expression levels for duplicated teleost genes often approximate the patterns and levels of expression for gar genes, consistent with subfunctionalization. The gar genome provides a resource for understanding evolution after genome duplication, the origin of vertebrate genomes and the function of human regulatory sequences

    Génomique comparative de l'évolution et de l'impact évolutif des éléments transposables chez les poissons et autres vertébrés

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    Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genetic elements - able to move and to multiply within genomes - identified in almost all living organisms including bacteria. Considered as junk DNA for long, nowadays they are undeniably major players of gene, genome and host evolution. TEs can be deleterious causing diseases but these “parasites” can also be source of new genetic materials as promoters or even new genes bringing new functions for hosts. The objectives of my thesis was to determine the presence or not of the different TE families in vertebrate genomes, as well as their respective content to understand their evolutionary history. I performed a large-Scale comparative analysis to highlight the various evolutionary strategies of TEs. I showed that TE content is highly variable in vertebrate genomes, the smallest and the largest being found in fish, and may contribute to their genome sizes especially in fish. These superfamilies underwent differential waves of activity in vertebrate species highlighting TE dynamics. On another hand, I focused on the study of a vertebrate-Specific TE-Derived gene, named Gin-2, to understand its origin, evolution, and its potential function in vertebrates. In silico analyses showed that Gin-2 is a very ancient gene (500 My, only absent from placentals) derived from GIN transposons. Further analyses present a particular expression in brain and gonads during adulthood, while a strong expression during gastrulation suggests a potential role of Gin-2 in zebrafish development. All together, the different analyses contribute to a better view of TE evolution and their evolutionary impacts in vertebrate genomes.Les éléments transposables (ETs) sont des éléments génétiques mobiles capables de se déplacer et de se multiplier au sein d’un génome. Identifiés dans la plupart des espèces vivantes incluant les bactéries, mais longtemps considérés comme de l’ADN poubelle, aujourd’hui les ETs sont indéniablement des acteurs majeurs impliqués dans l’évolution des gènes, des génomes et des organismes. Si à l’échelle des individus les ETs peuvent avoir des effets délétères pouvant entrainer des maladies, à plus grande échelle ils sont de puissants agents évolutifs impliqués dans la plasticité génomique. Ces « parasites » peuvent également être sources de nouveaux matériels génétiques comme des promoteurs ou même de nouveaux gènes avec de nouvelles fonctions pour l’hôte. Les objectifs majeurs de mon travail de thèse ont été de déterminer les différentes familles d’ETs présentes dans les génomes de poissons, la part que chacune d’entre elles occupe dans ces génomes et enfin de comprendre l’histoire évolutive des familles d’ETs dans les génomes de poissons en comparaison avec les autres génomes de vertébrés. Cette comparaison à grande échelle permettra de comprendre les différentes stratégies évolutives des ETs. D’autre part, j’ai étudié deux gènes de vertébrés, Gin-1 et Gin-2 dérivés d’ETs, dans le but de comprendre leurs origines et évolution au sein des vertébrés ainsi que d’émettre des hypothèses quant à leur fonction moléculaire potentielle encore inconnue. Pour cela, des analyses in silico ont permis de mieux comprendre les origines de ces gènes. Gin-1, présent chez les amniotes, et Gin-2, absent uniquement des mammifères placentaires, dérivent tous deux de transposons GIN

    A multicopy Y-chromosomal SGNH hydrolase gene expressed in the testis of the platyfish has been captured and mobilized by a Helitron transposon

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    Background: Teleost fish present a high diversity of sex determination systems, with possible frequent evolutionary turnover of sex chromosomes and sex-determining genes. In order to identify genes involved in male sex determination and differentiation in the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus, bacterial artificial chromosome contigs from the sex-determining region differentiating the Y from the X chromosome have been assembled and analyzed. Results: A novel three-copy gene called teximY (for testis-expressed in Xiphophorus maculatus on the Y) was identified on the Y but not on the X chromosome. A highly related sequence called texim1, probably at the origin of the Y-linked genes, as well as three more divergent texim genes were detected in (pseudo) autosomal regions of the platyfish genome. Texim genes, for which no functional data are available so far in any organism, encode predicted esterases/lipases with a SGNH hydrolase domain. Texim proteins are related to proteins from very different origins, including proteins encoded by animal CR1 retrotransposons, animal platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolases (PAFah) and bacterial hydrolases. Texim gene distribution is patchy in animals. Texim sequences were detected in several fish species including killifish, medaka, pufferfish, sea bass, cod and gar, but not in zebrafish. Texim-like genes are also present in Oikopleura (urochordate), Amphioxus (cephalochordate) and sea urchin (echinoderm) but absent from mammals and other tetrapods. Interestingly, texim genes are associated with a Helitron transposon in different fish species but not in urochordates, cephalochordates and echinoderms, suggesting capture and mobilization of an ancestral texim gene in the bony fish lineage. RT-qPCR analyses showed that Y-linked teximY genes are preferentially expressed in testis, with expression at late stages of spermatogenesis (late spermatids and spermatozeugmata). Conclusions: These observations suggest either that TeximY proteins play a role in Helitron transposition in the male germ line in fish, or that texim genes are spermatogenesis genes mobilized and spread by transposable elements in fish genomes

    Genetic Innovation in Vertebrates: Gypsy Integrase Genes and Other Genes Derived from Transposable Elements

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    Due to their ability to drive DNA rearrangements and to serve as a source of new coding and regulatory sequences, transposable elements (TEs) are considered as powerful evolutionary agents within genomes. In this paper, we review the mechanism of molecular domestication, which corresponds to the formation of new genes derived from TE sequences. Many genes derived from retroelements and DNA transposons have been identified in mammals and other vertebrates, some of them fulfilling essential functions for the development and survival of their host organisms. We will particularly focus on the evolution and expression of Gypsy integrase (GIN) genes, which have been formed from ancient event(s) of molecular domestication and have evolved differentially in some vertebrate sublineages. What we describe here is probably only the tip of the evolutionary iceberg, and future genome analyses will certainly uncover new TE-derived genes and biological functions driving genetic innovation in vertebrates and other organisms

    Interspecies Insertion Polymorphism Analysis Reveals Recent Activity of Transposable Elements in Extant Coelacanths

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    <div><p>Coelacanths are lobe-finned fish represented by two extant species, <i>Latimeria chalumnae</i> in South Africa and Comoros and <i>L. menadoensis</i> in Indonesia. Due to their intermediate phylogenetic position between ray-finned fish and tetrapods in the vertebrate lineage, they are of great interest from an evolutionary point of view. In addition, extant specimens look similar to 300 million-year-old fossils; because of their apparent slowly evolving morphology, coelacanths have been often described as « living fossils ». As an underlying cause of such a morphological stasis, several authors have proposed a slow evolution of the coelacanth genome. Accordingly, sequencing of the <i>L. chalumnae</i> genome has revealed a globally low substitution rate for protein-coding regions compared to other vertebrates. However, genome and gene evolution can also be influenced by transposable elements, which form a major and dynamic part of vertebrate genomes through their ability to move, duplicate and recombine. In this work, we have searched for evidence of transposition activity in coelacanth genomes through the comparative analysis of orthologous genomic regions from both <i>Latimeria</i> species. Comparison of 5.7 Mb (0.2%) of the <i>L. chalumnae</i> genome with orthologous Bacterial Artificial Chromosome clones from <i>L. menadoensis</i> allowed the identification of 27 species-specific transposable element insertions, with a strong relative contribution of CR1 non-LTR retrotransposons. Species-specific homologous recombination between the long terminal repeats of a new coelacanth endogenous retrovirus was also detected. Our analysis suggests that transposon activity is responsible for at least 0.6% of genome divergence between both <i>Latimeria</i> species. Taken together, this study demonstrates that coelacanth genomes are not evolutionary inert: they contain recently active transposable elements, which have significantly contributed to post-speciation genome divergence in <i>Latimeria</i>.</p></div

    Transposable element insertions in ca. 5.7 Mb of orthologous genomic sequences from the coelacanth species <i>Latimeria chalumnae</i> and <i>L. menadoensis</i>.

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    <p>TE  =  Transposable Element; LINE  =  Long Interspersed Nuclear Element; SINE  =  Short Interspersed Nuclear Element; LTR  =  Long Terminal Repeat; CR1  =  Chicken Repeat 1; L1  =  LINE 1; L2  =  LINE 2; ERV  =  Endogenous Retrovirus; MITE  =  Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Element.</p><p>*The ERV insertion observed in <i>L. menadoensis</i> does not strictly correspond to an insertion polymorphism, the solo LTR observed at the orthologous site in <i>L. chalumnae</i> probably being the result of a recombination between the two LTRs framing the element (see main text).</p><p>**A composite insertion is observed in <i>L. menadoensis</i>, constituted by a Coeg-SINE flanked by two LF-SINEs in direct orientation. Only a “solo” LF-SINE is observed in <i>L. chalumnae</i>, suggesting deletion through homologous recombination between both LF-SINEs.</p><p>These “insertions” mostly comprise insertions <i>sensu stricto</i> but also a few deletions that occurred at the orthologous site in the other species.</p><p>Transposable element insertions in ca. 5.7 Mb of orthologous genomic sequences from the coelacanth species <i>Latimeria chalumnae</i> and <i>L. menadoensis</i>.</p
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