366 research outputs found

    Les perforations par traumatisme interne de l’oesophage

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    Introduction: Esophagus traumatic perforations still carries high morbidity and mortality rates. There is no consensus regarding the appropriate management of this life-threatening condition. The aim of this study is to analyse treatment of traumatic esophageal perforations.Patients and methods: This retrospective study was made with seven patients treated for traumatic perforation of the esoephagus at the ENT department of the Habib Bourguiba Hospital. All patients were men. The mean age was 24 years. One patient has a history of an idiopathic megaesophagus and another have a history of a caustic stenosis.The traumatism was by foreign body in 2 cases, at the time of an  extraction of foreign body in 3 cases and at the time ofa traumatic endoscopy in 2 cases.Results: The treatment consisted on an isolated medical treatment in 1 case and associated to the surgery for the 6 other patients. The surgical treatment was conservative in 2 cases. Esophagus exclusion with replacement was made in 4 cases. After treatment, evolution was good for all patients.Conclusion: Esophageal perforations can cause death by some serious complications. The treatment is a medico-surgical urgency. The medical treatment must be founded in all the cases as of the suspicion of the diagnosis. The surgery is indicated for complications or during the monitoring in the absence of improvement under medical treatment. The majority of the authors choose conservative treatment especially if the diagnosis is made in the 48 first hours. The radical surgery is kept for the failures of the conservative treatment.Key words: Perforation, esophagus, foreign body, endoscopy, surgery, prognosis

    Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Acceleration on Heat Transfer in the Turbulent Boundary Layer

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    The objective of this research was to experimentally investigate the combined effects of freestream acceleration and surface roughness on heat transfer and fluid flow in the turbulent boundary layer. The experiments included a variety of flow conditions ranging from aerodynamically smooth to transitionally rough to fully rough boundary layers with accelerations ranging from moderate to moderately strong. The test surfaces used were a smooth-wall test surface and two rough-wall surfaces which were roughened with 1.27 mm diameter hemispheres spaced 2 and 4 base diameters apart in a staggered array. The measurements consisted of Stanton number distributions, mean temperature profiles, skin friction distributions, mean velocity profiles, turbulence intensity profiles, and Reynolds stress profiles. The Stanton numbers for the rough-wall experiments increased with acceleration. For aerodynamically smooth and transitionally rough boundary layers, the effect of roughness is not seen immediately at the beginning of the accelerated region as it is for fully rough boundary layers; however, as the boundery layer thins under acceleration, the surface becomes relatively rougher resulting in a sharp increase in Stanton number

    Agrotechnologies towards Ecotechnologies the three pillars for developing Eco-design

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    International audienceTo boost agrotechnologies towards ecotechnologies ("environmental technologies" according to ETAP programme of EU, or "more ecologically productive technologies" in the context of agriculture), we need to strengthen a "triple bottom" system: -To take into account, in "Life Cycle Analysis" methodologies, the natural variability in time and space of these applications in land use. - To develop an overall approach for realistic machinery qualification, in order to feed the environmental burdens accurately through relevant data bases collected on agrotechnologies in real action. - To work on Eco-innovation processes, by deepening specific innovation tools and methods, for implementation of innovative solutions chosen according to LCA results. This paper presents the concept, develops the methods and illustrates them by examples of results on organic spreading technologies

    Tumeur maligne des gaines nerveuses périphériques révélant une neurofibromatose type 1

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    La Neurofibromatose type 1 (NF1) ou maladie de Von Recklinghausen est une affection à expression clinique variable. La transformation maligne est rare et redoutable. Le but de ce travail est d’étudier les critères diagnostiques ainsi que la prise en charge thérapeutique de cette transformation maligne. Observation : A.B, âgé de 16 ans, a consulté pour une tuméfaction basicervicale antérieure d’apparition récente, ayant augmenté progressivement de taille sans signes de compression ni de dysthyroïdie. L’examen clinique a trouvé une masse dure, bien limitée, indolore, de 4 cm de grand axe siégeant en regard du manubrium sternal, adhérente au plan profond et débordant sur le creux sus sternal. A cette masse s’associaient des taches cutanées café au lait disséminées sur tout le corps, des nodules de Lish iriens et des neurofibromes occipitaux et parotidiens. Après une exérèse de la masse par voie cervicale, l’examen histologique a conclu à une tumeur maligne de la gaine nerveuse. Le malade a eu dans un 2ème temps, une exérèse plus large emportant le manubrium sternal et les tissus adjacents  avec une reconstruction par des fragments de côtes mais avec des limites chirurgicales envahies. L’évolution a été marquée par une poursuite évolutive précoce imposant une exérèse chirurgicale plus large suivie d’une chimiothérapie et d’une radiothérapie externe (RT). Le malade était cependant toujours en poursuite évolutive et le décès est survenu dans un contexte d'envahissement médiastinal.Mots-clés : Neurofibromatose type 1, Sarcome, tissus mous, gaines nerveuses périphériques, Chirurgie

    L’aspergillome sphenoïdal : a propos d’un cas sphenoidalaspergilloma : a case report

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    Introduction : L’aspergillose sphénoïdale isolée est une pathologie rare potentiellement grave vu le risque d’extension neuro-méningée et orbitaire. malgré qu’elle est plus fréquente chez les immuno-déprimés, l’atteinte de l’immunocompétent a été décrite. a travers une observation, nous rapportons les caractéristiques clinico-radiologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives de l’aspergillome sphénoïdal.Observutin : Homme de 35 ans a consulté pour des céphalées rétro-orbitaires évoluant depuis 3 mois. L’examen était normal à part une rhinorrhée purulente postérieure. Le scanner a montré un processus hétérogène comblant le sinus sphénoïdal associé à une lyse osseuse. Une sphénoïdotomiepar voie endonasale a permis de confirmer le diagnostic et de nettoyer les lésions aspergillaires. Un traitement par voriconazol a été associé avec évolution favorable après un recul de 18 mois.Conclusion : L’aspergillome sphénoïdale est l’un des diagnostics différentiel des tumeurs sphénoïdales chez l’immunocompétent. Le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical avec de très bons résultats. L’adjonction d’un antifongique systémique est controversée chez l’immunocompétent.Mots- clefs : aspergillome, sphénoïde, imagerie, Tumeur, chirurgieObjective : Isolated sphenoidalaspergillosis is rare but potentially grave because of the risk of neuro-meningeal and orbitalextension. althoughitis more common in immuno-compromised, the achievement of immunocompetent has been described. Through an observation, we report the clinic-radiological, therapeutic and evolutionary featuresof sphenoidalaspergilloma.Case-report : male 35 years consulted for retro-orbital headache lasting for 3 months. The exam was normal except a purulent rhinorrhea. The CT scan showed a heterogeneous process filling the sphenoid sinus associated with bone loss. Sphenoidotomy by an endonasal approach confirmed the diagnosis of aspergillosis lesions. Treatment with voriconazole was associated with favorable outcome after 18 months.Conclusion : Sphenoidal as pergilloma is a differential diagnosis of tumors in the immuno-competent. Treatment is mainly surgical with good results. The addition of a systemic antifungal agent is controversial in the immunocompetent.Keywords : aspergilloma, sphenoïd, imagery, tumor, surger

    Computational Design To Reduce Conformational Flexibility and Aggregation Rates of an Antibody Fab Fragment

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    Computationally-guided semi-rational design has significant potential for improving the aggregation kinetics of protein biopharmaceuticals. While improvement in the global conformational stability can stabilise proteins to aggregation under some conditions, previous studies suggest that such an approach is limited because thermal transition temperatures (Tm) and the fraction of protein unfolded (fT) tend to only correlate with aggregation kinetics where the protein is incubated at temperatures approaching the Tm. This is because under these conditions, aggregation from globally unfolded protein becomes dominant. However, under native conditions, the aggregation kinetics are presumed to be dependent on local structural fluctuations or partial unfolding of the native state, that reveal regions of high propensity to form protein-protein interactions that lead to aggregation. In this work, we have targeted the design of stabilising mutations to regions of the A33 Fab surface structure, that were predicted to be more flexible. This Fab already has high global stability, and global unfolding is not the main cause of aggregation under most conditions. Therefore, the aim was to reduce the conformational flexibility and entropy of the native protein at various locations, and thus identify which of those regions has the greatest influence on the aggregation kinetics. Highly dynamic regions of structure were identified through both molecular dynamics simulation, and B-factor analysis of related X-ray crystal structures. The most flexible residues were mutated into more stable variants, as predicted by Rosetta, which evaluates the ΔΔGND for each potential point mutation. Additional destabilising variants were prepared as controls to evaluate the prediction accuracy, and also to assess the general influence of conformational stability on aggregation kinetics. The thermal conformational stability, and aggregation rates of eighteen variants at 65 °C, were each examined at pH 4, 200 mM ionic strength, under which conditions the initial wild-type protein was <5% unfolded. Variants with decreased Tm values led to more rapid aggregation due to an increase in the fraction of protein unfolded under the conditions studied. As expected, no significant improvements were observed in the global conformational stability as measured by Tm. However, six of the twelve stable variants led to an increase in the cooperativity of unfolding, consistent with lower conformational flexibility and entropy in the native ensemble. Three of these had 5-11% lower aggregation rates, and their structural clustering indicated that the local dynamics of the C-terminus of the heavy chain had a role in influencing the aggregation rate

    Les Surdites Brusques Idiopathiques Facteurs Pronostiques

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    Introduction : Les surdités brusques idiopathiques (SBI) constituent l\'un des sujets les plus débattus en otologie. Plusieurs problèmes d\'ordre physiopathologiques, thérapeutiques et pronostiques restent non résolus. But : Identifier les facteurs pronostiques, cliniques et audiométriques de récupération auditive après traitement d\'une SBI. Malades : Etude rétrospective portée sur 27 malades (29 cas de SBI) traités dans le service d\'ORL et chirurgie cervicofaciale du CHU Habib Bourguiba Sfax durant la période comprise entre les années 1990 et 2005. Méthodes : C\'est une étude statistique recherchant une corrélation significative entre certains facteurs cliniques et audiométriques et la récupération auditive. Les facteurs étudiés étaient : l\'âge, l\'aspect de la courbe audiométrique, la perte auditive initiale et le délai de prise en charge thérapeutique. Résultats : L\'âge inférieur à 50 ans, la courbe ascendante et la perte auditive inférieure à 70 dB étaient les facteurs de meilleur pronostic. Le délai de prise en charge thérapeutique semble avoir peu de rôle dans la récupération auditive. Discussion : La majorité des auteurs ont signalé que l\'âge jeune, les surdités légères ou moyennes, la courbe ascendante et la précocité de la prise en charge sont associés à un meilleur pronostic. Nos résultats rejoignent ceux de Tran Ba Huy qui ne trouve pas de corrélation entre le délai de prise en charge thérapeutique et le pronostic de récupération auditive.Introduction : Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (ISSHL) remains one of the major otologic debates. Many etiopathogenic, therapeutic and prognostic problems are still unsolved. Purpose : Identify some clinical and audiometric factors influencing the recovery prognostic after treatment of ISSHL. Patients : Retrospective study of 27 patients (29 cases of ISSHL) treated in the department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of Habib Bourguiba Hospital during the period from 1990 to 2005. Method: We underwent a statistical data to search a significant correlation between some clinical, audiometric factors and hearing recovery. The factors studied are: age of patient, the type of the tonal audiogram shape, the degree of the initial hearing loss and the therapeutic delay. Results: The age under 50 years, the ascending audiogram shape and initial hearing loss under 70dB involve a better prognostic. The therapeutic delay seems have a little role in the hearing recovery. Discussion: The majority of authors concluded that the young age, the mild and moderate hearing loss, the ascending audiogram shape and the precocity of treatment are correlated to a better prognostic. We, as Tran Ba Huy, don\'t find a significant correlation between the therapeutic delay and the quality of hearing recovery. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 7-1

    Evaluation de la surdite professionnelle dans un departement du sud tunisien

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    Objectif: La surdité professionnelle (SP) est une atteinte auditive acquise due à une exposition excessive au bruit au travail. Elle représente une cause fréquente des surdités de l’adulte. Le but de notre travail est de rapporter les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques et audiométriques des patients présentant une SP.Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective concernant 200 patients présentant une SP déclarée dans le gouvernorat de Sfax durant la période (1990-2007). Un interrogatoire, un examen ORL complet ainsi qu’une audiométrie tonale ont été réalisés pour tous les malades. Nous avons étudié l’incidence annuelle, l’âge, le sexe, le secteur d’activité ainsi que les données audiométriques de ces patients. Une étude analytique univariée a recherché une corrélation entre la perte auditive moyenne (PAM), l’âge, la durée d’exposition au bruit et le secteur d’activité.Résultats : Une prédominance masculine a été notée (99%). La moyenne d’âge était de 46 ans. Les secteurs d’activité les plus incriminés étaient la métallurgie (27,5%), la menuiserie (10%) et le secteur automobile (6%). 26,5% des patients rapportaient des acouphènes et 3,5% se plaignaient de troubles de l’équilibre. La surdité professionnelle était perceptionnelle, bilatérale et symétrique dans 93% des cas. L’analyse statistique univariée n’a pas objectivé de corrélation entre la PAM, l’âge, la durée d’exposition au bruit et le secteur d’activité.Conclusion : A notre connaissance, il s’agit de la première étude publiée rapportant les caractéristiques de la SP chez des travailleurs dans le sud Tunisien. Cette étude montre le manque de sensibilisation du public vis-à-vis de l’importance de la préservation de l’audition du bruit. Elle met en évidence aussi le manque d’outils de prévention, leur inefficacité voire les deux.Mots clés : surdité professionnelle ; épidémiologie ; bruit ; audiométrieObjective: Occupational noise-induced hearing loss (ONIHL) describes an acquired hearing impairment attributable to excessive workplace noise exposure. ONIHL is likely to contribute to a very high proportion of the cases of hearing loss in adults. The aim of this study was to provide epidemiological profile, clinical and audiometric characteristics of patients presenting ONIHL in our department.Method : This study examined workers’ data claims accepted for hearing-related conditions in Sfax department in South Tunisia during 1990-2007. Two hundred workers were underwent audiometry and answered a clinical questionnaire. Our data were analysed to describe annual trends in ONIHL claims, claimants’ age, gender, occupational group and audiometric features. In the univariate analysis, the ONIHL was correlated with age, duration of occupational exposure to noise and occupational group.Results : The majority of patients presenting with ONIHL was male (99%). The average age was 46 years. The most affected professional sectors were primary metal industries (27.5%), lumber and wood products manufacturing (10%) and the automobile industry (6%). Of all ONIHL patients, 26,5% had tinnitus and 3,5% had complaints related to balance disorders. ONIHL was sensorineural, bilateral and symmetrical in 93% of cases. Univariate analysis showed no significant association between hearing loss, age, occupational exposure to noise and occupational group.Conclusion : To our knowledge, it is the first published report on epidemiological profile, clinical and audiometric characteristics of ONIHL workers in south Tunisia. This work suggests the low level of public awareness regarding the importance of hearing preservation and that current strategies addressing this problem are either not effective or inadequately implemented, or both.Keywords : occupational noise-induced hearing loss; epidemiology; noise; audiometr

    Kyste DermoĂŻde Du Plancher Buccal

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    Le kyste dermoïde du plancher buccal est une entité rare. Il touche essentiellement le sujet jeune. Nous rapportons l\'observation d\'un nourrisson âgé de 9 mois qui a été amené par ses parents pour fistule sous mentale sans aucune gêne fonctionnelle associée. L\'examen clinique a révélé une voussure du plancher buccal antérieur. L\'IRM a montré une lésion kystique du plancher buccal en hyposignal T1 et hypersignal T2. L\'enfant a été opéré par voie endobuccale. Les suites opératoires étaient simples. L\'examen anatomopathologique a conclu à un kyste dermoïde. Nous discutons, dans ce travail, les caractéristiques cliniques, radiologiques et les volets thérapeutiques de cette entité. Keywords: kyste dermoïde, plancher buccal. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 58-6

    L'atteinte du sinus caverneux dans le carcinome adenoĂŻde systique

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    Introduction: Head and neck adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a malignant epithelial neoplasm, developing from salivary gland tissue. Cavernous sinus and skull base invasion by perinervous spread is a particular behavior of this tumor entity. We report two cases of cavernous sinus invasion.Cases report: The first one was originated in the parotid gland, invaded infratemporal fossa and extended to cavernous sinus through perineural infiltration along trigeminal nerve. Second case of ACC was developed in submandibular gland. An invasion of cavernous sinus was observed two years later despite a surgical resection with post operative  chemoradiotherapy.Discussion: ACC is characterized by locally aggressive invasion and a strong tendency to recur. Perineural spread extension is common in ACC, as a precursor of skull base invasion and cavernous sinus involvment along the mandibular, maxillary and facial nerves. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a higher sensitivity and specificity in detecting perineural spread. Surgical therapy is the choice treatment although complete resection is not possible in all cases due to the infiltration andperineural spread. So, radiation therapy is considered effective, and has been used successfully in ACC invading cavernous sinus. The place of chemotherapy has yet to be determinate. The prognosis of these extensive tumors is bad because high frequency of local recurrence and distant metastases.Key-words: adenoid cystic carcinoma, cavernous sinus, skull base, perineural invasion
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