152 research outputs found

    Stability of Weyl points in magnetic half-metallic Heusler compounds

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    We employ {\it ab-initio} fully-relativistic electronic structure calculations to study the stability of the Weyl points in the momentum space within the class of the half-metallic ferromagnetic full Heusler materials, by focusing on Co2_2TiAl as a well-established prototype compound. Here we show that both the number of the Weyl points together with their kk-space coordinates can be controlled by the orientation of the magnetization. This alternative degree of freedom, which is absent in other topological materials (e.g. in Weyl semimetals), introduces novel functionalities, specific for the class of half-metallic ferromagnets. Of special interest are Weyl points which are preserved irrespectively of any arbitrary rotation of the magnetization axis

    Electronic Structure, Localization and Spin-State Transition in Cu-substituted FeSe: Fe1−x_{1-x}Cux_xSe

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    We report density functional studies of the Fe1−x_{1-x}Cux_xSe alloy done using supercell and coherent potential approximation methods. Magnetic behavior was investigated using the disordered local moment approach. We find that Cu occurs in a nominal d10d^{10} configuration and is highly disruptive to the electronic structure of the Fe sheets. This would be consistent with a metal insulator transition due to Anderson localization. We further find a strong cross over from a weak moment itinerant system to a local moment magnet at x≈0.12x \approx 0.12. We associate this with the experimentally observed jump near this concentration. Our results are consistent with the characterization of this concentration dependent jump as a transition to a spin-glass

    Large zero-field cooled exchange-bias in bulk Mn2PtGa

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    We report a large exchange-bias (EB) effect after zero-field cooling the new tetragonal Heusler compound Mn2PtGa from the paramagnetic state. The first-principle calculation and the magnetic measurements reveal that Mn2PtGa orders ferrimagnetically with some ferromagnetic (FM) inclusions. We show that ferrimagnetic (FI) ordering is essential to isothermally induce the exchange anisotropy needed for the zero-field cooled (ZFC) EB during the virgin magnetization process. The complex magnetic behavior at low temperatures is characterized by the coexistence of a field induced irreversible magnetic behavior and a spin-glass-like phase. The field induced irreversibility originates from an unusual first-order FI to antiferromagnetic transition, whereas, the spin-glass like state forms due to the existence of anti-site disorder intrinsic to the material.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, supplementary material included in a separate file; accepted for publication in PR

    Electron correlations in Co2_2Mn1−x_{1-x}Fex_xSi Heusler compounds

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    This study presents the effect of local electronic correlations on the Heusler compounds Co2_2Mn1−x_{1-x}Fex_xSi as a function of the concentration xx. The analysis has been performed by means of first-principles band-structure calculations based on the local approximation to spin-density functional theory (LSDA). Correlation effects are treated in terms of the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) and the LSDA+U approach. The formalism is implemented within the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) Green's function method. In good agreement with the available experimental data the magnetic and spectroscopic properties of the compound are explained in terms of strong electronic correlations. In addition the correlation effects have been analysed separately with respect to their static or dynamical origin. To achieve a quantitative description of the electronic structure of Co2_2Mn1−x_{1-x}Fex_xSi both static and dynamic correlations must be treated on equal footing.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Robust Bain distortion in the premartensite phase of platinum substituted Ni2MnGa magnetic shape memory alloy

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    The premartensite phase of shape memory and magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) is believed to be a precursor state of the martensite phase with preserved austenite phase symmetry. The thermodynamic stability of the premartensite phase and its relation to the martensitic phase is still an unresolved issue, even though it is critical to the understanding of the functional properties of MSMAs. We present here unambiguous evidence for macroscopic symmetry breaking leading to robust Bain distortion in the premartensite phase of 10% Pt substituted Ni2MnGa. We show that the robust Bain distorted premartensite (T2) phase results from another premartensite (T1) phase with preserved cubic-like symmetry through an isostructural phase transition. The T2 phase finally transforms to the martensite phase with additional Bain distortion on further cooling. Our results demonstrate that the premartensite phase should not be considered as a precursor state with the preserved symmetry of the cubic austenite phase

    New iron-based Heusler compounds Fe2YZ: Comparison with theoretical predictions of the crystal structure and magnetic properties

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    The present work reports on the new soft ferromagnetic Heusler phases Fe2NiGe, Fe2CuGa, and Fe2CuAl, which in previous theoretical studies have been predicted to exist in a tetragonal regular Heusler structure. Together with the known phases Fe2CoGe and Fe2NiGa these materials have been synthesized and characterized by powder XRD, 57 Fe M\"ossbauer spectroscopy, SQUID and EDX measurements. In particular M\"ossbauer spectroscopy was used to monitor the degree of local atomic order/disorder and to estimate magnetic moments at the Fe sites from the hyperfine fields. It is shown that in contrast to the previous predictions all the materials except Fe2NiGa basically adopt the inverse cubic Heusler (X-) structure with differing degrees of disorder. The disorder is more enhanced in case of Fe2NiGa, which was predicted as an inverse Heusler phase. The experimental data are compared with results from ab-inito electronic structure calculations on LDA level incorporating the effects of atomic disorder by using the coherent potential approximation (CPA). A good agreement between calculated and experimental magnetic moments is found for the cubic inverse Heusler phases. Model calculations on various atomic configurations demonstrate that antisite disorder tends to enhance the stability of the X-structure. Given the fundamental scientific and technological importance of tetragonal Heusler phases the present results call for further investigations to unravel the factors stabilizing tetragonal Heusler materials

    Large Noncollinearity and Spin Reorientation in the Novel Mn2RhSn Heusler Magnet

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    Noncollinear magnets provide essential ingredients for the next generation memory technology. It is a new prospect for the Heusler materials, already well known due to the diverse range of other fundamental characteristics. Here, we present a combined experimental and theoretical study of novel noncollinear tetragonal Mn2RhSn Heusler material exhibiting unusually strong canting of its magnetic sublattices. It undergoes a spin-reorientation transition, induced by a temperature change and suppressed by an external magnetic field. Because of the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange and magnetic anisotropy, Mn2RhSn is suggested to be a promising candidate for realizing the Skyrmion state in the Heusler family

    Monitoring surface resonances on Co2MnSi(100) by spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

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    The magnitude of the spin polarization at the Fermi level of ferromagnetic materials at room temperature is a key property for spintronics. Investigating the Heusler compound Co2_2MnSi a value of 93%\% for the spin polarization has been observed at room temperature, where the high spin polarization is related to a stable surface resonance in the majority band extending deep into the bulk. In particular, we identified in our spectroscopical analysis that this surface resonance is embedded in the bulk continuum with a strong coupling to the majority bulk states. The resonance behaves very bulk-like, as it extends over the first six atomic layers of the corresponding (001)-surface. Our study includes experimental investigations, where the bulk electronic structure as well as surface-related features have been investigated using spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (SR-UPS) and for a larger probing depth spin-integrated high energy x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES). The results are interpreted in comparison with first-principles band structure and photoemission calculations which consider all relativistic, surface and high-energy effects properly.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Heusler alloy, electronic structure and photoemissio

    Orbital magnetism in transition-metal systems: The role of local correlation effects

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    The influence of correlation effects on the orbital moments for transition metals and their alloys is studied by first-principle relativistic Density Functional Theory in combination with the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory. In contrast to the previous studies based on the orbital polarization corrections we obtain an improved description of the orbital moments for wide range of studied systems as bulk Fe, Co and Ni, Fe-Co disordered alloys and 3dd impurities in Au. The proposed scheme can give simultaneously a correct dynamical description of the spectral function as well as static magnetic properties of correlated disordered metals.Comment: EPL accepte
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